• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom CS


Azure Sky

Random Lazy Guy
A few things to note before you start your cs:
  • Word Classes are not currently accepted.
  • Please do not create more characters that you can handle.
  • You can be very good at a number of things, but if you make characters that are outstanding in every way or situation, expect me to ask you to edit/nerf them.
  • Stats for Humanoids are capped at 600, demi-humans at 700, and heteromorphs at 800. Do please remember that does not make heteromorphs better than other racial types.
  • All other canon rules apply to a relatively high extent (there are some liberties to be taken where things are vague).

Ok, now that that's out of the way:

Real Name:
In-Game Name:
Race Type:
Karmatic Alignment:
Racial Levels:
Job Levels:
Noteworthy abilities:
Noteworthy items:
Fabian Dulaan screenshot (3).png
Real Name:
Joseph Coté
In-Game Name:
Fabian Dul'aan
Race Type:
Karmic Alignment:
chaotic neutral -150
Racial Levels:
Half-golem (human & golem) 15
Cyborg 15

Job Levels:
Fleshcrafter (genius Alchemist) 5
Artificer (runesmith armor/weaponsmith) 10
Golemist (genius armorsmith) 5
Mint (alchemist and smith) 5
Gunner 10
Knight of Niflheim 5
Etc. 30

HP 115
MP 95
Phys. Atk. 75
Phys. Def. 80
Agility 30
Mag. Atk. 80
Mag. Def. 50
Resist 86
Special 88
Fabian/Joseph is a roleplayer at heart, meaning that when he gets into character, he's that specific character. Cunning, creative, ambitious, and extremely vengeful towards his and his allies enemies. He is also deeply caring for those that gain his friendship/protection.
Noteworthy abilities:
Unlimited endurance (half golem)
Sleepless (half golem)
Create life (Bracer of the Creator)
Force Evolution (randomly evolves a creature/being with 1 of four choices that being can become.)
Create golem
Mint currency
Noteworthy items:
Celene: the massive hammer he uses to forge his works. The hammet is imbued with the fire of a greater flame elemental keeping the metal hot with each strike, while kinetic multiplies enhance each strike to 8× their power

Mauler: forged of celestial uranium and star silver, the chainblade could carve through even the toughest of dragonscales all while spraying gore in messy crimson arcs.

Plate of Hammerdeep: Forged from Caloric stone (star silver), the plate grants resistance to magic and heat, while also allowing the wearer to teleport to Hammerdeep from anywhere in yggdrasil.

Bracer of the Creator: Allows the creation of The children (homunculi without the drawbacks. Needs materials to create life)

Caloric Stone: Due to stockpiling massive amounts of Star Silver And Celestial Uranium, he has created several of the world item for the use of golem cores.

Wings of Daedalus: Crafted from the finest materials Yggdrasil had to offer, these wings had been pepermanently affixed to the back of the Plate of Hammerdeep. when activated the wings allow for unlimited flight as if using the flight spell, and will inspire allies when in view of them.

Race type:
Karmic level:
neutral level -50
racial levels:
Dragonling 15
job levels:
Psychic 5
Miko (dark) 10
Poison maker 15
HP 105
MP 140
Phys. Atk. 40
Phys. Def. 30
Agility 115
Mag. Atk. 85
Mag. Def. 80
Resist 80
Special 80
She has the stereotypical personality of "nagging wife" where Fabian is concerned, often taking perverse delight in her demands and admonitions to her master. However, she is unquestionably loyal to Fabian and often professes to love him, to which Fabian happily returns.
Noteworthy abilities:
Brain driain (Perhaps Alma's most deadly ability, she can attach herself to the head of an enemy and literally suck out life through the brain. The ability causes the target intense pain and additionally has a chance to stun or even kill the target, depending on their level and brain type. The ability seems to work on any creature. The ability also lets her steal some amount of experience from the target.)

Psi blast (It is her main form of attack. Leveling this ability increases the amount of time its targets remain Stunned, as well as the damage it does, the disorientation and confusion of targets, and its maximum AoE)

Psi bond (one of Alma's abilities that allows her to psychically bond and communicate with Fabian and other sentients)

Chameleon (Alma's scales will change color to match the environment)

Darkvision 100 yards

Psi poison (Alma's teeth and claws will now exude a stronger psi poison. The poison now causes a slight amount of health, mana and stamina damage. Chance of spell misfire increased and now there is a slight chance for spell backfire.)

Noteworthy items:
Star silver mail: light weight and extremely strong, this set of armour is unique in the fact it is fit only to alma. It looks quite striking against her obsidian black scales.


Name: Stanley
gender: male
age: 28
Race type: Heteromorphic
Karmic level: choatic neutral -180
racial levels:
Badger 15
War Badger 15
Lord of the Badgers 15
Master Badger 10

job levels:
Berserk 15
One strike 15
Juggernaut 15

HP 115
MP 65
Phys. Atk. 115
Phys. Def. 105
Agility 25
Mag. Atk. 20
Mag. Def. 100
Resist 115
Special 45
Cantankerous, greedy, irritable, sadistic, loyal, and quite possibly psychotically insane.
Noteworthy abilities:
War form (Grows to three times his size, his resistance and health are doubled and his physical atk is increased by 50pts)
Ultimate war form (Grows to the size of a large horse. reistance and health are tripled and atk is increased by 100pts)
Destructive Gaze (Fucking Laser vision)
Beast bond (Is able to communicate with Fabian.)
Noteworthy items:
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Real Name: Karen Klompenhauer
In-Game Name: SweaterSaint
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race Type: Humanoid
Karmatic Alignment: +500 Extreme Good
Racial Levels: N/A
Job Levels: Priest (15) / Saint (10) / Evangelist (10) / DivineVessel (5) / Noble (15) / Empress (10) / High Empress (5) / Queen of Love and Beauty (5) / Nation Builder (5) / Enchantress (10) / Supreme Glamour (5) / Keiseikeikoku (5)
HP: 50

MP: 100

P.Att: 20

P.Def: 60

Agi: 40

M.Atk: 90

M.Def: 70

Res: 70

Spec: 100+

Total: 600
During live streams and In persona, they were known as the glamourous yet kind player who could always find time for those lucky few to grant her favor in response to generous donations or items of course, in reality, the game itself was more a means to an end with her entitled real-life persona carefully hidden away while the cameras were on. While she is one to deeply enjoy the attention and admiration her actions would garner, there were limits with the dropping of the act and relaxing alone being a much-needed reprieve as the former could become exhausting if prolonged too much. Prone to all-around pettiness when they could get away with such under the mask of innocence, they never the less did put a remarkable amount of effort into their appearance in both real life and the game's public.
Guild: Harvest
Noteworthy abilities:
  • One Above All: A Compilation of multiple layer auras condensed into one along with several perception-based effects for those who look upon the user depending upon the wish. By default, such raises the reputation levels of even newly encountered factions to substantially above the limits upon the first interactions as well as draws the eye of those around to the words and position of the user. Subtly placing the belief and view that such a person is the apex and a level above to captivate the attention, along with other calming and euphoric effects to foster devotion and desire to please, cementing in the memories of the encounter. The exact conclusion may vary depending on the viewer but many arrive at a divine nature or that of royalty with intrinsic wisdom and power that will bring good fortune.
  • Manners Maketh the Mam: Through a simple whim of several seemingly useless classes, Paulie continuous stacking of these, cosmetic items, cash shop purchases and then even the culmination of consecutive prizes of fashion or cosplay related contest (both in and out of the game) Max somehow managed to achieve a legitimate character pushing the mechanics to the limit and achieving numerous gameplay advantages. The most notable of these was using the charisma and hidden appearance stat for the calculations of numerous other game stats such as HP and Defense, but also included a multitude of appearance-related abilities such as gaze attacks and mind-affecting qualities that were capable of bypassing numerous immunities.
    • Beauty over Brains: Allows the number of skill points acquired upon level up to retroactively be based on charisma and appearance.
    • Supreme Sanctuary: Provided other friendly units are within range the user may not be targeted for attack unless said user attacks first. This may also be created as a Static zone in addition to the users Aura, with the benefit of allowing various tabboo's and restrictions to be placed with debuffs or other negative effects placed on those who manage to break them
    • Perfect Attire: The user receives no equipment penalties and is exempt from durability mechanics, In addition, they will always receive the maximum available standing bonus for attire regardless of what appearance is currently equipped. Within the New World, this ability appears to have transformed into a form of subjective appearance based on the viewer though it does include automatic alterations to the current equipment glamoured for the user that goes unnoticed to observers as if such had always been.
  • Fantasia Panacea: Originally a cash shop item gained as a permanent ability, Sweater may use such to alter her base appearance at will to a new form though if such requires racial levels none of the said abilities of the race would be gained. This ability may also be bestowed on select targets, having the side effect or removing any ongoing affliction or injury in the process.
  • Devoted Soul: When targetting a willing friendly unit, the user may extract a soul crystal with data including the xp values. Should the unit then be slain this may then be used as a material component to revive the target without penalty, alternatively it may also be used to resurrect the caster with the penalties instead of being incurred upon the source of the item or simply as a material component for other functions requiring XP sacrifice. When used upon NPC targets a link will be created tempering the individual to the caster.
  • World Stage: A world mechanic allowing for the altering of an area's ambient and thematic music within the game provided such passed the games filters. This ability also extended to select lighting and other cosmetic effects as well as the creation of substantial structures similar to a widened create fortress spell though with differing aesthetics.
  • Welcome to Dye: While most view the effect with confusion being a requested ability and thus a waste, the full applications of the skill extend far beyond the obvious. Capable of permanently altering any item touched to any color along with the ability to be either highly selective with their targets or widespread. While mostly used in order to customize the collected cosmetic items to a far greater degree than players were able to, it also has the potential to paint wide swaths of land or buildings but the most useful being to alter the color on a conceptual basis such as with Aura visions, health bars, skill effects and more.
  • Personality Enchantment: This allows the user to augment a personality onto an object or human, such as giving life to an object or even transferring the personality of an individual onto another host.
  • Deus Zero: Allows for the extraction of Magic or other enchantments from targets which may then be stored for later transfer
  • Divine Favour: Allows the user to enchant her targets into a monstrous form that increases all their basic parameters by incredible levels as well as removing all fear or reservations but at the cost of the target's intelligence and reasoning.
  • Golden Rule: A stacking ability rewarded to Sweater that puts a premium on the various values received such as XP and drop rates allowing for the appearance of far great luck in the games Gacha mechanics however the applications extend further.
Noteworthy items:
  • Narnian Wardrobe: Allows storage of cosmetic items that may be summoned directly in addition to allowing entrance to an isolated demi-plane containing a great deal of luxuries and glamour equipment within a vast white expanse. The current total of this vast collection exceeds 100,000.
  • Heart of Eden: To simply classify this item, one would state it bestowed upon the user the ability of the World Reconstruction Magic. By firstly enchanting the land the user can manipulate the very geography itself, even going as far as compression it to 5% of its initial volume to given the user a vast tactical advantage on wide-scale skirmishes. Given the area itself is changed and not the people no actual teleportation of individuals takes place, but they may appear vastly separated or in wildly different locations due to the changes. The true purpose of this, however, is to bring certain items or people to specific areas and locations with its true power being the sheer scale and size of its area of effect. There is also a hidden ability to the item activated when held in tandem with the Divine Vessel class, augmenting the effect of Devoted Soul to include multiple targets at once regardless of willingness, and storing them in an idealized demi-plane under the effect of the user's auras. This has been likened to heaven or nirvana, giving the user the ability to safely extract individuals to the location and then release them at will, though within this area the user is in full control of its temporal dilation allowing experienced time to proceed far quicker or slower depending on their wishes.
  • Divine Nara Fan: Allows the user to vastly increase both the range, target number, and mana efficiency of any spells used with such as well as providing a large pool of stat points to the user which may then be reallocated as the user wishes. There is also a multitude of stored spells within the item itself, as well as a minor ability to shift the size and shape of the item somewhat.
  • The Ribbons: Simple ribbons said to bestow eternal beauty though in reality provide an exponential Charisma bonus depending on the number obtained, A total of 5 were said to exist within the world of YGGDRASIL with Sweater herself managing to locate four through the aid of her guild and other methods. The item also prevents the user from being affected by status effects, while only one would be required for such an effect the collection of four has resulted in four separate abilities being required to bypass the immunities of these grant.
  • Golden Mobius Bands: Four Golden rings, in addition to augmenting aura ranges, mana regeneration and charisma score of the user for each equipped, functioning as advanced mana batteries they also allow the user the negate a negative effect or attack of their choice four times per day, however, should all four be used the items will scatter around the local area and need to be reacquired before they may be used again. Each ring itself also has granted an additional ability when used in conjunction with the Enchantress class, with each additional ability granted in order for each equipped band.
    1. The drop rate of rare cosmetic items within the radius of effect increases substantially for friendly units as well as providing a high increase in normal drop rates from enemies or gathering nodes.
    2. The XP gain rate of the user and friendly units within the area of effect increases substantially as well as giving access to the well-rested buff while within the area of effect.
    3. Crafted items by friendly units within the area of effect have a drastic increase in the chance of obtaining the rare high-quality buff being present on equipment, this effect also halfs the required materials for such attempts through granting a continuous high-efficiency buff.
    4. The ability to enchant an area to exist in a perpetual loop effectively trapping the user within the location unless specific actions are undertaken to escape, these actions appear at random with each use.
  • True Empress Crown: Each target defeated by friendly units in the presence of the wearer bestows a proportional amount of Mana, Hitpoint, XP also provides a bonus percentage of XP to the user depending on the number present and level of the defeated target which may be stored within the crown and then transferred to either the user or a selected target at will. In addition, the status of each friendly unit is visible including their relative health and condition, with both silent communication and direct summoning of each to the user's side at no cost. When held in the possession of a High Empress these effects may then be extended to each subject within their selected Kingdom regardless of distance as well as providing increased resistances to mental or divination based effects based upon the user's charisma score. Successfully resisted effects may be then be used by the user and reflected back to the point of origin.
  • Charisma Beyond Charisma: The default armor of Sweater which in addition to providing outstanding physical and magical defenses allows for such to be scaled upwards above the original stats depending on the charisma value of the user in addition to providing a pool of points equivalent to the users Charisma scored which may be freely allocated into any other the users stat as an equipment bonus. Users holding the Supreme Glamour class may also store each collected cosmetic within the item itself, allowing for the appearance of equipment items to be changed completely for a collected item while still maintaining the effects.
  • Encour of Establishment: A magical instrument made of gold and inlaid with numerous gems, there are various tunes that may manifest different effects through the use of this item. Sweater has discovered two such songs as of yet, One negates attacks made against inanimate construction with its range and the Second allows for the magical construction to take place within its range for as long as the song is played. This constructiuon takes place at incredible speed however does require the materials to be present, the same song may also increase the speed of construction and crafting dramatically.
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The Scholarly Alchemist
Oh yes, I completely agree- as if I'm going to say that!
Real Name:

