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Realistic or Modern Oh my butler/maid ! [ooc]

Yikes. The days just zoomed by. I'll hopefully get a post up by tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!
erzulie erzulie SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Mooniee Mooniee Nano Nano underuninterested underuninterested Steinee Steinee seasonedcat seasonedcat frogmilk frogmilk Trektek Trektek
So since there's the high chance of me needing to restart this, I'll need to know who's still on board. There will be changes in the rules as well just because it's necessary to keep this going:
1. A minimum requirement of about 350 words.
2. 1 character per person.
3. A balance of summons and masters.
4. At least 2-3 posts per week.
If you think you can follow these rules, let me know.
Going to assume it was due to being busy over Christmas like me (sorry about that), but...
Steinee Steinee @Trektrek ?
Indeed, but since I haven't heard from people these days, I'll probably be resetting this. Just so people have a fair chance and also so their characters won't get lost.
Yep, still in! Will be on winter break for a month and don't have too many obligations after New Years. :'D
Indeed, but since I haven't heard from people these days, I'll probably be resetting this. Just so people have a fair chance and also so their characters won't get lost.
Err...sorry for double posting orz. Anyway in that case, should I hold off on posting for now, or is it fine to proceed as is?
erzulie erzulie SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Mooniee Mooniee Nano Nano underuninterested underuninterested Steinee Steinee seasonedcat seasonedcat frogmilk frogmilk Trektek Trektek
So since there's the high chance of me needing to restart this, I'll need to know who's still on board. There will be changes in the rules as well just because it's necessary to keep this going:
1. A minimum requirement of about 350 words.
2. 1 character per person.
3. A balance of summons and masters.
4. At least 2-3 posts per week.
If you think you can follow these rules, let me know.
I don't think I'll be able to. Good luck on resetting it and all that if ya do
I'm still in. I'll get a post up at some point this weekend. I've been very busy over the holidays, my apologies

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