• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Dice Of Devils, Monsters, and Men. D&D 5e OOC


1. Do I really need rules? Follow the site guide lines.
2. If unsure ask your DM and fellow players. They might surprise you with how helpful they are.
3. If your ever uncomfortable with a subject being covered, feel free to bring up.
4. The fun rule. Have it.
5. Keep post clean, we don't need formatting everywhere, unless it makes comprehension easier.
6. Die checks will be made on request of your DM. If you wish to do something that you believe requires a roll, just ask. I'll only force checks when there is both a possibility of failure, and successes.
7. Nat 20s are not auto-pass, and nat 1s are not auto-failure. Please keep this in mind.
8. As for post length, shoot for at least a paragraph when describing your actions. Clarity is key. Mid-conversation on the other hand doesn't have any such rules, one line if need be to speed it up. If two of you walk off to have a private conversation and no one follows it might be best to have it in PMs, then have one person post the log in a single post.
9. If you don't have your character do something, it didn't happen. If you post that you did do something, it happened.
If you feel your character would have known better after making a obvious mistake roll a INT save. DC 10. On a pass you actually remembered to do the thing (such as grabbing your backpack while in a rush), or get to edit your post (after saying/doing the thing you were just told not to say/do).
10. I reserve the right as DM to change the above at whim and will. YOU reserve the right to be informed immediately, and formally complain. If you guys agree to disagree with me, I'll submit. That easy.

11. If you have Discord, add me.
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Characters Go Here.

PM your your Character Sheets to me. Along with this info separate. I'll be keeping detailed records with each of you behind the scenes. This is your public information. Everything else will come out over time in game.

For your character stats.
Point buy. You can go under 8, and over 15. No breaking 20. If you go under 8, you gain 2 points instead of 1. Beware, I will use this against you.
For equipment, you may return your starting gear for base cost and buy as you will. Just show your math if you do. Keep a eye on your weight, and a eye on your rations.

Apparent Age:
Description: (or image, hair and eye colour, scars, race, ect.)


Player: Vanira Vanira
Name: Makatza Oota
Apparent Age: Twenty-seven
Description: Half-elf. Green eyes. No scars or tattoos but looks waifish


Player: Idea Idea
Name: Hir Silversap
Apparent Age: Middle-aged older man, very large.
Description: Standing at 6 foot 3, he is a very tall man, wearing a full suit of shiny white plate armor with a blue jewel at the center. If he reveals his face in his original form, it is a pale face with discolored hair and eyes and medium hair length.


Player: Idea Idea (NPC)
Name: Boo Silversap
Apparent Age: 6
Description: A somewhat pale elf girl whose golden hair hides her ears and never seems to smile. She is wearing cheap commoner clothes and a witchy top-hat. Carries around a little shield, a dagger at her belt and a broom.


Player: Luna_Silverwing
Name: Maiya Noble
Apparent Age: 14
Description: A plucky lemur girl with white hair, blue eyes, and sun kissed skin.


Player: welian welian
Name: Salvador Hierro
Apparent Age: Mid thirties
Description: Brown hair, steely blue eyes, and a full beard with moustache. Tanned skin from working outdoors, and many freckles across his face (and elsewhere). Mostly unremarkable in appearance, were it not for the freckles and the shit-eating grin.


Player: JennaBenna JennaBenna
Name: Patronella "Nelly" Goldenforge
Apparent Age: 19
Description: Nelly has the hardy frame of a hill dwarf often clad in bulky armor. Her face is more rounded than angular giving a more child-like appearance and she carries the scent of soot and singe wherever she goes. She has a pert nose with a sprinkle of freckles scattered across it. Her wide eyes are the shade of fresh cornflowers and are framed but long red lashes. Her hair is thick and straight with a choppy bang across her forehead. She wears it shaggy and uncombed with just two braids on either side of her face. The color of her tresses is a bright orange beacon to any onlooker to see. She has the same color strands on her chin pointing out into a styled beard. She is on the shorter side, only reaching about 4'3'' in height. There are no scars, tattoos, or piercings visible on her body with the exception of her hands. Those are covered in thick callouses and healed scars from previous burns and scratches. They are often covered in gloves and armor.
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Fighterman, fighterman, fights whatever the fuck he can~
My character concept is that of a paladin who used to fight as a common soldier in a paladin corps for a certain kingdom. However, after his town or his family is attacked by an evil entity, he goes around adventuring with his daughter in order to let her experience a world of fighting by his side, so that she may grow up to avoid the same fate as his wife.

