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Fantasy Order of the Black Lotus

Master Xor Black


Location: Tavern, Siegmore

Time: Morning

Interactions: Clouds Clouds

After leaving the meeting, Master Black ascended back up the stairs that would lead up to the library. The building was mostly abandoned, none of the townspeople of Siegmore daring to venture inside unless they were affiliates of the Order. Huge bookshelves lined the walls and the space on the tiled floor, cobwebs decorating the worn books on the shelves. Sunlight poured in through the stained glass windows that were positioned around the top of the walls. The library had three levels, two of the floors dedicated to housing the books. The top floor held the rooms that the members of the Order resided in. Currently Bronn, Vitalis, Phantasma, Griffin, and Gerrard O'Connor, his advisor, resided in the library's rooms. Rose opted to stay in an attic not too far away that belonged to a peculiar woman.

Ordius lifted the hood of his black cloak above his head, his pale blue eyes shinning through the stray locks of his black hair, before exiting the library and walking onto the streets of Siegmore. The city was beginning to wake up, the vagabonds, thieves, and gangsters assuming their places in the disastrous town. Ordius wrinkled his nose as he breezed past people, making his way towards a local tavern. The people here were angry at the Republic; that much was evident. They had a right to be, after all. The governors in the area refused to help with the issues in the city and instead taxed them for voicing their opinion. When this rebellion was over the Black Lotus won, he was going to get rid of them first.

As he walked, keeping his eyes low as to not draw attention to himself, a couple of lower ranked members of the Order passed by him. They nodded and he nodded back, a silent acknowledgement between the secret members. Those who weren't apart of the Order had no idea who was apart of it, only witnessing the aftermath of the actions they carried out. The senior members of the Order often wore golden masks when carry out tasks. Ordius' mask was similiar to a raven's face, long and slender and composed out of solid gold with obsidian lining. Upon joining the Black Lotus' ranks, Ordius had special masks crafted for each of the members. After his trusted members returned with Ryuu Okobani and Nerrezza Darcius, they would be given masks as well.

A couple minutes of walking later, Ordius arrived at the tavern. He had business with a local weapons seller, as he was in need of weapons for some of his lower members. Ordius entered the tavern and was immediately met with the sound of horrible music and the scent of equally horrible booze. He looked around, his cold eyes scanning the room for his contact. The man hadn't arrived yet, which annoyed the mage.

His eyes then landed on a woman with long, black hair who was accompanied by a group of other men. Ordius' eyes widened as he recognized the woman. Princess Estelle.... He remembered seeing the girl as a child, back when he knew her father. But that was years ago. She was all grown up now, and apparently blind, as she seemed to be moving around like she couldn't see.

An idea sparked in his mind as he watched her. She could be our key into the palace. She spends so much time with the commoners anyways that she may want to join the rebellion. He made his way over to her, removing his hood. He reached out and touched her elbow, careful not to frighten her. ''Excuse me, your majesty. Can I have a word?''

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Second in Command to the Black Lotus
Bronn's eyebrows were raised as the woman walked right past him and back into the bar. This is who Ordius wanted into the Order? She seemed to be good at manipulating people but other than that he couldn't see anything special in her... or maybe he was just over thinking this. It wasn't his job to question her credibility or strength, he was assigned to extract her. Bronn took his time to walk over to the counter and sit on a stool right beside this Nerrezza character. He was going to start talking but realized the bartender couldn't take a hint so Bronn glared at him as if he were prepared to choke him to death. The bartender understood and nodded, moving to the other side of the counter to tend to his other customers. Bron let a few seconds of silence pass by before he opened his mouth. He actually started chuckling to himself as he grabbed a nearby half empty mug of ale. He drank it all in one sitting and smiled. He hadn't had drinks like this in a while even if they weren't the best. All of a sudden, Bronn's smiled disappeared and he placed both of his arms on the counter.

"That was a nice trick back there. Very smart, very smart indeed. I wonder how often you do that. I mean, it looks like fun but it doesn't really do anything. I mean your purse will be a bit heavier but it serves mo purpose. I would like to know what you think you live for? Or maybe you are just are thief, him? You know... a human without a purpose in life is as good as dead. They contribute nothing to society. Even murderers have their own purpose. What's yours?" Bronn ended

Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear
Name: Johnathan "Max" Ohmar
Location: Royal Palce of Torinthia
Interacting With: SRUNewman SRUNewman

Johnathan toyed around with the sharpened trident symbol while he waited for the guard to return, hopefully with royal permission to allow him through. It seemed very odd to Johnathan that he was the only one there; there was no doubt in Johnathan's mind of his abilities, but he understood that he couldn't quell a rebellion alone. He wasn't too confused, however, seeing as how he was up incredibly early to acquire his supply of poison so he shouldn't be surprised if whoever else the king requested wasn't there yet. Very quickly, however, Johnathan's thoughts came to an abrupt end as someone bega speaking to him. Usually, Johnathan wouldn't care about anyone who wasn't of interest speaking to him, but he recognized this man a knight or something of the sort, given the armor he was wearing.

