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Fantasy Order of the Black Lotus


Location: Milltown | Pathway To Siegmore
Interactions: fuil fuil
Time: Morning

Two hours had passed and in that time Baãl had slept, bathed, and changed. Of the two hours, he'd only slept one hour. Thoughts of what transpired outside Milltown's streets and what rumbled in Siegmore perturbed him and the awareness of the stranger he'd came upon, sleeping under the same roof did nothing to settle his restless mind.

Regardless, an hour's nap was better than nothing. And now Baãl stood outside, checking the security of Bucephalus' saddle and ensuring the steed had been taken good care of. He double checked the saddlebags, checked for any damage on the prized breed horse of the Victus house and after he was sure all was well he gave the servant the pouch of silver, almost uncaring as he did.

"Thank you for your services" Baãl informed. Turning his head back to the inn inside, Baãl waited to see if anything or rather anyone would come forward. He'd already paid for his time at the inn, so there was nothing left to do but wait and see if he'd get any unexpected surprise. After a few seconds of silence, Baãl shrugged. Picking up his new black poncho with silver lining he donned it before hoisting himself up the stallion's saddle and ensuring the bags he'd secured with various vials and potions were all well strapped and held.

After a minute of checking, Baãl clicked his tongue and with his heels he tapped Bucephalus' sides. "Let's go boy, we'll head to Siegmore. I'll have one of the Victus' household members situated there take care of you from there." The stallion whinnied and together, Baãl and the pure white steed slowly began to turn away from Harvey's Inn. Horseshoes clacking and clanking against the cobblestone ground.

Nerrezza Minerva DaricusLocation: Black Lotus Headquarters; Seigmore
Current outfit; disregard weapons​
She was honestly surprised when one of them came up to her to show her to 'her room.' She studies the woman who bowed to her but Nerrezza doesn't bow back. She could almost hear the woman's back cracking in half. Considering the way the rest of them have treated her, she was automatically suspicious of this woman. Her politeness seemed almost forceful and fake to Nerrezza. She had no idea why she would have a room set up however, it's not like she wasn't a member. Nerrezza didn't even know why she was asked to come here nor agreed to it. But this woman might not take her to this room if she said any of this, so she stayed quiet.​

Nerrezza didn't pay attention at all when the woman talked about Rose: why would she care? Nerrezza gave a small nod of her head when Phantasma told her about bringing her to her room. It took Nerrezza a moment before she realized that she should probably say something. "Much appreciated," she says smoothly, trying to be polite. Manners were never her strong suit, not even when she lived at home. Often times she wouldn't bother with them or simply forgot. But she wasn't some heathen, she knew when to be nice and when not to be nice. Nerrezza watches the face of the woman when she mentions about the plants and animals being nearby. She didn't like that, not wanting to be spied on. Of course, this was their home, and she was nothing but a stranger, but it didn't mean Nerrezza liked it. After all, the Black Order sent for her, not the other way around. She should be treated as a guest. Nerrezza was glad she at least had one animal on her side, Erebus, and anxiously waits for Phantasma to show her to her room. theunderwolf theunderwolf
Master Xor Black

Location: Tavern, Siegmore

Time: Morning

Interactions: NUSKI NUSKI Cosmosis Cosmosis

Master Black heard Griffin's voice from somewhere down the hall, near one of the rooms that held some of the more archaic books in the library. It was also one of the only rooms to have a lock on it, leading him to believe that Ryuu must have been locked in there. He didn't know too much about the Dragon Coin or Nerrezza, the assassin, but he did know that the man was a wild card. If anyone would need locking up, it would be him. Now, Ordius usually stayed away from people like Ryuu, as one action from them could cause his entire operation to crumble like a wet sand castle. But Ryuu was going to be needed for the attack on the soldiers from Karth that Ordius had planned. A little fire would go a long way during that mission.

Nerrezza would also prove to be a capable asset for them, possibly a better acquisition than Ryuu. As least she didn't seem to be a loose cannon.

Ordius followed the sound of Griffin's voice, wondering what he was talking about. He kept repeating ''intruder'', which he found quite odd as no one got into the library without him knowing. His rolled his eyes at Griffin. ''Could you not have gotten him yourself, child? You are more than capable than doing it.'' The older man then entered the room so see Ryuu burning books, the air inside cloudy with grey smoke.

His dark brows furrowed. ''Well, I assume you are Ryuu.'' He bowed curtly. ''Welcome to the Forbidden Library. Your services are required by the Order of the Black Lotus.'' He arched an eyebrow at the man. ''I trust there were no complications getting you here.'' He was sure he was wrong. Phantasma wasn't the most patient person, and he had a feeling brute force had been used to get Ryuu here. He could see a small bruise forming on the man's temple, where he must have fallen.

