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Once Together, Always Together.

Tall Bear

It’s time to stop
We're in deep shit now... We fucked up. Damn it. I didn't expect we'd actually get caught, I mean, come on. These coppers are idiots. I guess they found a way though, ah hell. It was only a matter of time anyways. Well... Let's go over what happened up until here, yeah? Umm, murder, first and second degree... On multiple counts. Minor degree genocide. Fraud. Possession of illegal substance. Unlawful discharge of firearm. Violence towards an officer... Several times... Avoiding arrest, not showing up to court. Breaking and entering, robbery... There's more.. I could go on. That's just my record. Mines worse than his, I've been on the streets longer. But I can tell you his is bad too... Probably. So we screwed up, got cocky.. Aaaannnnd, now we're in the back of a police cruiser. I gotta think of something quick before this goes even further south...

-We'll start like a day or two before they get caught just to get the feel for characters and such. And I have an idea for an escape so you just calm down and watch my genius.-

Partner: @Dream Killer
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Sunny checked behind her, just one more time, to make sure she hadn't been followed, and then jumped in through the window of the abandoned house she and Denver had taken up as their own. It was rough three in the morning, and she had a bag of goods to show exactly what she'd been doing up so early. Some food, water, and a whole load of cash. She dropped the bag on the ground and stretched, sighing a chuckle to herself and then looking around her room. She had a habit of doing this, just.. Looking at things. Making sure they were well.

After a moment of silence, she took the food out of the bag, as well as the water, and left her room, going downstairs silently and standing in the kitchen. After a moment of thought she shrugged and dropped the stuff on the table carelessly. They'd been in this house for about a month now, and no one around seemed to know of their existence. 'Good' she thought. She didn't need any noses where they didn't need to be.
PotatoeValentine said:

Sunny checked behind her, just one more time, to make sure she hadn't been followed, and then jumped in through the window of the abandoned house she and Denver had taken up as their own. It was rough three in the morning, and she had a bag of goods to show exactly what she'd been doing up so early. Some food, water, and a whole load of cash. She dropped the bag on the ground and stretched, sighing a chuckle to herself and then looking around her room. She had a habit of doing this, just.. Looking at things. Making sure they were well.

After a moment of silence, she took the food out of the bag, as well as the water, and left her room, going downstairs silently and standing in the kitchen. After a moment of thought she shrugged and dropped the stuff on the table carelessly. They'd been in this house for about a month now, and no one around seemed to know of their existence. 'Good' she thought. She didn't need any noses where they didn't need to be.

Denver was upstairs when he'd heard his, 'Partner', crawl through the window. He'd never been one to conform to society, or socialize, but Sunny practically forced it on him. Or, that's how he saw it, at least. They'd done a few jobs together over the few month's they'd known one another, but they mostly kept to themselves, which Denver couldn't be happier about. Sunny wasn't the type of person he'd socialize with, if he socialized at all. She'd been gone since eight the previous night, which worried Denver severely, as she hadn't told him where she'd gone. He had a habit of worrying for nothing.

Denver stormed down the stairs, face blank, as usual. He saw her standing over her newly-found goodies, inspecting them. He grunted a bit, his face showing a bit of frustration. He walked up behind her, and grabbed her shoulder, quickly turning her to face him. He backhanded her across the face, leaving a red mark. "Where the fuck were you?" He demanded, his voice staying monotone as he did so. His face was devoid of emotion, aside from a slight frustration, which, when accompanied with his lack of height, and quiet nature, made him look absolutely adorable.

(Did I mention this kid is like 5'4"?? xD )

Sunny jumped and then stepped away from Denver, holding her cheek. Quickly she went from shocked to ridiculously pissed. The fuck. Off. She glared at the shorty before her and then abruptly decked him across the face, not quite as hard as she could.. But pretty damn hard.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!!?"


Denver reeled back from the punch, falling back against the wall, barely catching himself. "You're what's wrong with me!" He exclaimed, his face suddenly showing the most emotion he'd shown since he'd met her, albeit it was barely noticeable. The man, easily mistaken for a teen, grabbed his switchblade from his back pocket, and flipped it open, pointing it at her throat, the point grazing her skin.

Denver considered killing her off, but knew he would need her for later. He flipped his knife away, and began walking back towards the stairs, head down, arms at his sides. All emotion was gone.

"Stay out of my room." He said, in a monotone voice, before heading up to his room, and closing the door quietly.

"Your welcome for the food, Asshole!"

She yelled after him and then threw the water she was currently holding onto the floor, the plastic making a loud crunching noise. She stormed to her room as well and slammed the door. After she was in her sanction she leaned on the door, sliding down it until she was on the floor. 'My god, what a dick! I get back from getting supplies and what, he just up and hits me?! Way to thank the provider asshat.' She ranted mentally to herself.

