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Once Together, Always Together.

"Fine... Just... Just don't get in my way. I don't need your help."

Denver said, as they neared a road. "Up for a hike." He asked, although it wasn't clear it was supposed to be a question, due to his unemotional voice. His white hair flopped around in the wind, as a car flew past them on the road.

( xD Totally didn't forget about this RP...)
(I am deeply offended.)

Sunny shrugged and kept her head down. She didn't know how many people would recognize her if they saw her face, so simply as a precautionary measure, she wouldn't show them her face. After shoving her hands into her pockets she spoke

"Hells yeah"


(You're gonna wanna get used to that... I'm a very, very forgetful person ^-^)

Denver crossed the road once it was safe, a car passing by right after he left it's path. Denver's thick snow white hair whipped around in the wind, as he made his way to the woods, where a small footpath was made, recently, it looked like. By the time his hair settled, he was already on the path, humming a Russian folk song.
Sunny followed Denver closely, once they were in the woods she looked up and around, grinning a bit. She loved the woods, and outside. Everything about it really. She took her hands out of her pockets and the backpack off her shoulder, walking whilst digging through it. She had, as presumed, a startlingly large amount of weapons in the bag. She pulled out a pistol and a few clips. Then zipped the bag and put it on her back again. Afterwards she made sure the pistol was loaded and then put the extra clips into small compartments on the Inside of her combat boots. On the right one there was also a small knife sheath that she usually saved for emergencies. She tucked the loaded weapon into the back of her jeans and then looked up again, quickening her pace a bit

Denver took out his weapons as well, and screwed on the silencers tighter, a little envious of how badass his partner looked while she tinkered with her weapons. He begrudgingly put his handguns back, and glared at her with a blank face. The young man, face still red from blushing, faced forwards once again, hoping she wouldn't make a comment


Sunny glanced at Denvers reddened face and then shook her head, continuing to mess with her pistol. She snickered quietly and then held her gun up, as she walked, checking that the sights were up to par, which they were. The sky had turned a dull grey, with occasional hints of orange here and there with the rising sun being hidden behind clouds. A few birds flew through the canopy of the trees around them, rising suspicion in the blonde females mind. She lowered her gun and hovered her finger over the trigger as she looked around with analytical gold eyes. She quickly brushed off her suspicion as paranoia and shook her head, putting the weapon in the waistband of her jeans, so it rested over her spine

(I forgot that she already put her gun away so ignore the first time, now she
actually put it away xD )
Before long, Denver and Sunny arrived at a town. It was small, but obviously very wealthy, as shown by the flamboyant and extravagant homes, and the perfectly paved roads. Denver got on the sidewalk, and began walking towards the financial district of the town, eyeing the large houses as they passed.


Sunny frowned at the sight of the houses. She crossed her arms, pulling her leather jacket closer to her. She quickened her pace so she was walking right next to Denver and spoke in a lower tone of voice, barely disrupting the quiet of the neighborhoods

"What are we doing here? Some kinda stick-up or somethin'?"

She asked, and then eyed the homes around them as if they were people who had wronged her.

Denver sighed a bit, as he'd hoped she would understand by now.

"You'll see... Just try not to scare the houses, okay?"

Denver joked, his face stil staying blank. A car flew by them, causing Denver's paper white hair to whip wildly for a few seconds

Sunny's hair flew forward, curtaining her face with platinum silk strings. She furrowed her brow into a scowl and then shook her head, grabbing her hair and pulling it back so it rested between her shoulder blades once again. She looked down at Denver and then forward again*

"Fair enough."

She said with a small shrug
Eventually they reached the financial district. Denver turned down a road, which abruptly ended at a federal bank. Denver smirked back at Sunny, before turning back to the bank. The Snowy Haired Criminal turned down an alley, taking out a single silenced handgun as he did thus. He broke into a sprint at the end of the alley, and kicked off the wall, jumping up and grabbing the bottom of a ladder for a fire escape. He pulled himself up, before removing the latch, causing the ladder to fall. "Come on." He said plainly, as he turned and walked up the fire escape, holding in his excitement. He made it to the roof, and walked casually to the center, waiting for Sunny to follow.


Sunny grabbed the ladder and scaled it without using most of the rungs. She followed him quickly, and reached into the back of her pants, grabbing her pistol and cocking it.

"You gonna tell me what the game plan is yet or a, I going into this blind?"


Denver looked over to her. "We're scouting." He said plainly. He looked over to the roof of the bank, and began trotting towards it slowly. He looked back to make sure Sunny was following him, and continued onto the next roof, crossing the gap easily with a slight hop. The roof was too high for anyone to see them, so it was pointless to be stealthy. The Silver-Haired Duo halted when they were a roof from the bank. Denver looked to Sunny, his face showing no emotion, his hair whipping gently in the wind. He desperately wanted to hear her opinion on what they were doing so far. They'd only done a handful of missions recently, none reaching this level... He wanted to make sure she was okay with this sort of thing.

Unknown to him, there was a guard on the roof behind them, eyeing them, hand on his weapon. He'd already called for backup.


Sunny opened her mouth as if to say something but quickly closed it, narrowing her eyes. She looked to Denver and muttered, barely audible probably even for him.

"On my signal. Run. There's someone behind us."

