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Futuristic Overwatch: Revival OOC! (Open!)

Leo ran through the Pennsylvania forest. Last night he’d taken a walk in the woods, then he’d fallen asleep. And now he was going about a frantic run to arrive on time.

The lion leapt through a last bush spotting Commander Morrison and a woman he didn’t know. Leo stood straight and saluted with his tail. “Reporting for duty sir” said Leo.
Morrison watched as Leo comes out of the forest and salutes him, quickly saluting back. "At ease, private," he replied as Marina stared with a blank expression. "Young, this here is Leo Rogers, a new Offense-class operative. Rogers, this is Marina Young, another recruit. She's a Defense class operative, so expect to see a lot of each other during drills."

The woman was silent for a little while longer before squealing in excitement, bouncing on her toes once again. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Is that an actual lion?! Like, a lion lion! And he can talk! I can't believe it, this is awesome! Of course, I expected him to have a name like Leo. It's a good name, but I would have used Simba or Aslan or maybe..." Jack glances at her and clears his throat loudly, prompting her to instantly stop her chattering. The inventor averts her eyes while blushing faintly. "S-sorry about that...I've just never seen a talking lion before. It's nice to meet you."
Leo smiles and nods. "Well not many animals can talk can they. How many more are coming" asked Leo. Sitting down.
It's at that moment that a grey Beetle pulls up into the clearing, and a short, small girl tumbles out, a blue satchel slung round her shoulder. She goes around to the trunk and pulls out a small suitcase, before rummaging around in her bag for a minute. A few seconds later, she pulls out her phone, triumphant, and starts typing. "Alright, and . . . set destin equal to . . . if coord.x equals . . . then open wipe.exe . . . there we go! Aaand- shoot, semicolons. Alright, now, go home."

The girl taps on her phone one last time. In response, the car backs up and drives away, and she gives it a little wave as it goes. Then, she shoves her phone back in her bag, grabs her suitcase, and runs forward to meet them. "I'm Kamila. Pleasure to meet you," she says, sticking her hand out to no one in particular before she realizes just who she's speaking to. Her eyes widen and she straightens, shoulders back, dropping her left hand in favor of raising her right in a perfect military salute. "Sir. It's an honor."
A loud motor could be heard about a half mile or so down the road. An orange 1970 chevelle SS 454 ls6 with two black racing stripes running vertically along the hood, roof, and trunk was making it's way speedily toward the building . The V8 motor started to fall off and quite to a purr then was cut. A young, muscular, tall man with scars on his face stepped out of the driver side door in boots, jeans, and a long sleeve eagles shirt rolled up to the base of the elbows. "Sir." He said as he casually stepped next two two other people and an upright lion. "Reporting for duty." He said as he snapped a perfect military salute casually.

He surveyed what he guessed were the other recruits and the lion, he towered above the two women and stood about an inch higher than lion. Great. He thought Just got stuck with the FNG's.
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(Leo is quadrupedal. No changed physiology of a lion other than the metal bits)
Leo looked at the two newcomers. Cocking his head. A giant, and an expert on technology. He shook his mane. Eh Leo wasn't in a place to judge anyone on appearances.
((Guys, we have to pick a tense. Past or present?))

Kamila glances to her left, then her right. No one's acknowledged her, and Morrison is already off talking to an assistant. It stings a little, to be completely overlooked by the man she's heard so many stories about, but he's busy, and anyway, she has a new team to meet. A little awkwardly, she drops her right arm, and takes the opportunity to look around. There's a woman, who looks to be around her age-ish, although she's probably actually a legal adult, wearing some sort of gauntlet that looks technological and software-y and the kind of thing Kamila dreams of getting her hands on. She's next to a lion, which is cool, wearing crazy metal armor, which is cooler- maybe he'll take her for a ride, self indulgent as that is. And finally . . . the tall guy. Kamila doesn't think she'll like him. He's a soldier, which is obvious from the practiced salute, but all the soldiers she's known have had lives beyond the battlefield: families, friends, children. This guy looks like human emotions are girly, and the arrogant look he's giving them all doesn't add to her opinion of him. He's probably a jerk, and anyway, who even drives a car anymore? She gets not trusting advanced AIs- the omnic crisis will do that to people- but self-driving AIs are simple, and safer. He's basically putting everyone else on the road at risk just to look cool.

She's so focused on getting a few more centimeters of space that she somehow manages not to notice when she bumps the other woman, and her head shoots up with an apologetic smile. "Oops, sorry. I'm Kamila- but you already know that. What's your name?"
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Morrison watches as more recruits gather in front of him. Already, the veteran is taking down first impressions on the recruits. "Ah, Private Smith. Right on time, though with a vehicle like yours I'd expect you to be here a bit earlier." Jack was pleased with the young man's salute, but he wouldn't judge his character until preliminary drills started in the afternoon.

The general then turns to the shorter woman, noticing that she seems a bit young to be in this line of work. He decides to look past that, although he stores the thought in his mind for later. "And I see that Private Fernandez has arrived. I take it our cybersecurity team won't have any internal problems?" She reminded him too much of his rival's young prodigy, and he would definitely have his eye on her.