Eventually she got up and walked to her window, sitting on the sill and looking out at the sunrise silently, ever so slowly calming down from her anger.

Denver hated fights.

They were unnecessary, annoying, and frustrating.

That being said, it didn't mean Denver was a pacifist.

He just wished his opponents would accept their fate.

Denver eventually left his room, finding that he couldn't sleep. He walked down the hall, towards the stairs, in his boxers. Summer hadn't seen him like this, or at least, that he knew of. He was just too tired to give a fuck. He made his way to the kitchen, and grabbed the bottle of water Summer had thrown on the floor. He grabbed a marker and labeled it 'Dipshit', before putting it on the counter. He grabbed a bottle of water of his own, labeled it 'Dickface', and drank from it eagerly.

Sunny rarely slept. Probably not a good thing for someone constantly on the run, but it was true. In any given week she maybe got 26 hours of sleep. By this point she had gotten bored of looking at nature from her window, and left the house again. There was a small forest just behind the house, and a few ponds.

She walked through the woods silently, her feet treading lightly over the ground, until she reached a pond. The water was perfectly clean, no algae, nothing. She grinned and stripped naked, and then slipped into the water. The shower in the house didn't work, so this was extremely refreshing to her.

She slipped into the water up to her nose and closed her eyes, listening closely to her surroundings, her guard up.

((So were you purposely calling her summer then? Like does he just have a different nickname for her? Or was that a typo?))

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Denver finished his water, and threw the bottle outside. He yawned, and checked the time. Almost time... He thought, taking note of the time. It was 4:30 in the morning. He was supposed to leave at 5. He had a job he'd been refusing to talk about whenever asked for weeks. He had it all planned out. All he could hope for was that Summer wouldn't interfere.

Denver walked back to his room, changing into his combat clothes. He slid on a white t-shirt, followed by a slightly used anti-stab vest, and then a grey turtleneck (Seen in his character pic). He slid on black combat pants, along with a matte black pair of combat boots. He tied off his boots, and went to his closet. He pulled out his baby. His pride and joy. His set of dual Walther PPK handguns. Peashooters, in theory. In reality, they were hand-cannons. He screwed a suppressor onto both, and put them in a backpack, along with two holsters, a gas mask, a combat ax, and a lockpick. He slid the backpack onto his back, and marched off into the woods, with a blank face.

Before long, Denver came across a pond he'd never seen before. What lay in it truly shocked him. Denver flew back onto his ass, as if he was shot by a shotgun. He backed against a tree, his face bright red. He covered his eyes, his mouth hanging wide open, obviously startled.

Sunny was quite startled not by the appearance of Denver, but by his reaction. After standing straight, she brought the water line to right above her nipples, furrowing her pale brow and placing her hands on her bountiful hips.

"Well shit, you act like I shot you or something."

She spoke and chuckled slightly.
Denver stared down at her in awe, his mind racing. He'd always been protected as a kid, growing up an a farm, and being homeschooled, so this was a completely new concept to him. Denver found that he couldn't move, his eyes locked with hers eternally. His hands were helping support him by gripping the tree behind him, adding to the appearance of his shock.


Sunny snorted and walked forward. She was temporarily exposed fully, before she grabbed her sports bra and slipped it over her large chest, next came her tight fitting girl boxers and then jeans. She raised her eyebrows at the terrified looking male and then spoke questioningly


Denver finally managed to gain his composure, and was already standing by the time that she had fully dressed. His face was still bright red, his white hair covering his eyes. "That was disgusting." He lied in his monotone voice, before walking away. Even the way he walked was changed, switching from composed and calm, to rushed and excited.


"Don't bother lying I know you liked it!"

Sunny called after him and then pulled on her shirt, considering weather she should follow him or not. She was very interested in what he was doing... But usually they didn't do jobs together... Though there did have to be a first to everything...

((So would it be wrecking any plans if I just had her follow him?))


(Nope! I actually kinda planned on having her follow him

xD )

Denver flicked her off, and adjusted his walking speed and style to make him look more composed. He let his hand fall to his side, and kept his head down as he walked, as he normally would.

Sunny smiled and rolled her eyes, picking up her jacket and backpack, throwing both on quickly and then following after Denver quickly, remaining silent as she walked beside him.


Denver glared at Sunny, before punching her in the shoulder, not playfully, but more as a way of venting.

"Why are you following me."

Denver asked with a singular tone, before looking forward again. His face was devoid of emotion, although it was still bright red from the event that took place just minutes before.

Sunny shrugged and adjusted her bag, which was filled with probably a startlingly large amount of weapons. After a moment of thought she spoke casually, her words drawling leisurely.

"'Cause we haven't really done nay jobs together, and I figured hell, we live together. Might as well go and do shit. That and you've seen me naked, gotta get paid for it somehow... And I'm bored as fuck."


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