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Realistic or Modern [OSV] "Our Small Victory"

Fire every gun at him simultaneously. Looks like we're about to end Suplex Stan's career for good.
As a famous war hero probably said: "Why use one laser gun when you can use eight?"
Pft, idiot. Fire every gun at him simultaneously.
Clearly Mister Stan hasn't heard of the 20-foot rule, and even if he's less than 20 feet away, there's still several laser guns pointed at him.
He is gonna legit die from this.
You idiots! This guy got shot at point-blank range and HE'S FUCKING ALIVE AND IN ONE PIECE. This is serious. It's either you or him, we're in a life-or-death situation here, folks. And you're not dealing with a supervillain, you're dealing with a fucking criminal that wants to kill you.
Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller
Yes, we know. We know that if this plan doesn't work, and there's no miracle that gets Eryn out of the way in time, there'll be nothing but red mist where he's standing. It'll be like he never even existed in the first place.
Which is why our plan is going to work. We're going to shoot Stan until the guy stops moving. Piece of cake.
Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller
Yes, we know. We know that if this plan doesn't work, and there's no miracle that gets Eryn out of the way in time, there'll be nothing but red mist where he's standing. It'll be like he never even existed in the first place.
Which is why our plan is going to work. We're going to shoot Stan until the guy stops moving. Piece of cake.

Damn straight! How dare he try to kill us?
At least he is plonging directly into action, trying to take us down as quickly as possible. He is not foolish enough to make a villainous speech. Or to torture us. Or to have a gigantic base in a freaking volcano. It’s nice to meet simple villains with some wisdom, from times to times.

Heis, if self-destructive cynicism is madness, then I happily embrace it. Yeah, I’m at the end of the school term so I’m generally too busy to dwell too long on the website. Still want to write though. Soon. How have you been?
At least he is plonging directly into action, trying to take us down as quickly as possible. He is not foolish enough to make a villainous speech. Or to torture us. Or to have a gigantic base in a freaking volcano. It’s nice to meet simple villains with some wisdom, from times to times.

Heis, if self-destructive cynicism is madness, then I happily embrace it. Yeah, I’m at the end of the school term so I’m generally too busy to dwell too long on the website. Still want to write though. Soon. How have you been?

I'm stuck in my damned house and I want to get out more. I'll soon get my wish, I know I will. Right now, I'm about to play a game so. . . catch you later!
Fire every gun at him simultaneously

"Our Small Victory"

Location: Outside some bank, Time: 19:55 (Sunset)

Eryn forced himself up into a kneeling position with much difficulty, for the sake of aesthetics, and floated the weapons in front of him, slowly spinning around each other. That last part wasn't necessary, but Eryn felt compelled to up the coolness factor to make up for his prior embarrasment of being suplexed. Some of the guns were indeed on their continuous beam setting, while others were actually set to a rapid-fire setting that essentially did the same job but by looking cooler. He telekinetically pulled the triggers of every gun at the same time, and they all poured their energy beams into the charging Stan. The gun that Eryn had manually changed the setting of, though, had actually been set to a more specific flame-beam as he still didn't know what every setting was.

The energy beams caused immediate and clearly visible 3rd degree burns on Stan's body wherever they hit him, while the rapid-fire shots instantly boiled the blood beneath his skin and created rather violent-looking bursting wounds, spraying blood, although they were immediately cauterised. Didn't stop more shots from creating more wounds, though. The flame-beam just straight-up set parts of him on fire. And yet, Stan kept charging. Eryn let out a small, nervous chuckle.

He's....he's gonna collapse, right? Or at least....stop?

The madman kept charging at full speed against the still-firing guns.

...Holy shit.

The dude was on fire, spraying blood everywhere, skin literally turned to leather, and didn't so much as make a painful grunt. He showed no signs of slowing down, and was even winding up a punch that was likely powered by the momentum he gained from the earlier fall.


Eryn couldn't think of anything while Stan was charging, but once he actually began to throw the punch, Eryn panicked and dropped the guns while sending a powerful telekinetic push to his gut, launching him backwards. This also instantly dislocated his own right shoulder.

"MOTHERFUCKER! You've got a lot of nerve still coming at me after all that bullshit! Ugly ass gym-chad freaking SUPLEXES me, then has the gall to shake off an explosion at point blank range, AND tanks the fucking laser-beam-array bullshit I just came up with?! You're literally painting the ground red just by freaking LAYING THERE and you don't even acknowledge it! NOT TO MENTION YOU'RE ON FUCKING FIRE! What's your problem? Why'd you even do all this in the first place when you know for a goddamned fact you'll dissapear?! Robbing banks isn't even profitable! There was no reason for this encounter!"

