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Fantasy OppOsiTE peOpLE


There are a few characters that need to be reserved, so here is where u can reserve them!

"The Opposite group"

Vessel-Group leader-Taken

Your True Animal-Group deputy// Normality's opposite-Taken

Normality-Your true Animals' opposite-Taken

Sanity- Insanity's opposite-Taken

Insanity- Sanity's opposite-Taken

Truth- Lies' opposite-Taken

Lies- Truth's opposite-Taken

Life- Healer// Death's opposite-Taken

Death- Killer, trapped one// Life's opposite

Sin- Outcast of the group// Opposite is dead-Taken

I trust u guys to be awesome xD ~From, @xRobotical Loverx

"Our group"

We, are made up of random characters.

((Make your own character for this group, Idc what their named or anything <3))
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Hello there ^-^

I think the idea behind this RP is interesting, but I'm a bit confused about some things...

I don't know if this RP is still happening, but I would like to join if it is!
So this RP is kind of a HS one, so the Opposite group is kind of a group that causes chaos. They're a bit like the bad guys in the RP. The our group, until I give the two official names, is the victims and the good guys who are kind of fighting against the Opposite group. There will be more to describe it in the Opposite group tab when I finally get the time to edit it and add in some info about it.
Maybe, some spots can remain open. But @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx will probably want about 4 or 5 people in this RP before we get it started, so far there is 3, so depending on or luck if we can get 1 more person to join we will probably start then maybe more people will join during the RP.

If no one joins in the next hour or 30 minutes, we can just start
@KikiKitsune no, they don't. Kei also has the choice whether to use them or not. I see it as Akane puts the powers in a metaphorical box and then Kei can open that box if he wants to, however once he opens it he cannot close it again until Akane lets the powers go.

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