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Fandom One Piece: New World

Man when the first Sunny broke in one piece I teared up a little. Lets not kill our boat; at least, till we love her and have heart ache over it
Tulani said:
Man when the first Sunny broke in one piece I teared up a little. Lets not kill our boat; at least, till we love her and have heart ache over it
You mean Going Merry?
I'm so sorry for the short post, I'm on a mobile and will do better on my lappy. This phone's keyboard keeps freezing up and glitching.
Lioness3009 said:
I'm so sorry for the short post, I'm on a mobile and will do better on my lappy. This phone's keyboard keeps freezing up and glitching.
No worries. It looks perfectly acceptable.

On another note, I am really happy with how this rp has been going so far. We already have characters interacting with each other and it makes me so happy. I will probably have another post up for Scarlet tomorrow, but for now I am exhausted and anything I tried to write would look like crap.
I'm gunna try my best to another post up today! This rp is so fun! Besides...Ziggy forgot to save her pot of nitroglycerin when the ship tipped... O.o
Refaulted said:
I am working on a post now. I am sorry for taking so long.
Seriously?! The rp just started yesterday... it is not too long to take even a few days after a post to post again. The only reason why so many people posted yesterday was all the hype and I'm really glad for the hype, but that doesn't mean people should feel rushed to post.

shadowdude505 said:
Would it be too metta if Tora ended up singing We Are! at some point in this RP?
Just a little bit...

DeadgurlXD said:
I'm gunna try my best to another post up today! This rp is so fun! Besides...Ziggy forgot to save her pot of nitroglycerin when the ship tipped... O.o
I apologize for my small post, there isn't much to reply to yet and it was just a continuation of my last post for the most part.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I apologize for my small post, there isn't much to reply to yet and it was just a continuation of my last post for the most part.

Its fine. I'm not being too picky right now because I'm just happy to see people interacting with each other.

That being said, of course I would still like attempts at two paragraphs and whatnot. Everyone has been doing that, though, so far so I have no problems.
DaughterofAthena said:
That being said, of course I would still like attempts at two paragraphs and whatnot. Everyone has been doing that, though, so far so I have no problems.
Of course, I always aim for 2 paragraphs minimum, just at the start there isn't really much to work with when I'm at the top of a crow's nest :D !
I understand that everyone is really excited for this rp and all, but I just feel the need to point out that I am a college student. I just want to make sure that people are aware that this rp will slow down during the week because school comes first. You are welcome to continue posting at your leisure, but don't expect posts from me every day on a regular basis.
If it's ok with everyone, I think it'd be hilarious if no one yet knew of Normans devil fruit powers. And that he's honestly forgotten lately. Which would be possible as he's not even a month old crew member. Cx

Have him reveal his ability after jumping in the ocean like an idiot, hm?

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