Alisha Jayanti

In-game Name:



Race Type:

Karmatic Alignment:
+120 (Neutral Good)

Racial Levels

Job Levels:
  • Herbalist 5
  • Potioneer 10
  • Forest Witch 10
  • Alchemist 15
  • High Alchemist 10
  • Synthesizer 5
  • Scribe 10
  • Academic Wizard 10
  • Ancient Scholar 10
  • Master of Lore 10
  • Eternal Grimoire 5

HP: 80
MP: 100
Phys. Atk.: 10
Phys. Def.: 40
Agility: 50
Mag. Atk.: 70
Mag. Def.: 70
Resist: 80
Special: 100


  • Sociable: Strangers and friends alike will know how much Alishia is open to conversations, collaborative activities, and general social activities weebs and shut-ins can only dream about. She is unafraid to break social barriers put up by modern people through putting on headphones or pretending to be looking at their phones as if they have notifications.
  • Romantic: Being a dreamer makes Alishia ‘out there’ with extra steps. When faced with several choices, picking one that fits her philosophy rather than the one with more practical use is something Alishia will do.
  • Obstinate: Foolhardy is just a disaster when the individual isn’t smart. Alishia's utmost confidence in her plans is most often enough for her to convince herself (and some idiots) to go through despite others’ discouragement.
  • Hasty: Thinking on the spur of the moment is mostly a bad idea, but Alishia does it anyway. Words that cannot be taken back and actions with irreversible consequences are often said and done with no thought about the permanency of the whole thing. Alishia is not one to think far about the future and it results in her to act in the heat of the moment, too.
Tall Tree

Notable Pieces of Items:
  • Green Lord's Ceremonial Tunic: A tunic based on the designs of an ancient forest ruin. Boosts potion-making bonuses and effects.
  • Grand Master Avena's Grimoire: A thick leather-bound grimoire filled with countless pages of spells. The user is able to cast any spells written in the grimoire, allowing the user to go over the 300 spells limit.
  • Glorious Alchemy Wand: The alchemy wand allows Alchemists to channel their potion through their wand, allowing one to use them as spells.
  • Elemental Grimoire: Allows the user to use elemental spells free from any restriction.
Notable Abilities:
  • Library: One of Academic Wizard's class skill. Allows the user to store scrolls, books, and grimoire in a separate inventory.
  • Cast Grimoire: Cast a random spell from a chosen grimoire in the Library.
  • Mass Cast Grimoire: Cast a random spell for every grimoire in the Library.
  • Quintessential Synthesis [Subordinate, Equal, Supreme]: Skills exclusive to a Synthesizer. Allows for the exchange of one item with another bearing in mind their value.

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The Sentient Wanderer
What a twist, what a pain.
Real Name:





Race Type:

Karmatic Alignment:

+75 (Lawful Neutral)

Racial Levels:
  • Automaton 15
  • Arcane Android 10
  • Walking Library 10
  • Sentient Guardian 10
  • Nearlife 10
Job Levels:
  • Herbalist 10
  • Explorer 10
  • High Explorer 10
  • Ancient Wanderer 10
  • Vast Traveler 5
HP: 100
MP: 100
Phys. Atk.: 50
Phys. Def.: 60
Agility: 100+
Mag. Atk.: 30
Mag. Def.: 70
Resist: 80
Special: 90


Laidback and chill that bordering laziness, Acles has a permanent lukewarm smile on his face most of the time. He is friendly toward strangers and friends alike, although he puts a set distance between those he knows well and those he doesn't. His vision goes far, though his unmotivated nature makes it difficult for him to succeed on his own.

Tall Tree

Notable Items:
  • Divine Core: An energy core made from celestial uranium. Able to store and automatically uses MP and HP Potions. Increases resistance toward necrotic and holy damage.
  • Eternal Path' Glasses: A pair of seemingly normal glasses. Enhances the effect of transfer and movement magic spells.
  • Spatial Boots: A pair of boots made from the essence of elementals. Allows the user to cast Greater Haste and Fly without any cost.
  • Hermes' Bangle: An ankle bangle woven from threads of Athens. Increases resistance toward agility-affecting effects.
Notable Abilities:
  • Fly: A 3rd tier spell. Allows the target to fly.
  • Greater Haste: A 5th tier spell. Greatly enhances the target's Agility.
  • Vantage Area Scan: One of High Explorer's Skills. Allows the user to map everything seen by the user's eyes.
  • Tourism Group: An Ancient Wanderer's Skill. Willing targets of the Skill become unable to interact with anything else in the surrounding or be interacted with for the duration of the skill.
  • Terrain Map: Explorer's Skill. Allows the user to use a minimap.
  • Area Scan: Explorer's Skill. Scan the user's immediate surrounding for terrains and other individuals.
  • Silent Magic: Allows activation of a spell without the need to recite it.
  • Discern Enemy: Identify the enemy's estimated level.

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  • cropping.png
    Real Name: Etsuya Hoshi
    In-Game Name: Adonai Elysium
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Race Type: Heteromorphic
    Karmatic Alignment: Neutral Evil (-100)

    Racial Levels: Ghost (15) / Poltergeist (10) / Gjenganger (5)
    Job Levels: Fencer (15) / Striker (10) / Phantom Blade (5) / Enchanter (15) / Battle Enchanter (10) / Master Enchanter (5) / Soul Eater (5) [Locked behind Revenant Mode]

    • HP: 35
    • MP: 70
    • Phy. Atk. : 100
    • Phy. Def. : Exceeds limit
    • Agility: 100
    • Mag. Atk. : 75
    • Mag. Def. : 70
    • Resistance: 45
    • Special Ability: 90
    • Total: 685+

    Personality: With no real difference between himself and his in-game persona, Hoshi is a man of two faces. When interacting with friends and those who appear to represent a real threat, he comes off as merely reserved, partially distant but ready to make conversation about topics of interest and even joke around. However, when presented with those he considers "lesser," he assumes an aura of smug sardonism, bellitlement and mockery, as well as becoming fastly irritable. Which of these approaches is his true face, and which one a charade, nobody really knows.

    Guild: Harvest
    Noteworthy abilities:
    • Master Enchanting - As per the profession's name, Adonai is able to enchant Items with a vast array of powerful magical properties. Moreover, his Battle Enchanter Job Class allows him to enchant suitable materials (usually gemstones) in the heat of combat at the price of MP, releasing their effects when cracked open like a spell.
    • Revenant Mode - When dropping below 0% HP, instead of dying, Adonai enters Revenant Mode. This unlocks his usually inaccessible Gjenganger and Soul Eater levels, swapping them for his Ghost and Poltergeist Racials. In Revenant Mode, his MP and HP stats and values shift places, his Karmatic Alignment instantly drops to -500, and he gains a series of boons targeted against his killer. These boons include increased individual damage, a constant tracking spell and Blind Rage, which overturns any mind-altering effects at the price of only being able to pursue a sole target. Revenant Mode can only be turned off by a Revive spell or being killed again.
    • Weakening Touch - Opponents that Adonai touches are afflicted by a special Weakness Debuff. This debuff grows in strength with each time the target is hit, though it can be easily lifted by Holy Magic and goes away with time.
    • Immunities and Resistances - Physical Immunity, Negative Immunity, Cold Resistance, Instant-Death Immunity and Fear Immunity. Takes highly increased Holy Damage and is weak to spells of Spiritual nature.
    • Soul Rend - Given access to the Soul Eater Class, Adonai's attacks will begin targeting the soul instead of the body. In effect, this means that the damage dealt is unaffected by anything in the material world, including the target's skills and resistances. At the same time, Adonai also cannot use weapons when Soul Rend is active, reducing him to the use of his bare hands.
    Noteworthy items:
    • Five Swords under Heaven - A collection of five light, heavily enchanted swords with distinct effects, such as dealing damage to spirits or attacking of its own accord. They can be combined to form a single, Divine Class item with the following properties; Physical Immunity and Resistance bypass, increased damage against Players, being a channel for Adonai's Weakening Touch ability and allowing the the conversion of the user's MP into procedurally increasing Attack Speed buffs.
    • Undying Officer's Regalia - A uniform-like armour set, which offers increased elemental resistance and triggers a temporary damage nullifying effects upon reaching low health.
    • Grand Tome of Enchantments - A thin codex, though its phasing pages number in the thousands. It offers a comprehensive list of most enchanting effects, with a few written in manually.
    • Neutralizing Powder - A bag of sparkling powder, which disables magical items under a certain quality threshold upon contact. The longevity of the effect is also quality dependant.
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The Sentient Wanderer
What a twist, what a pain.
Real Name:





Race Type:

Karmatic Alignment:

+75 (Lawful Neutral)

Racial Levels:
  • Automaton 15
  • Arcane Android 10
  • Walking Library 10
  • Sentient Guardian 10
  • Nearlife 10
Job Levels:
  • Herbalist 10
  • Explorer 10
  • High Explorer 10
  • Ancient Wanderer 10
  • Vast Traveler 5
HP: 100
MP: 100
Phys. Atk.: 50
Phys. Def.: 60
Agility: 100+
Mag. Atk.: 30
Mag. Def.: 70
Resist: 80
Special: 90


Laidback and chill that bordering laziness, Acles has a permanent lukewarm smile on his face most of the time. He is friendly toward strangers and friends alike, although he puts a set distance between those he knows well and those he doesn't. His vision goes far, though his unmotivated nature makes it difficult for him to succeed on his own.

Tall Tree

Notable Items:
  • Divine Core: An energy core made from celestial uranium. Able to store and automatically uses MP and HP Potions. Increases resistance toward necrotic and holy damage.
  • Eternal Path' Glasses: A pair of seemingly normal glasses. Enhances the effect of transfer and movement magic spells.
  • Spatial Boots: A pair of boots made from the essence of elementals. Allows the user to cast Greater Haste and Fly without any cost.
  • Hermes' Bangle: An ankle bangle woven from threads of Athens. Increases resistance toward agility-affecting effects.
Notable Abilities:
  • Fly: A 3rd tier spell. Allows the target to fly.
  • Greater Haste: A 5th tier spell. Greatly enhances the target's Agility.
  • Vantage Area Scan: One of High Explorer's Skills. Allows the user to map everything seen by the user's eyes.
  • Tourism Group: An Ancient Wanderer's Skill. Willing targets of the Skill become unable to interact with anything else in the surrounding or be interacted with for the duration of the skill.
Real Name: Etsuya Hoshi
In-Game Name: Adonai Elysium
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race Type: Heteromorphic
Karmatic Alignment: Neutral Evil (-100)

Racial Levels: Ghost (15) / Poltergeist (10) / Gjenganger (5)
Job Levels: Fencer (15) / Phantom Blade (5) / Enchanter (15) / Master Enchanter (5) / etc. (25)

  • HP: 35
  • MP: 70
  • Phy. Atk. : 100
  • Phy. Def. : Exceeds limit
  • Agility: 100
  • Mag. Atk. : 75
  • Mag. Def. : 70
  • Resistance: 45
  • Special Ability: 90
  • Total: 685+

Personality: With no real difference between himself and his in-game persona, Hoshi is a man of two faces. When interacting with friends and those who appear to represent a real threat, he comes off as merely reserved, partially distant but ready to make conversation about topics of interest and even joke around. However, when presented with those he considers "lesser," he assumes an aura of smug sardonism, bellitlement and mockery, as well as becoming fastly irritable. Which of these approaches is his true face, and which one a charade, nobody really knows.

