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One v one rp with Chazghost

A few minutes after they made it to the source of the fire, a small village that is being destroyed. The soldiers were tieing up the villagers.  "Well we found them..." Max said hidding by a near by rock. "So which one the leader..."

Kira saw one guy watching them and calling orders "um him?" She pointed then she walked "hey you" her cloak was yanked off "your going to go to prison for hurting these people and framing me"

The captain looked at Kira before backing away. "Your... A dragon" He said before pulling out his sword. "Attack" he order his men. The a soldiers charged at Kora but Max jumped out and started fighting them off. "Get him and go to the castle" Max shouted killing one of the soldiers.

Max wacked the captain with the flat side of the halberd and knocked him out. The castle appeared i. The distance, it was huge with two huge towers on either side of the main buliding. "Becarful when we descended, they wont be happy with a dragon flying in." Max said.

Kira smiled then she descended in the woods and she put the captain in her mouth and she put max on her back and she walked to the castle
The gaurds of the castle screamed as they Kira come out of the forest. Archers ready to fire from the towers and the gaurds started getting there courage back. "Wait wait wait, this is understanding. Thw soldiers from the northern nation attacked and they set the towns to blaze to pin the blame on this dragon" Max explained patting Kiras head. The gaurds looked at eachother then noticed the northen nation captain in Kira mouth. "Isnt that one of the soldiers?" A gaurd asked. Max knoded. "... The may want to see you two then..." The gaurd added.

Kira nodded then she turned human and she caught the captain of the northen "hi there guards..." she winked then she walked pass then she smiled at then she walked into the kingdom "hello mr. king we brought you the real reason your village was burnt and i didnt do it it was the northern soldiers"

Max followed right behind Kira past the gaurds. The king was sitting on his throne. He looked very surprised when he saw a Kira carrying a northen soldier in her arms. "I see. But let my men you story out first, gaurds take the soldier to the dungeon for interrogation." The king order as his men grabbed the northen soldier and took him down a stair case near by. "If his story mqtch with yours, ill get rid of the bounty on you, but if its a lie you die right here" The king said. "I wouldnt worry, the gaurds are good at getting information from others" Max said smiling.

Kira looked at max and she hugged him "thanks im glad your here for me " she smiled at him then she wrapped her wings around him as she hugged him "i love you master " she smiled then a leash appeared around her neck "here master you own me so you get my leash "

"Well... I geuss I own a dragon now..." Max said smiling kissing Kira. In a half an hour a gaurd walked up the stairs and whispered somthing to the king. He knodded before looking at Kira and max. "It seem you two were telling the truth. The dragons bounty will be removed. Now you may leave the my throne room" The king said waving them away. "Let get back to your lair" Max said smirking as he head out of the castle.

Kira smiled then she followed him close so he wouldnt pull on her leash " hehe im your pet now so you can fuck me or do anything you wish " she jumped on his back and she kissed his neck and she held him close "i love you ...." she grabbed his hand and she held it tight

"Maybe I will" Max said smirking said as Kira jumped on his back. He sighed and started carrying her. "I care for you to." Max said coughing. "So why did a collar appear around your neck?" Max asked.

"Sorry but im not that heavy am i " she smiled at him then she blushed "aww you just want my gold then your gonna leave me like all guys " she looked at the collar " oh my magic ....dont you know dragons have magic"

"Well it not like you can't come with me. There still alot of gold out there and many rich guy willing to give it up for my services" Max said smiling. "That a werid magic, to put a collar on yourself and become a humans slave" Max said sigh as he kept walking. "Wait isnt it faster for you just to fly us to the cave then me carrying you" Max said annoyed when he figured that out.

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Kira sighed then she turned into a dragon and flew to her cave "there happy ...i just wanted to spend time with you"she growled then she climbed on her gold "your a meany...and i want to be you "

"Then just come with me, as I said you can come with with me on my adventures" Max said following Kira up the pile gold. Then he sat down next her and then pulled her closer to himself before kissing her again.

(No problem. So the idea is we could time skip to when the son or daughter of old king takes over and he wants kill all dragons for gold or because he hates them for some reason. And Max and Kira have family, some quarter dragon human and now they need to run. I like it)


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