Opinion Opinions on some stupid stuff

Ok actually contributing now to the gender thing because I started thinking.

I have too many things to deal with to worry about what you identify as. I. Don't. Care. Someone else's gender is pretty low on my list of concerns in life. If you say "Hey I'd rather be referred to as ____" ok that's chill, I'll call you that. As long as you're a good human being, I'll be a good human being towards you.

Now if you don't use your turn signal when you drive UGH I HATE YOU STOP IT STOP IT JUST STOP
I would've voted for someone else but the candidate I wanted wasn't even on the ballot. So I went with Trump because he at least talked about building a wall. I want a wall. A big beautiful wall.

So I'm a cis white attack helicopter that voted for Trump because 'Murica.

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