There was also mention of fighting the rebellion, which spiked Johnathan's interest and confirmed a sneaking suspicion he had: that the king was trying to put together some kind of task force to deal with the growing revolt.
"Well aren't you the perceptive one?" Johnathan was never really a person who enjoyed small talk, but he understood that it was necessary sometimes so he partook in it from time to time. "And if my intuition is as accurate as yours, I'd say that you're here for the same thing." Johnathan noticed a man wearing much less impressive armor that seemed to be tailing the man. He deduced that either the man was a friend of the knight or some type of servant, since he clearly held less authority and power than him. "Were both of you called here for the same thing?" Johnathan was anxious, seeing two more people arrive certainly meant that this was real and that he'd finally get a chance to do something about the rebellion, which is the reason Prince Katobi hired him in the first place.
Nerrezza Minerva DaricusLocation: Random bar/inn in Milltown
Current outfit; disregard weapons​
She was given a small mug, it was only filled with water, as she preferred not to drink. There would be very rare occasions where she would drink, but it was never more than a glass or two. She made sure to watch her alcohol carefully, making sure no one would ever spike it. She could only count on herself and had to make sure that she was aware at all times. She couldn't afford to be sluggish because one could never know when someone was planning on stabbing her in the back. The bartender however walked away before giving her some food and she glares at the man. But he was preoccupied with someone else now. There was someone sitting next to her and she slowly turns her face to look at him. It was the guy that was outside and she was not too happy about him.

Since never even gotten the chance to take a sip of her water before he started talking and since he was around, she now refused to take off her mouth piece. She kept her hidden blade at the ready though and listens to him speak, his words sounded foul to her. He took a disgusting sip of the stale ale and she watches his every movement. Then he proceeded to insult her and questioning her of her motives. How dare he? She was filling up with rage but the only thing that gave her emotions away was a slight tap of her fingers on the bar counter. She lets him hang in silence, wanting to choose her words carefully. It almost sounded like he was threatening her. "It's purpose is to keep me alive," her voice was no longer soft, there was a sharp edge to it. She was irritated and wanted him to know that. She wouldn't mention her family, it could be used against her, and she would never let anyone find a weakness to use against her.

This man came up to her, questioning her morals and purpose in life, so what did he want from her? Obviously not to chit chat. She didn't have to impress him, if anything, she should be impressed by him. So far he was doing a poor job of winning her over. He did know about her, even slightly, if he was to jump to conclusions about her being a murderer. "I'm not a murderer nor am I a thief. Either of those things would make me a criminal, but that is not who I am," Nerrezza realizes that she still hasn't answered his question of her purpose, but she wasn't going to do so. "You don't know me and you don't have a right to know me," she says bluntly and turns her head away from him. Nerrezza was making it clear that she did not wish to talk to him as well as she was not going to answer his question. She planned on not speaking to him again, feeling rather insulted by him. But she had every right not to answer his question. She didn't trust him and she wasn't just going to pour out her heart and secrets to a stranger. This man had obviously scared away the bartender and she gently pushes away her water. She didn't want the water anymore nor anything to eat. Perhaps it was best to simply go to sleep in her room. NUSKI NUSKI
Estella Rothstone


Location: Tavern, Siegmore.
Time: Morning.
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz

Estella tried to get out of the obligation of needing to go drink with them for her help. She didn’t feel like doing so as she knew they would end up dead drunk and that she would need to get their wives to take them back home. It was a hassle to go through that, especially since it’d been more than three times already in just a month. Estella never got drunk enough to actually wobble, tipsy would be the right choice. She sighed deeply as they didn’t seem to listen to her words and kept begging her to go drink some beer.

But then as if someone knew that he had to come to the rescue, touched her elbow. Grabbing her attention as well as the three others with her. When he asked for a word, she nodded silently, tilting her head to the side to make it visible that she was talking to the elderly. ”I think it’s for next time, gentlemen.” She said in a soft voice, making them grumble and telling her that they would go drink another time. Rolling her eyes which wasn’t visible as she was wearing a blindfold in front of her to prevent from getting even more damage to them. The darkness was more relaxing than when actual sunlight would shine upon them. They would feel irritated for some reason.

The chef from the tavern took the boxes of fish towards the back while guiding the three to an empty table where they could drink as much as they pleased. Estella wasn’t too fond of the smell that hung around there but she liked the food and the company so she could bear with it for a while. But now that another man started talking to her, she was a bit interested in why he would even try to speak to her since she was a recognizable face inside the kingdom.

”You can. What did you want to talk about?” She asked cautiously. The voice of the man was deep, it also sounded a bit to the raspy side which made it feel like he was already to the older side. Not as old as the three before. The touch on her elbow made her feel his fingertips which weren’t polished like those that lived in the richer parts of the kingdom. Feeling the cuts and creases in them by mere touch.

"Don't worry I don't start trouble unless I'm paid to, and right now I'm off the clock." He said as he put away his flask and followed the hooded guy with a bit of caution. He stayed close enough to watch for anything suspicious but far enough away to be able to make a quick escape. "So if you don't mind me asking, what is it you do?" Jack asked with a curious glance. "I mean for one thing to be walking around this part town with a bag of coin, you either have to be someone really stupid or really dangerous. I'd bet on the second." He was curious about this man, he gave an off vibe and he wanted to know why. "The other thing what's with my pretty new orange halo? It's not my color, clashes with the red."

"Whats that smell?" He asked as he sniffed at the cloud. "Thats the best I've smelled in fifteen years. Kinda fruity though, you ain't tryin to pretty me up are ya. I don't go that way.....you looking to hire someone?" Jack shook his head and swatted at the cloud of orange smoke. Scratched his head and pulled out of his hair a squishy pink blob of flesh. "Don't go with the new do either. Say does this stuff kill vermin, cause I could use a delousing. Been on the road a while."
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
Second in Command to the Black Lotus
"You can pretend you're upset all you want I will not leave. You said it keeps you alive, hm? You see, when I think of purpose I see helping someone other than yourself. I find it smart how you didn't say family. Or maybe you don't even do this for your family. I apologize if I came off as rude but I want you to realize there is more out there for you. You could be somebody, help people, be a real part of history" Bronn said as he now faced the woman even though her back wad turned. It was actually cute how she thought that he was going to leave her alone. He would drag her back to the library if he had to. He wouldn't mind having to fight alongside this one but he had to get her on his side first. "How about we restart, hm? My name is Bronn. I already know your name. Nerrezza right? I noticed you took water instead of alcohol. Is this because you don't trust me or you just don't drink?" Bronn waved his hand towards the bartender and ordered another mug of ale and looked at his reflection in the cup before taking a small sip from it.

