OOC Discussion

Captain Hesperus] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11434-too-much-idea/ said:
@too much idea[/URL] Another weakness might be due to her emotional immaturity. She appears to be quite naive about the world, so she could be easily lead astray or manipulated emotionally ("Make me a way of deactivating my limiter without the Commonwealth knowing or I'll tell everyone you still wet the bed at night!") by the wrong people.

If she met the wrong people...
Tomoko, like a kid her age, watches a lot of Disney movie and came up with tonnes of cute petname for the students and staff.

Ward- Grumpy

Jason- Doc

Denzil - Bashful

Aaron - Sneezy

Asher - Happy

St Indigo] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11434-too-much-idea/ said:
@too much idea[/URL]
urial nickname plez
Hhhhhhhmmm... Mr. Busy?

It's a beaver in the movie (Lady and Tramp) but it fits him so well??
[QUOTE="too much idea]Tomoko, like a kid her age, watches a lot of Disney movie and came up with tonnes of cute petname for the students and staff.
Ward- Grumpy

Jason- Doc

Denzil - Bashful

Aaron - Sneezy

Asher - Happy


That's so adorable!
RemainingQuestions said:
Ranged weapons are iffy, because if she summons the ammo, it disappears as soon as she doesn't touch it anymore, so unless she has a quiver of arrows or bolts with her, a bow or crossbow would be a not-so-handy bludgeoning weapon.
Credit to @Bag o Fruit Since ammo (like septims) adds zero encumbrance, why not carry a few hundred thousand crossbow bolts around with you? You could even use special dwarven exploding flame acid bolts to add a little spice...
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[QUOTE="too much idea]

Aaron - Sneezy



Lazarus = Totoro.

Edit: Because of all the grinning.
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Gus said:
Lazarus = Totoro.

Edit: Because of all the grinning.
That grinning could be because the tern tore his lips off and Lazarus hasn't quite healed that yet.

Captain Hesperus
Gus said:
Credit to @Bag o Fruit Since ammo (like septims) adds zero encumbrance, why not carry a few hundred thousand crossbow bolts around with you? You could even use special dwarven exploding flame acid bolts to add a little spice...
Well taken the max strength score of twenty (so no feats or stuff) the maximum arrows without becoming encumbered is 2000, and bolts is 1333.333... and if you want to go even further 4000 arrows with heavy encumbrance or 2666.666... bolts. But then that's the case for 5E. And not carrying anything else.

But just having her carry a ton of ammo would get around the issue of bows etc, but I don't know if Solo would do that. Maybe, maybe not.
RemainingQuestions said:
Well taken the max strength score of twenty (so no feats or stuff) the maximum arrows without becoming encumbered is 2000, and bolts is 1333.333... and if you want to go even further 4000 arrows with heavy encumbrance or 2666.666... bolts. But then that's the case for 5E. And not carrying anything else.
But just having her carry a ton of ammo would get around the issue of bows etc, but I don't know if Solo would do that. Maybe, maybe not.
Heh. I was going off of Skyrim rather than D&D, being the most abusable system in this case. I carry arrows as alternate currency in that game; if you get your speech high enough you can eventually trade even iron arrows for a septim or two.

And if your 'Solo' doesn't want to burden herself with ammo in the field, my 'Solo' could carry quite a few on her behalf!
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]That grinning could be because the tern tore his lips off and Lazarus hasn't quite healed that yet.
Captain Hesperus

So, eating the sun yesterday left a bad taste in Solo's mouth, and mine too. Luckily, the alternate prompt for this week gives us a chance to show off what he really has planned if his powers ever do go out of control:

Aaron cast his eyes about the chamber. It was a little over three meters in radius and perfectly spherical and smooth. The bottom of the sphere held a pool up to his knees of some kind of viscous slick liquid which glowed a brilliant blue providing illumination. Cerenkov radiation, at a guess, which would mean the metal was probably some kind of uranium steel alloy, heavy on the uranium. It was warm to the touch, supporting that hypothesis. Maybe plutonium, but uranium would be much easier to come by. The entire chamber was rotating constantly on three axes, keeping the inner surfaces thoroughly lubricated. He could not get the slightest purchase on the walls, and thus could not bring his strength to bear. The radius of curvature was clearly calculated expressly to prevent that. A very neat trap indeed. It was a clever, efficient design, a very low tech solution to the problem of trapping a man with near infinite strength, but who couldn't use it to throw a punch. The high tech part was presumably outside the chamber.

That was was the intriguing part. Unfortunately, there was no way to examine it. There was not a joint or a crack in the chamber of any kind as far as he could see, and certainly no window. He could make some educated guesses, however. In order to redirect his returning wormhole into this chamber in the first place, they would need to have found some way of generating artificial gravity. He'd read about some promising research at CERN and Fermilab, about generation and refraction of gravitational waves, but whoever built this was far, far ahead of them.

