OOC Chatter

Once the artwork for my character is done, I'll be jumping right in!
About the CS...are there any more specific  categories I could have under "Basic", "Miscellaneous", etc? I could use a little guidance here.
If you want to add extra information, go ahead. Be sure to add what's asked under the Character Sheet Ballerina has provided for us all.

Yeah, I'm familiar with CS's by now. I meant, well, are there things you're all looking for in some of the more general areas like I just mentioned?

Ella Trics



What Azure was saying seemed really odd to her, because from her point of view she was pretty certain she had made herself very clear about the plan, but before Ella responded to what Azure she stared at him while being utterly confused if her joking or not. Hearing no response coming from him Ella cleared her throat and then began to talk, "Your joking right? Because I'm literally shocking people with electricity, no fancy smancy science stuff involded, just plain old shocking people with electricity." To show what she meant Ella shot a bit of electricity at Azures shoulder hoping for him to feel it but not make a deal out of it. "You see? Okay now since you can't conjure electricity you can, um, you can improvise what you'll do." Without clearly stating that Ella was going now, she had begun tip toeing to the cabin's doorway. When she was right at the doorway she waited for Azure to make it up there too. When he did she start counting down from 3 in her head. 3, 2, 1,  GO GO GO!. The moment Ella finished counting she immediately slammed the door open wide and ran into the cabin while searching until she spotted 5 people. Not thinking about how outnumbered or doomed she was she put both of her hands in front of her and shot her electricity at them (just enough to shock them a small bit without hurting them, but still having enough for them to hopefully notice it unless they had some sort of resistance). After Ella had finished shooting her electricity she put down both of her hands besides her and waited for Azure to come in.


-=-=((Interacting with @Advent Azure (Azure), @InternalAssumpter (Iris), @A Mysterious Figure (Olivandra and Oliver), @BlackJack (Jaws) & @Nami (Nyx)))=-=- 

-=-=((Nearby @Darkholme (Serena)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

-=-=((@Advent Azure, @A Mysterious Figure and @Nami Bump!))=-=-

-=-=((@Noiz, @WeirdisFun, @Kisaki, @Dearwolfy, @Kimi, @Jefferson, @CERBERUS177, @Lilah Tunth, @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball, @Abyss, @Fazy, @SecretRock, @Magical Squid Senpai, @Archdemon, @Lorkhan, @Freemankiller ☣, @mewbot5408 & @A Simple Egg Are you guys not in the RP anymore? Or have you just been really busy, didn't know RP started, was waiting for someone else to post, forgot this existed, never left when you meant to leave, haven't been able to post IC, etc..))=-=- 

I....forgot this existed tbh....

-=-=((@Noiz, @WeirdisFun, @Kisaki, @Dearwolfy, @Kimi, @Jefferson, @CERBERUS177, @Lilah Tunth, @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball, @Abyss, @Fazy, @SecretRock, @Magical Squid Senpai, @Archdemon, @Lorkhan, @Freemankiller ☣, @mewbot5408 & @A Simple Egg Are you guys not in the RP anymore? Or have you just been really busy, didn't know RP started, was waiting for someone else to post, forgot this existed, never left when you meant to leave, haven't been able to post IC, etc..))=-=- 

Sorry, busy with life.

(I haven't even fixed my cs to get approved to this rp anyways....lol.)

-=-=((@Noiz, @WeirdisFun, @Kisaki, @Dearwolfy, @Kimi, @Jefferson, @CERBERUS177, @Lilah Tunth, @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball, @Abyss, @Fazy, @SecretRock, @Magical Squid Senpai, @Archdemon, @Lorkhan, @Freemankiller ☣, @mewbot5408 & @A Simple Egg Are you guys not in the RP anymore? Or have you just been really busy, didn't know RP started, was waiting for someone else to post, forgot this existed, never left when you meant to leave, haven't been able to post IC, etc..))=-=- 

I was busy, and never really meant to fall behind, sorry. As much as I'd hate to, I think I'm going to leave. 
I was busy, and never really meant to fall behind, sorry. As much as I'd hate to, I think I'm going to leave. 

Nah, i think not. I got one reason why i already quit many RP's like these:

1. Diffrent Timezones

2. Can't find plot

So no, just kick me out before i get ideas to come back.

-=-=((Well I hope the both of you have better luck in your other RPs (Also I am not able to kick people out (I don't have the perms) so if you'd like to leave this RP click on this tutorial to learn how -> https://www.rpnation.com/tutorials/official-site-tutorials/how-to-leave-a-hosted-project-d-r36/  :D )))=-=-


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