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Fantasy Orphsurdum



Lizard knight Overlord
Orphsurdum(Or: Let's try this again)

PrefaceThis roleplay is a reboot of a roleplay from 2015, and many parts are lifted straight from the previous attempts. However, many things have been tweaked and changed, and I'd like to say this should be quite the engaging and enjoyable roleplay. Now, onto the explanation of the role-play itself.

For the most simple explanation, If you have an affinity for games like Monster Hunter, Shadow Of The Colossus, or simply enjoy the idea of fighting stupidly massive monsters by wielding absurd weapons and abilities you gain from literally devouring the souls of the creatures, then this might be the roleplay for you. With a healthy dose of exploration and camaraderie.

However, combat is not the entire focus. Exploration of the world and progress towards the penultimate goal is equally important as tearing apart creatures the size of mountains, oceans, and perhaps even skies.

From this point, please visit the lore section for the rest of the exploration of the roleplay.



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