The really amazing part was how they had managed to prevent him simply tunneling back out again. Without a target gravity well, he couldn't make a new wormhole, and somehow they had cut him off from the rest of the solar system entirely. The only field he could sense was that of good old mother earth, and while he could tunnel to the opposite side of her gravity well in principle, there would be the issue of coring out the planet in order to do so. Not an option.

So. Only one way out: Think. He had about 60 days of air in here. 80 at the outside. Presumably his captors' plans had a shorter time horizon than that though, so best to think fast.

Assuming they could generate gravity waves, they'd still have to modulate them to destructively interfere with every signal in the solar system, from tiny Sedna up to mighty Jupiter. Not to mention Sol and Luna. Whatever their method of generation, they'd have to have at least 18 generators, enough for three mutually perpendicular rings of 8, with six 'reflector dishes' of some kind. That plus a powerful supercomputer to crunch the celestial data, and they'd have themselves a gravitational deadzone. And he was in it. Still. No wave cancelation is ever perfect. The deadzone would have to have hotspots, even if only transient ones. He spread his arms wide, took as balanced a stance as he was able to on the rotating slippery floor, and he waited, feeling for some kind of signal, focusing his whole attention on 'listening' with his whole body.

Aren't you the clever one. Who'd have thought you knew so much about physics, with just an undergraduate degree? How unfair of you, to have brains as well as brawn. Or is it mere intuition?”

The voice seemed to come from everywhere, the whole chamber vibrating to act as a speaker, the very last word in stereoscopic sound reproduction. Aaron was startled but tried not to show any sign. Of course they were watching him. They must be able to map his movements from outside the chamber, gravitationally. They'd have to, in order to adjust the deadzone to his movements. Presumably they could also hear him. Speakers work both ways, after all, being no different physically from a microphone. As if to confirm this, the voice spoke again.

Nothing to say 'Solo'? No witty repartee, no banter? What manner of 'hero' won't acknowledge his captors when caught? Surely you must be impressed with the ingenuity it took to catch you. To contain you? Don't you even care to ask why? Don't you want to know what we have planned for you?”

Why, what do you have planned for me?”

Ha. You are merely the means to an end. You will catapult humanity to the stars! Your selfish and short-sighted heroics, so called, are a travesty! A frivolous waste of your power and potential. I—we, will show you what you are truly capable of achieving! Behold!”

Having cranked his gravitational sensitivity up to maximum probably made what happened next a lot worse. No episode of tidal vertigo he has ever felt remotely compared with this. His face and upper chest were pulled violently upward and forward, his back arching in involuntary spasm. A split second later, an even greater force slammed into him, extending from his calves up to the small of his back. The magnitude of the second force was positively staggering, like nothing he has ever experienced. Impossibly, the shock of it actually knocks him up off of the ground, flipping him a full backward somersault, to belly flop face down in the now roiling fluid on the bottom of the chamber. Or he almost did. A split second before landing in the blue glowing cauldron below him, he was caught neatly as if by invisible ropes around his wrists and ankles. Now hovering near the middle of the chamber, it was all Aaron could do not to scream. He felt like he was going to be pulled limb from limb. Worse still, the forces were inconstant, tearing at him, first one way then another with no discernible pattern, no respite, and no chance to catch his breath and brace for the next torturous, rending wave. He felt his left shoulder dislocate. Writhing with the pain of that, his right leg twisted hard enough to break his knee, and he screamed in agony. In response the surround sound leapt to life again.

It works! It works! Be quiet you stupid little man! Your pain is nothing in the face of this achievement! I have just created warp drive. You have just powered this ship in the furthest, fastest manned flight in history! We passed mars in a matter of seconds! We could be in other solar systems within a matter of days!”

Aaron bit back another cry of pain as the gravitational forces released him. He floated now, still near the middle of the chamber, experiencing microgravity for the first time in his life. Strangely, he felt no vertigo at all. The voice continued ranting, but he tuned it out. The pain was lessened considerably. He felt... oddly detached, as if his body was disconnecting from his mind. He tasted blood, realized it was flowing freely from his nose. What a strange feeling. Pain had always been something theoretical to him. Blood? He hadn't even been sure he actually had blood until now. He blows his nose and a large bolus of fluid comes out, appearing almost perfectly black in the blue glow of the chambers lubricant, which was now spread more or less evenly around the walls in the absence of gravity. It seemed to have too high a viscosity to form bubbles and float away. His blood was thinner than that, however and rolled up under its own surface tension, forming a roughly spherical blob that floated nearby, reflecting his face back to him, even more distorted than usual. How much must that little ball of blood weigh? For a normal human, no more than an ounce or two... but his blood? Trillions upon trillions of tons! Maybe enough to throw off the screening calculations? He blew on the ball, softly, watching it ripple, and slowly, it drifted away from his face until it hit the edge of the chamber and began to mix with the layer of lubricating fluid carving complex rivulets through the blue goo. Almost immediately the gravitational deadzone became unstable. He began to get a sense of where they were, but couldn't sense any bodies large enough to jump to for long enough to make the jump. They must be somewhere in the asteroid belt. If he could just get a fix on Mars...