Marina blinks in surprise as the other female bumps into her, turning and giving her a dazzlingly friendly smile. "Oh, it's no problem! I didn't know that your name was Kamila, but it's still nice to meet you! I'm Marina, but my friends call me Rinha. I'm so glad that we'll be on the same team together, I might have screamed if I was the only girl here." The young inventor was prone to exaggeration, as she wouldn't have really minded if her colleagues were male; but it made for good small talk, and that was what mattered most to the Brazilian American girl.
Leo saw the perfect opportunity for a joke. “Well I’ll tell you how strange it feels to be the only lion here, or anywhere for that matter” he said. Looking over the girl. His blue eyes glowed as he took in the information
"Oh!" Kamila shot up straight, beaming to see that Morrison had come back and spoken to her. The unexpected recognition caught her off guard, but still, she half-glowed with pride. "It definitely won't, sir. I can guarantee that!"

She gave him a quick nod, before turning back to the other woman, who was grinning at her like Kamila had made the sun shine singlehandedly. She seemed really nice, although Kamila could have sworn she'd introduced herself earlier- then again, maybe she just thought she had, since she does tend to be scatterbrained like that. And it would be nice to have another girl on the team. Even after decades of progress, women in STEM (or lack of them) was still a problem, and she was so sick of being the only female technician in the room. The main thing, though, was that Rinha seemed friendly, and Kamila thought they'd get along really well.

And then there was the lion. She couldn't get any kind of read on his personality, but he had made a joke, so she made one right back. "I don't know, isn't there only one male lion per pride? There's one male lion here, so you should be just fine. But I am really glad to meet you guys," she added, "We're gonna make a great team." Well, maybe, except for Mr. Eagles over there, she thought, but then again, she had to look on the bright side. "So! If we're going to be a team, we should get to know each other! Where do you guys come from, and what do you do?"
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Pat turned to Morrison "Sorry sir, if you haven't already noticed Philly traffic can get pretty bad, especially going into the city." He looked over at where the two women were standing, exchanging formalities. He turned his attention toward the lion. "So, what's you're? name he asked him, I hope it's not like simba or scar, or mufasa." He said the last part with a grin " My names Pat by the way." He turned to look back at the two women who had been smiling like it was their job, when he noticed a flash of something in her eyes when she stopped on him.

When he heard her ask her second question he was the first to respond. " I'm from the area actually now that you ask, I'm from Pottstown right outside of Philadelphia, as for what I do, I'm a weapons chemist and critical skills operator, one of the reasons I'm here actually." He looked at the headquarters again after he said this. "And now, I guess we get to be a team, have any of you had formal training before you joined."
Leo stretched. “Leo. I think I was born somewhere in Africa, although my young years are a little fuzzy. Don’t remember much until after I defected from Talon, not really much to tell between then and now. I drifted until Overwatch heard of me, and recruited me to be on this team” he said.

So Marina, Kamilia, and Pat. Leo sighed. Forever an oddball.
The tall guy- Pat, right, she had to learn these names- asked a question, but Kamila glossed over it. After all, late nights in fifth grade learning how to code with Papi didn't exactly count as formal training, and she didn't need to give Pat another reason to doubt her. Instead, she focused on the lion's answer. It seemed . . . average, she guessed, for a talking lion, but it really didn't explain anything, except . . . wait.

"Talon?" She'd never heard of them, but Kamila assumed they couldn't be all that great. Leo defected from them, after all, and Leo seemed like a nice guy . . . er, lion. He seemed sad about something, though- maybe something bad had happened to him while he was was with Talon. Maybe that was why he could talk and everything- or hey, maybe it was just a freak lab accident, like those old superheroes she learned about in class! That would be cool- having a real life superhero, or, well, superlion on their team. Still, Kamila got the feeling maybe she shouldn't have asked about Talon, but the words were out of her mouth and she couln't take them back.
Leo waited for Marina, or Pat to answer. Then he realized they might not know about Talon. “Well they are an evil organization, trying to destroy everything Overwatch created. They will be stomped out if I have anything to do with it” his tail twitched, and he growled dangerously.
(Anybody still alive)
((Hello, I'm still alive, just been waiting on a response! Although it looks like my answer might not have sent . . . do you see a message that starts with "The tall guy- Pat, right, she had to learn these names- asked a question"))
Kamila bit her lip and stared at the ground. Stomped out . . . that sounded extreme. She didn't know what they'd done, but it seemed wrong to condemn an entire organization as evil. The world had done that before, when the leaks about Blackwatch hit, and Kamila watched as everything her parents fought for was denounced as cruelty. She wasn't sure this Talon was the same, but she knew they had to have some motivation that was more than just a vendetta against Overwatch. Finding that motivation and solving that problem would bring them a lot closer to peace than just fighting, and maybe it meant she wouldn't have to lose anyone else. She didn't really want to fight Talon, whoever they were. As far as she knew, they hadn't hurt her yet.

So, once again, she changed the subject. "Huh, sounds . . . well. Anyone know what our first mission is gonna be?"

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