"You really should try this. It's damn good."

Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear
Nerrezza Minerva DaricusLocation: Random bar/inn in Milltown
Current outfit; disregard weapons​
Relentless. That is what this guy was and she didn't admire it all. She found it to be annoying and pushy. When she really wanted something, she would stop at nothing to get it, but she would never admit to herself that she was annoying and pushy. Everyone else was fair game though. When the bartender came over at Bronn's request, she glared at the man. Traitor. She thought to herself but she wasn't going to complain out loud, she didn't want to be seen as whining. So she listened to this guy talk though now it was really tempting for her to go back into her room. Nerrezza knew she could simply walk away, but would that really solve the problem? She had feeling that Bronn would quite possibly follow her to her room and talk through the door until she headed out. Oh boy, was this already a nightmare and a headache. Nerrezza frowns, but of course no one could see it, since her mouth piece covered it. She slowly turns back towards the man, waiting for him to finish talking.

She glares down at the ale, it was disgusting. She wasn't sure what this guy wanted or even expected out from her. "You know my name and possibly a bit of my reputation. Just tell me what you want and get on with it," her words were short and sharp. Talking was a waste of time and she still felt rather insulted by him. He had picked up that she was irritated but didn't seem intimidated by her, so that was one thing to cross off. She now spoke in a very emotionless voice. She wouldn't budge at this guy's demands, she was one of very words, and would keep it that way. Nerrezza only talked if she needed to talk, that is, trying to charm someone. She doubt she could charm him away, but when she was trying to charm someone, even that didn't require a lot of talking. It was all body language for that. She was glad he knew her name at least, pleasantries bored her and she found it unnecessary.

Nerrezza made no corrections to his speech or assumptions. She would not tell him about her family nor tell him that she had morals and a purpose. She didn't mercilessly kill others, sure she asked for a price, but no matter how high the price, she only did it if she felt like the person deserved it. She made sure to get both sides of the story before making a final decision. Though she was an assassin, she thought of herself more to be a vigilante, working for the small people that had no voice. The money she stole or conned away, though some she kept for herself to survive, often times she would give it to her family or other poor families. Often time she would give to the beggars. A lot of times she stole from the rich and gave to the poor. But Nerrezza would tell this man none of this, he had false conclusions about her and Nerrezza wasn't going to correct a man that was closed-minded. "If our agendas match, I'll come along with you or whatever you need me to do. Only after you tell me what you seek from me, then I will either disagree or agree," she says after a long silence to Bronn. It was the most he was going to get out of her for the moment. NUSKI NUSKI
Master Xor Black


Location: Tavern, Siegmore

Time: Morning

Interactions: Clouds Clouds

Master Black waited for the men who were with the princess to leave before speaking. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to speak somewhere in private." He then gently took her hand into his and led her towards the back of the tavern, which wasn't as crowded as the front.

He sat down at a small table, but not before pulling out a chair for the princess. "Please, sit, my dear. I would like to talk to you about the growing tensions in your kingdom." He claspsed his hands together. "I am sure you have noticed."

He had a feeling he would have to gain her trust first to get anything out of her, and that would prove to be no easy task. Perhaps he could play on the turmoils of the city, making her feel sorry and defect to the rebellion.

"Your father is not doing much to quell the growing revoltution." He learned his closer to her, lowering his voice. "No offense, but I do not believe he is doing what is best for his people."

He was trying to instill worry in her mind. His silvertongue came in handy at times like this; his words could plant a seed in someone's mind. A seed that would later blossom into doubt, which in turn would cause her to lose trust in her father.

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Estella Rothstone


Location: Tavern, Siegmore.
Time: Morning.
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz

When he wanted to go somewhere more private, she put her guard up as she didn’t know what he meant by that. One hand placed on a dagger just in case she wouldn’t get surprise attacked. Slowly moving behind the man who was holding her hand. His grip was firm, manly. Almost the complete opposite than those governors. It felt like they didn’t go far, just the other side of the building that she was standing at. Lucky. The smell of booze was stronger here but not to the point that it would sting her nose.

Once the male pulled out a chair for her, she touched the wooden furniture with her hand before sitting down. It would’ve been embarrassing if she sat next to it and fell on the ground. Once seated, she adjusted herself a little, placing one hand on the table in front of her while the other was laying on her thigh. She wasn’t too comfortable to be alone with a stranger but she didn’t feel any bad intentions from him. For now. It made her slightly less stressed and that way she could focus on what the man had to say to her.

As he started talking about her father, she raised an eyebrow as she didn’t expect anyone to talk to her about that subject. She knew that they were thinking about him as lazy and merciless but she didn’t think they would say it in her face. She knew that much already so she just listened unimpressed to the words that came out of his mouth. Her lips forming a thin line as she didn’t think much about what he was saying to her. Her fingertips tapped against the wooden table as the other ended his small talk about the kingdom. The tapping stopped after a few seconds.

”Hmmm… Perhaps you don’t know much about me but what you’re saying is nothing new for me. His actions aren’t what they’re supposed to be and if he would just take a better look at the common people instead of the rich he would’ve been able to manage the kingdom to a higher level. That’s why I’m trying to help out the people who need help the most.” She responded to him in a monotonous voice.

