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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

Maria127 said:
is there set dorm rooms for the characters and what about classes is there a set roter for that?
There is a female and male dorm, which are separated. Classes have been temporarily put on hold due to the tournament that is currently going on. After the tournament, I will be restarting the classes :)
shortyshot8 said:
@Himeragi Seiker I got a question if you have time to answer it...Have you used Elsword as a character model for any of your people?
well for Himeragi was based off my own character on elsword which was Rena. Yuki's male ver was Add, and Yuki's female ver was Eve. Suzano is supposed to be Elsword (RS) and Seria is from Elesis. Emiko is based off of Ara as well. the others like Kajima, Nanase, Natsumi, Natsuru were from Brave Frontier. Ciara, Sefia, Stya, Kikuri, Faris, and Semira or the Intoner Sisters were from Drakengard 3. Neo was the only one from RWBY.)))
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]well for Himeragi was based off my own character on elsword which was Rena. Yuki's male ver was Add, and Yuki's female ver was Eve. Suzano is supposed to be Elsword (RS) and Seria is from Elesis. Emiko is based off of Ara as well. the others like Kajima, Nanase, Natsumi, Natsuru were from Brave Frontier. Ciara, Sefia, Stya, Kikuri, Faris, and Semira or the Intoner Sisters were from Drakengard 3. Neo was the only one from RWBY.)))

*Brain explodes* Holy hell
shortyshot8 said:
*Brain explodes* Holy hell
and if Yuki bares a child with Shira, their child when shes young (like 9) will be from Corpse Party. her grown up appearance will be based on some OST video, but the wall paper of it is a Miku Hatsune)))


@Daniel reaver
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So much to handle at once xD Any ideas for what my next person should be?
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]???))

*Facepalm* I'm making a new character in FHS and I don't know what model I should use

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