Tas..., Ordius grumbled in his head. I hope he holds no ill will towards me.

Ryuu saw the man calling his name. That witch was true to him, he had seemed to be called by The Black Lotus. The smoke was gathering making a haze form. Then when he saw no attack would be tossed his way, the fire immediately went out and the smoke went away through the hole in the roof. A doctor had come in and the noise had stopped. Three people were in the room, excluding him.

When it was mentioned if he had had any complications arriving he looked right at Ordius with a icy glare. "You are behind me appearing here? Your little servant left me alone, treated my like cargo and couldn't answer my base questions. Yet, i fault you not for how i was mistreated in part. Direct, clear cut orders should have been given to the lady." Ryuu cracked his neck and kept the heat bubble close.

"I assume you are the Xor Black i was told of. I am Ryuu Okobani. It's a pleasure to meet the leader of the rebel forces." A bow. Not of submission, but of respect to the man. "I hold one thing against you as of right now and i shall tell you what it is." A pause. "Why did you send someone to me who couldn't answer my questions yet claimed to know much about me? Also, if she is your most suited advisor, i pity you in part for choosing her. But, alas, the girl makes her own decisions as do you am i right?" A partial smile was given to the man as Ryuu sat down. "I apologize for the fire Sir Xor. It was precautionary if someone saw i was a mage and attacked me. I hope you understand."

The man crossed his legs as he sat down. "If you say i'm needed, speak the reason after proof is given on weather you really are the rebels i have heard tall tales about. If i see no gain or reason to my summon, i shall leave. If i see falsity in the claim you are the rebels, i will have you know, It is true what i do to liars who give a bad reason for lying directly to me. Do not worry about me saying who you are or where you are located if you are The Black Lotus. That's not my place. It's far from how i do my work. I am sorry to say you'll only be taking my word for this as of now however." The man said, giving a very slight motion for Xor to sit with him. If he was what he claims to be, he shouldn't be nervous of one man such as Ryuu when he knows not if any rumor spread is true or not. Hell. Ryuu wouldn't fault the man for asking questions that dispelled the rumors if he had any. The pyro knew he had a few of his own to ask but, business was business. That came first and information on the business came second.

(Sorry if it's bad. a 2500 word essay in the span of two and a half hours leaves you kinda disorganized and confused. Specially after you had a post ready, but then more posts came up before you could reply.)
eben banner.jpg
Interactions: Malice Queen Malice Queen

Time of Day: Morning

Location: The Royal Palace, Meeting Room

Ebeneezer was not liking what he heard, "Your Majesty....i will see what i can do to quell the peoples anger, i have my methods" he said slyly as a smile crept across his face, not one of honest joy, more one of devious intent. But he thought on her words about putting the money towards the people, and in a rare moment of honesty he said "And i do plan to put some of the money to the people of Seigmore" he gulped "I plan to commission an orphanage to be built" he said in an uncharacteristically genuine tone, he son was without a mother, he dreaded to know what it must be like to be without both parents.

He got up and gave a bow to the queen "It was my please, your Majesty" he lied through his teeth "I will give the order to establish the Dunstan Company, may good fortune befall us" he turned on his heel and began to leave. By the time he was outside and with his guards he was both excited and frightened, he wasn't showing it of course. He was excited to see what the results of his expeditions would be, but he was worried, he had clearly annoyed the Queen, she may not have been throwing rocks at his house, not yet at least, but he knew that she held more power than him. "Not forever" he said quietly to himself.
Master Xor Black

Location: Tavern, Siegmore

Time: Morning

Interactions: Cosmosis Cosmosis NUSKI NUSKI

Ryuu turned to Master Black and bowed out of respect. He arched an eyebrow at the man after he vaguely insulted Tas. A small frown formed on his lips. He's arrogant and rude. With a sigh, he began wondering if seeking out the Dragon Coin was a wise idea. There were plenty of other people in Torinth that he could have called upon for help with his attack on the republic. But none of them had the skillset that Ryuu possessed. He ran a hand over his face, sighing again. He decided he would put up with Ryuu for the time being and figure out how to get rid of him when the time came. He was a loose cannon and would eventually have to be disposed of.

He nodded at Ryuu after he apologized for the fire. ''Do not worry about it. The books in here a worthless anyways.'' He watched the man sit down on the floor. He then asked for ''proof'' of he and his comrades being the actual Black Lotus. Master Black immediately felt offended, his body tensing and his dark eyes narrowing at the man on the ground. How dare he.... His hand flinched, as he had half a mind to remove a knife from the folds of his cloak and launch it into Ryuu's neck. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, to calm himself. He put on a fake smile. ''I am not sure what proof I can give you, but I assure you, we are the real rebels that you have heard of. If you choose to assist me and my followers on this mission I have planned, you will see this first hand.''

