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Fantasy Of The World That Lurks Below


Grade A Bitch
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I distain all glittering gold
And nothing can console me
But my Jolly sailor bold
Human children are always told not to stray to close to the water, for a creature could pull them in and swallow them whole. They should also be wary of brothels, for the same warning could applied to those house of sin as well.

Pirates stay away from the coves, and try not sing after dark, for it attracts unwanted attention. They also say do not bring a woman aboard, it's bad luck. And they throw the ones they find overboard; leaving them to the oceans mercy.

There is always some sort of truth to a legend. To a story. To a tale that seems a little far fetched. The old fisherman swore he saw something in the water, stealing his bait and scaring away the fish, though you always smelt the alcohol on his breath. A friend swore she lost her laundry basket, and that it appeared beside her with a splash minutes later, but she's always had a flair for the dramatic. A salior says he nearly crashed, a force washing over him that seemed to muddy his common sense, and drag him towards the rocky barrier of a forgotten cove.

Not everybody believes these stories, but perhaps they should. There are strange beings lurking just below the waters surface. Men and woman with the lower body of fish. Some are peaceful, doing small things to be closer to the surface dwellers. Some are just focused on survival, the depths are a harsh place to live. And some, are hell bent on the destruction of the people who doomed them to a water grave.

A Quick MessageHi! Thanks for reading through that little thing I wrote. So, basically I'm hoping to do a bit of a darker mermaid rp than what you typically see. The plot is still a work in progress, but in my eyes, this can be both story and character driven, so any suggestions you have are very much welcome. And as of now, I will not be putting a limit on how many people can join or how many characters you can make if you want to join, but there are going to be a limited number of sirens.

Yes, sirens. To me, mermaids and sirens while having a Simliar appearance are a little different. Mermaids And Mer-men are born in the ocean, while a siren is a womanwho was thrown overboard. There can be special exceptions if you PM me or the Co-Gm P Paint The Wind so we can talk about it, but typically, I'd like it if mermaids had normal mermaid magic, and sirens to have typical siren magic. You know, the luring pirates to their deaths.

And finally, pirates. If you would like to play a pirate, please pm me and the co gm both so we can talk about It as a group. But, starting off, I would like for pirates to be an occasional threat opposed to playable people. But that will change at some point. I know not all of this may be clear, so please ask questions!
It just so happens I was kicking around ideas for a darker (mystical thriller) merfolk roleplay. It's good to see others share my tastes. FireMaiden FireMaiden are you and the co-GM allowing players to contribute lore and other world building pieces if they can pass GM approval? Because I'm interested if I can carve out my own little spooky corner of ocean.

Also, can the mermaids have sub-species?
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It just so happens I was kicking around ideas for a darker (mystical thriller) merfolk roleplay. It's good to see others share my tastes. FireMaiden FireMaiden are you and the co-GM allowing players to contribute lore and other world building pieces if they can pass GM approval? Because I'm interested if I can carve out my own little spooky corner of ocean.

Also, can the mermaids have sub-species?
Of course! I was hoping to establish a few things for people to work with because in my rps I like having the writers contribute to the world, so yeah, go ahead. And I am open for sub spesises and mutated versions of merpeople, so that wickedly cool squid (?) lady could totally find a place here.

Merfolk Temple
FireMaiden FireMaiden Just wanted to post some concept art and run some lore brainstorms by you. I plan on calling my sub-species of tentacled merfolk tentilla. Traditional mermaids and mermen have tentative relationships with tentilla, as the tentacled folk are all too often covetous and conniving.


Undersea Caverns Leading To Nautilus


Nautilus, Cavern City of the Tentilla

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