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Realistic or Modern OOC Superheros And Villains

kinda interested in this roleplay :00 are you guys still open to new chars?
Sorry I haven't responded, notifications aren't working on my end; been busy so I'm gonna have to drop out.
I had the idea Nate's parents were investigative journalists investigating the aquarium and were killed because of it.
I have a idea regarding the ben situation, maybe he can turn into clockwork and go back to the present, just rage quiting the arc.
Can i claim Robocop or this guy
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The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

I had an idea. What if Patrick accidentally unlocks the limitor remover, allowing him to remain in alien form indefinitely and allows him to switch on the fly. Think of it as master control without access to additional aliens. Kinda like in the original series.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

I had an idea. What if Patrick accidentally unlocks the limitor remover, allowing him to remain in alien form indefinitely and allows him to switch on the fly. Think of it as master control without access to additional aliens. Kinda like in the original series.
You already asked me that and the answer hasn't changed since last time you don't get to remove the limiter you have 10 minute transformations you will time out you're going to have to deal with that for a while.

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