Ryuu motioned for Ordius to sit with him but the older man declined. He had no intentions of being anywhere near the man, for multiple reasons. Instead, he opted to stand in the doorway of the room, his eyes fixated upon Ryuu. ''I mean you no disrespect by this, but if you are making threats towards me, I will deal with you accordingly. You may be powerful and have killed many, many weak men but you know nothing about me. I advise you to be more cautious about what you say and who you say it to.''

Master Black straightened up and turned around, preparing to head downstairs to the meeting room. ''Also, you would not be able to tell anyone where were are if you were to decline my offer anyway. I do not intend on allowing you out of here conscious if your decision ends up being not to help us.'' With a smile, he walked away, ordering Griffin to go and tell the others that he requested their presence downstairs.

After making his way into the shadowy meeting room, the faded paintings on the stone walls illuminated by dim candles. He sat down at the head of the long table in the center of the room, clasping his hands together as he waited for the rest of the Order to arrive.

(everyone in the library should probably make their way downstairs)
Ryuu Okobani.png
Ryuu knew better then to attack the man yet, Here he was, already ready to kill him. Narrowing eyes and a twitchy hand to boot. "You are already thinking to kill me Sir Xor. I do believe i have given no cause to your thoughts or near actions. If i have, Please tell me outright if you want." The man said, standing up slowly now. He wasn't going to give a reason either. Not yet. There wasn't a reason for it as it stood now and giving one was asking for a fight or trouble. He was outnumbered and he knew little of his opponents. Things he didn't like.

"I wouldn't recommend you say i know naught about you either if i have now met you in person. I know little about you, yes. But i do not know nothing about you and the same goes for you to me." A blank face was what you'd see if you saw the Ryuu's face. He wasn't feeling any emotion where he was currently so why give off a false one? "I say, you may want your own words put into action by yourself Sir. I ask that you don't give an order to me. Only suggestions as i will do the same for you. I don't work for you yet nor do i plan to do so unless i have a reason to follow any plans i hear." Subtle yet sly. Something needed with any person who could be against you or with you. He makes suggestions because if he gave an order, it would be like forcing someone to do something and to him, it was not needed at the moment.

When he was told if he declined, he wouldn't leave the building councious, Ryuu felt the fire want to rush out from him. Knowing better, the man only snorted black smoke. He knew it was a possible threat but weather it would happen was up to how he handled the situations that lay in shadow before him. As Xor walked away, Ryuu stayed put. He hadn't been offered to come down so he would assume he had no invitation to follow even though he was sure he should. "May i accompany you to where you are going Mister Grifiin?" Ryuu asked as the boy passed by him.

Those eyes. Lifeless. Griffin was blind. He may have been the one behind the noises made earlier. Which meant he possibly was the one who made those footprints so close to the bookshelf but upon seeing the kid couldn't walk, the man decided it was another who made them. Ryuu knew if he was in the order, he was strong but he hadn't a clue how strong which made him dangerous if provoked. "Also,
I hope i don't offend you by saying this as I mean no disrespect but you may want to go more to the left by five feet in horizontal length to avoid most of the clear glass and all of black ink on the floor. " Ryuu said as he stood where he was, awaiting an invite to join Xor and anyone else to wherever that were going.
NUSKI NUSKI DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz
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Jack was currently getting ready as he planned to leave for Sigmore, a place like that was sure to have some jobs for a merc. "People always want someone dead and they pay good coin for it too." He said as he finished pulling on his armor. He looked towards the almost empty bag of coins and the small bag of gems that was now missing a small ruby. "Glad they take gems here or I might of had to sleep with the horses." He picked up his morningstar and walked out the inn. He walked to an alleyway and whistled. There was a loud noise, that sounded something between a moo and a deer call, and a large raggedy yak came charging forward stopping just in front of Jack. "Hey there Arse, how've you been buddy?" He asked the large, old, smelly cow thing. Arse just snorted. "Grumpy as always I see.....now were going to be going somewhere so I need to ride, soooo don't throw me off this time or I'm going to have to headbutt you again and I don't feel like waiting for you to wake up." The yak snorted but let the small man clime on to his back, with the help of a small rope ladder attached to his saddle. "Oh and you need to stop drinking so much.......and that's coming from me." Jack said as Arse did his half assed jog thing down the road a little until he saw a figure that seemed familiar. "Well I 'll be dammed, if it isn't you." He cracked a large smile and said. "So I heard your going to Sigmore, well I think I might tag along. A place with that much trouble sound like a good place for someone in my line of work."
The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
Warriors of the Republic

Location: Just outside Siegmore

Tagging: RoninN7 RoninN7 ONI ONI @Chromquistador SRUNewman SRUNewman

Mentioned: The Regal Rper The Regal Rper fuil fuil

After being given instructions by King Rothstone, the four warriors who were called to the royal palace were led down to the stables by a couple of guards. They were loaded into a fairly large carriage with extra food, clothes, weapons, and other necessities stored inside for their short trip to Siegmore.

