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Once Together, Always Together.

"Hardcore parcore."

She said sarcastically and glanced over the edge of the roof to see a few police officers getting ready to break in. She quickly shut the door to the roofs and ran, hurling herself off the roof on the opposites end of the buildin that the cops were at and landing on the building adjacent to them


Denver laughed a bit under his breath, and followed Sunny, landing on the roof with a roll, as to soften the landing. He had no idea where she was going.. So he assumed she didn't have much of a plan. He flipped his hood up, and used the momentum from the roll to continue sprinting past Sunny, diving onto the next roof, and landing in the same manner.


Sunny continued running and kept a pattern of hitting each individual roof running. She continued like this until coming to a hault abruptly and standing in the middle of a building. Panting slightly.

"This should be far enough. Let's make a plan"


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