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One v one rp with Chazghost

Max was walking down a long abandoned road. He recently passed destroyed village. I wonder if the dragob caused the destruction of that villages... Or it could be the recent attacks from the other nations... Well it doesn't matter I just need to bring a dragon tooth as "proof" I defeated the dragon... Maybe it lost one not to long ago... Max thought to himself as he made it to the dragons lair.

Kira was laying on the floor in her human form. She didn't destroy the whole village but she did steal their gold. Hmm someone is near.....or it could be an animal  Kira thought to herself then she stook up and she saw a male human "ekk...i hate having no clothes " she ran to one of the gold Piles  " hmm " she finds a shirt and pants "...eh ok" she puts them on.
Max them startes staying crouched as he started trying to sneak into the lair. By god the amount of gold the dragon took... Maybe I take a few coins as I look for the dragon... Max thought before grabbing a hand full of coins in his pocket. Then he continued sneaking until he saw a girl... With drago wings and tail.

Kira smiled then she turned around and she frowned "aww...cmon i dont want to die today " she said with a sigh then she walked over to max and she saw a sword in the gold "ahh i got a sword!" she said even though in her head she sounded dumb

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Max blinked a few times with a dumbed found look on his face. "Your the dragon?" Max said looking Kira up amd down. "Why would giving me the sword stop me from killing you? Is the first time some one came to fight you? " Max asked with a sigh.

Kira walked up to him and she gripped the sword " yes im the dragon " she growled then she walked closer and she whimpered "yes this is my first time someone came to kill me...." she looked up at him and she sighed "im kira....i didnt kill anyone i just stole this gold..i love gold" she had sparkles in her eyes

"Well everyone loves gold, but the king sent a bounty one you for some village that were mystery destroyrd. So unless you know who destroy those villages then prepare yourself" Max said pulling out his halberd (the one in his picture) and readyed to fight. Then a couple gold cloins he just grabbed fell from his pocket.

Kira put her hands up and she fell on the ground "i didn't do it it was the nation that yal are in war in....sorry....i would have chased them off but i was scared of them " she looked up at him and she saw the coins "ahhh My coins...Why are you stealing from me" she stood up and she turned into a dragon , this time she wasnt scared and she nipped on his shirt and she held him in her mouth then she sat him on the gold " there " she then turned human and she sat beside him "wanna be my partner we can be parnters in crime"

"The nation to the north deatroyed them, I geuss that... Are you getting bigger..." Max said looking up to Kira when she turned into a dragon. Then he screamed as he was placed on the pile of gold. "I think you just a free sixty in ourconverstion. But your offer does sounds nice. But I recommend you get rid your bounty first, its pretty big." Max said before laying down on the pile of gold.

Kira rolled on top of him and she hugged him "ok um how do i do that master " she asked him then she kissed his cheek "your a pretty cute human..." she smiled then she held his hand "i could return this gold?" she said with a smile then she frowned "but i love my gold"

Max blinked confused when Kira kissed his cheek and called him master. "your one strange dragon... Why would you call me master?" Max smirked and shaking his head. "I didn't mean giving the gold back, the owners are dead already Im assuming anyways. I was getting at that you could go looking for a captain or someone another high ranking soldier that attacked the villages. Then simple pick him up in your dragon form and make him confesse his involvement with the destroyed villages to the king" Max said. Then he quickly spined Kira around so he would be on top of her now. "And for a share of your gold Ill help you find and capture one of them" Max said smirking.

Kira smiled at him then she pulled him into her "Master ....Is what i call humans because we dragons see humans as our masters...eh well i do " she giggled then she nodded at him "yeah i could do that.........and that would be fun" she kissed his lips then she then smiled "yeah ill give you half of my gold and ill let you be my master and ill be your pet"

"You are seriously a strange dragon" Max said smirking before kissing Kira back. "Rember to keep your promise." Max said before getting up.  "Were did you last see the soldiers going when you last saw them?" Max asked pullimg out a map from his backpack.

"well your a strange human " Kira said smiling before she got up and she looked at the map "well they were heading to the west city....but i think they had to turn back to the north because they started run low on food " she looked at him and she hugged him " master is awesome"
"Well then lets head out then and find them" Max said placeing the map back into his backpack. Then he started walking out the cave when thought of somthing. "We need to disguise you so you won't be recognized by mercenaries and hunters out for the bounty" Max said with sigh. Then sat his backpakc down and dug through it for a momment before pulling out a large cloak. "If you can you folded your wings up, you could fit under this." Max said throwing it to her.

Kira folded up her wings then she put on the cloak "how do i look Master..." she walked up to him and then she took her hand in his "what about my horns..." she pointed to her horns but she then pulled in down where she could still see but the horns couldnt be seen " master Can we hurt them..too" she giggles
"The main thing we want to hide are he wings. There looking for a dragon not a demon." Max said with a shrug. "Well if we get attack then we'll have to but killing them will not really help clear your name." Max said as he started walking down the road. "So were did you come from?" Max decide to ask. He figured he might as well get to know Kira if he was going travel with her.

"Yeah i know...." she followed him then she looked up at him and she blushed "well..my mom was a dragon and my dad was a human...ekk nasty...but i was born and i ran away because they were nasty and i lived in that cave for a long time but im from the south ...but i like living near the cold " she looked up at him "i would have never though i would have a human as my boyfriend?"

"... Ok then I just wanted to know the area not your father fetishes... But if it makes you feel better I heard soem powerful pure dragon can change forms even if there not partshly thar race." Max said trying to keep that mental image put of his head. "Well I never thought I kiss a dragon, so were even there. Through ive kissed a lot of races like elfs, demons, nekos, humans of course, and few othera" Max added as they continued walking down the road (heading to bed to night, good night)

"hehe sorry ....Oh really i guess they didnt do what i though " she shiver then she looked p at him "sorry .....i think mom was like me" she held his hand and she then kissed his cheek "im glad i meet you....i just love how strong you are and amazing " she hugged him

"We ment eachother not long ago... Strange dragon..." Max said with a sigh. As they walked down the road voices could be heard comeing to them. "Someones coming, act nautral... Let me rephrase that, act like a normal person" Max whispered.

Kira gasped "what im not normal...eh ok master " she acted like a normal girl as she walked down the road with him "so where are you from master " she asked him as they walked down the road 

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