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Futuristic Overwatch: Revival OOC! (Open!)

Probably not? I think we need the chance to develop first reactions before we start developing relationships between the team.

Also, there's no way I'm passing up the chance to just have Kamila take one look at Pat and go, "GENEVA. CONVENTION. PUT THE FIRE AWAY."
I honestly can't wait for the reactions when weirdos like Scrap, or Leo walk into the room for the first time.
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Made some changes to Kamila's kit to differentiate her from other characters and give her weapons more in line with her theme. The base ideas are still the same, but she has a new primary fire and secondary fire, using concentrated light. Firewall no longer offers a shield, in exchange for damage done with the damage buff becoming shield health. Other than that, everything's the same!
I think so! We haven't started an rp yet, as far as I can tell, so come on in! We definitely could use some more damage or tanking on our side, but healing's always good too!
I think we should start thinking of a conflict. Because once all of our heroes are made what are they doing. Are they just going to stop Talon as usual. Or are we going to think up something new?
I mean, heck . . . I actually really don't want to go with just Talon, just because there are so many other problems in the Overwatch world. You've got omnic racism in spades, the brewing Second Omnic Crisis, corporate corruption literally EVERYWHERE except Dorado, gang violence in Mexico and the US, the radioactive anarchy/monarchy wasteland in Australia, probably some sort of epidemic somewhere due to medical facilities breaking down during the crisis, probably a poverty issue due to the economic destruction of the crisis- suffice to say, the world is kind of a mess. And Overwatch Number One helped with this, but they couldn't solve it, and it their absence the problems popped back up again. Oh, and did I forget to mention the weather anomalies Mei was researching that have suddenly gotten much, MUCH worse? Cause there's those too.
Well I obviously Talon is going to be in the background. I don't know about everyone else but Leo has a grudge against them. Of course if we plan more than one conflict there will be more story. Taking down Vishkar, and preventing a second omnic crisis would be interesting.
Oh yeah! I'm sure you can find Talon's, well, talons in a bunch of things- maybe they're being funded by Vishkar, and we KNOW they're stirring up anti-omnic sentiment. I just think it would be cooler to focus on some of the other problems, and then let that circle back around to Talon if it does. For example, maybe this group is sent to London, or even somewhere around Numbani, to break up a violent anti-omnic extremist group, and then when they do, Talon, who also has some influence in the area, notices, and is like, "well, huh, maybe we should do something about that"
I’m all for something different. What else is left to plan?
Oh I thought of something. Which Overwatch heroes are actually with Overwatch, like Junkrat, and Roadhog are wildcards. So are Hanzo, Mccree, and Pharah
Okay, so Junkrat and Roadhog go in the Not With Overwatch box for me. They're a little too . . . trigger happy is the best word i can think of, for me to see them actually willing to be part of Overwatch. They might work together occasionally, but I kind of doubt it. With Zarya, Zenyatta, Bastion, Orisa, D.Va, Symmetra, and Lucio, I think that they've got their own jobs and things going on, so they go in the Not With Overwatch box too. It's not impossible to see some of them teaming up with Overwatch for help pushing their cause- for example, I think Zenyatta might hang out with Overwatch for a while, to ensure Genji is alright, reinforce ideas of omnic equality, and probably offer therapy because they are all SO in need of therapy. As for the other maybes, like Hanzo, McCree, Pharah, Genji, Mercy, Reinhardt, Ana and Soldier, I think all of them are kind of on their way to coming back to Overwatch. Winston and Tracer are obviously the ones who start it. Reinhardt's the first one back, because "I have bee called. I must answer." Obviously. Mei gets there whenever she gets there, because on the one hand she's gonna help Overwatch but on the other hand she has to walk through Antarctica first. Genji comes with, because one: old friends!!! two: they're going to need some capable people on their side who are ready to fight because this will not be easy, and three: he's sort of hoping he can just. Maybe serve as some sort of cautionary tale? Because he's alright with his body but what Overwatch did to him was cruel, honestly. Mercy has more than a few reservations, namely- Overwatch started killing people, agents weren't returning, they were misusing her work, tensions were high, how do you know all of this won't just happen again????? but she returns because they're going to need a doctor and she knows this. Pharah I can see being sent to this burgeoning Overwatch from Helix as a "see who they are, check them out, ally with them if they're worth it" kind of thing, and then I'm pretty sure she pulls McCree back into it because they were really close friends okay they're basically siblings. Soldier comes back after that run in with Reaper, when he's like "oooohhhh kay this is bigger than me" and Ana follows, but doesn't reveal herself for a WHILE. As for Hanzo . . . it takes him a while to come around to this idea, honestly, because he's a mental MESS and so he stays away for a while, and even once he does agree he's gotta FIND Gibraltar because Genji literally just gave him a sparrow feather, and like, cool but that's not directions.
I’m just trying to occupy the forum until the rp starts. Is there anything else we need to plan.
Oh, I hope I didn't insult you. I'm sorry if I did! I just have a LOT of thoughts and feelings about how Overwatch was restarted, and I like talking about them.

