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Fantasy ooc for elemental royals

There are five of them, so it will need to be something large enough for them all to fit. Or I suppose we could do two boats with one of the Water Sibs in each, but even then, one boat would need to be large enough to carry three. I'm not overly familiar with types of boats (I grew up in a desert), but a kayak seems like it would be too small. However, I agree that it (or they) need to be smallish.
yeah im thinking like... small pontoon size? Obv not a pontoon tho. Let's just call it a flatboat! :coolshades:

I can write up a starter for them being already on the river if we are cool with starting up there
haha, I think Edare will pass on forcefeeding Amarina... She might scare him more than Nima tbh

Do we want them to hit some rapids and have someone (cough cough Dagon cough) go overboard?
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Do we want them to hit some rapids and have someone (cough cough Dagon cough) go overboard?

I may or may not have already been picturing the hilarity of Dagon trying to get something that's out of his reach on the other side of the boat (so he has to actually stand up and move). If they hit a rapid and he goes overboard in the process, he may seriously consider walking the rest of the way. 🤣
After watching fireworks tonight, I started thinking what Fire Kingdom holiday/celebration would have more explosions than normal, because I'm pretty sure that would be Dagon's favorite holiday.
oooooh yes! I wonder how they design/create new fireworks- Obviously the color changes are prol different chemicals being ignited on a timed fuse but the different physics and stuff must be pretty involved too? And you could only test new concepts at night!

idk i should have pursued the sciences and then i could work in fireworks development
SO do we want Dagon to be rescued this round (Nima and/or Edare could pull him in?) or should we let him flounder a bit more?
I'm working full time again, so I might be a bit delayed on the responses, sorry!

(Also if we want Edare to dive in, we can just assume he did?)
hey sorry about the delay- I've got a lot going on atm and likely won't be able to respond for at least another week or two
okay so everytime i try to write something, I feel like I am making a lot of assumption about what happens and how 'okay' dagon is feeling (like, did he inhale water? does he need cpr?)- Would it maybe make sense to skip me this round?
okay so everytime i try to write something, I feel like I am making a lot of assumption about what happens and how 'okay' dagon is feeling (like, did he inhale water? does he need cpr?)- Would it maybe make sense to skip me this round?

We can go that route if you would like or I'm fine to just fill you in on the details I've got in my head. Basically, yes, Dagon did inhale some water, but not enough that a round of coughing and maybe a couple good pounds on the back can't clear out. However, if you would still prefer to skip this round, that's fine too.
Sorry for the delay in replying. Life in general is my only excuse. I will try to get something written later today.
blergh blergh blergh

YES. Life gets a bit wild sometimes doesnt it?!

anywho i just did a quick post, if you did have something you'd been working on you want to put before I'm totally fine to delete mine!
Hey, guys! Just wanted to leave a quick note that I haven't forgotten about this. I lost the link for a bit, but I'm back now and hope to have a reply for you soon.

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