OOC Chatter

Well, hey hey. What's the gist on how I join (besides submitting a character or two)?
Oh yeah, one more thing. How much yuri/yaoi should I be expecting to see? I can only witness so much before I cringe too hard. ._.
Azure Zelo

That was weird... Azure looked around as the lights turned off, but came back on like it was nothing... weird. Maybe this was from the way the electrical system to the cabins were set up... but would it be a problem with the wattage, or the voltage? This wasn't exactly something he was good enough to just know on his own. "The Otters? Well... its just a name, I don't think it'd mean any about the people inside." She really seemed like maybe she was thinking this a little too thoroughly, or maybe she was just concerned that whoever they startle would not take to kindly to that... "I guess the Otters are okay, lets go scare them I guess? I'll go see if Serena wants to come with." With that, he went off to return to Serena, with a calm demeanor and posture. "Hey, Serena. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us. Ella said she was bored and wanted to try to see what's up with the people in the Otter's Cabin... and scare them I guess." Somehow, Azure guessed that she probably wouldn't be interested. "Or, do you think you just want to stay here for some relaxing alone time?"

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme @Kimi

-=-=(( @Advent Azure, @Darkholme's character Serena went back into the cabin where Ella and Azure are.))=-=-

-=-=((@Advent Azure Would it be okay if I wait for Darkholme to post? (I'm asking because I don't think Ella needs to say anything in the IC right now, but I just wanted to double check.) ))=-=-
Oh yeah, one more thing. How much yuri/yaoi should I be expecting to see? I can only witness so much before I cringe too hard. ._.

While the focus of this rp is not on yuri and yaoi we do welcome lgbt+ charachters and have no rules in who can be in a relation with who. I would advise you to keep an open mind and allow others to enjoy the rp as they like.
I'm curious now. Who's Juniper? I'd like to know how strong the most powerful character is just for kicks and grins, lol.
I'm curious now. Who's Juniper? I'd like to know how strong the most powerful character is just for kicks and grins, lol.

He's a teacher at Orion and related to one of the students, his sheet is not up, but I have a feeling you'll understand once it is. ;3 

Ella Trics



After Ella yelling back to them to hurry up a moment later Azure had came running out of the house while Serena followed behind. The girl smiled at them from her joy of seeing them come right after she had finished yelling as she then turned around to start jogging towards the Otters' cabin by following the wooden signs that pointed towards the direction they needed to head. After a while of jogging by all of the cabins the girl had then finally spotted the Otters' cabin, when suddenly (almost like magic) one of the roots on nearby tree suddenly had gone out without her noticing which had caused her trip. Immediately after Ella had started falling to the ground she laid out her arms in front of her to hopefully somewhat break her fall. When Ella landed on the ground like some sort of wooden plank she didn't even attempt to scream or punch the ground out frustration, instead she just stood there holding herself up with disappointment that she had just tripped over a simple tree's root0. After 5 seconds of staying there in shame Ella got right back up ignoring what had just happened, while also ignoring that the root had moved out of the way. After brushing herself off Ella started to walk toward a bush near the cabin ever so slowly so she wouldn't be too loud. After a lot of tip-toeing Ella had finally made it to the bush. Looking back to see Azure and Serena following steady behind she decided to make sure that they were ready to ambush their target. "Serena you ready to watch us? And Azure you ready to...wait what did you want to do again while I shocked them?" When Ella started asking Azure she realized she never asked Azure what he'd like to do (or that she didn't hear him), so she improvised to ask him about what he wanted to do.


-=-=((Nearby @Advent Azure & @Darkholme))=-=- 

-=-=((Student who cast the spell on the tree and whom is also one of the people who they're planning on ambushing @InternalAssumpter))=-==-

-=-=((People in the going-to-get-ambushed-soon cabin @A Mysterious Figure, @BlackJack & @Nami))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Serena Masuda



She watched as the other girl bolted up, said her motivational piece, and immediately bolted out of the cabin with great enthusiasm. It all seemed a bit unnecessary to her, but it was new and interesting to her all the same. She looked as Azure quickly followed suit. He had already mentioned that he was just a boring, normal person, so why would he get involved in something like this, she wondered? The only way to find out would be to watch. She picked up her seat pillow, hugging it in front of her chest, as she slowly followed the same path that her two roommates had taken. She wasn't about to be rushed, especially since she wasn't particularly integral to this plan in the first place.


She did arrive at the location though, although certainly not as quickly as the other two had. She had taken note of Ella's less than graceful navigation of the mobile tree root, and decided to give it a wide berth when approaching. Upon arriving, Ella addressed them both. With her usual composure, she gave her reply.

"By all means, don't get cold feet on my accord."

@Advent Azure @CellistCat606

-=-=((@Advent Azure Bump!))=-=-

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