Guild: Harvest
Noteworthy abilities:
  • Glyph Creation
  • Disenchant Magical Item
  • Weakening Touch V
  • Physical Immunity
  • Negative Immunity
Noteworthy items:
  • Five Swords under Heaven - A collection of five light, heavily enchanted swords with distinct effects, such as dealing damage to spirits or attacking of its own accord.
  • Undying Officer's Regalia - A uniform-like armour set, which offers increased elemental resistance and triggers a temporary damage nullifying effects upon reaching low health.
  • Grand Tome of Enchantments - A thin codex, though its phasing pages number in the thousands. It offers a comprehensive list of most enchanting effects, with a few written in manually.
  • Neutralizing Powder - A bag of sparkling powder, which disables magical items under a certain quality threshold upon contact. The longevity of the effect is also quality dependant.
With the idea in mind that his physical defence is 115, accepted.
Giant floating meatball. TBA.
Real Name: Ruth Cantor
In-Game Name: Mache
Gender: female
Age: 24
Race Type: Heteromorph
Karmatic Alignment: +333
Racial Levels:
Lv 15 Angel
Lv 10 Guardian Angel
Lv 5 Seraph of Genesis
Lv 5 Devourer

Job Levels:
Lv 15 Chef
Lv 10 Master Chef
Lv 5 Heavenly Gourmand
Lv 15 Paladin
Lv 5 Summoner
Lv 10 Divine Jailer
Lv 5 Hellkeeper

HP: 100

MP: 77

P.Att: 81

P.Def: 110

Agi: 60

M.Atk: 52

M.Def: 110

Res: 88

Spec: 99

Total: 777

Personality: A meek girl who tried to use the game to hone her social skill, but got addicted to it instead. Used to be quite a hardcore PKer before decided to join Harvest and invested her remaining levels to become virtual chef. Usually sprout nonsense about power of friendship solving everything.
Guild: Harvest
Noteworthy abilities:
  • Tanky build and amazing regeneration potential specialized for prolonged fight.
  • Capable of flight/hover as an angel
  • As a guardian angel, has the ability [Heartguard] to attach herself to an ally to redirect damage to herself.
  • The ability [Second Genesis] gives her self-ressurect that also temporarily boost her stats. The [Seraph of Genesis] class also offers myriad of self-sustain and HP-cost abilities.
  • Her classes combination grant her proficiency to almost all types of melee weapon.
  • Able to cook heavenly dishes that can be used to buff allies, summoned entities and herself while her hellish failed dish can be used as projectiles to debuff enemies. Her good foods give 'blessed' status which prevent the eater's stats to be decreased.
  • [Devourer] class make consuming food items more effective and give access to [Devour], an ability that allows Mache to eat another creature or item and copy their skills or effects, up to a certain amount. [Devour] can't copy job skills and will alter the user's appearance according to the things they devoured.
  • While most players would be unable to gain benefit from foods after their hunger gauge is full, her [Gluttony] skill enable Mache to keep gaining benefits from foods regardless of the gauge. This make her able to keep her regeneratiom up by continously eat HP/MP regen foods and potentially start a battle with tons of buffs.
  • [True Judgement] is a skill that deals true damage and scales up the lower the target's karma is.
  • Utilize [Punish], a series of skills with low mana cost and cooldown but can only be activated after receiving certain amount or type of damage. To make full use of this Mache doesn't have damage type immunity other than fire.
  • Summons demons to do her bidding
  • Plenty of option of area magic that restrain enemy's actions. Like [Penalty Zone], [Anti-arcane Field] and [Hellscape].
  • Her [Purging Fire] burns down the target's fire resistance, making each hit more painful than the previous one. Mache also poses some other skills that corrodes other resistances.
  • Various immunity to status that can disable her for a long time like mind control, time stop and of course insta-death. Poses a passive that allows her to break free from any restrain after a short period of being immobilized.
Noteworthy items:
  • Serrated Seraphs: A divine dual sword with serrated edge that cause bleeding with each attack. Bleeding caused by this weapon will also reduce healing, able to stack until the enemy can't even receive any heal.
  • Ring of Default Skin: a ring that allows the wearer to change their appearance to what was set during the ring's first activation. The ring can only be set once.
  • Heaven's Lost Pan: A frying pan that is used to cook heavenly dishes. Can be used as either axe or hammer depending on which side connects with the target. Mache's default weapon.
  • Sanctioned robe: each time the wearer take damage, reduce the attacker's karma level by 10. A simple but effective relic armor that discourage most players from attacking her, at least in the game. It's her default armor.
  • Hellthrone Armor: A divine armor made from demonic remains that periodically dispel random debuff from the wearer and apply it to whoever attacked her next. Indestructible.
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View attachment 846841
Real Name:
Joseph Coté
In-Game Name:
Fabian Dul'aan
Race Type:
Karmatic Alignment:
choatic neutral -150
Racial Levels:
Half-golem (human & golem) 15
Automaton 5
Job Levels:
Fleshcrafter (genius Alchemist) 5
Artificer (runesmith armor/weaponsmith) 10
Golemist (genius armorsmith) 5
Mint (alchemist and smith) 5
Gunner 10
Knight of Niflheim 5

HP 150
MP 100
Phys. Atk. 75
Phys. Def. 80
Agility 30
Mag. Atk. 80
Mag. Def. 50
Resist 86
Special 88
Fabian/Joseph is a roleplayer at heart, meaning that when he gets into character, he's that specific character. Cunning, creative, ambitious, and extremely vengeful towards his and his allies enemies. He is also deeply caring for those that gain his friendship/protection.
Noteworthy abilities:
Unlimited endurance (half golem)
Sleepless (half golem)
Create life (Bracer of the Creator)
Force Evolution (randomly evolves a creature/being with 1 of four choices that being can become.)
Create golem
Mint currency
Noteworthy items:
Celene: the massive hammer he uses to forge his works. The hammet is imbued with the fire of a greater flame elemental keeping the metal hot with each strike, while kinetic multiplies enhance each strike to 8× their power

Mauler: forged of celestial uranium and star silver, the chainblade could carve through even the toughest of dragonscales all while spraying gore in messy crimson arcs.

Plate of Hammerdeep: Forged from Caloric stone (star silver), the plate grants resistance to magic and heat, while also allowing the wearer to teleport to Hammerdeep from anywhere in yggdrasil.

Bracer of the Creator: Allows the creation of The children (homunculi without the drawbacks. Needs materials to create life)

Caloric Stone: Due to stockpiling massive amounts of Star Silver And Celestial Uranium, he has created several of the world item for the use of golem cores.

Race type:
Karmic level:
neutral level -50
racial levels:
Dragonling 15
Soulbound Familiar 5
job levels:
Psychic 5
Miko (dark) 10
Poison maker 15
HP 100
MP 140
Phys. Atk. 40
Phys. Def. 30
Agility 115
Mag. Atk. 85
Mag. Def. 80
Resist 80
Special 80
She has the stereotypical personality of "nagging wife" where Fabian is concerned, often taking perverse delight in her demands and admonitions to her master. However, she is unquestionably loyal to Fabian and often professes to love him, to which Fabian happily returns.
Noteworthy abilities:
Brain driain (Perhaps Alma's most deadly ability, she can attach herself to the head of an enemy and literally suck out life through the brain. The ability causes the target intense pain and additionally has a chance to stun or even kill the target, depending on their level and brain type. The ability seems to work on any creature. The ability also lets her steal some amount of experience from the target.)

Psi blast (It is her main form of attack. Leveling this ability increases the amount of time its targets remain Stunned, as well as the damage it does, the disorientation and confusion of targets, and its maximum AoE)

Psi bond (one of Alma's abilities that allows her to psychically bond and communicate with Fabian and other sentients)

Chameleon (Alma's scales will change color to match the environment)

Darkvision 100 yards

Psi poison (Alma's teeth and claws will now exude a stronger psi poison. The poison now causes a slight amount of health, mana and stamina damage. Chance of spell misfire increased and now there is a slight chance for spell backfire.)

Noteworthy items:
Star silver mail: light weight and extremely strong, this set of armour is unique in the fact it is fit only to alma. It looks quite striking against her obsidian black scales.


Name: Stanley
gender: male
age: 28
Race type: Heteromorphic
Karmic level: choatic neutral -180
racial levels:
Badger 15
War Badger 10
Lord of the Badgers 5
job levels:
Berserk 15
One strike 10
HP 125
MP 85
Phys. Atk. 120
Phys. Def. 105
Agility 25
Mag. Atk. 20
Mag. Def. 100
Resist 120
Special 45
Cantankerous, greedy, irritable, sadistic, loyal, and quite possibly psychotically insane.
Noteworthy abilities:
War form (Grows to three times his size, his resistance and health are doubled and his physical atk is increased by 50pts)
Ultimate war form (Grows to the size of a large horse. reistance and health are tripled and atk is increased by 100pts)
Destructive Gaze (Fucking Laser vision)
Beast bond (Is able to communicate with Fabian.)
Noteworthy items:

The Scholarly Alchemist
Oh yes, I completely agree- as if I'm going to say that!
Real Name:

Alisha Jayanti

In-game Name:



Race Type:

Karmatic Alignment:
+120 (Neutral Good)

Racial Levels

Job Levels:
  • Herbalist 5
  • Potioneer 10
  • Forest Witch 10
  • Alchemist 15
  • High Alchemist 10
  • Synthesizer 5
  • Scribe 10
  • Academic Wizard 10
  • Ancient Scholar 10
  • Master of Lore 10
  • Eternal Grimoire 5

HP: 80
MP: 100
Phys. Atk.: 10
Phys. Def.: 40
Agility: 50
Mag. Atk.: 70
Mag. Def.: 70
Resist: 80
Special: 100


  • Sociable: Strangers and friends alike will know how much Alishia is open to conversations, collaborative activities, and general social activities weebs and shut-ins can only dream about. She is unafraid to break social barriers put up by modern people through putting on headphones or pretending to be looking at their phones as if they have notifications.
  • Romantic: Being a dreamer makes Alishia ‘out there’ with extra steps. When faced with several choices, picking one that fits her philosophy rather than the one with more practical use is something Alishia will do.
  • Obstinate: Foolhardy is just a disaster when the individual isn’t smart. Alishia's utmost confidence in her plans is most often enough for her to convince herself (and some idiots) to go through despite others’ discouragement.
  • Hasty: Thinking on the spur of the moment is mostly a bad idea, but Alishia does it anyway. Words that cannot be taken back and actions with irreversible consequences are often said and done with no thought about the permanency of the whole thing. Alishia is not one to think far about the future and it results in her to act in the heat of the moment, too.
Tall Tree

Notable Pieces of Items:
  • Green Lord's Ceremonial Tunic: A tunic based on the designs of an ancient forest ruin. Boosts potion-making bonuses and effects.
  • Grand Master Avena's Grimoire: A thick leather-bound grimoire filled with countless pages of spells. The user is able to cast any spells written in the grimoire, allowing the user to go over the 300 spells limit.
  • Glorious Alchemy Wand: The alchemy wand allows Alchemists to channel their potion through their wand, allowing one to use them as spells.
  • Elemental Grimoire: Allows the user to use elemental spells free from any restriction.
Notable Abilities:
  • Library: One of Academic Wizard's class skill. Allows the user to store scrolls, books, and grimoire in a separate inventory.
  • Cast Grimoire: Cast a random spell from a chosen grimoire in the Library.
  • Mass Cast Grimoire: Cast a random spell for every grimoire in the Library.
  • Quintessential Synthesis [Subordinate, Equal, Supreme]: Skills exclusive to a Synthesizer. Allows for the exchange of one item with another bearing in mind their value.
View attachment 847084
Real Name: Ruth Cantor
In-Game Name: Mache
Gender: female
Age: 24
Race Type: Heteromorph
Karmatic Alignment: +333
Racial Levels:
Lv 15 Angel
Lv 10 Guardian Angel
Lv 5 Seraph of Genesis
Lv 5 Angel of Gluttony

Job Levels:
Lv 15 Chef
Lv 10 Master Chef
Lv 5 Heavenly Gourmand
Lv 5 Summoner
Lv 15 Monk
Lv 10 Grandmaster
Lv 5 Sacred Fist

HP: 100

MP: 77

P.Att: 40

P.Def: 150

Agi: 60

M.Atk: 42

M.Def: 150

Res: 88

Spec: 70

Total: 777

Personality: A meek girl who tried to use the game to hone her social skill, but got addicted to it instead. Used to be quite a hardcore PKer before decided to join Harvest and invested her remaining levels to become virtual chef and kitten summoner. Usually sprout nonsense about power of friendship solving everything.
Guild: Harvest
Noteworthy abilities:
  • Flight: Angel's basic ability
  • Gluttony: Enables the holder to stacks multiple buff from foods regardless of their fullness level.
  • Judgement: hit the target on the head and deals true damage that scales up the lower the target's karma level is.
  • Super Annoying Strikes: A buff that let the user's melee attacks to taunt the target.
  • Heaven's Kitchen: All foods cooked will give stronger buffs and 'blessed' status that prevents stat debuffs.
  • Heartguard: the user attach themself to an ally. During this mode, any damage taken by the attached ally will be directed to the user instead.
  • Heartbane: the user attach themself to an enemy. During this mode, any damage taken by the user will also be taken by the attached enemy.
  • Fatechanger: Switch the user's Physical and magical attack with their respective defense stats.
Noteworthy items:
  • Ring of Default Skin: a ring that allows the wearer to change their appearance to what was set during the ring's first activation. The ring can only be set once.
  • Heaven's Lost Pan: A frying pan that is used to cook heavenly dishes. Nigh indestructible and also can be used as either axe or hammer depending on which side connects with the target.
  • Ultimate Reflect Charm: A charm that reflect back a portion of the damage received(before damage reduction) back towards the attacker.
  • Sanctioned robe: each time the wearer take damage, reduce the attacker's karma level by 10.