Leaning back into the chair, she put both her hands in her lap, intertwining her fingers as she tried to face into the correct direction towards the man. ”What’s your business with the King? Why do you tell me this instead of his majesty himself? Well, I doubt that he would listen to the wishes of just a sole person.” She groaned as she thought about it, ruffling through her hair, making it slightly messy.

Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz

Time of Day: Morning

Location: The Royal Palace, Bedchambers

Queen Dhalia Rothstone The moment Estelle’s name came up, Dhalia’s sweet smile would fade and a pained expression would appear on her face. ”Ah…Estelle.” she would lift the cloak from her husband’s hands, folding it gingerly as she searches for a way to discuss their daughter. ”She has…been distant towards us both. ” with a soft sigh Dhalia would continue, ”On the rare instances we cross paths, there are no words between us…” she seemed to tear up slightly. The thought of losing her eldest daughter was too much for her to bear…No, they already lost her. ”She has been leaving the palace lately, despite my pleads. I worry for her especially after her…accident.” she would take a deep shaky breath and force a smile. ”The boys are fine…Katobi has grown into a fine young man and little Vincenzo is so conscious of his mother’s feelings but I fear I may be holding him back.” she would shake her head and clear her throat. What started as a discussion about Estelle turned into concern over all their children.

”Forgive me my love.” she would say after a moment of composing herself, she had almost forgotten about his sincere apology for being away for so long. ”All that matters is that you are here now…and safe from harm.” Her lips would lightly brush against his before a warm smile crosses her lips. “I missed you dearly...”
Bronn laughed again even though nothing even slightly humorous was said. He didn't know anything of Nerrezza's reputation but she did have quite an attitude. As if he would spill the secrets of the rebellion in the bar where anyone could be listening. He was hoping to find her in the streets so he could pull her away somewhere more isolated but he had a better idea. A much better idea. Bronn slowly finished the rest of his drink before saying anything, knowing it would aggravate the woman even more. He slammed the mug back on the counter which made everyone in the tavern look at him with dagger-like eyes. He snorted and waved his hand in the air suggesting that he didn't mind. Bronn hiccuppedal and whispered to words to himself. Griffin Awaken. He had heard about this special ability from Ordius but he obviously knew it wouldn't work but if the blind boy heard it he would be aware that someone was trying to use it and hopefully he would come.


Griffin's sat up almost immediately as if the library was on fire. His head swiveled around aggressively even though he couldn't see. He wrinkled his nose and turned his head towards Rose if she was even listening. "I believe someone needs me. I'll be back" Griffin said in his usual dull voice. He disappeared within seconds a small pop sound was heard. Griffin reappeared only seconds later cross legged on the tavern counter, placing himself between Nerrezza and Bronn. "Why did you do that?" Griffin asked curiously, tilting his head sideways. He never liked taverns, they always smelled so strong and they were usually loud. He saw drinking as a cheap way to get out but now seeing that it was Bronn who called him made a lot more sense. He lifted his hand from the counter in disgust realizing his finger touched something sticky.

"Bring us somewhere high" Bronn said quickly. He didn't want to let Nerrezza have an opportunity to back away. Griffin grabbed both of their hands and just like that all three of them disappeared and reappeared on a mountain top. It clearly wasn't anywhere near the city as the landscape before them was just plains. They sat on a wooden bench with burnt logs in front. The logs were still warm so whoever was up there didn't leave to long ago. Bronn smiled and laughed waiting for Nerrezza to respond as Griffin sighed with boredom and laid flat on his back, ignoring the dirt that was sticking to his clothes.

Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear
Master Xor Black

Location: Tavern, Siegmore

Time: Morning

Interactions: Clouds Clouds

Master Black could tell that the princess was wary of him. That's was to be expected, though. He wouldn't have trusted himself immediately either. He knew very well he was a conniving man with ulterior motives who usually worked to better himself. However, lately he had been doing what was best for the Order and the people of Torinth.

He watched Estelle, observing her movements. She was careful and cautious, making sure she was safe in her seat. He felt for her; being blind, especially in this city, was tough. That fact that she was a royal didn't help either. She didn't have any guards with her, which only opened the opportunity for disgruntled civilians to attack her for the actions of their king.

Ordius made sure to keep an eye out for anyone watching them. After he was satisfied that no one was, he snapped his fingers. An illusion bubble had formed around them, shrouding them from the rest of the customers in the tavern. They couldn't be heard either. It was perfect for hosting a secret conversation.

He noted her bored tone. It was almost diplomatic, which wasn't surprising. That's usually what happened when you grew up in the royal palace. He knew that first hand. The man commended her willpower to help those her father neglected, leading him to believe that she was different from the rest of her posh family.

"Your father and I have history, my dear," Ordius replied. "But allow me to get to the point of this talk. You have heard of the Order of the Black Lotus, yes? Tell me, what do you think of them?"

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Nerrezza Minerva DaricusLocation: Random bar/inn in Milltown
Current outfit; disregard weapons​
Bronn simply laughed at her request and she had enough of this. Nerrezza gets up and pushes in her bar stool. She was going to her room to sleep and leave this man. He was acting ridiculous and extremely loud, he wasted a lot of her energy. Suddenly, there was someone else next to them as well. She didn't care who this other person was nor what they wanted. She was getting out of here and hoping that she would finally be left alone. However, she got no chance as he grabbed her. He touched her and she absolutely felt repulsed by him. Nerrezza was slightly disorientated as she was teleported out of the inn and to somewhere she has never been before. Now she was infuriated and she snaps her hand back, recoiling as if Bronn had burned her. With two quick movements, she had both of her short-swords pointed at Bronn for his actions. She minded the other no attention. She rendered him unimportant and was obviously blind. The threat here was Bronn.

