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Fantasy OakWood High

MurfBall353 said:
Katrina waited to be texted. She began to worry. Did he not like her? Did her get hurt? What was going on?!
Once the girl was done healing him Hitsugya pulled out his phone and thought about phoning her. She was attractive but he didn't know if he should phone her right away or not. He decided to text her, scrolling down his list of contacts until he came across her name and clicked on it.

Hey, so where did you want me to meet you?

Kat pulled out her phone, and smiled. She texted back 'The Forest Patch On School Property.' She got on a Lacey dress and left the dorm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.6d047839d954bb7c9bae7a94e12796f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.6d047839d954bb7c9bae7a94e12796f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Carolia was feeling a bit down, she didn't know where to go. Obviously this school had no place for her. Maybe she would go write some, or get herself kicked out. That always got her moved along. But first, she had to play. She grabbed her guitar and drums, she managed to play with only one hand and use her feet to play the drums while playing a background track.

MurfBall353 said:
Kat pulled out her phone, and smiled. She texted back 'The Forest Patch On School Property.' She got on a Lacey dress and left the dorm.

View attachment 213337
( xD it literally says it's 65% every time I've used that BB code lol)

Hitsugya was about to put his phone away but he got another text and checked it once more and replied

Hey, so where did you want me to meet you?
The Forest Patch On School Property.
Be right there

He looked at the girl who had healed him and said "Thanks but that 'secret admirer' wants me to meet up with her" he explained and put his jacket/shirt over his wings and headed down the hall.
"Cody?..." She mumbled, slightly embarrassed. "I...I think I'm stuck, can you help me, please?" She looked up at him with nervous eyes, she hated to admit that she needed help. "I mean...if you want...i don't want you to hurt yourself though.." She pushed further away from the glass shards.

At the patch, she played Vance Joy ((check out this hottie)) and set up a picnic-like blanket. She threw up her hair into a bun, covering her wolf ears. "Hi..I'm-I'm Kat, and- um- sorry I'm stammering..."
Kurumi was walking, when she got a text from her ex boyfriend.

What's up, babe? We should head to town sometime, have some fun
Go away, I don't want to talk to you.

She put the phone away, shuddering. She hated Rookford; he was a perverted ass.
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The Chronicler Croi]:looks at him as she tends to his wounds her tail splits apart revealing the four finger like a little limbs tipped with scorpion -ish stinger claws she smacks her tail: "Ohhhhhhhh put them away he said he'd sit still and (she looks up at Hitsugya he's kind of handsome she thinks).... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]

"Sorry you must think I'm nuts... Do you always leave your wounds open?
"Yes I do. . ." he stated and headed down the hallway to the place Kat told him about.

MurfBall353 said:
At the patch, she played Vance Joy ((check out this hottie)) and set up a picnic-like blanket. She threw up her hair into a bun, covering her wolf ears. "Hi..I'm-I'm Kat, and- um- sorry I'm stammering..."
The moment he arrived he saw the same girl form earlier in a gorgeous white dress with a picnic already made and playing music. He stood there for a moment, keeping his wings folded up on his back so they blended in with his shirt. "W-wow. . . .you look .. . astonishing" he said, not knowing what else to say. If I would've known she'd be in a dress I would've worn something better than my usual black shirt.
She sat and stared at nothing; she felt so bored. She, for once, had wished she hadn't broke her phone, at least then she wouldn't have been so bored. She took a look at the shattered glass on the floor and decided to clean it up with a broom. After she had finished that, with minimal shallow cuts, she cleaned the whole room until it was spotless. By then she was truly bored. She had just lay on the floor, her hair sprawled about her head as she stared at the ceiling.

"B-O-R-E-D." She recited, over and over, before she eventually fell asleep, in the middle of the mini kitchen floor.

Echo lifted her hand weakly, a faint light dancing across it. Next thing she knew, she had traveled back outside and was staring up at the sky.

"P-please don't leave me here... I can't do it."
Kat giggled. "Thanks! Hey, it's New Years Eve, you want to count it down?" She asked, ((Central Time in USA)) Kat then handed him a bowl of spaghetti.
Rookie was bored, so he began messing around with devices. He came upon a broken phone, located somewhere in the school. He fixed it, and then sent a text to the cell's number:

Hello, Abel. It's me, Rookie. I fixed your phone [/COLOR] :) [COLOR=#404040]

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She woke, she was too awake to sleep. She narrowed her eyes and went outside, through the broken window, she winced slightly and ignored the slight pain of the broken glass against her skin. She paced the outside of the school, her upper thigh bleeding from where she had to lean to the window frame.

MurfBall353 said:
Kat giggled. "Thanks! Hey, it's New Years Eve, you want to count it down?" She asked, ((Central Time in USA)) Kat then handed him a bowl of spaghetti.
Hitsugya took the bowl and inspected it. The moment she wasn't looking he slightly opened his mouth and a strange energy came out of it, completely incinerating it and absorbing the essence of it. He happened to incinerate the bowl by accident and just pretended like it was never there "Yeah. Sure if you'd like"
"Here, I brought extra bowls. She filled a plastic bowl with spaghetti again. Kat gave him the bowl, but poked the tip of his nose with whipped cream. "Champange?" Kat asked.
Kurumi smiled a bit shyly and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you.. I'm totally new to this school. So, why are you here? I mean, what are you, if you don't mind me asking? I, myself, am demonic royalty; I was born in Hell, and my daddy is the Demon Lord himself." She smiled a bit.


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