Thanks, I'm glad I joined :) I really like this rp's set up and plot and everything. Are there any villains yet, Folcor?
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well... that's a discussion we've been having, Wolfy. Does Nishira count as a villain/antagonist?

Currently we don't have any 'villains' that are threatening the school or the students.
We could do something really messed up, like have the villain be someone who would traditionally be a hero.

Like, some adventuring party showing up at the school and tearing it apart because the Headmistress is a lich.
well... that, yeah... or trying to kill the lich because they see her as imprisoning the students not realizing that killing the lich kills everything in this universe?
Yeah. Maybe the group could be a couple canon characters from established universes, come to get their friends back. I mean, they were banished from their universes, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone in a student's universe was okay with the idea.
That's true. I could definitely see that. But then the spirits, teachers, and all bound students (plus the undead army) would be mobilized against these people... would be interesting, though, as they would see this as the lich being evil.
Yeah. Although... I'll admit part of me just wants an excuse to have Belgarath and a few other sorcerers show up, even if only for a little bit.
I had the best scene ever just pop into my head. Nishira and the other sorcerers are talking, maybe after the fighting has died down, and they just casually mention something like.

"Yeah, James is young and needs to learn. Once he's got his first thousand years under his belt, I'm sure he'll have much better control of his powers."

*side note: In The Belgariad, Sorcerers have what I call Norse Immortality. They aren't immortal in the traditional sense, they just keep living until something kills them. Essentially they just kind of stop aging at a certain point, usually related to their perception of how they should look.

ex: Most of the original sorcerers look like very old men, because they believed that a sorcerer is supposed to be an old man. Belgarath's daughter Polegara however looks like she is in her early 30s, because she to her, a sorceress is a mature woman, but an old woman is a crone. (actual [paraphrased] line from the books.)
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that's awesome >W< I can imagine that as well. And Why'nn's 'Father' and a Thayan regiment will likely try to invade to recover Why'nn and her brothers.
*returns with ice cream* and that would likely happen, though I think most characters don't have loved ones that aren't at the school...
That sounds like it could break out into a full scale war.

But more importantly, what KIND of icecream?
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