Edit: the character will actually multiclass into a wizard due to their loss of faith in the ways of a paladin. Maybe.
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My character concept is that of a paladin who used to fight as a common soldier in a paladin corps for a certain kingdom. However, after his town or his family is attacked by an evil entity, he goes around adventuring with his daughter in order to let her experience a world of fighting by his side, so that she may grow up to avoid the same fate as his wife.
That's a really cool concept, and would totally take you up on your offer although I have to admit my creativity in those sorts of things is a little lackluster.

My concept is of a warlock who started off her career is a simple bar maiden for an unnamed-as-of-yet tavern. With rent being high and the pay low she had to resort to schmoozing up to rich patrons and blackmailing those with dirty little secrets to get ahead. She gained the admiration of the wrong person. With no one willing to help find the identity of the secret admirer, it ended with her friend being killed and her leaving in fear. Not the type to survive in the wilderness she was left on death's door. "Miraculously" she lived and began to travel around in hopes to become stronger and, maybe, one day get revenge.
That's a really cool concept, and would totally take you up on your offer although I have to admit my creativity in those sorts of things is a little lackluster.

My concept is of a warlock who started off her career is a simple bar maiden for an unnamed-as-of-yet tavern. With rent being high and the pay low she had to resort to schmoozing up to rich patrons and blackmailing those with dirty little secrets to get ahead. She gained the admiration of the wrong person. With no one willing to help find the identity of the secret admirer, it ended with her friend being killed and her leaving in fear. Not the type to survive in the wilderness she was left on death's door. "Miraculously" she lived and began to travel around in hopes to become stronger and, maybe, one day get revenge.
WHat would you say is your character's personality like?
WHat would you say is your character's personality like?
She's an introvert pretending to be an extrovert that has a weakness for the hedonistic lifestyle. Has always cared for her friends but since she lost her best friend she will do almost anything to protect those she cares about and their happiness. If people do horrible things then they deserve what is coming to them. Any free time she had she spent in the libraries and is a secret book-loving nerd but won't tell others about it. Overall a nice person that is willing to get down and dirty to do what is necessary for herself and those she cares about. Even if it's not the right or smart thing to do (as with her pact with her patron).
She's an introvert pretending to be an extrovert that has a weakness for the hedonistic lifestyle. Has always cared for her friends but since she lost her best friend she will do almost anything to protect those she cares about and their happiness. If people do horrible things then they deserve what is coming to them. Any free time she had she spent in the libraries and is a secret book-loving nerd but won't tell others about it. Overall a nice person that is willing to get down and dirty to do what is necessary for herself and those she cares about. Even if it's not the right or smart thing to do (as with her pact with her patron).
Does the pact with her patron have any implications in her behavior you are willing to share?
Does the pact with her patron have any implications in her behavior you are willing to share?
Unfortunately that is still being worked out between the Priest and I! To my knowledge right now, not particularly but again I'm working out all the little details like that.
Unfortunately that is still being worked out between the Priest and I! To my knowledge right now, not particularly but again I'm working out all the little details like that.
Ok, one last question, do you have a discord? I find it easier to have a conversation there. If you don't we can just talk here no problem, just a preference.
Reading some stuff online, I'm a bit tempted to tweak Fighterman into a pirate running away from his problems... like child support, or something. Yourdarkpriest Yourdarkpriest Does that seem plausible in your setting?
Ok, one last question, do you have a discord? I find it easier to have a conversation there. If you don't we can just talk here no problem, just a preference.
Yes I do! I'll PM it to you.

Reading some stuff online, I'm a bit tempted to tweak Fighterman into a pirate running away from his problems... like child support, or something. Yourdarkpriest Yourdarkpriest Does that seem plausible in your setting?

Did you take a look at the rogue? They have a subclass call the swashbuckler.
Did you take a look at the rogue? They have a subclass call the swashbuckler.
I have not! I've also spent the better part of a minute trying to remember the word for "land pirate".

EDIT Also just wanna say that my heart isn't yet set on anything n particular, I'm still getting a feel for what my options are.
I have not! I've also spent the better part of a minute trying to remember the word for "land pirate".

If you want to take a look at rogue Here's the swashbucker. Yo can still get what you want with fighter, but I thought you might like this too. It's official content from sword coast, a supplement for 5E.
Since going over 15 (which as far as I am aware is normally going over 16, but I may be misrembering) costs 3 points, would going below 8 give additional points as well (as in give 2 points instead of 1) Yourdarkpriest Yourdarkpriest

Edit: oops, this was terrible timing for this question lol. Nevermind.

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