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Fantasy One Tower (Closed)

Nicoli stepped into the office. He realized he was probably in this room as much as he was in his own. The thought made him smirk, but then he focused on why he was here. "Do you have a minute Hector. I wanted to talk to you about the Darkness and its rapid spreading." He started. He took a seat across from Hector, watching him carefully. "I have a plan for getting it pushed back further, but it's not...it's a dangerous plan." he added.
Hector raised an eyebrow, before he looked up at Nicoli, that was something that he wasn't expecting. He sat up straight and looked at Nicoli, "I am always opened to new ideas, you know that Nicoli, but I have already sent Jeremiah, who I am sure you must have heard it from, to deal with the problem. We don't want to kill the Darkness off, just keep it contained. You know the Darkness is what keeps our world alive, without it, we would be tossed back into the other worlds. I don't think Humans are ready for us to return, just yet." he stated, before he sighed deeply, "But I am open to hear what you have to say."
Nicoli nodded. "I know, I don't think I could think of anything that powerful anyway, but that's not what I have in mind. I know Jeremiah is dealing with it right now with something new Helena has made. It will work to keep it back for a time, but not forever. Admittedly neither will my plan, but I think it could be a long term solution. When Jeremiah returns he can tell us if the bomb worked. If it did, I propose Helena makes another. If possible bigger, maybe even a little stronger. How she makes it will depend on J's report. When she does we can borrow a containment chamber like what they used for this mission to carry the bomb and bring it to the Darkness. But...for my plan to work we will be required to go into the Darkness. I know it's dangerous, but I think the furhter into the Darkness we could bring that bomb, the further back we can push it and the longer it will take it to regrow to the point where it is now." He hesitated. "It will take time and a lot of preparation. Which is why I request to be the only one allowed into the Darkness. I will take a team, they will have one of the bombs as well for the edges like what J is doing this time, but I would be the only one to go in far enough for it to work. I do not want to risk any one elses lives, and if it works I'll be able to make it out. If it doesn't, it is merely one life." He said. He was still in the planning stages, but he wanted to run it by Hector first, to get feedback before he continued further research.
Hector sighed, "No." he simply said, "The bomb is already going to lessen the Darkness to less the it's original state, and we don't know how that will effect our world." he sighed again, "We will come up with a plan, if and when we need to. Not to mention there is no way we are sending someone in there, knowing that they will not come out. You are a great warrior, Nicoli, but you are still very young and you don't understand what is in the Darkness. Very few Shadows can say that they do, but those that do, understand it is not a place you want to ever think of going into. The less we chance it, the better it will be for us. Let's see what this bomb does and then we will concern ourselves with deciding of we should make another attempt, again." he stated before he stood up, he moved around the desk, "I would be more concerned with this week, then the Darkness. I haven't told anyone, because I didn't want them to worry and I am sure Jeremiah's mission will go fine. You should be concerned with your parents meeting Helena and meeting her parents. It is nearly time for the visits and last I heard you and Helena are still in a spat."
Nicoli clenched his jaw a little. The change of subject was ending the conversation and he was not ready for it to be done. "Not all betrothed get along. Our parents have lived long enough in this world to know that. My father has always been a hard man to deal with, I am not concerned with them, he will find something to be displeased about regardless of how well Helena and I get along. And my mother will be disappointed but a mediator." He said. He sighed and sat back a little. "I have been working on it though, I want us to get along and I want to make it up to her. I suppose I am nervous to meet her parents. They may be your family but I am still a warrior from a war tower." He added. He hesitated a moment. "Hector please, if you have to think about another mission to the Darkness let me be a part of it. I know it is a dangerous place, but I have studied what information we have and I will continue to study it. I am not trying to give myself more credit than I deserve, but you know that I am the best option if such a mission comes up." He was not ready to drop the subject yet. It was one of his many downfalls he was sure, that he sometimes got stuck in a single thought.
Hector smirked, as he nodded, "If there is a reason to go into the Darkness, I will talk to you about it. But I can't promise I will send you. I know that you are smart enough to know your limits, but I have to be careful with every mission and if your skills are not the same as what I need, I can't allow you to go." eh sighed and nodded, "My sister is not one that will be happy with this arrangement, but that is even more reason to focus on it. I am sure that you will find a way to get through it, but you will have to work on Helena and my sister before you will be able to really say you are going to get anywhere."
Nicoli sighed and slumped back in his chair, running his hands through his hair. Hector's answer about the Darkness had been a little more satisfactory, at least for now. In regards to their parents, well that was a different matter. "What am I supposed to do then? They come This week and I have no idea what to do or how to even prepare for it." He said, feeling a little lost.
Hector smirked, "I would work on Helena a bit more. Trust me, she is the key to get my sister to back off just a bit. I wish I could help you, but my sister and I have a history that makes me a back person to try and get help from." he stated before he sighed. Hector moved back to his chair, "If you want to, you should try and help Helena prepare for your parents, too. I am sure that she will find it just as nerve wrecking as you, since your father is not one to be open to the important value of other sections as much as you have been."