Real Name: Jane Doerian
In-Game Name: SomethingSomething
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Race Type: Heteromorph
Karmatic Alignment: 0 Neutral
Racial Levels: Doppelgänger 15, Greater Doppelgänger 10, Elder Doppelgänger 5, Arch Dopplegänger 5, Ancient Doppelganger 5, Spider that Scuttles 5, Elder Evil 5
Job Levels: Weaver 15, Shapechanger 15, Death Ringer 10, Legion 5, Unknown 5
Guild: Harvest

A fluid individual when needed they can freely adapt to most situations and keep up the act as needed. Casual and almost too laid back when not acting a role, there overly friendly nature can be seen as verging on pacifism at times and laziness at others, but never the less has served them well much to the frustration of opponents, especially with the strange humility they go about it with that some take as a subtle mockery. Her straightforward way of conversing and casual bluntness has also caused more than a few aggravations at times, though she is capable of putting on a formal and respectful act if needed. Despite all of this when pushed they can begin to show a firey and determined personality if a slight bit of stubbornness and pride though they attempt to keep the later in check. Over time, however, this has resulted in more than a few identity issues as they become somewhat lost in the false identities and find some difficulty in dissociating from them
HP: 88

MP: 88

P.Att: 88

P.Def: 88

Agi: 88

M.Atk: 88

M.Def: 88

Res: 88

Spec: 96

Total: 800

Noteworthy abilities:
  • Earworm: This allows the placement of an infectious parasite within the target for use of monitoring and track the individual's interactions. This can later be activated to begin an assimilation ability dealing damage over time and harvesting more data until it hits zero and the target manifests fully as one of Somethings copies.
  • Change Places: The Original Something instantly swaps with one of their copies.
  • Sincerest Flattery: The Core ability augmented by deep investment within the Doppelganger tree allows the mimicking of individuals exactly with an 85% efficiency in terms of skills, stats, and class abilities.
  • Discorporate Response: Something can collapse into a shapeless form at will allowing them to access through the smallest of spaces, in addition as long as one of these worms remains they may reconstitute themselves over time even if the rest of the mass is destroyed
  • One Girl Revolution: Given a charge time Something may make duplicates of herself though with the same 85% efficiency.
  • Presence Manipulation: Something holds complete control over themselves and is able to change appearance at will, this expands to her own data when observed leading to the manifestation of incorrect results such as HP, Mana, Type, Class, and more.
Noteworthy items:
  • Mirrors of Remote Viewing: A resizeable mirror that enables the viewer to display other locations or links to the sensory organs of willing individuals.
  • Tome of Spell Store: A Worn purple book that allows for up to 256 levels of spells to be stored within though through a cumulative cost such as a 10th level spell costing 55 levels. The Pages of this book regenerate at 10 pages per day.
  • Psionic Paper: A transforming parchment with modified suggestion and reading spells that allows it to display a believable copy of whatever the user claims.
  • Shiva Cry: A unique transforming blade that adapts to the target following the first strike to maximize damage and bypass immunities. Should a kill be performed with the blade then the target will be affected as if by a true death spell and siphoned their essence and form into the blade to be accessed at a later date either directly or converted into XP. This item has been further enchanted with Dancing, Mirroring, and Returning properties.
  • Legion Slippers: A pair of boots that vastly increase the movement speed of the user while allowing the manifestation of multiple mirror images while in motion. A secondary effect of this item is the user may alter the sound and appearance of their footsteps.
  • Dire Harvest: A glove-like item that allows for two or more targets to combine to increase the abilities as well as share capabilities and skills between the targets.
  • Silken Paisley Park: A unique armor that allows for the adaptation and resistance to the last damage type received as well as greatly expanding the range of sensory and divination abilities.
  • Sticky Fingers: A Ring like an item that allows the user to extend their natural reach, effectively allowing them to interact with items of a much further distance without physical contact.
  • Gate of Gulls: A reversible flowing cloak-like item that allows one side to open gate spells at will either in parts or fully.
  • Cheap Tricks at Reasonable Price: A headpiece that allows for incoming damage or effects to be negated through exchanging either gold or XP directly in proportion to the severity or the damage transferred to a willing participant.
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View attachment 847015
Real Name: Karen Klompenhauer
In-Game Name: SweaterSaint
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race Type: Humanoid
Karmatic Alignment: +500 Extreme Good
Racial Levels: N/A
Job Levels: Priest (15) / Saint (10) / Evangelist (10) / DivineVessel (5) / Noble (15) / Empress (10) / High Empress (5) / Queen of Love and Beauty (5) / Nation Builder (5) / Enchantress (10) / Supreme Glamour (5) / Keiseikeikoku (5)
HP: 50

MP: 100

P.Att: 20

P.Def: 60

Agi: 40

M.Atk: 90

M.Def: 70

Res: 70

Spec: 100+

Total: 600
During live streams and In persona, they were known as the glamourous yet kind player who could always find time for those lucky few to grant her favor in response to generous donations or items of course, in reality, the game itself was more a means to an end with her entitled real-life persona carefully hidden away while the cameras were on. While she is one to deeply enjoy the attention and admiration her actions would garner, there were limits with the dropping of the act and relaxing alone being a much-needed reprieve as the former could become exhausting if prolonged too much. Prone to all-around pettiness when they could get away with such under the mask of innocence, they never the less did put a remarkable amount of effort into their appearance in both real life and the game's public.
Guild: Harvest
Noteworthy abilities:
  • One Above All: A Compilation of multiple layer auras condensed into one along with several perception-based effects for those who look upon the user depending upon the wish. By default, such raises the reputation levels of even newly encountered factions to substantially above the limits upon the first interactions as well as draws the eye of those around to the words and position of the user. Subtly placing the belief and view that such a person is the apex and a level above to captivate the attention, along with other calming and euphoric effects to foster devotion and desire to please, cementing in the memories of the encounter. The exact conclusion may vary depending on the viewer but many arrive at a divine nature or that of royalty with intrinsic wisdom and power that will bring good fortune.
  • Manners Maketh the Mam: Through a simple whim of several seemingly useless classes, Paulie continuous stacking of these, cosmetic items, cash shop purchases and then even the culmination of consecutive prizes of fashion or cosplay related contest (both in and out of the game) Max somehow managed to achieve a legitimate character pushing the mechanics to the limit and achieving numerous gameplay advantages. The most notable of these was using the charisma and hidden appearance stat for the calculations of numerous other game stats such as HP and Defense, but also included a multitude of appearance-related abilities such as gaze attacks and mind-affecting qualities that were capable of bypassing numerous immunities.
    • Beauty over Brains: Allows the number of skill points acquired upon level up to retroactively be based on charisma and appearance.
    • Supreme Sanctuary: Provided other friendly units are within range the user may not be targeted for attack unless said user attacks first. This may also be created as a Static zone in addition to the users Aura, with the benefit of allowing various tabboo's and restrictions to be placed with debuffs or other negative effects placed on those who manage to break them
    • Perfect Attire: The user receives no equipment penalties and is exempt from durability mechanics, In addition, they will always receive the maximum available standing bonus for attire regardless of what appearance is currently equipped. Within the New World, this ability appears to have transformed into a form of subjective appearance based on the viewer though it does include automatic alterations to the current equipment glamoured for the user that goes unnoticed to observers as if such had always been.
  • Fantasia Panacea: Originally a cash shop item gained as a permanent ability, Sweater may use such to alter her base appearance at will to a new form though if such requires racial levels none of the said abilities of the race would be gained. This ability may also be bestowed on select targets, having the side effect or removing any ongoing affliction or injury in the process.
  • Devoted Soul: When targetting a willing friendly unit, the user may extract a soul crystal with data including the xp values. Should the unit then be slain this may then be used as a material component to revive the target without penalty, alternatively it may also be used to resurrect the caster with the penalties instead of being incurred upon the source of the item or simply as a material component for other functions requiring XP sacrifice. When used upon NPC targets a link will be created tempering the individual to the caster.
  • World Stage: A world mechanic allowing for the altering of an area's ambient and thematic music within the game provided such passed the games filters. This ability also extended to select lighting and other cosmetic effects as well as the creation of substantial structures similar to a widened create fortress spell though with differing aesthetics.
  • Welcome to Dye: While most view the effect with confusion being a requested ability and thus a waste, the full applications of the skill extend far beyond the obvious. Capable of permanently altering any item touched to any color along with the ability to be either highly selective with their targets or widespread. While mostly used in order to customize the collected cosmetic items to a far greater degree than players were able to, it also has the potential to paint wide swaths of land or buildings but the most useful being to alter the color on a conceptual basis such as with Aura visions, health bars, skill effects and more.
  • Personality Enchantment: This allows the user to augment a personality onto an object or human, such as giving life to an object or even transferring the personality of an individual onto another host.
  • Deus Zero: Allows for the extraction of Magic or other enchantments from targets which may then be stored for later transfer
  • Divine Favour: Allows the user to enchant her targets into a monstrous form that increases all their basic parameters by incredible levels as well as removing all fear or reservations but at the cost of the target's intelligence and reasoning.
  • Golden Rule: A stacking ability rewarded to Sweater that puts a premium on the various values received such as XP and drop rates allowing for the appearance of far great luck in the games Gacha mechanics however the applications extend further.
Noteworthy items:
  • Narnian Wardrobe: Allows storage of cosmetic items that may be summoned directly in addition to allowing entrance to an isolated demi-plane containing a great deal of luxuries and glamour equipment within a vast white expanse. The current total of this vast collection exceeds 100,000.
  • Heart of Eden: To simply classify this item, one would state it bestowed upon the user the ability of the World Reconstruction Magic. By firstly enchanting the land the user can manipulate the very geography itself, even going as far as compression it to 5% of its initial volume to given the user a vast tactical advantage on wide-scale skirmishes. Given the area itself is changed and not the people no actual teleportation of individuals takes place, but they may appear vastly separated or in wildly different locations due to the changes. The true purpose of this, however, is to bring certain items or people to specific areas and locations with its true power being the sheer scale and size of its area of effect. There is also a hidden ability to the item activated when held in tandem with the Divine Vessel class, augmenting the effect of Devoted Soul to include multiple targets at once regardless of willingness, and storing them in an idealized demi-plane under the effect of the user's auras. This has been likened to heaven or nirvana, giving the user the ability to safely extract individuals to the location and then release them at will, though within this area the user is in full control of its temporal dilation allowing experienced time to proceed far quicker or slower depending on their wishes.
  • Divine Nara Fan: Allows the user to vastly increase both the range, target number, and mana efficiency of any spells used with such as well as providing a large pool of stat points to the user which may then be reallocated as the user wishes. There is also a multitude of stored spells within the item itself, as well as a minor ability to shift the size and shape of the item somewhat.
  • The Ribbons: Simple ribbons said to bestow eternal beauty though in reality provide an exponential Charisma bonus depending on the number obtained, A total of 5 were said to exist within the world of YGGDRASIL with Sweater herself managing to locate four through the aid of her guild and other methods. The item also prevents the user from being affected by status effects, while only one would be required for such an effect the collection of four has resulted in four separate abilities being required to bypass the immunities of these grant.
  • Golden Mobius Bands: Four Golden rings, in addition to augmenting aura ranges, mana regeneration and charisma score of the user for each equipped, functioning as advanced mana batteries they also allow the user the negate a negative effect or attack of their choice four times per day, however, should all four be used the items will scatter around the local area and need to be reacquired before they may be used again. Each ring itself also has granted an additional ability when used in conjunction with the Enchantress class, with each additional ability granted in order for each equipped band.
    1. The drop rate of rare cosmetic items within the radius of effect increases substantially for friendly units as well as providing a high increase in normal drop rates from enemies or gathering nodes.
    2. The XP gain rate of the user and friendly units within the area of effect increases substantially as well as giving access to the well-rested buff while within the area of effect.
    3. Crafted items by friendly units within the area of effect have a drastic increase in the chance of obtaining the rare high-quality buff being present on equipment, this effect also halfs the required materials for such attempts through granting a continuous high-efficiency buff.
    4. The ability to enchant an area to exist in a perpetual loop effectively trapping the user within the location unless specific actions are undertaken to escape, these actions appear at random with each use.
  • True Empress Crown: Each target defeated by friendly units in the presence of the wearer bestows a proportional amount of Mana, Hitpoint, XP also provides a bonus percentage of XP to the user depending on the number present and level of the defeated target which may be stored within the crown and then transferred to either the user or a selected target at will. In addition, the status of each friendly unit is visible including their relative health and condition, with both silent communication and direct summoning of each to the user's side at no cost. When held in the possession of a High Empress these effects may then be extended to each subject within their selected Kingdom regardless of distance as well as providing increased resistances to mental or divination based effects based upon the user's charisma score. Successfully resisted effects may be then be used by the user and reflected back to the point of origin.
  • Charisma Beyond Charisma: The default armor of Sweater which in addition to providing outstanding physical and magical defenses allows for such to be scaled upwards above the original stats depending on the charisma value of the user in addition to providing a pool of points equivalent to the users Charisma scored which may be freely allocated into any other the users stat as an equipment bonus. Users holding the Supreme Glamour class may also store each collected cosmetic within the item itself, allowing for the appearance of equipment items to be changed completely for a collected item while still maintaining the effects.
  • Encour of Establishment: A magical instrument made of gold and inlaid with numerous gems, there are various tunes that may manifest different effects through the use of this item. Sweater has discovered two such songs as of yet, One negates attacks made against inanimate construction with its range and the Second allows for the magical construction to take place within its range for as long as the song is played. This constructiuon takes place at incredible speed however does require the materials to be present, the same song may also increase the speed of construction and crafting dramatically.
With the idea in mind that all skills and items have proper cooldowns, accepted.