What are you doing in there Mallory? These density readings don't make any sense! Unless... are you bleeding? Is that your blood spreading out along the sphere? You have to stop that! You have to stay near the middle of the chamber or the drive will become unstable!”

As if on cue, the sound of metal under stress reverberated through the chamber and a tremendous invisible force swatted Aaron out of the middle and into the wall, landing heavily on his injured shoulder, making him cry out in pain again.

Stop it! Stop it! You're going to run us into an asteroid!”

Through gritted teeth, Aaron growls, “You seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that I am doing any of this on purpose. You are using me to bend space-time to simulate superluminal travel. The only way I know how to warp space is by making wormholes. Turn off your masking fields and I will gladly see myself out.”

I can't let you go! I'd be stranded out here!”

Either you let me go, or I batter myself to pieces on the walls of this chamber. Do you know what will happen to my mass if I die? Because I don't. I am guessing gravitational implosion though.Let me go.With any luck, I can get NASA to send a probe to fetch you before you run out of air.”

The voice of his captor fell silent, presumably considering this new prospect. In the meantime, the deadzone was becoming less and less stable; for a moment, he had a bead on Mars, but then it vanished again. Another gravitational surge tossed him across the chamber like a rag doll. He nearly hit the wall face first, barely getting his good arm in front of himself in time. He got his good leg 'under' himself as well and pushed away from the wall, or tried to. The wall followed him, warping inward with a terrible sound of rending metal. The blue fluid, now somewhat purple from mixing with his blood flowed onto him. Dimly, he could hear his captor shouting, but he couldn't make out the words. A shard of metal from the wall tore inward and pierced his chest, but not deeply; it disintegrated on impact, spaghetified by tidal forces. Another piece tears off and hit his thigh with similar results. Neither impact had half the effect of the sudden realization of what was happening to him. A gamma ray burst would have had less effect. He had lost control of his powers. Using him as a warp core it seemed, had upset whatever equilibrium kept his gravitational forces under wraps. He was, in effect, about to be the first warp core breach outside of a Star Trek story. Except the writers of Trek stories had always vastly underestimated the energy necessary to bend space-time. Aaron had thought about this problem for years. Worried over it, contemplated it, and eventually solved it. Theoretically, there was nowhere in the solar system safe for him to implode. Mars or Jupiter would throw all the inner planets out of their orbits from the shift in mass. Ditto Venus. Mercury would be close enough to siphon off the Sun's mass into an accretion disk within about a hundred years, and landing on the sun would leave less than a decade. Imploding on the moon would put earth well within the Roche limit. Even if he had time to make it to one of the outer dwarf planets like Sedna or Pluto, it would disturb the Oort cloud and plunge the inner solar system into another period of heavy bombardment, worse even than the last period nearly four billion years ago. Aaron had lost sleep over this for years, until one night over a decade ago in Chile. Studying the southern sky he had spotted a weakness in space-time. A softer place. A trail through the sky, tilting crazily away behind the solar system as the sun rocketed around the galaxy. A trail that he left behind himself. A trail that he could push through, farther and faster than any wormhole he had ever made. He had never tried entering it, because he had no idea where it would lead, but he had slept well that night, because he had no longer been afraid of what would happen to earth when death came for him. And as the earth's first starship imploded around him, he reached as deeply down the cosmic rabbit hole as he could...

...and then he was gone.
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Alrighty! I got part of my post written. But it is late for me and I ran into a bit of a writers block so I will get it finished tonight after a fair sleep and with a less addled mind.

Once Teh Frixz posts, I think I'll make my final Kyle post and leave it from there.

Probably get to Improving Urial's profile and everything after that, then seeing what happens! :P
Pretty much!! I'm trying to decide which task I need to address first.
welian said:
Pretty much!! I'm trying to decide which task I need to address first.
Well, due to fortuitous timing and not because I am in any way a terrible pest, could I get your take on whether Aaron's post is acceptable, and or get some edits for the Avecca part?

Edit :D
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Gus said:
Well, due to fortuitous timing and not because I am in any way a terrible pest, could I get your take on whether Aaron's post is acceptable, and or get some edits for the Avecca part?
Edit :D
I am a butt. I know you were online earlier, but do you want to keep to the PM, or chat a bit in Discord?

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