"Are you a child that thinks this is nothing but a game?"
She hisses out the words, her voice was like ice spitting onto the ground. She wasn't sure if she would call it bravery or stupidity, either way, she was not impressed by the outcome. When there was no real reaction besides his irritating laughter, she slowly sheaths her swords back behind her back. There was a small rattling sound and she could feel Erebus vibrating. "Calm," she speaks telepathically to Erebus, who stops shaking. He was still hidden behind her hair and her hood. Nerrezza had no intention of giving away Erebus. Bronn did not actually seem like someone who could hurt her, he was nothing more than just a pest. Nerrezza looks around the forest, trying to see if she recognized anything. She looks up at the sky, that would be her best key. She had no idea how to get back but she wasn't going to ask them. She quickly turns on her heel and begins walking away from the two men, no longer caring for whatever Bronn had to say. NUSKI NUSKI
King Allasiter Rothstone

Location: Royal Palace, Torinthia

Time: Morning

Interactions: Malice Queen Malice Queen SRUNewman SRUNewman RoninN7 RoninN7

Allaister sighed as his queen revealed that Estelle had been avoiding her as well. They were losing their daughter and couldn't do anything about it. Dhalia then began speaking about their two sons, Katobi and Vincenzo. He had recently sent his eldest son to retrieve Johnathon, who should have been arriving soon. The king hadn't seen much to Vincenzo recently, as he had been too busy with other affairs. He hoped his sons weren't feeling neglected.

He could feel the pain in his wife's voice, which only brought more turmoil to his aging heart. Dhalia's soft lips brushed against his own. He returned the gesture, his spirits lifting a bit. "I missed you too, my love."

As he placed his strong hands on her slender waist, a knock sounded on the door. Allaister growled and glared at it. "What?!"

"S-Sir, your son's champion has arrived," the muffled voice of a servant said from behind the door. "Mr. Sandford is also here."

"And what of the other two warriors? Kojo and Markis?"

"They haven't arrived yet, my lord."

The king sighed and arose from his bed. He didn't want to go. This was the first time in days that he had time to sit and talk with his wife, and it had already been cut short. With another sigh, he planted one more tender kiss on his wife's lips, apologized for leaving her yet again, and exited the room to greet his new guests.

As he trekked through the expansive corridors of the royal palace, he wondered if the warriors he had called upon were up for the task he had configured for them. If they succeeded, the rebellion may collapse upon itself and rid Allaister of one of the many problems he faced.

Minutes later, he arrived in the room where Doran and Johnathan, plus Morgan. Johanthan's squire, were waiting. They looked the part; strong and noble, like proper warriors. Katobi was with them as well and Allaister nodded curtly at the boy. "Greetings, gentlemen. Welcome to the palace."

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Feelings: Thrilled

Site: Royal Palace - Front Door

Tags: King Allasiter Rothstone - DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz
Johnathan Ohmar - RoninN7 RoninN7
Doran Sandford - SRUNewman SRUNewman


After the transaction, Katobi had brought himself out in the corridor and settled on the window seal and sat down. With the natural speed of the royal post service he imagined it would only take at max, seven minutes to deliver that message. So he once again introduced himself to the concept of patience until he was notified once more.

He looked through the glass and up to the morning clouds and doves soaring high above. With the sun's radiance gleaming through the white puffs it presented to Tobi, a beautiful tint. He focused more to capture a mental image of the aves flying around. He memorized every detail he could spot, from it's beak size down to it's feather texture.

"I know, I should paint that when I get the chance to." He proposed enthusiastically.

There might not be another chance to get a view like that for a long time so he traced the sight as a mental photo before continuing to admire the art of nature for a while longer.

Not soon after the sound of heavy metal clanking against itself railed through the air from behind. Tobi quickly shifted his gaze towards the downward side of the hall where one of the chamber guards came rushing. Had the note been answered so hastily? I must have been true. He stood up and addressed the guard after waving his hand.

"Good Morning, Sir Caliban." Katobi spoke.

"Good Morning, Your Highness." The guard began. "We have an arrival at your request awaiting you near the front door."

Katobi began to step forward with the guard following behind him soon after. "He had answered our call at a record time, i'm even more impressed with his capabilities. The rebellion is sure to fall with him on the Republic's side." Tobi commented; later hearing response of complete agreement from Caliban.

Once they arrived near the front Tobi noticed his father was already present and on time here, where Johnathan and two new comers stood waiting for their arrival.

"Greetings, gentlemen. Welcome to the palace." His father spoke, in a strong confident tone.

"It's good to see at least half of the members made it here safely." Katobi called after as he made his way next to his father, who made him appear even more intimidating while this close.

"Good Morning Father."
He whispered aside, his voice only slightly shaky.

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Black Lotus​
Vitali Snipe

Location:Forbidden Library, Siegmore
Mention: NUSKI NUSKI L ladyaliciaaa DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz SRUNewman SRUNewman
Interaction: NUSKI NUSKI L ladyaliciaaa
Ordius had given each member a task Vitalis didn't mind having to take care of Griffin it's having to do it with rose. Vitalis could tell the female did not enjoy their company especially Griffin...at some point he couldn't blame her. Helping Griffin into the other room Vitali sat next to him placing a blanket on his legs. Griffin is disabled he doesn't have the ability to walk his legs don't move too often thus making them cold as ice. Despite it not helping Vitali has been stuck with taking care of Griffin (along with rose) thus it became a habit of placing a blanket on Griffin's legs.