Real Name: Jane Doerian
In-Game Name: SomethingSomething
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Race Type: Heteromorph
Karmatic Alignment: 0 Neutral
Racial Levels: Doppelgänger 15, Greater Doppelgänger 10, Elder Doppelgänger 5, Arch Dopplegänger 5, Ancient Doppelganger 5, Spider that Scuttles 5, Elder Evil 5
Job Levels: Weaver 15, Shapechanger 15, Death Ringer 10, Legion 5, Unknown 5
Guild: Harvest

A fluid individual when needed they can freely adapt to most situations and keep up the act as needed. Casual and almost too laid back when not acting a role, there overly friendly nature can be seen as verging on pacifism at times and laziness at others, but never the less has served them well much to the frustration of opponents, especially with the strange humility they go about it with that some take as a subtle mockery. Her straightforward way of conversing and casual bluntness has also caused more than a few aggravations at times, though she is capable of putting on a formal and respectful act if needed. Despite all of this when pushed they can begin to show a firey and determined personality if a slight bit of stubbornness and pride though they attempt to keep the later in check. Over time, however, this has resulted in more than a few identity issues as they become somewhat lost in the false identities and find some difficulty in dissociating from them
HP: 88

MP: 88

P.Att: 88

P.Def: 88

Agi: 88

M.Atk: 88

M.Def: 88

Res: 88

Spec: 96

Total: 800

Noteworthy abilities:
  • Earworm: This allows the placement of an infectious parasite within the target for use of monitoring and track the individual's interactions. This can later be activated to begin an assimilation ability dealing damage over time and harvesting more data until it hits zero and the target manifests fully as one of Somethings copies.
  • Change Places: The Original Something instantly swaps with one of their copies.
  • Sincerest Flattery: The Core ability augmented by deep investment within the Doppelganger tree allows the mimicking of individuals exactly with an 85% efficiency in terms of skills, stats, and class abilities.
  • Discorporate Response: Something can collapse into a shapeless form at will allowing them to access through the smallest of spaces, in addition as long as one of these worms remains they may reconstitute themselves over time even if the rest of the mass is destroyed
  • One Girl Revolution: Given a charge time Something may make duplicates of herself though with the same 85% efficiency.
  • Presence Manipulation: Something holds complete control over themselves and is able to change appearance at will, this expands to her own data when observed leading to the manifestation of incorrect results such as HP, Mana, Type, Class, and more.
Noteworthy items:
  • Mirrors of Remote Viewing: A resizeable mirror that enables the viewer to display other locations or links to the sensory organs of willing individuals.
  • Tome of Spell Store: A Worn purple book that allows for up to 256 levels of spells to be stored within though through a cumulative cost such as a 10th level spell costing 55 levels. The Pages of this book regenerate at 10 pages per day.
  • Psionic Paper: A transforming parchment with modified suggestion and reading spells that allows it to display a believable copy of whatever the user claims.
  • Shiva Cry: A unique transforming blade that adapts to the target following the first strike to maximize damage and bypass immunities. Should a kill be performed with the blade then the target will be affected as if by a true death spell and siphoned their essence and form into the blade to be accessed at a later date either directly or converted into XP. This item has been further enchanted with Dancing, Mirroring, and Returning properties.
  • Legion Slippers: A pair of boots that vastly increase the movement speed of the user while allowing the manifestation of multiple mirror images while in motion. A secondary effect of this item is the user may alter the sound and appearance of their footsteps.
  • Dire Harvest: A glove-like item that allows for two or more targets to combine to increase the abilities as well as share capabilities and skills between the targets.
  • Silken Paisley Park: A unique armor that allows for the adaptation and resistance to the last damage type received as well as greatly expanding the range of sensory and divination abilities.
  • Sticky Fingers: A Ring like an item that allows the user to extend their natural reach, effectively allowing them to interact with items of a much further distance without physical contact.
  • Gate of Gulls: A reversible flowing cloak-like item that allows one side to open gate spells at will either in parts or fully.
  • Cheap Tricks at Reasonable Price: A headpiece that allows for incoming damage or effects to be negated through exchanging either gold or XP directly in proportion to the severity or the damage transferred to a willing participant.
The Enigmatic Magician

Real Name
Jace Rose

In-Game Name:
Arcturus Avenza



Race Type:

Karmatic Alignment:
+97 (Neutral Good)

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:
Magician 15
Great Magician 10
Master Elementalist 10
Phantom Thief 10
Cipher 5
Arcane Scholar 10
Esotericist 5
Silver Magus 10
Lunar Magus 5
Graviturge 10
Void Walker 5
Event Horizon 5

HP: 80
MP: 100
Phys. Atk.: 10
Phys. Def.: 40
Agility: 85
Mag. Atk.: 100
Mag. Def.: 60
Resist: 50
Special: 75

Jace (Arcturus) is a friendly and outgoing young man at heart. He enjoys striking up conversations, typically approaching just about everyone with a cordial and playful attitude. Although he can seem a tad childish at times and that playful demeanor of his can often lead to mischief. Perhaps the most common example of this is also the one that ironically often goes unnoticed. Arcturus enjoys finding and keeping secrets. Rarely will he ever betray a confidant's trust, but even more rarely will he ever let slip something he decided would be fun to keep to himself. He likes being a puzzle to solve, a box full of mysteries known only to him. Equally so he likes to be the one doing the solving. At least when the secrets involved are of interest to him.

That's the trouble with Arcturus. His interest isn't always guaranteed. He's a tad selfish and tends to follow his fancies wherever they lead. Only pride and a sense of responsibility keep him from leaving work unfinished and people un-visited. He doesn't like doing things that pull his attention away from his current interests, and has a tendency to turn into a monstrously lazy procrastinator. When he gets involved in the subjects of his fancy, however, he becomes both energetic and focused. Arcturus is an intelligent young man with a strong curiosity and a long memory. He enjoys challenge and discovery, a trait that lead him all over Yggdrasil during the game's run time.

Another trait that Yggdrasil lured out of him was his desire for adventure. Immersion in a fantasy world filled with magic. While his roleplaying never strayed far from his actual personality, Arcturus still liked to indulge in it. Acting as if he were a part of that world, projecting himself into those virtual shoes that carried him up and down the world tree. It even got to the point to where he loathed dying in game, more so than most. Although that attitude didn't fully develop until he'd actually gotten good at playing.

Arcturus was in and out of smaller guilds all throughout Yggdrasil's life. He'd tried joining the larger guilds once or twice, but didn't really like the ones he joined. Too much commitment. Whether it was teaming up with smaller parties, helping out small guilds, or simply going about his own adventuring. Arcturus found he enjoyed the role of a wandering magician. Never early, never late, merely arriving exactly when he intended. Or so he liked to joke. Really he was late a lot of the time.

Noteworthy abilities:
Overview: Arcturus' build is the result of his somewhat undisciplined fancies exploring the magic system of Yggdrasil. The ostensible core of his build is a collection of magic classes with a tint of rogue to them, using conventional stealth in combination with magical deception. Most everything else consists of rare classes he discovered using those skills, as well as the prerequisite classes in order to flesh out his spell list. What resulted is a seemingly unrelated patchwork of specialties, chosen more or less because Arcturus thought they were cool.

Enigma: Through the obscuring, deceptive magics of the Cipher job class, Arcturus is able to evade or otherwise spoof all but the most powerful perception abilities. He cannot be targeted by scrying effects, can reduce or erase his return from detection effects, and is able to obfuscate information about himself against identification effects. Additionally Arcturus can put similar protections on illusions and other deceptive spells, making them much more difficult to discern from reality. Although this requires an increase in casting time.

Nothing Beneath The Mask: When a self-targeted illusion is dispelled or otherwise seen through, Arcturus has a brief opportunity to cast another. Rather than seeing the man behind the curtain, the observer will instead only find the next illusion. Depending on the observer's resistances this second illusion may fool the mind, rendering the initial perception effect unable to discern its true nature. This ability has a cooldown that prevents it from being quickly recast if the observer persists.

Patamagic: The study of Arcane Esotericism has lead Arcturus to uncover deeper insights into the nature of the arcane. Via subtle alterations in the spellcasting process, similar to the application of metamagic, Arcturus can alter the mechanics of a spell. Examples include casting a fireball that inflicts cold damage, or one that homes in on a target rather than exploding on contact. Such adjustments can only be made within the spell's tier level or lower, however, and can only involve effects known to Arcturus.

Ripple in The Mirror: Under the bewitching influence of the Moon and the magic derived from it, the Lunar Magi's counter magic can take on a hypocritical form. Arcturus is able to, for a limited time, reproduce arcane spells cast by other nearby mages. Even if he doesn't know those spells himself. The window to do so closes quickly, fading within several minutes. Often enough time to appropriate the seen spells through most of a battle, but no longer than that.

Hyper Euclidean: Due to his specialized study in the reality warping effects of Graviturgy, Arcturus has learned to withstand the influence of others on the curvature of reality. He cannot be forcibly translocated by reality warping means. Additionally he is immune to most sources of temporal dilation and highly resistant to the rest. Notably, he no longer ages.

Paths Between The Stars: Likely Arcturus' favorite type of spell, his extensive familiarity with teleportation and his study of its mechanics allows him to circumvent effects that would prevent or otherwise alter his teleportation. Although this has a notable casting time that makes it impractical while directly engaged. Similar knowledge also makes him immune to effects that would inhibit his mobility.

Noteworthy items:
Magician's Coat: A black long coat that sweeps down to Arcturus' knees. Naturally it only looks like a modern coat, and is in fact high grade light armor that offers exceptional defense. Only with cosmetics applied, because character fashion is important. In addition to the defenses offered by its quality, the coat also has a plethora of discreet, internal pockets. These allow quick access to any trinkets or consumables the wearer might want to use without requiring him to fuss with his inventory. Most notable however is the effect of the coat's dark material. It can partially camouflage its wearer in shadows and clings jealously to self-targeted illusions once cast. This causes such illusions to persist momentarily when others attempt to dispell or see through them, giving the wearer a few extra seconds to react.

Moon Silk Gloves: Contrary to the name, the gloves themselves are not made from silk. They're black, with the appearance of modern dress gloves, and fit snugly onto Arcturus' slender hands. When moonlight shines down on them, the gloves glitter with a silver embroidery that denotes their true nature. The gloves reduce the mana cost and casting time of spells cast while wearing them.

Unclipped Boots: A pair of black, well polished riding boots. They increase the wearer's movement speed and reduce the cool down of the wearer's teleportation spells.

Untarnished Ring: A translucent, silvery ring. It's normally invisible as it does not reflect most light. Allows the wearer to channel ambient moonlight in order to buff certain types of spells and abilities. For Arcturus this primarily benefits effects related to the Silver Magus and Lunar Magus job classes. The potency of the ring is dependent on the Lunar cycle and can be influenced by effects that interact with The Moon.

Magician's Cards: An ornate deck of magical playing cards, decorated with imagery of roses. Originally it was a 'deck of many things' style item someone else discovered within a dungeon. It found its way into Arcturus' hands when he stole it, thinking he could use his magician job classes to manipulate the odds. He couldn't, much to his disappointment. However he didn't give up on the deck. Instead he anonymously commissioned a high level crafter to alter it, completely changing the deck's function.
Now it's generally useless in the hands of most. However in the hands of a magician it becomes a highly versatile tool. The cards are highly receptive to magic, allowing the user to temporarily impose magical effects onto them. The duration depends on the effect involved and can be influenced by metamagic. Additionally spells can be cast remotely through nearby cards, allowing the user to multi-cast from up to six cards at a time. Though there is a cooldown involved that prevents this from being spammed, with the cooldown increasing the more cards that are involved. The cards can be destroyed if attacked, regenerating at a rate of seven per day.
Finally if more than three-fourths of the deck is present it can be used as the conduit to dramatically amplify a spell. This ability requires a substantial increase in casting cost and has a significant cooldown, similar to the cooldown of super tier spells.

Skeleton Key: Arcturus' best kept secret. The Skeleton Key is a world item, fittingly stolen from its previous owner. It can unlock any lock, break any seal, and open any passage. It is always made from bone, but other than that takes the shape of the key that would unlock the nearest lock. If the nearest lock is something not opened with a key, then it takes the shape of a more appropriate object. Usually a wand. The Skeleton Key only changes when it is not being directly observed.​
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The Enigmatic Magician

Real Name
Jace Rose

In-Game Name:
Arcturus Avenza



Race Type:

Karmatic Alignment:
+97 (Neutral Good)

Racial Levels:

Job Levels:
Magician 15
Great Magician 10
Master Elementalist 10
Phantom Thief 10
Cipher 5
Arcane Scholar 10
Esotericist 5
Silver Magus 10
Lunar Magus 5
Graviturge 10
Void Walker 5
Event Horizon 5

HP: 80
MP: 100
Phys. Atk.: 10
Phys. Def.: 40
Agility: 85
Mag. Atk.: 100
Mag. Def.: 60
Resist: 50
Special: 75

Jace (Arcturus) is a friendly and outgoing young man at heart. He enjoys striking up conversations, typically approaching just about everyone with a cordial and playful attitude. Although he can seem a tad childish at times and that playful demeanor of his can often lead to mischief. Perhaps the most common example of this is also the one that ironically often goes unnoticed. Arcturus enjoys finding and keeping secrets. Rarely will he ever betray a confidant's trust, but even more rarely will he ever let slip something he decided would be fun to keep to himself. He likes being a puzzle to solve, a box full of mysteries known only to him. Equally so he likes to be the one doing the solving. At least when the secrets involved are of interest to him.

That's the trouble with Arcturus. His interest isn't always guaranteed. He's a tad selfish and tends to follow his fancies wherever they lead. Only pride and a sense of responsibility keep him from leaving work unfinished and people un-visited. He doesn't like doing things that pull his attention away from his current interests, and has a tendency to turn into a monstrously lazy procrastinator. When he gets involved in the subjects of his fancy, however, he becomes both energetic and focused. Arcturus is an intelligent young man with a strong curiosity and a long memory. He enjoys challenge and discovery, a trait that lead him all over Yggdrasil during the game's run time.

Another trait that Yggdrasil lured out of him was his desire for adventure. Immersion in a fantasy world filled with magic. While his roleplaying never strayed far from his actual personality, Arcturus still liked to indulge in it. Acting as if he were a part of that world, projecting himself into those virtual shoes that carried him up and down the world tree. It even got to the point to where he loathed dying in game, more so than most. Although that attitude didn't fully develop until he'd actually gotten good at playing.

Arcturus was in and out of smaller guilds all throughout Yggdrasil's life. He'd tried joining the larger guilds once or twice, but didn't really like the ones he joined. Too much commitment. Whether it was teaming up with smaller parties, helping out small guilds, or simply going about his own adventuring. Arcturus found he enjoyed the role of a wandering magician. Never early, never late, merely arriving exactly when he intended. Or so he liked to joke. Really he was late a lot of the time.

Noteworthy abilities:
Overview: Arcturus' build is the result of his somewhat undisciplined fancies exploring the magic system of Yggdrasil. The ostensible core of his build is a collection of magic classes with a tint of rogue to them, using conventional stealth in combination with magical deception. Most everything else consists of rare classes he discovered using those skills, as well as the prerequisite classes in order to flesh out his spell list. What resulted is a seemingly unrelated patchwork of specialties, chosen more or less because Arcturus thought they were cool.

