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One v one rp with Chazghost

(Sounds good to me...)

Four years later... In the castle the king was on his death bed with his son over him crying. The only thi g he could think about was a rogue dragon the caused the wounds that killed the king...

Max was coming home after collecting a bounty on some bandits. He was excited to see kira and his child.

Kira was running around her home, four years had passed and Kira and Max had a child, "cmon Aki daddy will be home soon... " the little dragon girl whos birthday was in a few days was flapping around getting ready for her father to come home "momma where did daddy go " Kira blushed then she smiled "oh he went to go do work sweety"
Max enter the building and quickly sneaking behind Kira and picked her up. "How my little fire starter?" Max said to Aki. "Also Im home Kira" Max said kissing Kira.

Meanwhile the new king had his knight assembled in the court. "I want the rogue dragon killed... Wait no that not good enough. Go and kill all the remain dragon and ypu can have therw gold as a reward" the king demanded

Kira gasped "ekk hey Maxy..." she kissed him back then she looked at Aki who was hugging her dads leg "hehe look at her "

Aki grinned "yay daddy's home...oh daddy i can spit embers"

" I know, she the second cutest dragon ever" Max said smirking. " sure spit ember but do outside ok. We dont want to burn the house down" Max said patting aki's head.

"Good, ill get target up for you to practice on. Maybe one day if your accurate enough with the embers ill let you come with me on my next mission, if your mom let us" Max grinned as he headed outside to set up the dummies for Aki. 

The knights of the king assembled the best amd greatest of them and of mercenaries they hired. The taskforce was well over hundred of the strongest men in the kingdom.
Aki grinned then she followed her daddy "hey daddy why dont you have a tail and wings? " she asked as she used a small ember. Kira walked out there are she giggled "well...sweety daddy is a useless human...well your daddys not but humans are..." she said as she was still mad...for the humans who went to her home and started throwing eggs...well lets just say those kids were in the pond naked with burnt skin after they messed with her

"Not all humans are useless. A lot are moron liked the crispy kids but some are pregty good, not the people I work with through" Max said a dummy started burning. Max threw a bucket of water to put it out. "Anyway yes im human so I don't have wings or a tail. But rember you also human to." Max said walking over to Aki rubbing her head smiling.

"Well that makes you adorable and special, like your mommy" Max said smiling lookong kira.

The dragon slaying task board split up into the for diffrent directions and started there search for dragons.

Aki giggled "thanks daddy....so how did yal meet"

Kira sighed "oh daddy was sent to kill mommy but he fell in love with me " she walked over to him and she whispered in his ear "im telling her the real story"

"Just don't include the night after we got rid of your bounty" Max whispered back. "You see mommy was framed for destroying a few villaiges and I was planning on collecting the bounty on her head but then she convised me not to attack her but to help her" Max said to Aki.

"I wouldnt say bad guy, im mercenary. We are more inbetween good and bad. But anyways we then set off looking for the men who did, the next day we did. I fought of a hundred men as your mothwr captured there leader" Max said smirking and fibbing on the true alittle.

Kira smacked his head "hunderd men ...really it was five men and i grabbed you even before they got to you" she then kissed him then she heard a shout "theres a tradior and his dragon wife...kill them " they said as they game running 

Kira gasped then she grabbed Max and Aki and she turned into a dragon and she flew in the air "ahh honey whats going on"

"I don't rember making anyone mad lately, maybe theres a new bounty on you." Max guessed as they flew off. "The onlt mager thing that I heard happen was the king dieing but other then that no villages were burned or anything" Max continued.

The archers fires into the air at kira only to miss barley. "Shoot at the child, hit it and dragon will return" the captain said as the archers kwpt fireing and only missing by a small margin.

Aki held onto her father and she began to cry "daddy why are they attacking us"

Kira flew faster and she didnt want her baby to be hurt

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out and stop it..." Max said hugging Aki. "I know an old abandon cabin in forest were we can hide for awhile" Max said pointing at the forest.

Kira flew to the forest and she landed in the woods and she smiled "where is it maxy " she turned human and she walked beside him

"It should be south of here, stay low and quiet we don't want attract unwanted attestation"  Max said heading south through the forest. They soon came to a cabin covered in mose and surrounded by thick rows of trees. "I found this place years ago, a murder stayed here until I kicked him out" Max said opening the front the door.

"Well I cleaned after I kicked him out. But I assumed some animals or somthing would of moved in through max said looking around the cabin. "Well either way we'll be safe here for at least for awhile." Max added sitting down.

The knight road in the direction of the direction they say the dragon go, it would take them some time to catch up through because there horse were mich slower then the dragon.

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