OOC Chat

I may be a little while in putting together my CS. It's only just now hit me how long it's been since I've last played Ghost Trick.
Hello! Just wanted to put it out there that my character, Ari, is in another non-rpnation roleplay, and that in that one, she can magically manipulate her knife, but won't be able to in this one. That might confuse me at certain moments. That is all! Maximus out!

"I don't care why you want me to do it, or what it is. As long as I get my paycheck, I won't kill you."-Ari
I may be a little while in putting together my CS. It's only just now hit me how long it's been since I've last played Ghost Trick.

Heh, it's been a while since I personally have watched Death Note, so I have a slightly similar situation with L. Nonetheless your character is looking good.

Hello! Just wanted to put it out there that my character, Ari, is in another non-rpnation roleplay, and that in that one, she can magically manipulate her knife, but won't be able to in this one. That might confuse me at certain moments. That is all! Maximus out!

"I don't care why you want me to do it, or what it is. As long as I get my paycheck, I won't kill you."-Ari

Good, as long you don't go doing that you are fine. Ik you created such a huge personal thing around those stories, and for those who don't know, Maxwell is a friend of mine in RL. I think we have an interesting cast of characters, it will be intriguing to see how they handle one another. Also, something I should inform you guys, is that you CAN pick up weapons from incapacitated or killed guards, and use them. So don't worry you will be able to use things other than your fists, as long as you find things lying around.
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At any point in time, will we be reacquiring our personal tools and weapons? 

"Bigfoot saw me, but nobody believes him."-Ari
Am having hard time picking what character to play as? I wish to play as Mr. Foster from the killing floor but he's not a detective and the only detectives i know of are nick valentine and Q from street fighter 
It doesn't have to be a detective. As long as it is a clever character and he/she is either a detective, scientist, or something else along those lines.
Am having hard time picking what character to play as? I wish to play as Mr. Foster from the killing floor but he's not a detective and the only detectives i know of are nick valentine and Q from street fighter 

Yeah like I said, anyone of massive intellectual capacity, is allowed here, someone important like a scientist, or again someone like a detective. There is an in RP reason for this which will be revealed, if everyone figures it out. And then again, you could always make an OC as well.
Alrighty, so just as a heads up, this RP will close up to new characters once everyone leaves the first spot we are all in, we will officially start when @JustAnotherRper finishes his/her character. I may make a starting post ONLY to set the scene for where everyone is, that will NOT be the official start, which will be something I will announce when the time comes.
I am excited to try this idea, from my knowledge this has been a concept no one has tried before with multifandom, and although it is apart of an overarching plot into the type of multifandom RP we are usually used to, I am hoping I can put puzzle and stealth oriented ideals into this genre and make it work. It took a while to plan out just how I would pull this off.
Alright, we have enough to get started now, remember if you want to add any other character, or to anyone else, this RP closes once we leave the first room, and we hit max at 10 characters. The first post is currently being made and will be out soon!
Seeing the OCs in the character list gives me an idea.

@The Omen of Death Would it be too late to swap out Lynne for another character? @MaxwellCharlie's description (I assume it was of Lynne, anyway) would still fit just fine. Or would you rather have as many pure canon characters as possible? (She'll be an OC from another universe)
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Seeing the OCs in the character list gives me an idea.

@The Omen of Death Would it be too late to swap out Lynne for another character? @MaxwellCharlie's description (I assume it was of Lynne, anyway) would still fit just fine. Or would you rather have as many pure canon characters as possible? (She'll be an OC from another universe)

Nope it is not be too late to swap! Totally fine with me!

If anyone's curious as to what my character will be, there's a hint in the form of the right symbol of my signature  :smile9:
@MaxwellCharlie Err, Ik I was being a bit lenient in the beginning, but can you please expand your newest post? Two lines won't cut it. Or just try to wait for more dialogue to come up so you can add more substance to the post.

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