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Fantasy One Tower (Closed)

Nicoli grinned. “I’m sure he could, he managed to do something right with you after all.” He teased. “But Thank you Julia. I’d like all the help I can get. I think if I can appeal to her animal side things would change.” He added.
Julia smirked, "Don't thank, I've never met a Dier that was not a Warrior, so her connection may be different."
Nicoli smirked and shrugged. “Perhaps, but you will still know and understand more than I do.” Nicoli pointed out.
Julia smirked, "Probably." She teased him as she turned to Eric and Kevin, she grinned, "This is probably the best angle of him."
Nicoli followed her gaze and raised an eyebrow. “Best angle for viewing Eric’s progress or for you to admire your lover?” He asked, teasing her. He smirked a little as he glanced to her.
Julia smirked, "I am always adoring my love." She grinned at Nicoli, "Especially when I get to watch him fight."
Nicoli chuckled. “You two are too cute sometimes...in your own weird way.” He added. He was happy for them, because it was obvious to everyone how much they loved each other. He was a little envious of it actually. But he would always be happy for his friends.
Julia smirked at him, "I imagine so will you and yoru betrothed, she seems like someone that would hold on to you until there is nothing left of her." she stated.
Nicoli snorted a little. “I doubt that, this is the first time I’ve gotten her to talk to me without being mad at me and I think it’s because she was more nervous about the idea of our parents coming than she was mad at the time.” He said. But there was a slight hopeful tone. Could Helena care for him that much? He thought he could care for her like that.
Julia smirked, "You don't see the world just right, just yet." she smiled at Kevin, as she watched him show Eric were he went wrong, "You will learn, when a Dier loves, it's not just the Shadow part that they use."
Nicoli looked to her and smiled a little. “Even if she’s not as connected to her animal side like some of the warriors?” He asked but then smirked. “That was silly, sorry, I know there are other ways to be connected to that part of you. Do you really think she’ll come to love me like that?” He asked as he turned his attention back to Kevin and Eric.
Julia smirked, "I think she will love once and if that is you, then you will find out just how powerful that love can really be." she assured him.
Nicole smiled some and nodded. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling too much. Truth of it was he wanted that. He just hoped that he could return that love. “That’s how you feel for Kevin right? Do you ever feel like he doesn’t match that love?” He asked, unable to keep all the worry from his voice. What if he couldn’t match Helena’s?
Julia glanced at him, with a smirk, "I would be silly to imagine he could. But yes, I know he does, after all, how many would leave their betrothed and how many more would be able to deal with a love like me the way he does. He may not love me the exact same, but deep down, it is just as deep."
Nicoli smiled and looked to her. “Well I’m happy for you two. And I am grateful for whatever you an help me with.” He said, turning his attention back to Kevin and Eric.
Julia nodded, "I will help you as you wish. But you should know, I will not help you, if you plan to get in my way with Kevin." she smirked to her.
Julia smirked, "Good. Because I imagine you have never seen a bear devour flesh, until you see me rip you apart and you won't survive it." she smiled at him sweetly before turning back to the match.
Nicole laughed even harder at that in part because he knew she was being completely serious. He returned his attention to Kevin and Eric again.
Kevin flipped Eric over and sighed as he looked over to Julia, who smirked with pleasure at him and to Nicoli's laugh confused.
Nicoli grinned at them both, waving his hand dismissively. “That was pretty good work.” He said to both of them.
Kevin stood straight, as did Eric, still confused, "Okay. Your turn." He motioned Nicoli to pick a weapon to train Eric in.
Nicoli smiled and looked around at the weapons. He was good with all of them, but his specialty was the sword. He grabbed two practice swords, tossing one to Eric as he handled his own with ease. “I assume you’ve handled a sword before.” He asked. He himself was one of the best with a sword. It was part of why he’d been able to handle his shadow weapon, which was also a sword.
Eric looked at him and positioned himself with the sword in perfect form, "I am good with a sword."
Nicoli smiled. “Perfect.” He said. He didn’t usually attack first, but in this case he wanted to see how Eric reacted and how he defended himself.

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