And, much to Eryn's dismay, Stan sat back up, still on fire and still very much spraying blood everywhere. Within half a second, he was already charging at Eryn again, who hastily recovered a gun and set it back to the explosive beam, firing it at Stan again. The resulting blast ended up throwing Eryn backwards, but was still far enough to not wound him seriously. He looked back over to Stan once his head cleared, and saw him being thoroughly chained up and loaded into the back of one of the police trucks.

Freaking finally, the dude's down...

Eryn layed back and closed his eyes, relieved, but only for a moment. He quickly re-opened his eyes and jerked his head back up.


Eryn collapsed fully and turned onto his side, entering the fetal position and sarcastically laughing quietly to himself. He soon noticed that Sydney had arrived and was crouching next to him.

" 'Sup?"
"Fuck this. Seriously, fuck everything about this day. I don't even feel like moving anymore. Or breathing."
"Good to know. Oh, have you done Monday's homework yet?"
"Ages ago, and I don't want to think about school at all right now."
"Uhuh. Your shoulder looks out of place, need some help with that?"
"NO! Nonononon-" too late, Sydney was already positioning his arm, and shoved it back into place. It somehow hurt worse than when he dislocated it in the first place, although considering the pain he was already in, he didn't feel the need to yell about it.
"I suppose you're right...we've got a bigger issue. Mainly, the fact that every news outlet is focused on us now."
Eryn processed the statement for a moment, and then turned further to the side and made a long, muffled scream into his mask.
"I'll just chill next to you until you recover enough to walk, I guess.."

Location: City streets, Time: 20:20 (Nightfall)

Sydney had lent Eryn her rapier to use as a walking stick, which he reluctantly accepted. The former was pacing around in a seemingly collected manner, but it was quite clear that she was just as panicked as he was. His original plan was to go in invisible and clean out the thugs with no hold-ups, aiming to AVOID this exact situation. How in the hell did it end up like this?!

"Three people have been put in the spotlight tonight. You, me and Suplex Stan. That creates a one in three chance that we'll be targeted and dissapear. Sticking together, while theoretically giving us a better chance at fending off whatever entity is causing this mess, creates a 2/3 chance of having to encounter to the thing in the first place! Neither of those odds are appealing!"
"Well, it was a nice life, although a short one.."
"So, what's your plan?"


Confront low-level criminals and turn it into a high profile battle, drawing attention away from Sydney
Offer to walk her home

Suggest a slumber party at your house. It's the weekend, and would help take your mind off edge. Plus, the guns from your dad's gun store may be helpful if the entity confronts you. You could even invite a few mutual friends so that it's not weird.
Go home alone. While a 1/3 chance isn't comforting, it's still the lowest possible chance available, and it would probably be in the best interests for both of you if you kept your respective chances of confrontation low.

>>Confront low-level criminals and turn it into a high profile battle, drawing attention away from Sydney

We'll probably end up meeting them sooner or later, so might as well try to help our friend for now
Go home alone. How absolutely we don’t do either of the suicidal options, just the 1/3 chance of dying one.
Suggest a slumber party at your house.

Even if the guns don't end up useful, inviting others gives witnesses if one of us two disappears. (Or at the very least could provide strength in numbers if the entity does come after us)
Suggest a slumber party at your house.
I'm thinking we might've had enough action for a day, but then again... If we are able to have a slumber party, then let's do it!
Suggest a slumber party at your house.
You had me at 'slumber party', bro.

As a voter I sort of want to see if a Murder-esque scenario plays out, but honestly I think we should just relax and accept that confrontation is practically inevitable for either of us. We should live a little before the worst comes to pass.
Go home alone.

We have no choice but to choose the worst option here. You got yourself involved, now you got to pay the price. Own up to your mistake even if it costs you your life, fella.
Suggest a slumber party at your house. It's the weekend, and would help take your mind off edge. Plus, the guns from your dad's gun store may be helpful if the entity confronts you. You could even invite a few mutual friends so that it's not weird.

I mean, Eryn isn't exactly the strongest hero out there and probably we're closer to small fry. At least with others, we have an infinitely larger chance to survive.

To put it into another perspective, more cannon fodders=more cannon fodders. Sydney has the the same big red target on her back, too, so I think we can lower it to 1/6
Confront low-level criminals and turn it into a high profile battle, drawing attention away from Sydney.

