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One v one rp with Chazghost

"Well I came for an orphanage in the capital. My parent just left there really. Not much else to say about really it was decent and one of caretaker was retired soldier, so I learned a thing or two from him. When I turned 18 they kicked me out so I became a mercnary." Max said shrugging. Two men in knight arm walked down to Max and Kira. "Hult, have either of you seem the monstrous dragon near here" A knight demanded.

"no sir..." she frowned then she looked at the knights and she smiled at them "i do think the dragon flew over the this way " she pointed to the south and she then she looked at Max and she hugged him close "brother  when are we gonna get home " she asked him as she acted if she was his sis 

"We'll be home soon, then we can have dinner sis" Max said acting long with her. "I see, thabks for the information you two. Have a nice day" The knight said before heading south. "Good job" max said patting kira head.

Kira blushed then she wrapped her tail around his hand "your welcome Master" she smiled at him "so was that the good people?" she asked

"Well they are kings kinght if thats what your asking. They mean well most of the time but there codes are two strict for me." Max said with a shrug. Then he contiued down the road. "How many men were there who attack the villages?" Max asked.

"um a whole group of tweleve " she hugged him close " so when we see one ,...i turn into a dragon and i bring him to the castle " she asked him then she notice the shirt she was wearing was being to rip "man human breasts are so ..." she moans in pain because she had put on a tight shirt

"Pretty much yes." Max said with shrug. It wasnt the best plan but it would work. Then look at Kira as thw shirt was ripping. He blinked alittle when he moaned as alittle blood came out of his noise. "They arnt that bad..." Max said looking away.

"says the guy who is nose bleeding and blushing " she giggled at him then she looked at her shirt which was now on the ground ripped open "eh...do you have a large shirt"

"Umm ya in my backpack" Max said grabbing one of his spare shirts and handed it to Kira. "Here, bwfore somone else see you..." Max said looming away with his nose still bleeding.

"thanks " she put it on and she smiled in happyness "thanks Master...where do we go now to get those guys " she asked him then she hugs him "your the best human boyfriend ever " she held his hand

"Well if keep going down this road we may be able to catch up to them sense there most likly going slower with what they decide to get for them selves from the village, other than gold" max said looking kira as they walked down the road. "Once we seen them rember to grab there leader, his word will hold more vaule then the rest" Max added.

(Heasing to work, wont be on for awhile)

"They probly didnt come across eachother, the knights may of come from a crossroad up head, so they missed. Or atleast that is one way that would happen" Max said after thinking for a second. The sun started setting a few mintues later. "We should set up camp soon, hopfully the soldiers will too." Max said looking at the setting sun.

"Probly a little further into the forest away from the road so we can stay unnoticed." Max said walked into the woods. After getting a few yards in he sat his backpack down and started putting up a tent. "Can you grab some wood for a fire?" Max asked kira.


Kira nodded then she went and she got some fire wood "ok here is some " she had some in her arms and some in her tail " so we will stay here?" she asked him before she kissed his cheek

"Yes, it far enough from the road so we wont be seen but close enough for us to get back easily. " Maxsaid looking over at the tent. "I only brought  the tent so... You can sleep in it and ill sleep out side" Max said with a sigh before grabbed the wood and started a fire.

"ok then ill sleep outside " she turned into a dragon and she lit a fire for him then she laid down and she curled up " Good night master"

Max looked at kira as she transed formed befor smiling and headed into the tent to sleep. "Night Kira" He said as laided down... The night grew dark quick and the fire was the only light in a large vale of darkness. The animals howled in the night but stayed clear of the camp with the dragon. In the morning Max got up and headed outside. "morning Kira" Max said stretching.

Max smiked and patted Kira head. "So ypu want some bread and jerky or do you want to hunt down some game?" Max asked digging through his bag for food.

Max threw a piece of bread and some jerky to Kira. "Here ya go" Max said before eating some bread himself. He finished his food quickly and then started putting his tent up. "We'll be moving quickly to catch up with soldiers" Max said putting his backpack on.

Max started moved down the road more quicker then yesterday. Awhile later smoke could be seen in th distance. "It could be them come on!" Max said running to the source of the smoke.


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