Enigma: Through the obscuring, deceptive magics of the Cipher job class, Arcturus is able to evade or otherwise spoof all but the most powerful perception abilities. He cannot be targeted by scrying effects, can reduce or erase his return from detection effects, and is able to obfuscate information about himself against identification effects. Additionally Arcturus can put similar protections on illusions and other deceptive spells, making them much more difficult to discern from reality. Although this requires an increase in casting time.

Nothing Beneath The Mask: When a self-targeted illusion is dispelled or otherwise seen through, Arcturus has a brief opportunity to cast another. Rather than seeing the man behind the curtain, the observer will instead only find the next illusion. Depending on the observer's resistances this second illusion may fool the mind, rendering the initial perception effect unable to discern its true nature. This ability has a cooldown that prevents it from being quickly recast if the observer persists.

Patamagic: The study of Arcane Esotericism has lead Arcturus to uncover deeper insights into the nature of the arcane. Via subtle alterations in the spellcasting process, similar to the application of metamagic, Arcturus can alter the mechanics of a spell. Examples include casting a fireball that inflicts cold damage, or one that homes in on a target rather than exploding on contact. Such adjustments can only be made within the spell's tier level or lower, however, and can only involve effects known to Arcturus.

Ripple in The Mirror: Under the bewitching influence of the Moon and the magic derived from it, the Lunar Magi's counter magic can take on a hypocritical form. Arcturus is able to, for a limited time, reproduce arcane spells cast by other nearby mages. Even if he doesn't know those spells himself. The window to do so closes quickly, fading within several minutes. Often enough time to appropriate the seen spells through most of a battle, but no longer than that.

Hyper Euclidean: Due to his specialized study in the reality warping effects of Graviturgy, Arcturus has learned to withstand the influence of others on the curvature of reality. He cannot be forcibly translocated by reality warping means. Additionally he is immune to most sources of temporal dilation and highly resistant to the rest. Notably, he no longer ages.

Paths Between The Stars: Likely Arcturus' favorite type of spell, his extensive familiarity with teleportation and his study of its mechanics allows him to circumvent effects that would prevent or otherwise alter his teleportation, although this has a notable casting time that makes it impractical while directly engaged. Similar knowledge also makes him immune to effects that would inhibit his mobility.

Noteworthy items:
Magician's Coat: A black long coat that sweeps down to Arcturus' knees. Naturally it only looks like a modern coat, and is in fact high grade light armor that offers exceptional defense. Only with cosmetics applied, because character fashion is important. In addition to the defenses offered by its quality, the coat also has a plethora of discreet, internal pockets. These allow quick access to any trinkets or consumables the wearer might want to use without requiring him to fuss with his inventory. Most notable however is the effect of the coat's dark material. It can partially camouflage its wearer in shadows and clings jealously to self-targeted illusions once cast. This causes such illusions to persist momentarily when others attempt to dispell or see through them, giving the wearer a few extra seconds to react.

Moon Silk Gloves: Contrary to the name, the gloves themselves are not made from silk. They're black, with the appearance of modern dress gloves, and fit snugly onto Arcturus' slender hands. When moonlight shines down on them, the gloves glitter with a silver embroidery that denotes their true nature. The gloves reduce the mana cost and casting time of spells cast while wearing them.

Unclipped Boots: A pair of black, well polished riding boots. They increase the wearer's movement speed and reduce the cool down of the wearer's teleportation spells.

Witching Ring: A translucent, silvery ring. It's normally invisible, as it does not reflect most light. Whenever a counterspell is successfully cast against an arcane spell while wearing the ring, additional mana can be spent to ensnare that spell within it. The mana cost scales with the tier of the spell being targeted. Spells stored this way can only be cast once per charge, with the charges regenerating overnight. The number of spells that can be stored depends on the tier of the spells. There are technically thirty slots, with a stored spell taking up slots equal to its tier.

Magician's Cards: An ornate deck of magical playing cards, decorated with imagery of roses. Originally it was a 'deck of many things' style item someone else discovered within a dungeon. It found its way into Arcturus' hands when he stole it, thinking he could use his magician job classes to manipulate the odds. He couldn't, much to his disappointment. However he didn't give up on the deck. Instead he anonymously commissioned a high level crafter to alter it, completely changing the deck's function.
Now it's generally useless in the hands of most. However in the hands of a magician it becomes a highly versatile tool. The cards are highly receptive to magic, allowing the user to temporarily impose magical effects onto them. The duration depends on the effect involved and can be influenced by metamagic. Additionally spells can be cast remotely through nearby cards, allowing the user to multi-cast from up to six cards at a time. Though there is a cooldown involved that prevents this from being spammed, with the cooldown increasing the more cards that are involved. The cards can be destroyed if attacked, regenerating at a rate of seven per day.
Finally if more than four-thirds of the deck is present it can be used as the conduit to dramatically amplify a spell. This ability requires a substantial increase in casting cost and has a significant cooldown, similar to the cooldown of super tier spells.

Skeleton Key: Arcturus' best kept secret. The Skeleton Key is a world item, fittingly stolen from its previous owner. It can unlock any lock, break any seal, and open any passage. It is always made from bone, but other than that takes the shape of the key that would unlock the nearest lock. If the nearest lock is something not opened with a key, then it takes the shape of a more appropriate object. Usually a wand. The Skeleton Key only changes when it is not being directly observed.​
The Wandering Swordsman

"You talk too much for someone that's in 'please slice the head off my shoulders' range."
Real Name: Josuke Himura

In-game Name: One-hit Arc

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race Type: Heteromorphic

Karmatic Alignment: -100 (Chaotic Neutral)

Racial levels:
Wandering Soul 15
Outcast 10
Revenant 15
Accursed 8

Job levels:
Unholy Blade 15
Martial God (genius fighter + martial lord) 7
Champion 10
Demonsbane 5
Ki Master 15
Dragon Fist 10
Swordsaint 15

HP: 60
MP: 70
Phys Atk: 40
Phys Def: 80
Agi: 110
Mag Atk: 100
Mag Def: 20
Resist: 100
Special: 100

Total: 680

Shunned by the locals for his brutal ways, looked up as an idolized mentor by some, vilified and feared by most. Everywhere you look, no-one's left without a heavy impression upon interacting with Arc. Often being unbelievably flippant and uncaring, known for being very vocal about the things he dislikes, casually mouthing off anything that may come to mind. No matter how high and mighty the counterpart receiving these witty quips of his really is, not a damn soul gets to walk away from him without a special home-brewed cynical taunt; a showy act that, more often than not, knocks everyone off their high horse. Commonly finding himself having a blast seeing everyone's annoyed reactions to his effortless comebacks and childish teasing, genuinely enjoying every last one of them.

Showing off a fearless, almost disinterested outlook on most situations a normal person would find as 'extremely dangerous', carelessly displaying a standoffish transparency and clueless blasé one could only describe as reckless, being harshly direct and plain uncaring to anyone or anything that dares pose a threat.

Although he may seem laid-back and callous in nature, his usual smugness shatters into a million pieces in the face of a real setback, gradually becoming more foulmouthed and ill-tempered as frustration brews inside him.

Overall, his peers would describe his presence as one that exudes both raw arrogance and general indifference; "A man that casually dismisses any problem with ease." or "A spoiled brat with gifted child syndrome."

Or at least that's the persona Himura Josuke portrays to the world, the character he plays in order to keep his sanity at check in this hideous new world. When the mask slips however, all we get is a tired, anxious kid that wants to go back to the time everything wasn't as vivid, when the game he'd grown addicted to didn't feel quite as realistic as it does now. The trivial times where all he got from enjoying his time in Yggdrasil were just eyesores and skipped alarms, instead of actual bruises and cuts. The regular old, abhorrently boring days where he was just known as nothing but and avid workaholic trying to juggle between playing like a madman until dawn broke and actually sticking to his schedule.

Over his days in the new world, he's witnessed countless of inhumane acts of cruelty and exploitation. He's flourished in such a horrid, perverse ambient for so long that his brain has impulsively developed some sort of kill switch. Going from an emotional, terrified and profoundly disgusted Josuke to the iron-willed, unrelenting and composed swordmaster; Arc.

Arc used to be known as a pretty overwhelming encounter in any sort of competition, whether it were PvP duels or farming items in PvE, as his build was mostly centered around dishing out excessive amounts of damage and taking excessive amounts of damage non-stop, utilizing skills that actually required — well, actual skill. A play style that immediately threw off those who mostly stuck to throwing a thousand different debuffs and magic that required mindless amounts of skill. Hence why he was invited countless times to different guilds over his time as a player, though he found them extremely annoying, declining these forceful invitations on the spot and sticking to his common party to climb up the ranks. It got to a point where he had to go through the trouble of making his own one-man guild to stop receiving these invitations. Everyone eager to stumble upon this nameless guild that had invited one of the best players amongst the locals. Ironically, he'd named the guild "Nameless.", knowing no-one would be stupid enough to look for a guild with such a name.

Noteworthy Abilities:
•Visceral Counter
Description: "A very powerful technique used by outmost skillful martial artists. Following the principles of redirection, this technique allows the user to alter the flow of the opponents attack by deflection, leaving them open to a brutal counter." A passive of the Martial God class that allows Arc to apply a stun effect for 5 seconds if he perfectly deflects an attack directed towards him, by any means. Once the opponent is stunned a mayor debuff to their over-all defense and resistance will also be applied (depending on the opponent's level) in the form of a 'weak point'. Back in Yggdrasil the weak point used to be marked by a faint flash of red in a random spot on the affected's body. In the new world however, the weak point is practically nonexistent unless Arc calculates it's hypothetic spot. 'The weak point' can be found by simply drawing two imaginary lines and solely believing that they exist, visualizing them, and piercing the spot where the two lines meet. If Arc manages to achieve such mind boggling calculations, he will be rewarded a chance to completely annihilate the enemy, as the next blow will count as 'visceral', normally dealing double the regular amount of damage.

"A technique used by a mind that has transcended beyond it's shackles, setting the body free." An active skill of the Ki Master class. Mainly focusing on the cleansing of different toxins and gradual restoration of the users HP. In the New World, this skill also requires Arc to actually enter a state of focus for it to activate.

Description: "Through raw focus, the martial artist may enter a state where the body will move by sheer instinct, but the mind will wander in a vast, tranquil ocean; beyond this plane of existence." One of the few active skills of the Martial God class that allows the user's perception to immediately tap into his subconscious, where he will remain stranded alone until he loses focus, similar to image training. In this blank space, the user will start hearing distant sound cues in the background, if the user barely does so much as acknowledge them and slightly move, then his body in the real world will perfectly dodge any incoming attack with minimal movements. The sound cues are timed with any exterior attack headed towards Arc and grow exponentially quieter if the attack is 'overwhelmingly powerful'. This skill increases Arc's chances of evading any attack by a whopping 99.9%. If he does react to the sound cues in time, that is.

Extras: Applies the special effect 'Looming Dread' to those in the area, this effect will stack up 'fear' to those with lesser resistance to mind-altering effects/ Gradually ticks away MP overtime. If Arc's MP manages to fully deplete, a 'nausea' debuff will be applied, snapping him out of focus./ On certain occasions, this skill may also activate 'Perseverance'

•Parting Clouds: Heaven Splitter
Description: "And the swordmaster swung his blade downwards, the might of the gods dwelling within it, a slash so powerful that it split the world in front of it..." Somewhat of an ultimate technique of the Swordsaint class, a skill that Arc developed himself whilst stuck in the New World. In it's nature, it remains as simple as performing a singular slice with all of your might. But in actuality, it is quite complex, as the movements need to replicate real life kenjutsu techniques as well as mix them up with in-game sword-based skills. If done correctly, it will send forth a devastating slash that will slice any object in front of it, only stopping when it either strikes someone or travels a fair distance. The slice will ignore all forms of physical defense and cut through, though any other form of magical/spiritual barrier seems to stop it in it's tracks with ease.

After making use of this skill, Arc will be struck with a 'weakness' debuff that lasts for 2 days, not being able to lift up his sword and barely managing to walk or use any of his other skills.

•Echoes from the void
Description: "A trait only the unyielding spirits hold. Allowing them to weaponize their own souls." One of the many racial skills that he abuses on a daily basis. In a flash, Arc will return to his spirit form and will be able to choose one out of three specific movements. The first one allows him to dash in any direction at surprising speeds, phasing through any attack and applying a small 'exhaustion' debuff to himself that gets stronger every time he reuses the move. The second one allows him to summon a light-weight 'Soul: Greatsword' and perform a singular slash before the weapon fades away, dealing 50% magic damage and 50% spiritual damage, the greatsword becoming heavier the more he reuses this move. The last one allows him to create a 'Soul: Afterimage' that looms behind him and replicates his every move, providing protection from attacks behind him and adding extra spiritual damage to his physical damage, the afterimage slowly burning away his MP.

All of this moves can be used one after the other in quick succession to activate a secret fourth move called 'Soul: Vals', representing that of an elegant dance between his soul form, his corporeal form and his opponent. 'Soul: Vals' may activate both 'Nirvana' and 'Perseverance' if the user is concentrated enough.

Noteworthy Items:

•Grave Warden Garbs:
Worn by the man, the myth, the legend; One-hit Arc. Consisting of a stylish tan coat; neatly adorned with golden patterns. Matched by a plain white shirt and black slacks. These have absolutely nothing groundbreaking special about them, aside from looking great on him, but for some odd reason they smell rather nice. Provides minimal physical protection and mildly enhances the users innate racial resistances, which are: Spiritual res. Elemental res. and Magic res. as well as nullifying the effects of harsh terrain.

•Mammon's left eye:
One of the few items that he managed to keep. A platinum-gold ring representing a greedy snake that writhes and coils around the wearer's finger, an emerald eye engraved into it. This ring boosts the XP gained by its wearer, the effects stacking up to the ten folds based on the amount of riches lying around the area, the prying greedy eye gloating at the sight of such treasure.

This ring also serves as a loot detector, as the eye tends to drift towards the shiniest piece of gold in the room. Remarkably useful in dungeons.

