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Futuristic Overwatch: Revival OOC! (Open!)

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan A while ago, I was thinking of an offense OC that had a large amount of HP (300 to 400), and one of his abilities was where he would ensnare his enemy so that neither of them could move, and his own HP would drain while causing the enemy's HP to drain much faster. I never really finished it and I'm moving on to a different idea, but you are more than happy to use that idea if it appeals to you :)
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan A while ago, I was thinking of an offense OC that had a large amount of HP (300 to 400), and one of his abilities was where he would ensnare his enemy so that neither of them could move, and his own HP would drain while causing the enemy's HP to drain much faster. I never really finished it and I'm moving on to a different idea, but you are more than happy to use that idea if it appeals to you :)
Thanks for the idea, but I’ll try to think up my own.
I feel like a sniper could be really useful, but I'm not sure a single sniper does enough damage to be really useful. Any sniper would really have to have some effective abilities (ex: Ana with Grenade and Sleep or Hanzo with Scatter) or just one heck ton of damage (ex: Widowmaker) to be a viable player. I think it would be really nice if we had some form of shielding, so maybe . . . huh, what if you had a tank who could split themselves into pieces? maybe high shield hp with an ability that gave x amount of hp to allies? And if you killed the tank, all the copies disappeared, so playing the char would be a balancing game, of protecting yourself vs. protecting your friends? Could be fun.
I could make an offense if you don't mind me joining the roleplay
Basic Info
Full name: Leo Rogers
Alias: Lion
Age: Around 10. Approx 25
Job: Rookie Overwatch Agent
Birthday: Exact date is unknown somewhere between June, and August
Height: 6 foot, three
Weight: 250 pounds
Body type: lean
Personality: Grouchy but protective. A tad lazy.
Likes: Sleeping late, and keeping his friends safe.
Dislikes: Being petted, and being reminded that he is in fact a lion.
Skin color: (Fur) Golden.
Hair color: (Mane) Black.
Eye color: Blue
Sexual orientation: A straight lion.

Class: Offense
Base health: 200. (50 of that is armor)
Combos with: Mercy, Reinhardt, and Snipers
Strong against: Shield tanks(Reinhardt). Doomfist. Mercy.
Weak against: Winston, Symmetra, Moira, and Reaper
Preferred Range: Medium

Leo is an average sized lion with silver cybernetic armor. He has blue eyes, and big paws. Leo wears a pair of shoulder mounted cannons that are fired by a harness he keeps in his mouth whenever he bites down the weapons fire. He has attachments on his claws that crackle blue. He sometimes wears a pair of protective goggles. On his tail is cartridge that fires a small blade whenever he flicks his tail. Leo also wears a huge helmet that covers his main while in combat. His teeth, and legs go unadorned. Except for the red war paint which he plasters himself with. He has a bright pink nose, and pearly white teeth.

Primary fire: Leo's primary fire are the his shoulder mounted cannons. They have a clip of ten.

Secondary fire: Leo has a flingable blade attached to his tail. It is fired when he flings his tail. The secondary fire will deplete Leo's clip in two shots forcing him to reload.

Passive: Wall climb

Ability one: Sprint

Ability two: Electric swipe. Leo swipes out with his claws. If they connect the initial damage is fifty. The resulting bleed will deduct thirty more health points. ten hp per second.

Ability three: Leo roars loudly. Sending out an emission that puts any nearby enemy's abilities on cooldown, and causing the enemy to reload.
Announcement: *ROAR* "STAND DOWN"

Leo was born a wild lion in Tanzania. He was at full size when Talon scientists captured and experimented on him. Giving Leo a humanlike intellect, and cybernetics. Leo did not agree with the evil of Talon, and secretly escaped them. He lived in seclusion for a few months until Overwatch heard about him. Winston specifically sympathized his plight being another animal with humanoid intelligence. With a controversial vote Winston set off and found Leo living in an abandoned warehouse contemplating his purpose. Winston convinced him that his purpose was to fight for good and defend the innocent. Leo had no last name, Winston bounced off many ideas until Leo finally settled on Rogers. The human ideals such as jealousy, mercy, or love puzzled Leo immensely, but doctor Ziegler is working hard to educate him in such matters.
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Yeah, he's a lion. I figured if a gorilla was part of Overwatch a lion could fit in too. As long as he's got humanlike intelligence. Sorry if that isn't ok.
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pshhhhh I love him??? He's such a pure being. (and honestly if I know anything about my character it's that there's a high chance she will BEG Leo for a ride.) Two questions: one, why Rogers? and two, is his ultimate line *roar* "Stand down!" or does the enemy team hear a roar while the friendly team hears "Stand down!"

Ooh, and one more- can you explain why he's weak/strong against certain characters? Because I can't understand why he would be weak/strong against those characters, and it makes me feel like I'm missing something important in his kit.
Ok, he's weak against characters that don't need to be accurate. Like if he goes against a big Winston. Leo has to aim whereas Winston does not. He just wouldn't do well in a situation where he had to fight a small agile target that didn't have to aim at close quarters. I figure he's strong against shield tanks because his ultimate would put their shield on cooldown. Sort of the same thing with Doomfist. He's kind of defenseless without his abilities. He also isn't too hard to hit. Reaper has no offensive abilities, and reloads fairly quickly, that with his large damage output would make him hard for Leo to beat.

As for Rogers I can't really explain I usually just have him having the first name Leo with no last name, or having his last name be Quickstep but this time I wanted to go with something more humany. I just looked around the room I'm in for inspiration, and saw a Captain America poster. It was also the first last name that went into my head.