Vitali found it hard to sleep at night he would stay hours awake reading books. It was an obvious problem that most of the members didn't like. Who could blame them, Vitali would sit in the library and just stare at a wall until sunrise. And when he does sleep it's in the weirdest of places. Vitali had been quietly reading a book ignoring the commotion around him. He usually gets bored easily and ends up grabbing a book to read, it's sad to say that Vital has read each book in Ordius's library 9 times memorizing them word for word.

Feeling a pair of eyes on him Vitali looked up to meet Roses gaze, the female clearly looked like watching a plant grow was more entertaining than the state she was in now. Rose attempts to try to hype up the situation failing miserably. Vitali scoffed, at that moment Miz came in standing there like an idiot for a while, at least she wasn't talking. Vitali hated when she talked he thought her voice was squeaky, maybe it was just him. Miz approached Griffin asking him unneeded questions, questions that Vitali didn't want to hear the answer to. Closing the book he got up intending to put the book back where he had found it but turning to Thorns before proceeding, "Thorns this is a library, not a circus. The ladders purpose isn't to entertain you. Also be considerate of others and don't raise your voice. We were assigned to take care of Griffin not to entertain Rose." his voice was stern yet quiet with that he turned to a nearby shelf placing the red book back in its place. At times it felt like it was Rose he was assigned to take care of.

Vitali despaired from the scene to pour a cup of water once he returned he walked over to Griffin, opening the disabled boys hand Vitali placed the wooden cup in his hands. As a human being one would pity Griffin but that wasn't the case for Vitali he looked at him like any other person. He was strong for a disabled blind kid but there was the fact that he didn't do anything, mostly because it is rare to see him being called.
code by pasta
Sorry for the delay

Location: Forbidden Library, Siegmore

Time: 8:00 am

NUSKI NUSKI m u s e m u s e

Sticking her tongue at Vitalus’ response. Rose whispered insults under her breathe, only for them to be snatched by the wind. Eventually, she slipped down the rungs and plopped herself down on the velvety ground. She had begun to feel slightly dizzy from all that swinging around. Grumbling to herself, the healer almost wishing someone would get injured just so she would be put to use. The girl had to be careful when treating her patients in case the royal guards discovered whose side she was on. That was why Rose opted for elaborate masks and dramatic disguises, it made her feel pretty even underneath all the artificiality.

Most of the members of The Order already knew her by her true name but the healer would always insist on using an alias. Names are dangerous things. Once the guards find out who’s who, there’s no doubt they’ll track your family down first. Rose was convinced everyone else had already discovered Master Black’s
birth-name aside from herself.

Jeez..I’m always the last one they tell about these sort of things.

Exasperatedly, the moody youth took to counting the glass stars on the colourful paned window to the west side of the library. “...twenty...thirty-one…- Or was it thirty-two?” The skinny youth waved the numbers away childishly and began to entertain herself again by braiding her lengthy hair into two sections. It took fifteen minutes without having to start over because of tricky knots.
She shuffled bare-foot over to where Vitalus stood, stoic as ever and where Griffin was seated with his head in the clouds. The girl dramatically twirled around in her large cloak and opened her mouth to boast before she was abruptly cut-off by the Griffin; Who startled from his reclined position and then vanished into thin air.

The girl stood in stunned silence for a moment.
“Huh? Cool. Something fun must be happening and even the blind one gets to join,” She blinked owlishly before spinning on her heel and sitting down where Griffin was a few moments ago. Thorns fiddled with the ends of her hair in thought as silence settled in the grand library. She sat up again. “Do you know how many stars they put on the window, Vitalus?” Rose inquired with a slender finger pointed at the arched stained glass. “You know everything don’t you?”

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Ryuu Okobani.png
Ryuu hissed. "I warned you to choose your words carefully did i not? I don't care about payment and i do not care about what you want if you're only giving an invitation. In truth, i should torch you now yet in doing so i could cause a commotion around me and would deal with your master directly in possible retaliation. Someone leading a rebellion like he is knows what to do in some degree if he can keep himself secret for this long and still do as he has. I think before i act unlike you it seems though, i can always be wrong."

The man snorted light gray smoke, displeased at best. "If you both really know me like it seems you claim then this master of yours, Xor Black, should have came to me himself. I don't take lightly to he said she said information. Now listen well Miss." Ryuu glared at the lady with quite the piercing gaze. "Tell Sir Xor Black i'm not pleased with some woman stopping me dead in the street when i have my own agenda. Be happy i chose to listen and am taking your word on how you are a member." He paused exhaling more smoke from his nostrils.
"If you couldn't give me the information one should ask when confronted with weighty claims and possible falsities, then why even waste both of our times on this silly endevour? Time that we could use to do something that can be used to actually do something that benefits us both! I am not seeking the man out when it is he who wants me. Understand that? You'd do well to do so."

With the final words Ryuu politely said goodbye and pushed her away, the girl noiselessly popping into a flock of birds. Weather she re-materialized, he didn't know or care to know as he had already ended that conversation. Walking away calmly as he had been walking prior, he thought and discarded the idea of heading to the royal palace to read some books. For now he'd head to a bar closer to the palace to see if he could get information from a drunk worker or guard. The odds of this event were slim but he hadn't a thing to do that required immediate attention until dusk came. But he hated wasting time so while he was in the bar listening for palace information he'd also spend his time listening for rebellion intel and observe people to see if any spoke cryptically to pass messages to one another.

theunderwolf theunderwolf


Location: Milltown | Streets of a Nearby Inn
Interactions: fuil fuil
Time: Morning

"You ask too many questions." Was Baãl's only response to the string of noise thrown his way. "Some of which demand more than that I wish to share." He informed, slowing his pace now so that his left side now faced the man accompanying him.

