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Fantasy OakWood High

Nori stopped, a bit breathless, in front of the school. She had ran all the way to school, because none of the local taxis would stop for her. Plus, she wanted to save her money for later. This will be fun, she thought. I just hope I brought enough supplements for this first semester.. She checked her pockets, and, reassured by the presence of a small box of pills, she began walking, pausing and sitting on a bench to catch her breath.

Sasuke walked his way to school. It was pretty far but he didn't care. As he entered the school, he saw a girl on a bench. He hid his ears as human ones and walked to the girl, sitting next to her. " Hi there. I'm Sasuke. And you? "


Fabienne got brought to her school by the driver of her father. She saw a boy and a girl on a bench and did not want to disturb. She immediately entered the school ground and went to see her dorm, so that she could unpack everything.
Nori looked up and said, "Hi Sasuke. I'm Nori. It's a pleasure to make your aquaintance." He seems nice. Maybe we'll be friends! she thought hopefully.

@Ami the breadling
Nori smiled a bit nervously and said, "Well, since I'm a vampire, I run fast, and I can heal other people." I hope I don't scare him off, she thought.

@Ami the breadling

Sasuke glared at her interestedly. He unvanished his ears. " I'm an elv. I can...well...I'm a decent gunslinger and a even more decent cooker. You should try out. ", he said as he pulled a lunch box out of his backpack. It was just one of 3. He opened it and offered her a sandwich.
Nori smiled, and took the sandwich. "Thanks... This is probably the nicest thing done for me in a long time," she said, biting into the sandwich. Her eyes widened, and she proclaimed, "This is really good!!"

@Ami the breadling
Saskune's ears twitched slightly as she entered the school's gates. Glancing around, her eyes landed on a boy and girl sitting on one of the benches, but she showed no reaction to them. Instead, she merely curled her tail around her right leg and continued walking, straight to the dorms. Upon arriving, she saw a door with her name on it. She glanced at the other name beside it, and sighed. Guess I have to share with someone, she thought, before pushing the door open.

Fabienne laid on her bed when she heard the door open. Someone entered. " If your here to do something bad to me: leave! If your my roommate: come in all ready...", she said and laughed. She had been throwing a ball against the wall all the time.

Sasuke smiled at Nori. " How could it be trouble to give a cute girl good food? ", he said and laughed again. He gave her the whole lunch box. " That's a old trick. I'll let you keep that to have a reason to talk to you again later. But it works better if you don't tell the trick. ", he said laughingly.
Saskune shut the door behind her, and said quietly, "I'm your roommate..." She then went to a corner of the room and sat, leaning against the wall, tail curling up around her legs.

@Ami the breadling
Marcus Lycon Black

Location School Gates

Marcus got out of his family car, and slung his bag over his shoulder. "Thanks for the ride Drake I will see you at the end of the year." I then walked through the gate. With the sun coming my direction I had to squint. It started to give me a headache with my heightened sight. I bared my canine teeth a little because I didn't like having a headache.

Sasuke smiled back. Her blushing made her even more sympathetic. " Now would you like to walk to the campus together? ", he cheerfully asked as he offered her a hand to stand up.


Fabienne smiled at her roommate. " Hi, I'm Fabienne. And you?", she said as she stood up to offer her a hand to shake.
Nori nodded, and took his hand, standing up. "Sure," she said with a smile. This is the best school I've ever been to. The people seem nice, and the school is supposed to be really good, she thought.

@Ami the breadling

Sasuke led her onto the campus, holding her hand the whole time. He showed her the classes, the dorms and the cafeteria. " So, is there anything you want to do now?", he asked with a gentle smile.


Fabienne hugged Saskune. " Your so cute...", she said as she kept hugging her.

Yuuki was a mess. He lacked sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. Last night he had been practicing drawing, hoping he could get better if he stayed up all night long. To his dismay, it seemed his sleepiness just made him draw even worse. His dream of becoming a manga artist seemed to fall farther and farther away from him.

Yuuki Sena, the son of two popular entertainers. His mother used to be a model but she went to being an actress instead. His father was a popular voice actor and singer. Yuuki's older brother was a vocalist to a popular teen band. And then there was Yuuki, the almond in the cashew pile. He didn't think he had any real talent. He wanted to become a manga artist but that goal seemed to keep fading away before his eyes. His stories were good, one reason his father thought he might just become a book writer or a director, but his drawings looked like something a three year old could have done in their sleep. Yuuki stared out the window of his car, his chauffeur driving the car in the seat in front of Yuuki. Yuuki's expression held dismay, it was either because of his failure or his sleepiness. But either way, the expression wasn't pleasing. "What happened to you Yuuki? You look as if someone killed your cat," His chauffeur, who was also the manager of his parent's business, asked. The man gave Yuuki a weird look through the rearview mirror. "No, it's not that depressing," Yuuki began, his tone was dull as continued to stare through the window, "My dream just crushed to pieces is all." Yuuki sighed. He'd never be successful in his future. He only showed interest in the world when he found the school. "Ah! Rei, my spot! Park here," Yuuki exclaimed as the chauffeur and manager, Rei, sighed and pulled over to let Yuuki out of the car. Yuuki opened the door and jumped out, his depressing look went away. "Bye Rei," Yuuki exclaimed with a smile before turning and dashing off.

Yuuki ran to the front of the school and stopped in front of it. He stared forward before he began walking. It seemed everyone else around him were already making friends with each other, except the few exceptional shy ones, of course. But even they would soon get a friend, it was just how the world worked. Yuuki kept walking, his eyes on the ground his feet walked upon. For some reason, he didn't feel like making eye contact with anyone.



Zenith stood at the gates. Her father just dropped her off and waved her goodbye with a look of terror. When she thought about it, she really wasn't sure her father would return. Oh well..., she thought, she could live without him. This was her chance and if he didn't come back...well he'd be dead of course. That didn't really shock Zenith. Her father had done thousands of horrible things during his life and Zenith couldn't feel sympathy for that man at all. Anyway, getting her father out of the way. Zenith stood at the gates, just staring in. Feeling a little uneasy and scared, she took a step in. Hoping she'd feel better after entering, Zenith just felt worse. It seemed people had already made friends or at least had somebody to talk to. However, she didn't want to keep her head down, that wasn't her. She was somebody that could make friends and she knew that. Zenith straightened her back and shoulders, held her head high and confidently strolled along like it was nothing. She felt abit better but still, the feeling of being alone slightly got to her.
Saskune stiffened, and barely withheld a hiss. "Can you please stop?.. I don't really like people touching me," she said, her ears folding back.

@Ami the breadling

Sasuke smiled at get gently. "How about this: we head to the utility room and use its kitchen. I will show you my cooking skills and we can eat something afterwards. ", he offered.



Fabienne immediately stopped. " I am sorry, I'm a little touchy and if I get overjoyed, I can't control myself. ", she embarrassedly said.


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