As for other things we should plan . . . Well, it's probably easiest if we just go with "so we've been set up in this team together and we'll be sent out soon but we don't know when," so we can get some interaction outside of missions, and then maybe one or two pages in get sent on a mission so we can see how mission interaction works and then go from there? I'd really love to have our first mission be one dealing with omnic racism, though.
Basic Info
Full Name: Selma Tukina Kimiko
Alias/Nickname: Dragonslayer
Age: 18
Job: Sniper
Birthday: 02/13/95
Height: 5'9
Weight: 10 lbs
Body Type: Skinny
Personality: Wild
Likes: Horses, Ana, Wolves,
Dislikes: Hanzo and Genji's arguments
Skin Color: peach
Hair Color: violet
Eye Color: Red
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Class: Sniper
Base Health: 120
Combos With: Ana
Strong Against: Sombra, Widowmaker, Roadhog, Reaper
Weak Against: Junkrat, Ana, Tracer, Genji
Preferred Range: Four feet


Primary Fire: Bow and Arrow

Secondary Fire: Sword

Passive: Nothing Passive about her

Ability 1: Fire control

Ability 2: Summon a Dragon

Ability 3: Lightning Strike
Announcement: I'll show you what a Dragonslayer can Do

Background: Not sure what to put here

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It's fine. I'm just an impatient person waiting for something to start.

Neat character. Hope she doesn't have anything against cats.
Ohhhhh, she's beautiful! I'm really glad we have a sniper on our team- we needed some damage. Do you mind if I ask a few questions about her? Just to make sure I understand her character and kit well enough, so I know how our characters might interact- and also just cause I'm a sucker for the logistics of abilities and love learning about them. Oh, and one more thing! Background is just where you put their history- what has their life been like? Who were their parents? Where were they born? Why did they join Overwatch? How did they find Overwatch? How do they feel about Overwatch? Do they have any relationships or connections with canon characters? And so on.
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I was making a joke. My character is a bionic lion. How it says in her bio she likes wolves, which are sort of like dogs.
I've honestly got a hilarious plan on how to introduce Leo. After hearing most of the other new recruits are foreign he figured a good way to break the ice would be to learn another language. Only to find out he learned a language none of them even speak.
Psshhhh that's beautiful??? It's such a good way to show character too, because it just sounds like such a Leo specific thing.
Okay, so! First of all, why is she 10 pounds? No teenage humans are ever that weightless- is she some sort of spirit/shadow/magicky person, or does she have incredibly light prosthetics, or any other explanation? Second, exactly how do her abilities work? When it says "Fire control" does that mean she sends out a jet of fire, or a fireball, or multiple fire projectiles, or what? Or dragon summoning- is that a melee attack, a la Genji's Dragonblade, or a ranged attack, like Hanzo's Dragonstrike, or something else? (And, on a more lore-ish note, how can she summon dragons without being a Shimada? Although that'll probably be explained in backstory, so I guess I'll leave that question alone for now.) And for her lightning strike- is that a ranged attack or a close up one, is it an aimed one or an AOE one, how much control does she have over it, and what kind of damage does it do? Is it like Doomfist's Meteor Strike, where she chooses a spot to land her lightning, or is it closer to Reaper's Death Blossom, where she has to land in the middle of the enemy team and do her damage that way? And lastly, just, a ton of whys. Why is she strong against the people she's strong against? Why is she weak against the people she's weak against? Why does she work well with Ana? Why doesn't she like Hanzo and Genji's arguments- is it arguments in general or just them?

Thanks for letting me ask all that. I know it's a lot, and I don't mean to be overcurious, but I just like seeing how we'd all work together in-game.

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