It'd be foolish to allow such a distance between them without taking precautions. He didn't know if this merc had throwing knives, daggers, or hidden blades, and he didn't want to find out. It was best to keep him in his sights. Even if the sensory dust could tell him where redhead was, it did not tell him what redhead did.

With a flick of his wrist charred remains flew out the bowl and was discarded among the other rubbish of the ground.

Sliding a hand into a pocket he retrieved a ball of cinnamon spice and grounded beans into the bowl then with a crimson crystal withdrawn from his pocket he tapped the inner chamber, lighting his pipe anew.

"I am an alchemist" he informed, casually discarding the remains of the faded crimson crystal that crumbled in his hand to the ground, somewhere in the way of his new travelling 'friend'. "That is all you need to know. And do tell, what is it you do for hire?" The hint of sarcasm in his voice wasn't hard to miss. But it was clear the young man had no intention of answering all those other questions.

Up ahead the inn was near, after some rest Baãl decided to head north. He'd heard rumor of commotion stirring in Siegmore, and curiosity tickled him to check.

Interactions: KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor

Time of Day: Morning

Location: The Royal Palace, Meeting Room

Queen Dhalia Rothstone An amused chuckle would come from the queen, their one private moment interrupted by the call of duty. Her hand would be softly placed upon her husband’s stomach just before he sits up. ”No rest for the weary, my love.” she would rise from the bed as well, her hands retrieving the cloak her husband wore. The queen would unfold it and then move behind him, placing the cloak on his shoulders and smoothing it out before circling in front of him. He would kiss her and utter a mumbled annoyed apology, a warm smile and a light laugh in reply.

Once Allaister left, Dhalia would let out a small sigh. Alone again, but not entirely. She was relieved and pleased that Katobi was associated with his father once more, perhaps their bond would flourish during the kingdom’s dark times. Dhalia would exit the bed chamber, the clacking of her heels on the shiny tiles echoing through the white halls. While her husband had actions to plan, Dhalia had her own schedule to adhere to. She had summoned Ebeneezer Dunstan to the palace to discuss the status of his land. The doors would open, the grand doors creaking and groaning as they did. This was just one of the many meeting rooms in the castle.

She informed a servant to lead the governor in once he arrived, she was anxious about this talk as it involved the severe taxations he was imposing on his people. She did not agree with this course of action and it didn’t seem to be helping the situation at all.
Interactions: Anyone in the Palace
Time: Morning
Location: Palace, His bedroom/Halls​

Vincenzo Lucca Rothstone The youngest Prince opened his eyes. It was morning, and he had slept like a log. He stretched his arms wide above his head, his downy comforter stretched over his body, soft against his exposed skin. It was a great morning so far, until his hip popped, he groaned rolling on to his side. "Ugh..." He sat up, his blonde hair a mess, Vincenzo slid out of his bed, his feet touching the cold floor. He missed the feeling of his long hair, he would have braided it by now.

Standing, he looked over himself in the mirror near his bedside. He was small and thin, especially for a male in his family. His white tunic was big on him, it fell to his hips, the neck hole hung loose on his body, as well as the arms, big and baggy. His eyes drifted to the ugly scar that ran from below his kneecap and disappeared under his shorts. Running a hand through his hair to make it somewhat presentable, he walked away from the mirror.

Stripping his tunic he dressed in a nicer dress shirt, and a pair of dark pants. He strapped on his leg and hip guard, looping the belt around his thigh and waist. "Mn, That feels better" He said to no one in particular. Exiting his room, he was greeted with a mostly empty hallway, save for the few servants that ran from end to end. He closed his door behind him and walked down the hall moving aimlessly towards the meeting rooms.

"Listen I tried to be nice in askin what the hell the smoke was. Now it'd be in your best interest to tell me what I want to know. I need to know now." He said as he stood in the strangers path at a distance. "For all I know you poisoned me and as for what I do, all you need to know is I'm for hire. I take coin and booze as payment, and the occasional shiny trinket." He had his hand on the shaft of his morningstar and his eyebrow raised. "Are we gonna play nice or does this old dog have to teach you some new tricks?" He said with a dangerous smile that creeped onto his lips. "All I want to know is what the smoke was, so why don't you amuse me." Jack didn't want to hurt the scrawny guy, but he felt he dangerous to take a chance that the smoke wouldn't have adverse effects, so he knew if he had to whip his ass.
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
Doran looks at Morgan when the man asked about both of them. "This is my squire. He goes where I go. He's a decent fighter but he still has a lot to learn." Morgan frowns at the comment. "Like he said I'm the squire. Only Sand was called but that also means I'm summoned as well." Doran looks to the man now. "So whats your name. You can call me Doran if you like... or Sand, I get that name a lot too." Before he could get an answer from the man the King arrived along with his son slowly after. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence, your Grace. It has been awhile since we last met." He bows to the king and motions Morgan to bow as well. "This is my squire Morgan, He's a bit new but he's a quick learner." He motions for Morgan to bow which he does. Doran looks to the prince. "It is my honor to meet you, my prince. I hope to have conversations on the future of our endeavors against the rebellion."
DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz
Chiba Chiba
RoninN7 RoninN7

Miz was shocked when Griffin just disappears. She didn't really know what to do. She wasn't too fond of Vitali and didn't really know much of Rose but she decides to go off and roam the streets a bit. She leaves the library and walks around town. After a bit of walking, she notices a lot of poor folk and beggars. This is why she joined the Black Lotus, the poor folk who had no-one to help them. That's what she wanted to do, help them. After she roamed more she noticed a group of five guards bullying two women and it looked like it was going to turn bad. She walks up to them and puts herself between the guards and the women. "How about we stop now before we do something we'll regret in the future." One of the guards smirk. "Look girly how about you turn around and walk away. or you'll end up like what is about to happen to these girls" He shoves her hard enough to push her back but she spins around and puts her foot on the wall of a building and flips over the guard. She lands behind him. "See that was what I meant be regret it later."