Nicoli smirked a little. "My parents alone will be interesting to watch. It took a while before they were happy together, my mother has no problem with Sectors mingling, but if it were up to my father, we'd each stick to our own." He said. He sighed again and nodded. "I will talk to Helena about it, we will need a plan I suppose." He moved to get to his feet, hesitating a moment again. "Are there any other missions coming up that I might be eligible for? Or training. I would like to keep working with Eric if possible. The kid is kind of a pain in the ass, but I like him. I think he has a lot of potential."
Hector smirked at Nicoli, "Nothing I have made a choice on. But Eric is going to start his weapon training, if you want to help with that. I am sure Kevin and Julia can help you with him, on this training." He stated, as he sat down, "Later today, meet them at the training area in the West wing. I'll make sure that everything is ready for you."
Nicoli grinned and nodded as he got to his feet. "Perfect. I'll be there." He said. He couldn't help it, as much as he actually liked helping in other parts of the tower, he got restless when he didn't have something to do. "Thanks Hector. I guess I'll check in with you later this week if all goes well with our parents coming." He muttered. He loved his parents, but he loved them even more when they stayed at their new home...at least that was the case with his father.
Hector smirked as he nodded, "I look forward to seeing what you can make of him before his betrothed gets her hands on him." He said, "Just don't forget to work on your betrothal."
Nicoli laughed a little but then nodded. "I promise I will keep working on it." He assured Hector. He smirked and then waved a little as he made his way to leave the office, and then he paused. "What's one thing Helena loves more than anything else? Besides her work?" He asked, he was at the door as he turned back to Hector.
Hector paused as he was getting back to work and he smirked, "Her animals." He said, "She is a Dier. They value animals more then anything." He looked at Nicoli for a moment, "Why don't you speak to Julia? I'm sure she can help you with that." He offered
Nicoli nodded a little, committing it to memory, and then he smiled. "Thanks." He said, and then he slipped out the door for real this time. He figured he could talk to Julia after their training with Eric in a couple of hours. First he wanted to at least broach the subject of their parents with Helena. And thank her for the pen. He went to the lab next, finding Helena in the place he figured must have become her usual. He smirked a little and pulled up a chair to take a seat next to her like he had nearly every other time he'd come to see her. "Thanks for the pen." He started, realizing he'd probably have to repeat it. He was quickly seeing she got absorbed in her work easily.
Helena nodded, as she worked, not really hearing what was said, before she said, "I left it over by the...." she looked up and paused. She bite her lip, "You didn't ask me about the measuring tools, did you?" she asked, sheepishly. "Sorry." she said, before he answered, "What's up?" she said, before she turned to completely to Nicoli.
Nicoli grinned. He actually kind of liked how into her work she got, it was a little amusing to watch. “I thanked you for the pen. I think it’ll be quite useful on missions.” He started, smiling. “I also wanted to ask if you had time now or maybe later to talk about our parents coming this week.” He added.
Helena looked at him for a moment, trying to register what he had said and then frowned, "Our parents?" she questioned, before she jumped to her feet, "Our parents are coming this week? they are coming here? Like to this tower?" she said, completely at odds with the idea.
Nicoli was a little surprised but then he nodded. “Yes I spoke with Hector this morning. He said they should be coming within the week. I...I thought maybe it would be worth it to help prepare one another for their arrivals.” He said, watching her carefully. “I’ll admit I’m quite nervous to meet yours.” He added with a faint smile, hoping it might make her feel better.
Helena looked at him, "Nervous. Nervous?" she repeated as she sat down defeated, "Do you know how bad this is." she sighed, "My mother had a fit when she found out my betrothed was from this tower. She and hector had a whole spat about it. If my parents find out you are not just from this tower but a warrior." she frowned, before laying her head down on the table with her hands to cushion it, "I will never hear the end of this." then she popped up, "And if our children aren't smart like me, the world could crash and burn and I will still never hear the end." she pouted turning to Nicoli, "Is this parent things really necessary?"
Nicoli was trying hard not to laugh. It wasn’t like he didn’t realize how serious this all was or that his nervousness didn’t match her own. But there was something about hearing and seeing how nervous she was that let him know they were in the same boat. “I really, truly wish it didn’t have to be. My father will throw a fit. But it is tradition and they’re likely already on their way here or at least preparing for it.” He said. Without thinking he reached over and took one of her hands in a comforting motion. “If you have time right now we can start to talk about it. Or maybe tonight? I’d like to prepare you for meeting my parents and frankly I’d really like some pointers for meeting yours.”
Helena looked at him and sighed, nodding without saying anything at first, "Right." she shook her head, "Sorry, I was just thinking about my parents. I should be ready to deal with yours too." then she frowned, "Our parents are going to be at odds with each other aren't they?"
Nicoli smirked a little bit then nodded. “I think it’s unablidable...and when we say parents I really mean my father and your mother. My mother will probably love you pretty quickly and she’s used to the kind of thinking your mother may have.” He got to his feet so he was standing in front of her, and reached for her other hand. “And through it all I am going to be right by your side Helena. That is a promise.” He tried to assure her gently.
Helena took his hand and sighed, as she stood up and smirked up at him, "Okay. But if you leave me at any point, I will never let you live to forget it, you might not even have time to regret it." she teased.
Nicoli chuckled some. “I swear I won’t leave you.” He said, giving her hand a light, reassuring squeeze. “Come on, we can stay here or go else where to talk if you like. Wherever you’re most comfortable with.”

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