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Fantasy One Tower (Closed)

Helena smirked, "I would hope so. I think he is supposed to be married soon, but I have only heard the rumors that he hasn't meet his betrothed yet." she shrugged, as she looked at the tree again, "You know, I would imagine a lot of people come here, when the day is busy."
“I have heard that. I’ve also heard he’s supposed to meet her soon. I hope it works for them.” He said. He liked Gal, and like everyone else it was always a hope that betrothal would work out well. He followed her gaze to the tree. “It can be very busy during the day even the evenings are busy sometimes. If you’re a night owl the best time is in the middle of the night.” He said. He looked over to her.
Helena smirked as she glanced to him, "Well, then I guess I work so much, is actually a good thing." she teased. She thought of the way the lights and colors moved together with the tree and that made things seem almost magic in itself, "Do you know, where this tree comes from?" she asked curiously.
Nicoli smiled gently and shook his head. “Not the real story...at least I don’t think it’s the real story. I only know the folklore that has come with its existence. I’m sure your uncle would know.” He said. He smiled even more as he watched the dancing lights. “I used to be told a story that when this tower was first form, the warriors within it knew only war. It was before there were other sectors and professions. That those who lived here knew only the worse parts of human and shadow kind alike. Every warrior, in a sense, had a darkness that lived within them and so as effective as they were at keeping the peace among the other towers, there was no peace within this one. It was said then that some being - it changes with every story on who that was - came to the tower with a single seed. The seed of this tree. She told them to allow a healer into the tower, at that time all healers were proficient in keeping plants alive and caring for them as much as they were their patients. So they did, though with skepticism. That healer said she needed a science and so a small area opened for the Science and Healer to be. As the tree began to grow so did the number of other sectors within the tower. But more than that, so did the peace within each warrior. It was said that the sorceress - that was who the woman was in a majority of the stories - had cast a spell over the seed to help tame and calm the warriors’ hearts. And to help unite them with one another and other towers by allowing different sectors.” It wasn’t the whole story but he knew it got the point across. He smirked a little and looked away from the tree, shrugging. “Everyone has a different story. I liked that one because I feel like I have a darkness inside that isn’t so easily tamed and the tree is a calming place for me. I didn’t want to lose that little bit of magic I could hold onto as a child and I guess that I still hold onto. I would be curious though, as to what Hector says. I’m sure he knows the real story behind this tree.” He added.
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Helena smiled, "I guess it would be something for him to know. But I don't know if he would tell me." She pointed out, "After all, if the story isn't as magical as the one you know. Wouldn't it be better, to let everyone believe the story? So they never lose that hope, or peace, or wonder?"
Nicoli smiled some. “Perhaps. But knowing the reality can be good too. I mean it’s not like you’re going to go around telling everyone it’s just a tree and nothing more. It would be up to you if you wanted to know it’s truth or stick to a story. I’m sure the Sciences have a story of their own on how it came to be if you were ever curious.” He said. “But I think allowing a form Of hope and peace in something as simple as a tree being around is kind of nice. It’s a simple reminder for something that is incredibly important.”
Helena smirked, "We as a Science, we don't play into those kinds of thoughts. We know that the fact is the tree is here. We could take samples and analyze it, but other then that, we probably wouldn't believe in something like sorceress and stuff." she teased.
Nicoli grinned. “I bet you could find someone.” He teased. “I think the practical way of thinking for Sciences is a great help to your work and ours. But I bet there is a fable or two in your records. Even something like...” he tried to think of something. “Like an experiment gone wrong and now this tree is here as a result.” He said, his tone light, a faint smile remaining. “Actually...knowing some of the Sciences there’s I wouldn’t be surprised if something like that happened or could happen. Course there’s nothing wrong with that. But I like the idea of magic a little better.” He said.
Helena smirked, "Then it is probably best that we just don't try." she suggested looking at him and then she sighed, "Besides, brain storming it, might take too long. And you need rest and I really was working on something important."
“Why does everyone think I need rest...it’s only been a couple days since I slept last.” He teased. He knew he needed it though, he was ready for a good long sleep. He sighed a little and looked at their meal. “Why don’t you take some of this with you? Make sure you eat something as you get lost in your work.” He suggested. “Which...I am going to pop in now and then to make sure you eat something and to ask the others when the last time you slept was. I won’t try to stop you from your work, I know it’s important, but I’d like for you to try to stay healthy.” He said, his tone remained light and slightly playful. He didn’t want her to think he was babying her. He was genuinely concerned for her general well being.
