[OOC] Communications

Alright, not much of an announcement, but I did make a League Archives post. It provides links back to The End and United We Stand, and is a dump for favorite posts.
@The Regal Rper I do hope you're enjoying your introduction. I considered quite a few ways to play Tim, but I chose this one because nowhere else in the RP do you see interactions like this. Tim is a relic of the past, so I go digging in the past for motivation. I'm also trying to build up Alphus as a really good counterpart to the anti-heroes.
Hey Sir I read your post for Tim and I'd just like you to remember that Becky is Tim's daughter. 

Somewhere on your post it said that Tim never had a child of his own, and I just wanted to know: was that intentional or did you forget about Becky?
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I am trust me. I like the way you had him go back to the past in (was it the second?) post. Had to do a bit of research before I got to posting, but hey the more ya know, right? Anyway, I'm enjoying this so I'll do my best to give some good responses as well. @Sir Les Paul
I actually had forgotten about Becky. I was remembering a comic plotline that had a depressed Tim Drake finding out he was infertile due to the Joker. But, that can be fixed. I'll PM you shortly. 
@Crono On my way to help out a broski. Wanted to make sure of something though. Did Brian win in his brawl against those three guys or should I just come across him in some alleyway as Alphus makes his rounds through Gotham?
@Crono On my way to help out a broski. Wanted to make sure of something though. Did Brian win in his brawl against those three guys or should I just come across him in some alleyway as Alphus makes his rounds through Gotham?

I just haven't proceeded with it yet. Honestly I'll leave it completely up to you. You can come across him as he is still dealing with them, or show up just in time to see the aftermath. I can make a continuation post to set one of those up more if you'd like. ;] 

You're a filthy, corrupt Mayor, who doesn't deserve to be in office! I didn't vote for you!


Gotham seems to be in the calm before the Storm...

Gotham is my baby and I'm busy setting up for it while stirring stuff up virtually everywhere else. Once my resources come in, it'll be... fun.

No I know, I was just checking cuz when I was reading through it sounded like we were gonna go a different route so I just wanted to be sure that Deathstroke's assault still happened

The explosions in Star City did happen. Deathstroke is a villain after all, although potentially not the type you would see in Gotham.
Gotham is my baby and I'm busy setting up for it while stirring stuff up virtually everywhere else. Once my resources come in, it'll be... fun.

The explosions in Star City did happen. Deathstroke is a villain after all, although potentially not the type you would see in Gotham.


Deary me, that couldn't have sounded more ominous if you tried.  :smile2:
Alright, guys, another quick announcement! Short, sweet and to the point, but I added it to the Announcements page for arching reasons (aka if I want to be lazy later and need to find it, I won't have to dig through OOC)

I blanked out after the #VoteSitan2016. what are we talking about?


Villainsy stuff,

Big booms in Star City via moi.

Big booms coming to Gotham via Sir Les,

inter-vigilante civil war via thee and Sir Les,

TLDR: Stuff is getting going roleplay wise.

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