Before embarking on their journey, they realized they had no leads on where to find the Order of the Black Lotus. After the group arrived in Siegmore, they went around the city, asking various people about the Order, most of them ignoring the warrior's completely or giving them false information.

Eventually, they came across a merchant who sided with the Republic (though, he took a bit of bribing to crack down) who told them where they might find answers about the Republic. The merchant had recently seen an alchemist, traveling with a rather small man, who belonged to the house of Victus. The alchemist's name was Baal Tvaro, and he may possess information for them.

The group thanked the merchant and made their way towards an inn where Baal was currently residing.


Griffin frowned and his fingers stopped in midair. His whole body in fact froze in disappointment. It was disgraceful that not only that Rose told him to stop tapping but so did his savior, Master Black. I thought I was being helpful Griffin humbly thought to himself. Then again, he probably should have dealt with the situation himself if thought it was an intruder. Griffin was also disappointed that Rose was still not comfortable with him calling her that. As Ryuu spoke to him, Griffin pouted and stuck his tongue out towards Ryuu. "I am no child" he started, even though he technically was. "If broken glass were to kill me now, I shouldn't even deserve to live... I do not like ink on my clothes though" Griffin ended as he used his hands to slide his body over to the left.

Now acknowledging Rose, Griffin listened to her advice about the fumes and nodded, carefully placing the ring on his head. Griffin closed his eyes for a mere second and a strong gust of wind flew around the library. Unlike natural wind, this one was more controlled and stayed away from all the literature in the library. The smoke that was starting to fill the library was gathered all in one place and almost immediately was pushed through the gaps in the doorway. Once the majority of the poisonous fumes were outside, Griffin opened his eyes. There seemed to be a hint of blue but it was gone as soon as you'd notice. It was almost as if using magic gave him some humanity. It would make since considering there was technically another person inside of him. The young magician was never comfortable with it, but it wasn't exactly something he could control over.

"Am I forgiven now, Rose?" Griffin said in Rose's direction.

DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz Cosmosis Cosmosis L ladyaliciaaa Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear (not sure if Nerrezza is in the library or not)

Location: Forbidden Library Courtyard, Siegmore

Time: Morning

Cosmosis Cosmosis

nteractions: NUSKI NUSKI

"Well done," Rose nodded in approval as the smoke was cleared from the library. "Forgiven? Well you just called me Rose again but I'll let it slide," caught the girl with a lighthearted laugh. She kneeled down to collect the broken pieces of glass into a cloth before bundling them up so that no one would get cut on accident. The ink stained the white napkin and spread black veins like a dusky forest.
It was easier to breathe now so the girl took off her mask and started to make her way down the staircase to where Master Black was waiting. She helped Griffin down the last few steps and seated herself in the middle of the long table. The girl rubbed her ink-stained fingertips onto her dress. Trying to get the dark liquid out of her nails only spread the it more.
"Damn." Rose hissed under her breathe, staring down at the streaky purple marks on her hands.

Rose Rain looked up to see Ordius seated at the head of the table and she ducked her head in embarrassment. She wondered what he had to say to everyone now. Her stomach was growling for breakfast and the girl was already fidgeting with the frayed threads on the tablecloth, she hoped the gathering wouldn't take long. This morning was feeling quite different from the usual, two meetings in a day was definitely a rare occurrence AND there were new members to Black Lotus as well. The healer couldn't wait to get to know all of them.

"The library is big enough to act as a safe house for the order's senior members, when they're here," Tas said, hoping o answer a few of the questions Nerrezza no doubt had, "Many of us are on the move at all times though, so no real permanent residents. You'll never catch me sleeping here for example. Can't stand the roof." She was getting off topic but she was really trying to not gush over the small dragon. She absolutely loved dragons, she knew all the elder ones in Torinth and most of their children besides. One of the reasons she liked Nerrezza was that her dragon obviously liked her, and she trusted dragon's over people every time, they were excellent. But that was about all she could take. "Of course I'll get her sleepy friend whatever he needs, hes beautiful," She finished with a happy purr that was very flattering among dragons. "Whats your name little one?" She asked as they arrived at Nerrezza's room which Tas showed her into. "We'l be meeting in an houri-sh, so please get some rest and I'll see you soon!" She finished, waving goodbye to the little dragon.

She arrived in the meeting room and immediately took a perch on a chair in the corner, collecting reports from a parade of little friends. She hoped this next meeting went well, and that their new recruits would behave.

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