•Heart Of The Dark-eater:
A sinister, pitch black orb that gleams with malice. A world class item he obtained by a twist of fate when he was just shooting his shot at becoming a 'World Champion', letting his chance go to waste only to save a close friend, a friend who gifted him the cursed item as a reward for such unexpected comradery; his friend didn't manage to win the tournament, sadly. Grants immunity to Instant-death, Despair, Panic, Confusion, Insanity, Negative, Paralysis and Mind-affecting effects. A permanent -100 karma penalty and the abnormal effect 'Abyssal brand' will be applied to the wearer, attracting undead/phantasmagorical-type enemies to the wearer when night falls. Doubles the damage dealt to anyone with the Dark Knight class and doubles the damage taken by anyone with the Dark Knight class.

The orb looms around it's wearer and cannot be unequiped (unless gifted to another player.)

•A branch:
Self-explanatory. It's quite literally, a branch. With the amount of levels Arc has in Swordsaint, it serves as a fine disposable blade until he finds a real one. It's base damage seems to be enhanced by how much Arc regrets throwing away his actual sword.
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The Wandering Swordsman
View attachment 857642

"You talk too much for someone that's in 'please slice the head off my shoulders' range."
Real Name: Josuke Himura

In-game Name: One-hit Arc

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race Type: Heteromorphic

Karmatic Alignment: -100 (Chaotic Neutral)

Racial levels:
Wandering Soul 15
Outcast 10
Revenant 15
Accursed 8

Job levels:
Unholy Blade 15
Martial God (genius fighter + martial lord) 7
Champion 10
Demonsbane 5
Ki Master 15
Dragon Fist 10
Swordsaint 15

HP: 60
MP: 70
Phys Atk: 40
Phys Def: 80
Agi: 110
Mag Atk: 100
Mag Def: 20
Resist: 100
Special: 100

Total: 680

Shunned by the locals for his brutal ways, looked up as an idolized mentor by some, vilified and feared by most. Everywhere you look, no-one's left without a heavy impression upon interacting with Arc. Often being unbelievably flippant and uncaring, known for being very vocal about the things he dislikes, casually mouthing off anything that may come to mind. No matter how high and mighty the counterpart receiving these witty quips of his really is, not a damn soul gets to walk away from him without a special home-brewed cynical taunt; a showy act that, more often than not, knocks everyone off their high horse. Commonly finding himself having a blast seeing everyone's annoyed reactions to his effortless comebacks and childish teasing, genuinely enjoying every last one of them.

Showing off a fearless, almost disinterested outlook on most situations a normal person would find as 'extremely dangerous', carelessly displaying a standoffish transparency and clueless blasé one could only describe as reckless, being harshly direct and plain uncaring to anyone or anything that dares pose a threat.

Although he may seem laid-back and callous in nature, his usual smugness shatters into a million pieces in the face of a real setback, gradually becoming more foulmouthed and ill-tempered as frustration brews inside him.

Overall, his peers would describe his presence as one that exudes both raw arrogance and general indifference; "A man that casually dismisses any problem with ease." or "A spoiled brat with gifted child syndrome."

Or at least that's the persona Himura Josuke portrays to the world, the character he plays in order to keep his sanity at check in this hideous new world. When the mask slips however, all we get is a tired, anxious kid that wants to go back to the time everything wasn't as vivid, when the game he'd grown addicted to didn't feel quite as realistic as it does now. The trivial times where all he got from enjoying his time in Yggdrasil were just eyesores and skipped alarms, instead of actual bruises and cuts. The regular old, abhorrently boring days where he was just known as nothing but and avid workaholic trying to juggle between playing like a madman until dawn broke and actually sticking to his schedule.

Over his days in the new world, he's witnessed countless of inhumane acts of cruelty and exploitation. He's flourished in such a horrid, perverse ambient for so long that his brain has impulsively developed some sort of kill switch. Going from an emotional, terrified and profoundly disgusted Josuke to the iron-willed, unrelenting and composed swordmaster; Arc.

Arc used to be known as a pretty overwhelming encounter in any sort of competition, whether it were PvP duels or farming items in PvE, as his build was mostly centered around dishing out excessive amounts of damage and taking excessive amounts of damage non-stop, utilizing skills that actually required — well, actual skill. A play style that immediately threw off those who mostly stuck to throwing a thousand different debuffs and magic that required mindless amounts of skill. Hence why he was invited countless times to different guilds over his time as a player, though he found them extremely annoying, declining these forceful invitations on the spot and sticking to his common party to climb up the ranks. It got to a point where he had to go through the trouble of making his own one-man guild to stop receiving these invitations. Everyone eager to stumble upon this nameless guild that had invited one of the best players amongst the locals. Ironically, he'd named the guild "Nameless.", knowing no-one would be stupid enough to look for a guild with such a name.

Noteworthy Abilities:
•Visceral Counter
Description: "A very powerful technique used by outmost skillful martial artists. Following the principles of redirection, this technique allows the user to alter the flow of the opponents attack by deflection, leaving them open to a brutal counter." A passive of the Martial God class that allows Arc to apply a stun effect for 5 seconds if he perfectly deflects an attack directed towards him, by any means. Once the opponent is stunned a mayor debuff to their over-all defense and resistance will also be applied (depending on the opponent's level) in the form of a 'weak point'. Back in Yggdrasil the weak point used to be marked by a faint flash of red in a random spot on the affected's body. In the new world however, the weak point is practically nonexistent unless Arc calculates it's hypothetic spot. 'The weak point' can be found by simply drawing two imaginary lines and solely believing that they exist, visualizing them, and piercing the spot where the two lines meet. If Arc manages to achieve such mind boggling calculations, he will be rewarded a chance to completely annihilate the enemy, as the next blow will count as 'visceral', normally dealing double the regular amount of damage.

"A technique used by a mind that has transcended beyond it's shackles, setting the body free." An active skill of the Ki Master class. Mainly focusing on the cleansing of different toxins and gradual restoration of the users HP. In the New World, this skill also requires Arc to actually enter a state of focus for it to activate.

Description: "Through raw focus, the martial artist may enter a state where the body will move by sheer instinct, but the mind will wander in a vast, tranquil ocean; beyond this plane of existence." One of the few active skills of the Martial God class that allows the user's perception to immediately tap into his subconscious, where he will remain stranded alone until he loses focus, similar to image training. In this blank space, the user will start hearing distant sound cues in the background, if the user barely does so much as acknowledge them and slightly move, then his body in the real world will perfectly dodge any incoming attack with minimal movements. The sound cues are timed with any exterior attack headed towards Arc and grow exponentially quieter if the attack is 'overwhelmingly powerful'. This skill increases Arc's chances of evading any attack by a whopping 99.9%. If he does react to the sound cues in time, that is.

Extras: Applies the special effect 'Looming Dread' to those in the area, this effect will stack up 'fear' to those with lesser resistance to mind-altering effects/ Gradually ticks away MP overtime. If Arc's MP manages to fully deplete, a 'nausea' debuff will be applied, snapping him out of focus./ On certain occasions, this skill may also activate 'Perseverance'

•Parting Clouds: Heaven Splitter
Description: "And the swordmaster swung his blade downwards, the might of the gods dwelling within it, a slash so powerful that it split the world in front of it..." Somewhat of an ultimate technique of the Swordsaint class, a skill that Arc developed himself whilst stuck in the New World. In it's nature, it remains as simple as performing a singular slice with all of your might. But in actuality, it is quite complex, as the movements need to replicate real life kenjutsu techniques as well as mix them up with in-game sword-based skills. If done correctly, it will send forth a devastating slash that will slice any object in front of it, only stopping when it either strikes someone or travels a fair distance. The slice will ignore all forms of physical defense and cut through, though any other form of magical/spiritual barrier seems to stop it in it's tracks with ease.

After making use of this skill, Arc will be struck with a 'weakness' debuff that lasts for 2 days, not being able to lift up his sword and barely managing to walk or use any of his other skills.

•Echoes from the void
Description: "A trait only the unyielding spirits hold. Allowing them to weaponize their own souls." One of the many racial skills that he abuses on a daily basis. In a flash, Arc will return to his spirit form and will be able to choose one out of three specific movements. The first one allows him to dash in any direction at surprising speeds, phasing through any attack and applying a small 'exhaustion' debuff to himself that gets stronger every time he reuses the move. The second one allows him to summon a light-weight 'Soul: Greatsword' and perform a singular slash before the weapon fades away, dealing 50% magic damage and 50% spiritual damage, the greatsword becoming heavier the more he reuses this move. The last one allows him to create a 'Soul: Afterimage' that looms behind him and replicates his every move, providing protection from attacks behind him and adding extra spiritual damage to his physical damage, the afterimage slowly burning away his MP.

All of this moves can be used one after the other in quick succession to activate a secret fourth move called 'Soul: Vals', representing that of an elegant dance between his soul form, his corporeal form and his opponent. 'Soul: Vals' may activate both 'Nirvana' and 'Perseverance' if the user is concentrated enough.

Noteworthy Items:

•Grave Warden Garbs:
Worn by the man, the myth, the legend; One-hit Arc. Consisting of a stylish tan coat; neatly adorned with golden patterns. Matched by a plain white shirt and black slacks. These have absolutely nothing groundbreaking special about them, aside from looking great on him, but for some odd reason they smell rather nice. Provides minimal physical protection and mildly enhances the users innate racial resistances, which are: Spiritual res. Elemental res. and Magic res. as well as nullifying the effects of harsh terrain.

•Mammon's left eye:
One of the few items that he managed to keep. A platinum-gold ring representing a greedy snake that writhes and coils around the wearer's finger, an emerald eye engraved into it. This ring boosts the XP gained by its wearer, the effects stacking up to the ten folds based on the amount of riches lying around the area, the prying greedy eye gloating at the sight of such treasure.

This ring also serves as a loot detector, as the eye tends to drift towards the shiniest piece of gold in the room. Remarkably useful in dungeons.

•Heart Of The Dark-eater:
A sinister, pitch black orb that gleams with malice. A world class item he obtained by a twist of fate when he was just shooting his shot at becoming a 'World Champion', letting his chance go to waste only to save a close friend, a friend who gifted him the cursed item as a reward for such unexpected comradery; his friend didn't manage to win the tournament, sadly. Grants immunity to Instant-death, Despair, Panic, Confusion, Insanity, Negative, Paralysis and Mind-affecting effects. A permanent -100 karma penalty and the abnormal effect 'Abyssal brand' will be applied to the wearer, attracting undead/phantasmagorical-type enemies to the wearer when night falls. Doubles the damage dealt to anyone with the Dark Knight class and doubles the damage taken by anyone with the Dark Knight class.

The orb looms around it's wearer and cannot be unequiped (unless gifted to another player.)

•A branch:
Self-explanatory. It's quite literally, a branch. With the amount of levels Arc has in Swordsaint, it serves as a fine disposable blade until he finds a real one. It's base damage seems to be enhanced by how much Arc regrets throwing away his actual sword.
Real Name: ■■■■■■
In-Game Name: ■■■■
Gender: ?? (Female)
Age: ?? (37)
Race Type: Heteromorphic
Karmatic Alignment: -200 (Lawful Evil)
Racial Levels:
Brain Eater (10)
Mindflayer (10)
Feaster From Afar (5)
Job Levels:
Alchemist (15)
High Alchemist (10)
Mentalist (10)
Hunter (15)
Jaegermeister (10)
Tailor (10)
Foreigner (5)
HP: 100
MP: 100
Phys. Atk.: 80
Phys. Def.: 80
Agility: 95
Mag. Atk.: 85
Mag. Def.: 90
Resist: 80
Special: 90
■■■■ is morally bankrupt, doing whatever they please or for their own gain. Their rather prideful and is manipulative, twisting people's desires and wants to align with their own. In spite of their selfish nature, they are capable of mercy and affection, rewarding and protecting those they find dear to them.
Guild: Harvest
Noteworthy abilities:
The Golden Sigil - A symbol that latches into the beholder's psyche. Upon beholding the Sigil in any form, so long as its of a yellow hue, it opens up the beholder's mind to ■■■■ and allows them to control them to their every whim. Effective to those that are lvl 60 and below with the effect getting weaker per increase in level. Maximum targets per day are limited to 100 with that limit dropping by 5 for every 10 levels of difference. Effect refreshes once control is relinquished. Level 90 NPCs and Players are outright immune to its effects.
Dreamweaver - Allows ■■■■ to enter the dreams/memories of anyone targeted. Can be used to view or even rewrite their memories and dreams. Requires the target to be asleep for it to work. Level 80 NPCs and Players are immune to this skill.
Feaster of Minds - The ultimate skill of the Feaster From Afar. The ability to consume the memories and skills of a captured target, leaving behind a mindless husk. In-game it allowed the player to drain EXP from any target that is less than half of their current LVL. In the new world, it allows ■■■■ to absorb the memories of targets instead of merely viewing them.
Hallowed Possession - By entering a state of semi-hibernation, ■■■■ shrinks and could latch onto or enter bodies to possess them, granting them the Cursed Host special class. Only possible on special NPCs created with the limited event item, Mask of the Golden Lord, this is no longer the case in the New World. Allows the player to channel their abilities through the Cursed Host and acts as a 2nd life of sorts. Taking active control for too long will cause gradual self-damage.

