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Fantasy Orias

Orias is the planet's new name, it is Earth after nuclear war broke out and destroyed most of everything on the planet.
Time has passed, and nature took back her lands and has healed herself, but now there are new beings that walk upon it.
Continents have changed once again, and now the Mortal and Barren Realms are rather close, allowing supernatural beings to come back and forth freely, and have integrated themselves into the new society.

Mortal Realm:
Is now two continents and has two rather large islands, the current residents do not remember Earth, they think they are the first.​
  • Aves
    • Appear humanlike, but have bird wings; there are certain species of bird that they are modeled after.
    • Currently, have 4 clans (countries) on Orias
  • Chiroptera
    • Appear humanlike, but have bat wings; they have been lead to believe they are instead dragon wings in some regions.
    • Currently, have 5 clans on Orias
  • Wingless
    • Human, but because of the forgotten Earth they are seen as deformed by the Winged more often than not
    • 4 clans, though Clera is the most well known for its barbaric treatment of Winged beings.
The Barren Realm:
Home to the supernatural beings of all sorts, where the land seems to change to fit perfectly who resides in a certain region.​

  • Elementals
    • Draws energy from their surroundings, this energy both acts as their physical power and as their nourishment.
    • Can control:
      • Fire
      • Water
      • Air
      • Earth
    • Each coming with plenty of variations for each.
  • Soul
    • Divided into two groups, the Soul Eaters, and the Healers
    • They can manipulate the 'strings' of the soul to either cut or mend, depending on which division.
    • They are either born or turned, they are the only species that can turn other beings into other things by splicing or replacing the soul if they are powerful enough- most often a Soul Eater that can do so.
    • Soul Eaters: Most consume a soul regularly or will die rather painfully of starvation as their 'hollow' soul tears them apart. (brutal)
  • Energeia
    • Like the Elementals but have more access to the energies, if the Elementals have a stream the Energeia have a lake.
    • They are not limited to the four elements.
    • Some things they can control but are not limited to:
      • Space
      • Fire
      • Earth
      • Water
      • Air
      • Death/Life
      • Light/Dark
      • Time
    • Regarding the four elements, the Energeia can control more, like the minerals in bodies, which can allow body manipulation for those who want such an ability
  • Manis
    • The species that can 'copy' the abilities of all the others, shapeshifting into the correct kind of body type to allow themselves to do so.
    • The more powerful the Mani, the more powerful thing it can copy.
    • And were the ones who tricked the Chiroptera into thinking they came from dragons.
    • But, they also were the species that kinda saved the human race by transporting them back and forth between the two realms till it was safe, but as a side effect gave the humans wings and such.
Where Am I Going With This
I'm offering Orias and her assets to others to play with, there are two major evils in Orias if anyone wanted to follow a plot; but, I'm also fine with just having people play with it in different scenes. I'd love to see what others think of my 'baby' perse.​

Interested as playing an Energeia. What's the plot?
Then how do they replenish their hollow soul, as you put it? I get that they eat souls, hence the name, but how exactly?
Interested as playing an Energeia. What's the plot?

Since people seem interested more in the Barren Realms species, we'll probably go the route where we try to over throw the LoD(Lord of Darkness). There is a rebellion stirring already in his army, and it would be easy to fall into it as recruits. The Energeia could fit nicely here because you could be apart of the Last Reserve of Energeia and be part of the group that gets sent in to help from them- since they kind of sparked the Rebellion when Mask came to their camp to kinda destroy them, and they laughed.
So we'll be undergoing missions to cause unrest in the army and gain followers. And when the LoD has lost majority control we can over throw him.
Arcanimus Arcanimus So I'm thinking about making a chiropteran. Are you going to reveal some more information about their clans, cities, technology, etc. before we make the character or should we just work with what we have now?
I'm asking this because I was trying to come up with some ideas for my character's backstory, but I'm stuck because I'm not sure how specific can I get without messing up with your universe or the plot, which is something I definitely don't want to do. I can explain my idea as well if you think it'll help.
Arcanimus Arcanimus So I'm thinking about making a chiropteran. Are you going to reveal some more information about their clans, cities, technology, etc. before we make the character or should we just work with what we have now?
I'm asking this because I was trying to come up with some ideas for my character's backstory, but I'm stuck because I'm not sure how specific can I get without messing up with your universe or the plot, which is something I definitely don't want to do. I can explain my idea as well if you think it'll help.