About the Ult I hadn't really thought of that. I know the enemy team would hear a roar followed by Leo yelling stand down. I guess the friendly team would hear something like. "The enemy is weak. Attack now". Or maybe. "I'll cover you".
Ohhh, oh, that makes so much more sense now! Thanks for the info!

Although . . . we are on Earth in this world, mostly. It might be interesting to have Leo choose that last name because of Steve Rogers and who Captain America is, if Captain America is still around- if you're trying to understand justice and morality, might as well go to the superheroes, right?
Yep. When this Rp starts I'm gonna be an overprotective giant cat who's learning how to deal with human emotions.
Psshhhhhh you know, you know, I think an overprotective giant cat is just what the doctor ordered. Although, you know . . . given what we know so far of characters, we might have a problem with overprotectiveness. Speaking of other characters, can we start planning out interactions?
Thinking of someone with a less-gigantic exoskeleton than Rein's armor.
Man, my thinking's taking too long.
I found a picture that looks kind of like him. Although the eyes are the wrong color. This amazing piece was drawn by BrandonCrawford2002.
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I just found this picture. Search cyborg lion and you'll find it. I can't draw for the life of me.
I can see Rinha getting along well with Kamila and Leo, she's a bit of a social butterfly and tends to cling to people who know how to make her laugh
I'm just imagining the team we're making here slowly walking down a hallway before a mission guardians of the galaxy style. It's a really cool image in my brain.
It is though????? All we're missing is a shield to protect us as we go down that hallway.

On the subject, I do think we're pretty good in terms of relationships? We're all relatively friendly. If there's someone who doesn't take kindly to being looked after or someone who doesn't like Kamila's sense of humor they won't gel, but I think unless x or y happens, we'll be alright!

Also, we're sorry to see you go, but we wish you luck in your rp!
brimythesithlord brimythesithlord
If you don't mind me asking when do we start the rp. Just curious because I think everyone on the thread has made a character. Not trying to be rude just wondering.
Name: Pat Smith
Alias: Scorch
Age: 22
Job: weapons chemist/rookie overwatch agent
Birthday: June 12
Height: 6'4
Weight: 230 lbs.
Body type: muscular
Personality: confident, sarcastic, pessimistic
Likes: working with chemicals, combat, training, sports (especially football), humor, classic music, other pro's (soldiers or special forces ops)
Dislikes: dunces, omnics, people who antagonize veterans, ultra-talkitive people/Social butterflies, being pestered while working
Sexual orientation: Straight




Class: Offense
Base health: 275 (this may seem like a lot but it ties into one of his abilities)
Combos with: Mercy, Ana, Lucio
Strong against: McRee, Reaper, Reinhardt, Genj-dog
Weak against: Hanzo, Widomaker, Mei
Prefered range: Short to medium


Primary fire: a concentrated gout of flames from his MAW-FC (modular assault weapon- flamethrower configuration) has fuel cell of 30 (sustained fire for 10 seconds)

Secondary fire: shoots an explosive thermite grenade that when explodes flings extremely hot and sticky thermite and shrapnel (Consumes 15 fuel from fuel cell)

Passive: Executioner, can instantly kill an enemy below 25% health or when he is undected, however when he does this he is exposed during the action

Ability one: flame shield, creates a vortex of fire that melts projectIles and burns enemies who get to close

Ability one mod.:fire wall, slams his forearm and fist into the ground that creates a line of thermite that sticks to enemies who are hit by the fire wall

Ability two: beserker serum, injects an expiermental serum synthesized from Pat's blood with stimulants and nano-bots that induces a prolonged rage effect that boosts his damage and changes his abilities. The serum Damages internal tissues and costs him 75 health per use.

Ability three: World on fire, Pat jumps into the air and yells "Hope you like your bad guys well done!",and slams his fist into the ground, which releases a shockwave of fire around him.

Ability three mod.: Hot blooded, goes beserk and uses hand to hand combat to attack enemies, attacks deal high base damage and apply burning effects when it is activated he will shout "KILL! MAIM! BURN!".


Pat was born in the suburbs around Philadelphia in southeastern PA and had an uneventful childhood his mother and father both had well paying jobs and he and his sister lived in relative comfort in the middle class. He went to high school and was an average student he had amazing test grades but never did homework assignments simply as he put it "why should I do the homework if I already know it.". He graduated and applied to U Penn and earned his BS afterward and joined the Marine corps. The U.S. DoD restarted the super soldier program that had produced the likes of Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes, but the process had been refined since it's conception and the results were far more drastic than the original soldiers. To ensure the best candidates were selected the DoD had mainly pulled young special forces soldiers who showed advanced talent. Pat had recently been accepted into MARSOC was selected along with others from various branches of the military. The process had made the test subjects almost superhuman, they were faster, stronger, and overall better than a normal human being in combat situations. The DoD was impressed with the new program and started rolling out specialized equipment for the new soldiers, they were given heavier semi-powered armor and weapons, although the equipment would have severely weighed down normal soldiers, the super soldiers used them with ease.

TALON terrorists would conduct a raid on the facility were the research and development of the "process" as it would become known to secure the research to create their own super soldiers and advanced equipment. Overwatch agents were able to stop the TALON operators before they could completely download the data but one of the operatives escaped with partial amounts of research. The DoD knew that if TALON used the research it would create an abomination that would lose all semblance of humanity and go on a rampage if it were released. In order to keep news of the program under wraps the DoD sent Pat to become an agent for Overwatch and to secure the data to prevent a global catastrophe.

brimythesithlord brimythesithlord
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I have a question for the rp. Have our characters met before the start of the RP. Because most of our bios end with them joining Overwatch. So will we have to have introductions.

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