Helena smirked at him, "Well, I can't stop you for doing that, but I know how to take care of myself. I have survived this long, you would think I couldn't manage myself." she teased as she started to help gather everything together.
Nicoli chuckled. “Hmm, I suppose you have a point.” He teased. “Well then let’s just say it’s for my own sake.” He said, giving her a playful wink as he gathered what was left. “Is it okay if I walk with you back to your lab?” He asked.
Helena smirked as she got to her feet and sighed, "I can't stop you, if you come with me." she stated, "Last I checked, I can't really fight and you are a big bad warrior of the war tower." she teased.
Nicoli smirked and then bowed dramatically. “Then I am happy to accompany you m’lady...though I think you’d be surprised at the sway you hold over me Helena.” He said as he moved to walk with her. Carrying the dishes and remaining food so he could return everything as he had promised once she was back at her lab.
Helena smirked, as she started to the lab with Nicoli beside her, "I think I would be surprised to find any kind of sway, be held over you." she stated.
Nicoli grinned impishly. “Hmm, perhaps, depending on the person. But you are my betrothed and a most interesting woman, I’d say you hold a fair amount of power over me.” He said with a bit of a dramatic flare. “Then there’s your uncle of course who I believe on average I listen to more than anyone else.” And anyone else could tell her that he was not the best listener.
Helena glanced at him and smirked, "So, being your future wife, makes me interesting, and my uncle makes you listen?" she said as if that was what he had said, she knew it wasn't. "Well, I guess Warriors have an odd way of looking at things, don't they?"
Nicoli snorted. “Yes we do.” He said, realizing she had purposefully misunderstood him. “You’ll see Helena, I am not as bad as you think. Now I can’t guaruntee I’m the best, I’m certainly not and I am far from perfect. But I’m not bad.” He said.
Helena smirked, "Well, as long as you know you aren't perfect then I think that is a step in the right direction." she stated.
Nicole smirked. “I’ve never thought I was perfect.” He said. He stopped as they came to the lab entrance. “Goodnight Helena. I hope to be able to see you later.” He said. He handed over a small container that they hadn’t gotten into. “Enjoy this if you have time. I should get going though.” He said as he turned to go. He’d found out her favorite dessert and it sat inside that little container. He smiled sadly to himself as he walked away. He knew he’d made progress but he wasn’t sure if it would last the next time he saw her.
Helena smirked as she looked at the container and then watched him go, before she went into the lab. She couldn't help but smile as she moved to her lab table, it was already dark, so no one was around and she set the container down, before she bite her like to open it. It was a slice of pie, as the humans called it, she just called it cake and she smiled even more.
Nicoli returned to the kitchens, returning the dishes and then getting everything cleaned and ready for the breakfast for the next morning. It was in the early hours of the morning before he was back in his own room. He made for his bed and fell onto it, falling asleep almost instantly and sleeping for the remainder of the day. Usually he could sleep less, but to make up for the utter lack of sleep all during his last mission and the couple days he was home, his body tried to make up for it by making him sleep until the next day.
Helena poked her head in, she had decided to sleep in her room after she finished up, it was morning then, but when she opened the door that linked between their rooms she smirked. His room was almost a mess, for a place that was rarely in. She say him crashed on his head and smirked a little more, before she took a small pen from her pocket and moved as quietly as she could to place it on the desk with a small note. Before she rushed out and went to bed herself.

If you ever need it, here is a Water Pen. You can fill it with water and it will hold about 5 gallons. It fits in your pocket and it took me three hours. Thank you for the cake and the flower.
When Nicoli finally did wake he felt refreshed, though it took him a little longer to fully wake up. He went to shower and freshen up, and then change into freshly laundered clothing. He was about to leave to talk with Hector when he saw the pen. He walked to his desk and picked it up, reading the note. A large smile spread accross his lips and he placed the pen carefully in his pocket. The note he saved, placing it in a journal he kept and then returned it to its hiding place. He couldn't stop smiling as he made his way to Hector's office. Knocking ont he door once he had arrived.
Hector was going through some papers, when he heard the knock, "Come in." he said, but he didn't look up. He wasn't expecting anyone, so he figured it was one of six people. His wife to see what he was doing, because Kyle* was up and driving her mad. Jeremiah, reporting on his mission. Helena to complain or learn about the tower or Nicoli. Lillian to tell him that the Herbals needed something to contain their new seeds, Shelia about the med Hall that she had been reporting on, because Roland was probably still not at his station and Nicoli to tell him he had no idea what to do about Helena. Whichever came first, he was ready for.

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