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Realistic or Modern OOC: Santa Monica Home for Boys and Girls [Reboot!]

Well I am sitting down to work on it right now.

Man days like today I am reminded just how far we still need to go as a society.
Don't worry about it bro. I'm pretty busy myself right now with some college work.
Yeah it was just a long stressful day. Filled with conversations I didn't want to have and things I didn't want to have to explain to my son.
And my husband is gone at a conference for work so I just feel even more stressed not having him here ya know? But anyways none of that is your issue. I'll have Asher's post up soon.
Ugh I feel ya. I've been worrying too much about all the stuff going on in the world on top of the work I have for college lol. Work sucks too man, hang in there you got this.

Also don't worry, don't rush the Asher post.
I've been busy today too, though not for anything as bad as it sounds like you were dealing with kai :( i hope things get better for you soon!!!
I am genuinely so glad to see Dez alienating someone just... being her. It's very much how I figured their shit went in general in school and such so!!!
Asher post is up.

And thanks Mika it really wasn't that terrible I guess I just fooled myself into thinking the world had come further than it had and didn't think I would have to explain to my son why or how someone could Hate/ be disgusted by his family because he had two dads.
Thanks I've obviously dealt with Bigotry my whole life and have learned not to let it bother me to much but it's all knew to Liam and he's having a rough time with it. To be honest it was more painful for me than I expected it to be but I think that's just because I hate seeing my little guy in that kind of pain.

Also while I'm disappointed That Liam started a fight by throwing the first punch I am also very proud that he stood up to ignorance
Jeez that's really not good Kai I'm so sorry you and your son had to deal with that. We live in a fucked up place. It's sad that the little guy has to see this bigotry first hand at such a young age. No kid, or anyone, should have to deal with that.
Yeah it's really fucking stupid I just never expected this to happen not to him... and while I am perfectly aware I couldn't have done anything to stop it from happening the protective parent in me cant help but feel like I failed my job as a parent to protect him.

I think the worst part is that the kid that was picking on him about it was a good friend Of Liam's. I guess tho when I dropped Liam off last Saturday to hang out and introduced myself as his father then my Husband picked him up later that night. I'm guessing the boy's parents realized that we were gay and stared filling their son's mind with all that bullshit cause let me tell you the stuff that apparently came out of that kids mouth are not the thoughts of a nine year old.
You didn't fail as a parent, the kid who picked on Liam's parents failed as a parent for putting those bullshit thoughts in their son's head. There's gay people out there, so get use to it, I don't know why the world won't understand this.
You didn't fail as a parent, the kid who picked on Liam's parents failed as a parent for putting those bullshit thoughts in their son's head. There's gay people out there, so get use to it, I don't know why the world won't understand this.
Yeah trust me I know I didn't it's just hard not to feel that way a little bit when I see Liam hurting like he is.
Yeah I just don't get it like excuse me how does me a man having a husband effect you in any way? like you don't agree with it okay fine you don't have to I bet there are things you do that I don't agree with but that doesn't give me a right to treat you like a lesser human.
Like damn wtf is wrong with people ugg telling your son I'm a pedophile because I'm gay? like really?
Then the father has the gull to throw a fit about his son getting suspended for bulling cause "he did nothing wrong...He was just telling the truth?"
Liam got suspended to but you know what I didn't throw a temper tantrum. He shouldn't have punched the kid and he did while yes he was getting picked on he still shouldn't have done that.

UGGGGGG okay okay I'm done now sorry just needed to get it off my chest I guess lol.
While it sucks Liam was suspended, I'm glad he punched that fucker and taught him a lesson. Good on Liam for defending himself, although maybe he shouldn't have, the kid sure has balls.

I can't believe people still all gays are evil spawns of Satan or something less than human. It's disgusting but sadly, some people will never change.

And don't worry about it. It's good to get these things off your chest. Best of luck to you two.
Yeah I mean I don't really like violence but part of me is proud he stood up for himself.

and it certainly felt good to get it off my chest.

Now tho apparently I need to find some kind of Pride shirt for Liam because he is being very persistent that when he goes back to school he is going to make sure everyone knows that he is proud to have two dads and that there is nothing wrong with it lol... gotta admit tho I am a bit nervous about it.
Wow, that's a bold move by Liam. I love that kind of pride but I also can't help but be a bit nervous if he does chose to wear it. I know how sad that sounds that I need to be nervous about him wearing something like that, but that's this world sadly. Glad he is not ashamed of and is proud to have two dads though, it's normal and he should feel normal.
Oh no I understand I am extremely nervous about the idea especially after today. But he says that he needs to do it. Idk why but that's what he says.

I am very unsure about it tho. Feels like Id be covering him in blood then sending him into a pit full of hungry wolves... But if I don't let him then I might as well just throw away everything I said to him today.
He's a very brave boy. But yea, you're right. It's just conflicting ya know? As a former student, I know kids can be just brutal sometimes with the bullying.
Yeah he must have learnt that from my husband cause I sure as hell don't have that kind of bravery. and yeah its very conflicting.
I mean I don't think I can tell him he can't do this. But I am certainly going to have several talks with him to make sure he understands what kind of consequences this could have for him. Cause if he's going to do it than I at least need to prepare him.
Yea man it's tough. And yea, definitely prepare him if he does choose to do it. Sad you even need to do that but that's the world we live in.

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