There is a lot of detail I can go into based on region, so for specifics that would work for a backstory and such, I think it'd be easier to discuss that on an individual basis in PMs with people. Since that can vary quite a bit, depending on what an individual is looking for to work for the character they have in mind.

I'll put more detail based on species here since that can aid anyone so they can have a deeper understanding before making a final decision.

I'm willing to work with anyone if they want to learn about the area they want to use for the backstory of their character, which can affect their looks and personality on a slight basis because of course, northern clans are going to be a bit different than southern. So for specifics, it would be better to just do that in PM.
Then how do they replenish their hollow soul, as you put it? I get that they eat souls, hence the name, but how exactly?

It's not all that complicated after you cut the strings, the soul is like a kind of sphere that is shifting within itself but by the Soul species, can be held. What you do is you kind of absorb it into your body, either by pushing it into your body through the chest or 'eating' it through the mouth. That is another thing that distinguishes the kind of character they are personality wise.
I just got a mouse (my touchpad won't work at all, and I'm probably going to have to give up my laptop for a week so it can be fixed), so I'll make a separate thread and put a link into the first post at the bottom today. I can't get the tabs to work for me at the moment, so I'm just going to put a collection of links at the bottom of the first post.
interested in a soul healer or a manis!!
though manis' abilities seem really complex and op so im not sure if complications might arise by playing one ( ;´Д`)
interested in a soul healer or a manis!!
though manis' abilities seem really complex and op so im not sure if complications might arise by playing one ( ;´Д`)

Healers are the ones who can heal the strings of the soul, so by being one you'd have to work on your abilities in channeling energy, because it is very common for Healers to faint after they finish a patient if they haven't learned how to filter energy into themselves at the same time it was leaving them.

Either are interesting, but I'd love to have a Healer in the group to help out in tight situations.
Healers are the ones who can heal the strings of the soul, so by being one you'd have to work on your abilities in channeling energy, because it is very common for Healers to faint after they finish a patient if they haven't learned how to filter energy into themselves at the same time it was leaving them.

Either are interesting, but I'd love to have a Healer in the group to help out in tight situations.
what about manis though? it sOunds really op bc they could save humanity and all that
what about manis though? it sOunds really op bc they could save humanity and all that

Manis aren't that OP, they are the ones who can transform into different things- the more different it is from their base form the harder it is for them to shift depending on their ability level.

As for saving humanity, they did that because they cared for their own interests, it wasn't that the other species couldn't it was that they didn't want to. And the Mani's have a character named Niq who was immune to radiation who could travel the world finding safe zones, the other species didn't have access to that.

It was more their desire to save them than their abilities being superior.

They are definitely powerful in their own right, especially when they can mimic other species abilities(takes a lot of work to not only look like them but be able to perform the same abilities.
Do you mean like the Harpy eagle? Because Clera's ruling family was the Sovereign Clan of Harpia before and were ruthless Aves.
The second:
That's a pin on my writing board that has how the wings would behave on an Ave in certain positions, on that board, there are other pins about them as well.
Mind if i ask for something a bit different. There would be ancient technology, right? Like hidden away. Or etc. Could i possibly make a character who was put into a cryo chamber to sleep. Because he or she was like some secret goverment test from the old world. And this character had either. Like maybe the ability to see or be able to fight soul eaters. Or etc. Idk how you would implement this. But id love to see it happen i thinknhaving a human from the old world come into this one would be reallt divine and fun.
I'm glad you're interested, I'll start a DM with you to talk about it. I try my best to find a way for people's character ideas to work in Orias.

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