She grabs he Bo-Staff and puts it between his legs she pushes his legs farther apart in a quick movement to mess up his balance. She then pushes him into another guard and they both fall over. She then umps and flips closer to one of the other guards and uses the momentum to hit him in the face with the staff it was hard enough to knock him out. "One." She does a split dropping to the floor and immediately cracks a guard in the crotch It was hard enough it may have broken something. He soon falls over. "Two." She gets up spins her staff but it is caught by a guard. "That's enough girly." He tries to pull it from her but she pulls back. She keeps pulling making sure he doesn't take it from her. Then she just let's go, with all the force he was putting into grabbing the staff his lost his balance and started to fall backward. Miz took advantage of this and lunged at him and jumped up and kick him in the face knocking him out. "Three." By now the two guards finally got up. Miz didn't have the staff so she grabs her swords and runs at the slashing at their necks killing them quickly. "Four. Five." The women thanked her but still seemed scared of her at the same time.

She walked away still wanting to roam as she walks away she realizes she forgot her staff. she walks back a bit embarrassed. "Oops forgot this."

(OOC: Orange is for all other NPC other than Morgan.)
Ser Kojo Aduku

A formation of young warriors filled one of Kariths many training fields. They were loud, the striking of swords upon shields and the disturbance of gravel filled the ears of many. It was perfect sound accompanied by a good sight and as a camp prefect, one he had come to see very often. Kojo, stood before the cadre in a simple tunic, eyed the men closely. As there group fight came to a close the older warrior stepped forward and with a nod signalled for them to run their drill once again. "Pulo, widen your feet." using a vine staff, he made small corrections to the man, nodding to himself as the young aspirate adjusted "A stance, without proper grounding, is a weak one." Aduku stated, being met by a chorus of younger voices. "Good, again!"

"Ser Kojo!" he twisted his entire body in the direction of the voice, by the sound of it he assumed it was the camp principal. Aduku's guess was correct but why was he flanked by two others, the man at his left he knew however the on at his right he'd never seen. Soon the space between them had been eaten partly due to him moving to meet. The two clasped forearms "Principal?", both men let there hands fall to their sides. "The King summons you to Torinth.", The King? It wasn't a regular occurrence for him, to be personally summoned. He felt his brows raise however lowered them soon after, he took a moment to look over the practicing formation before returning his gaze to his superior "And what of the men, sir?" he had spent a long time with these men, from their first days as trainees and was quite reluctant to merely leave them "Ser Corbin will in your stead" with that said he nodded just before the messenger spoke up, informing him of where they would be waiting.

As the camp principal and King's messenger departed the drill square Aduku turned to the one man who had remained, they stepped towards each other and clasped forearms before masculinely embracing one another "Haha, it's been while my friend." he couldn't help but agree "It's unfortunate that these are the only times we meet. Tell me, how is it, being stationed in the prestigious palace?" the amusement was clear in his voice, There's no way a man like Corbin cou- his thoughts were cut short "I swear, if I have to stare at golden walls and old funny looking tapestries any longer? I'll fling myself from the battlements and save these rebellious sons of whores the trouble!" this got a laugh from both men before they calmed down a few moments later "Ahh, it was good to see you friend, but, the King awaits." with that said, they gave their goodbyes. Aduku retired to his quarters to adorn his armour and with the help of another person soon became a man of metal.

Ah, there they are. Just as he had been told, the messenger sat with a mounted escort not a few tens of metres away from the entrance of the inner complex. Once Aduku took his place beside the man he spoke "Take us out." , to which he received a nod as a pair of riders, both wielding heraldic standards, led them out beneath the portcullis at a speedy gallop and without a word the quartet of guards, one after the other, systematically fell in at their rear as they passed. As they rode their way through the streets many small formations of marchinng troops made way. Hooves striking cobble, it was more than meaningless sounds, mixed with the smell of fresh air, the audible transitioning of hooves on cobbles to dirt and the sight of imperial colours. It was much more than just sound to Kojo and pride, that same pride that had swelled within him previously, made itself present once again. It reminded him of the old days he had come to truly long for.


The riders reached Torinthia with speed, their horses were strong and without additional weight on themselves. Powerfully making their way through the forests before coming to a trot upon their entrance of the the cities wall. Many youngsters flocked to windows or onto the street itself as they heard. Children and adults alike stopping to watch or dispersing from the streets centre as the riders advanced. Kojo's gaze went from left to right as he watched a group of children fight with sticks and basket lids as they mimicked footmen, it brought a tight lipped smile to his face.

The entourage rode their way to the palace and through the portcullises that stood before the entrance, they came to a halt with all but the bearers dismounting, a number of footmen coming to steady the horses. Kojo planted both feet down, his eyes drawn to the ornate details along the pillars, he admired their beauty briefly as he moved. The fact that mere men could create such great things had always escaped him. Each step the men made brought them closer to the steps. The simple action of raising his visor meant he was met with no opposition as he ascended, sentinels on duty opened up and allowed them entry.

Soon enough he reached the chamber where the others had been waiting. His escort swiftly departed and left him to his own devices. He removed his headdress and tucked it under arm as he entered the room, a scowl plastered onto his face. He clearly hadn't arrived as soon as he had hoped. Swiftly the knight straightened his posture, planting a closed fist against his chest plate as he bowed his head respectfully "My liege, I apologise for my lateness.", he acknowledged the presence of others with a simple nod though kept his attention on the monarch, he was here for the King first and foremost.
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