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Fandom OOC

the link seems to not actually... link to a server, it just opens discord and not much else rn
HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Just a couple of things about Fabs: Dark Dwarfs are humanoid, and items in Yiggdrasil could not increase stats. Stats are only increased by leveling up plus bonuses from certain classes (which I capped at 800 for heteromorphs).
Yeah I think Humans had far higher skills per level while heteromorphs got more stats?. Been a while
I was wondering if you still had room for one more? I've been looking around for an isekai-styled rp and this would also kinda motivate me to actually start reading the overlord LN

So two birds with one stone I guess(?)
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I was wondering if you still had room for one more? I've been looking around for an isekai-styled rp and this would also kinda motivate me to actually start reading the overlord LN

So two birds with one stone I guess(?)
Sure. Welcome aboard.
Haze- Haze- A few things to point out:
  • A single skill in Overlord has, at most, two effects. The only way it can produce multiple is through a skill combo [for reference check out Warrior Takemikazuchi on the Overlord wikia]. I can see you have some skills with more than two effects.
  • Anything decently powerful from lvl 75 onwards cannot be one-shoted in the canon, even by top lvl 100 players or NPCs.
  • Ghost type heteromorphs in Overlord are impervious to physical damage but are still vulnerable to ki and magic. They specialise in hit-and-run tactics because they are generally not very bulky.
That would be all.
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