Noteworthy items:
Cloak of Tindalos - A cloak made from the hides of Hounds of Tibdalos, allows the wearer to perceive a chosen target despite distance or obstacle. Rendered useless if target is in a room with no angles.
The Yellow Masque - A mask that allows ■■■■ to mimic a humanoid appearance despite their usual appearance. Donning the Yellow Masque shifts their form to look like a regal looking person in yellow robes. Currently missing.
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Creator: ■■■■
In-Game Name: Niche
Gender: Female
Race Type: Human
Karmatic Alignment: 50 (Neutral)
Racial Levels:
Immortal Human
Job Levels:
Ranger (10)
Hunter (10)
Herbalist (10)
Cleric (10)
Gunner (10)
Sniper (10)
Bombard (5)
Cursed Host (5)
Maid (15)
Etc. (15))
HP: 60
MP: 80
Phys. Atk.: 30
Phys. Def.: 30
Agility: 50
Mag. Atk.: 90
Mag. Def.: 90
Resist: 75
Special: 95
Meek, submissive, and loyal to a fault. Niche was programmed to be the perfect subordinate. Follows all orders to a t, never argues, and excellent at housekeeping. Despite her loyalty, or rather because of her loyalty, she is programmed to have some free will in that she will question and choose to disobey orders she finds morally repulsive. When allowed to do so.
Guild: Harvest
Noteworthy abilities:
Hallowed Possession - By giving over her mind to ■■■■, Niche can channel ■■■■'s abilities and powers while retaining her own abilities. Allowing this possession does start to drain Niche's life with prolonged use of this skill leading to potential death.
All Ports Open Fire! - The ultimate skill of the Bombard class. Niche opens fire with every firearm in her inventory for 5 seconds at 0 MP or ammunition cost. The skill can be extended at considerable MP and ammunition cost. In Niche's case, it can be extended to 12 seconds of sustained fire. The skill has 48 hour cool down.

Noteworthy items:
Shroud of Turin - A World Item whose main ability is Auto-Regeneration and Resurrection of the wearer. The passive health regen of the Shroud is powerful enough to negate the gradual DoT caused by the Cursed Host's Passive, Hallowed Possession.
Mask of the Golden Lord (Remains) - A limited event item that grants the wearer the Cursed Host class. The mask crumbles to ash upon activation but the effect is permanant.

  • Creator.jpg
    Real Name: Oryou Nogami-no-Mitsuhide
    In-Game Name: Creator_san
    Gender: F
    Age: ??? (29)
    Race Type: Heteromorphic
    Karmatic Alignment: -200 (Lawful Evil)
    Racial Levels:
    Doppelgänger (15)
    Greater Doppelgänger (10)
    etc (20)
    Job Levels:
    Gun Sorcerer (10)
    Sniper (10)
    Shifter (5)
    Armored War Mage (10)
    Blacksmith (5)
    Magic Craftsman (5)
    Enchanter (4)
    Disciple of Disaster (10)
    Assassin (5)
    Weapon Smith (10)
    Foreigner (5)
    Mentalist (5)
    HP: 100
    MP: 100
    Phy. Atk.: 15 (Variable)
    Phy. Def.: 70 (Variable)
    Agility: 20 (Variable)
    Mag. Atk.: 90 (Variable)
    Mag. Def.: 95 (Variable)
    Resistance: 95 (Variable)
    Special Ability: 100

    An avid Otaku gamer, History buff, Artist, writer and a hikkikomori. Oryou built her Creator_san persona in sheer contrast to her Karmatic alignment as a Haughty and Self-confident wandering traveler with her own personality, often showing up as a nice young looking lass helping others or doing quests solo even if there’s a party of players around saying she’s fine doing it solo while hiding her own loneliness as she never stays with other people often having trouble with communicating to them as she gets overwhelmed most of the time, she often travels alone until she built her character up to be able to make her own NPC companion to accompany her in every game session. Eventually at some point she joined a guild out of curiosity.

    Also has some notable sadistic tendencies that spring out from time to time thanks to a friend of hers in the guild.

    Guild: While technically a member of The Harvest Guild, She has proxy worked with other guilds, most notably Hammerdeep.

    Noteworthy abilities:
    Clean - A spell used to clean weapons and equipment. If used with Widen Magic, can clean rooms.

    Charm Person - The spell could be caused by the charmed target to see the user as their best friend. And as their friend, the user's words had a certain amount of effect on that person. However, since this was only a low-level charm spell, it could not brain-wash the target.

    Charm Species - spell that works on any species. It makes the target regard the caster as a "friend", and may be used in interrogation. However, it cannot make the target reveal secrets that they would not reveal to a friend, or perform actions that friends would not tell them to do, such as self-harm.

    Dominate - Powerful version of Charm Person. Allows caster to control the person at will.

    Ghost Sound - Produces sounds that can confuse or mislead people.

    All Appraisal Magic Item - Besides identifying the target item, this spell would even tell its caster about a magic item’s creator and manufacturer.

    Summon Clockwerk Bot - A spell which allows the user to summon a low-tier melee/ranged attack automata.

    Summon Automata - An Improvement over the Clockwerk Bot Skill, Summons a higher-tier melee/ranged attack automata.

    Conjure Gun - A Spell that conjures a Magical Gun of any class, shoots Magical bullets and uses MP to fire.

    Copy cat Re:verse- A spell that copies the target's first used ability and reflect it back at the target, Can only copy a target once a day

    Anti-Information Magic Wall - A spell which prevent surveillance by others.

    Shockwave - This spell casts a powerful pressurized airwave around the caster, knocking back and injuring foes who are close to the caster.

    Nuclear Blast - This spell is powerful enough to entirely consume the space between the user and their target in an instant. However, the user will also be caught in the range of the spell's attack. The spell does composite damage (half fire, half bludgeoning) and it is one of the weaker 9th tier spells in terms of damage. Nonetheless, it has a very large area of effect to the point that if the surrounding buildings are present, those large objects will be swept away in the middle of that explosion. In that respect, the spell is superior to almost all others as it can generate all kinds of negative status effects. This includes poisoning, blindness, deafness, and so on. It possess a high knockback.

    Heaven’s Fall: All-Under-Heaven - A Powerful offensive type Super-Tier Magic, The user calls upon Three Thousand Guns and fire volley after volley of tremendous destructive power and overwhelming fire-density to annihilate everything the user points at.

    Noteworthy items:
    Portable Workshop - Allows her to deploy a temporary small workshop at any place considered outside, allowing her to fix, clean, enchant or upgrade any equipment. It cannot be deployed indoors unless it is spacious enough.

    Magic Gun - Creator_san's personal Magic gun, Shaped as an Anti-Tank Rifle, this Magic Gun is a powerful weapon capable of destroying heavily armored targets with a single shot. It is capable of using custom ammunition.

    Crimson Military Uniform - A Black and red outfit with gold outlines, negates fire damage, increases her Mana pool and Damage even more than her Uniform, rewarded after the Valkyrie's Fall update. comes with a cosmetic burning embers aura that's always active but can be turned off.

    Crimson Armband - A Crimson Armband she wears to negate Fire damage and increase her Mana pool and Damage, rewarded after the Valkyrie's Fall update.

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  • View attachment 866075 Real Name: Oryou Nogami-no-Mitsuhide
    In-Game Name: Creator_san
    Gender: F
    Age: ??? (29)
    Race Type: Heteromorphic
    Karmatic Alignment: -200 (Lawful Evil)
    Racial Levels:
    Doppelgänger (15)
    Greater Doppelgänger (10)
    etc (20)
    Job Levels:
    Gun Sorcerer (10)
    Sniper (10)
    Shifter (5)
    Armored War Mage (10)
    Blacksmith (5)
    Magic Craftsman (5)
    Enchanter (4)
    Disciple of Disaster (10)
    Assassin (5)
    Weapon Smith (10)
    Foreigner (5)
    Mentalist (5)
    HP: 100
    MP: 100
    Phy. Atk.: 15 (Variable)
    Phy. Def.: 70 (Variable)
    Agility: 20 (Variable)
    Mag. Atk.: 90 (Variable)
    Mag. Def.: 95 (Variable)
    Resistance: 95 (Variable)
    Special Ability: 100

    An avid Otaku gamer, History buff, Artist, writer and a hikkikomori. Oryou built her Creator_san persona in sheer contrast to her Karmatic alignment as a Haughty and Self-confident wandering traveler with her own personality, often showing up as a nice young looking lass helping others or doing quests solo even if there’s a party of players around saying she’s fine doing it solo while hiding her own loneliness as she never stays with other people often having trouble with communicating to them as she gets overwhelmed most of the time, she often travels alone until she built her character up to be able to make her own NPC companion to accompany her in every game session. Eventually at some point she joined a guild out of curiosity.

    Also has some notable sadistic tendencies that spring out from time to time thanks to a friend of hers in the guild.

    Guild: While technically a member of The Harvest Guild, She has proxy worked with other guilds, most notably Hammerdeep.

    Noteworthy abilities:
    Clean - A spell used to clean weapons and equipment. If used with Widen Magic, can clean rooms.

    Charm Person - The spell could be caused by the charmed target to see the user as their best friend. And as their friend, the user's words had a certain amount of effect on that person. However, since this was only a low-level charm spell, it could not brain-wash the target.

    Charm Species - spell that works on any species. It makes the target regard the caster as a "friend", and may be used in interrogation. However, it cannot make the target reveal secrets that they would not reveal to a friend, or perform actions that friends would not tell them to do, such as self-harm.

    Dominate - Powerful version of Charm Person. Allows caster to control the person at will.

    Ghost Sound - Produces sounds that can confuse or mislead people.

    All Appraisal Magic Item - Besides identifying the target item, this spell would even tell its caster about a magic item’s creator and manufacturer.

    Summon Clockwerk Bot - A spell which allows the user to summon a low-tier melee/ranged attack automata.

    Summon Automata - An Improvement over the Clockwerk Bot Skill, Summons a higher-tier melee/ranged attack automata.

    Conjure Gun - A Spell that conjures a Magical Gun of any class, shoots Magical bullets and uses MP to fire.

    Copy cat Re:verse- A spell that copies the target's first used ability and reflect it back at the target, Can only copy a target once a day

    Anti-Information Magic Wall - A spell which prevent surveillance by others.

    Shockwave - This spell casts a powerful pressurized airwave around the caster, knocking back and injuring foes who are close to the caster.

    Nuclear Blast - This spell is powerful enough to entirely consume the space between the user and their target in an instant. However, the user will also be caught in the range of the spell's attack. The spell does composite damage (half fire, half bludgeoning) and it is one of the weaker 9th tier spells in terms of damage. Nonetheless, it has a very large area of effect to the point that if the surrounding buildings are present, those large objects will be swept away in the middle of that explosion. In that respect, the spell is superior to almost all others as it can generate all kinds of negative status effects. This includes poisoning, blindness, deafness, and so on. It possess a high knockback.

    Heaven’s Fall: All-Under-Heaven - A Powerful offensive type Super-Tier Magic, The user calls upon Three Thousand Guns and fire volley after volley of tremendous destructive power and overwhelming fire-density to annihilate everything the user points at.

    Noteworthy items:
    Portable Workshop - Allows her to deploy a temporary small workshop at any place considered outside, allowing her to fix, clean, enchant or upgrade any equipment. It cannot be deployed indoors unless it is spacious enough.

    Magic Gun - Creator_san's personal Magic gun, Shaped as an Anti-Tank Rifle, this Magic Gun is a powerful weapon capable of destroying heavily armored targets with a single shot. It is capable of using custom ammunition.

    Crimson Military Uniform - A Black and red outfit with gold outlines, negates fire damage, increases her Mana pool and Damage even more than her Uniform, rewarded after the Valkyrie's Fall update. comes with a cosmetic burning embers aura that's always active but can be turned off.

    Crimson Armband - A Crimson Armband she wears to negate Fire damage and increase her Mana pool and Damage, rewarded after the Valkyrie's Fall update.

- The Creed of the Nachtkrapp Hunters

  • Appearance:

    Gender: Undefined
    Race Type: Heteromorphic
    Karmatic Alignment: 0 (True Neutral)
    Racial Levels:
    Doppelganger (10)
    Job Levels:
    Hunter (10)
    Armoured War Mage (5)
    Alchemist (15)
    Elementalist: Air (10)
    Elementalist: Earth (10)
    Priest (10)

    HP: 80
    MP: 100
    Phys. Atk.: 15
    Phys. Def.: 30
    Agility: 75
    Mag. Atk.: 80
    Mag. Def.: 60
    Resist: 40
    Special: 80
    Total: 560

    Pragmatic, no-nonsense, and straightforward. Nanaba is a being of sheer focus and willingness to do anything to get things done, morals or sacrifices be damned. Of course their pragmatism is tempered by their loyalty and dedication to their fellow Hunters and Jaegermeister, aiming for maximum results while minimizing risks. This made them the ideal person to act as the Nachtkrapp Hunters' defacto leader and as its Tactician. Despite their stiff and even downright dismissive attitude, Nanaba does have a curious mind and would rather capture live specimens to experiment on. That and they have a rather morbid sense of humor.
    Guild: Harvest
    Noteworthy abilities:
    Obsidian Blade - Summons an obsidian sword that homes in on the target.
    Morning Star - Fires a beam of Holy magic from Nanaba's helmet. Capable of penetrating almost all forms of physical defenses and punching through any magical barrier below Tier 7. Most effective against those of Negative karma.
    Tempest Lance - A lance of pure electricity focused into a lance roughly the width of a thumb. Upon contact with its intended target or commanded, the lance explodes into a sphere of electricity that arcs to anything within a 10m radius.
    Strike Flare - Deposits a small glowing orb that erupts in a bright flash upon contact or command. Useful for stunning pursuers. Deals minimal damage unless target is of Negative karma or Undead.

    Noteworthy items:
    Dawn Canopy - A powered armour that reduces all in-coming magic damage by 40% at the cost of some of the user's MP. Does not reduce physical damage. Has a built in grappling hook under each wrist.
    Dirt Encrusted Mask - A mask belonging to the Jaegermeister. Nanaba does not allow anyone else to touch it, becoming uncharacteristically violent when any attempt to touch the mask is made.
    Celestial Dusk - A special longcoat made by someone cherished by Nanaba. Being made out of Dragonscale, its durability and fire-resistance is higher than a simple longcoat.
    Thyrsus - A custom handgun with a built in blade. Fires MP forged bullets with an element applied to it. Nanaba usually uses Electric and Holy rounds due to not needing specialized catalyst magazines. The blade is enchanted to deal fire damage. Caliber size: 7.62x25mm

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