If one of us has to go down, then so be it. But it would be better if it was us, first for Sydney’s sake, second because of curiosity. Where do they go?
Suggest a slumber party at your house

"Our Small Victory"

Location: Eryn's living room, Time: 00:01 (Midnight)

The living room was dark, except for some light spilling in from the open door that lead to the kitchen and the light from the television. There were sleeping bags layed out in front of the TV, but a little further behind them was a table covered in snacks, and a couch that had a blanket over it to create some kind of makeshift fort, which is where the trio were sitting. The only friend that was available to come over to the sleepover was fellow classmate Robin Mistlight. He had yellow eyes, and short, black hair that had recently gained yellow streaks as a result of him discovering his power just a few weeks prior, which was very light electricity manipulation (nowhere near effective enough for him to consider becoming a hero, and thus Eryn hadn't created a notebook page for him yet). They were taking turns playing Resident Evil on Eryn's dad's old original Playstation, with the current player having to sit outside the cough fort until they died and swapped with another player. The current player was Sydney, who without her mask had long-ish, light brown hair and gray eyes. She was playing with the controller in one hand and a pizza slice in the other.

"I get why this game used to be considered one of the scariest things around, but the horrible voice acting and outdated graphics make it really hard to take seriously someti-- HOLY SHIT IT'S THE GIANT SNAKE"
"HA. Get snaked."
"What an original one-liner."
"Joke's on you, it's your turn now."

The group heard a loud noise, prompting everybody to quickly raise and aim their weapons at different parts of the room, completely tensed up. Robin had a sawn-off shotgun, while Sydney was given a high calibre bolt action rifle, while Eryn still had an energy weapon from before but kept a shotgun with him too. Eryn's father had lent them the guns, and while neither of them were really experienced enough to properly fight with the weapons, they were still responsible enough to treat the guns safely.

After a moment of processing, it was clear that the noise came from a branch outside hitting the window due to the wind.

"Aight, lemme go take a bathroom break first."
"Don't dissapear."
"Fam, I'm not the one who has to worry about that."

Robin took the shotgun with him to the bathroom. Eryn grabbed another pizza slice and layed back on an ice pack.

"Hey, Eryn, you're on World Star."
"The fuck?"

Sydney showed her phone to Eryn, which had a clip of him being suplexed. He winced at the sight of it, with the feeling of the impact being fresh in his memory. Eryn started browsing on his own phone, and found that all the news outlets had suddenly changed their articles about the battle. While they previously described the battle has being won by Ecto and Aegis, they now gave the credit to an anonymous user known as "Art_Master087", who claimed he was responsible for the victory. They didn't never explained HOW they were responsible, but the media never seemed to question him. It certainly wasn't the first time this guy took credit from other heroes.

Eryn was about to start an angry rant, but felt an irregular movement throughout the walls, ceiling, and floor via
TK Sonar. It didn't feel like water pipes, which he would normally block out due to it being so common. He could feel some kind of mass moving across all surfaces, surrounding the couch.

Something's here and probably isn't friendly

Fire into the wall
Alert Sydney first to raise a shield

Make fun of the entity's apparant lack of stealth, calling it out
Wait for the entity to make the first move, and counter appropriately

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Make fun of the entity's apparant lack of stealth, calling it out. You know what, whatever. If you’re going to make Eryn not do the strategic choice every single time, then I’ll go with our mindset when it’s not absolutely stupid. Shooting without knowing what’s happening is absolutely stupid.
"Fire into the wall"
excuse me what the fuck

Hey there are plenty of good choices here. Though I don't like the idea of the enemy getting the first strike, taunting or performing a defensive action will definitely give us the upper hand. We need to figure out who we're dealing with so we can notebook this fool before they get a chance to hit us.

Alert Sydney first to raise a shield
At first I thought the taunt would be a better idea, due to the fact that doing this would also alert Sydney anyway. But she won't react immediately, and we'll be open to getting attacked mid-taunt. We don't want this guy to think we're some kind of amateur, so let's get those shields up ASAP.
Make fun of the entity's apparant lack of stealth, calling it out.

It seems someone tries to take credit. In the current situation, I would thank them. Maybe they want to distract attention from other heros? By hacking the medias or bribing them? Don’t know how, but good.

While raising the shields is not a bad idea, we should keep our energy for the actual battle. Also, they may not be friendly, but talking with them might distract him until Robin comes back. If the ennemy sees that we are ready to defend ourselves and that another power-user is vulnerable in the next room, well...let’s simply say that it might not end well for Robin.
Make fun of the entity's apparant lack of stealth, calling it out
It's just a prank, guys. No way it's a supervillain tryna ruin Eryn's house. I'm not entirely sure if he can get insurance for his walls and stuff being destroyed by a cool fight.
So... can we keep fighting the giant snake? If not, at least quote Resident Evil's voice acting by saying: "What -is- it?"
The tie shall never be broken. We shall ask her to raise a shield in the form of a middle finger. Like the daring and mature teenager that we are.

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