The platinum haired beauty then closed her eyes, focusing intensely, she could hear the sounds of the guards backup movin closer. All within the span of a second she yelled to Denver


And then turne herself, pulling out her pistol and aiming at the guard. He barely got time to react, but with the minimal millisecond he had hushed wisely, and pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped clean through Sunnys shoulder, but she moved as if nothing had happened, and fired three times, once in the chest, once in the neck, and once in the head. The guard was down.

She stood straight now and looks over the edge of the building, squad cars. 'Fuck!' She thought and then took off her shirt, leaving her in a plain black spaghetti strap. She ripped her hers shirt in half and tied her shoulder so it wouldn't leave a blood trail and then hopped off the roof where she'd told Denver to go, hoping he wasn't there, and had already ran like she instructed him too.
Denver didn't understand at first, but quickly got what Sunny was intending to instruct. His ears rang with her words, until his mind was wiped blank by a excruciatingly loud wave of sound. Her signal. Denver looked to see what she had told him about and winced a bit, wishing he hadn't been so stupid. He turned and jumped to another roof, quickly dropping a guard that had followed the way they came. He turned a corner, and jumped onto a roof roughly 5 feet below him. He landed in a roll, and kept running, watching a squad car follow him on the ground. Denver made a split-second decision, and veered to the edge of the roof, his run turning to a sprint as he did so. Once his speed matched, and slightly surpassed the speed of the squad car, Denver jumped. He landed on the roof, leaving a large dent, as well as causing the driver to lose his control of the vehicle. 'Shit.' Denver thought, as the squad car began veering towards the wall of the alley. Denver struggled to his feet, before getting launched from the vehicle by a sudden change of speed. Denver skidded across the ground, crying out in pain as he did so. He landed on his back, his face and arms scraped badly, his clothes ripped to hell. He stumbled to his feet, slamming into the wall as he did so. He saw the crashed squad car, and the men inside it trying to escape. The ringing in Denver's ears was cut out by a blaring siren coming from behind him... Backup. He looked back, and saw a parked squad car, with 3 men getting out, armed with handguns. Denver reached for his handgun, his eyes widening when he realized that it wasn't at his hip. He looked around frantically, finding his silenced handgun just a few feet away from him. He looked back to the officers, seeing that they were running towards him. He took a deep breath, and dove for the gun. He landed next to it, and was about to grab it when his wrist was slammed into the ground. A knee slammed into his back, and within seconds, he was out cold.


Sunny had quickly found where fence was an began trailing him quickly, though her panicke mannor turned frantic when she witnessed the crash.


She yelped and then found him k.oed. She growled and shot the officer holding him there causing him to fall into a mess of his own blood, to the ground. She made a series of deadly accurate shots similar to this with many other cops, eventually they ran out of cops, though she had no doubt more were on the way. she jumped off the roof, grabbed her partner, and sprinted off with him over her shoulder.

"Fucking WAKE UP!"

Sunny Shiite at Denver as she heard more sirens behind her.
Denver slowly shrugged to consciousness as the pressure was taken off his back. For an instant, everything was okay... He opened his eyes, comforted by the sight of Sunny looking down at him. He smiled warmly for the first time in... Forever. His eyes sparkled a little bit against the bright sun, and the small amount of tears in his eyes. He was in more pain than he could imagine... But, he couldn't feel it. His body was pumping with adrenaline. But, his face told the full story. Behind that warm smile, and the sweet eyes, was an intense agony. Denver knew Sunny could see it... She was perceptive like that.


Sunny felt relief flood her system. She was covered in blood that was not only hers, but Denvers and several cops' as well.

"God damn you look like hell, I'm So sorry.."

She spoke, her voice worrie and empathetic as well. Her shoulder seared with an angry pain that made her want to scream in agony, though she kept it to herself af let little of the feeling trough.

She continued running until the seemed to have entered the ghetto part of a city. A good place to hide. She found the neared uninhabited building and ran in, slamming the door shut and setting Denver beside a wall, then proceeding to throw every wavy price of furniture he couldn't In front of the door. When she was done, and at a loss for oxygen, she knelt in front of Denver.

"Take off your shirt let me see what I can do for your wounds."

She ordered, somewhat breathlessly
Denver grunted a bit, and slammed his head into the wall behind him. He slowly began removing his shirt, stopping halfway as he felt the fabric brush against a gash in his abdomen. He let out a slight hiss, and buckled over, breathing rather heavily. He quickly slid off the rest of his shirt, revealing a series of light scrapes, only few severe enough to draw blood, and a gash along his abdomen, which was quite obviously causing Denver a lot of pain.


Sunny took a moment to evaluate what she was up against before taking out her first aid kit, and the other half o her shirt. She folded it and handed it to him

"Bite this or something. And sit up I'll need to get at your back,"

She instructed and then opened the rather expensive and professional looking med kit.

Denver winced at the thought of what she was going to do, but sat up, and took the shirt in his mouth, gripping it tightly with his teeth. Not because he was going to be loud... But so he couldn't bite her.


Sunny started with the largest gash on his abdomen, she doused a clean rag in peroxide, then placed an unexpectedly delicate and small hand on his chest over his heart, and began to gently clean the wound, watching as white foam started to turn pink when it mixed with blood. She wiped away the foam and continued this process until it was clean. She then took out some Neo-Sporin-like stuff and applied it with care. She looked up at Denver

"Am I hurting you too badly?"


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