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Fantasy OakWood High

Echo staggered up, uncertain of what to do, only that she needed a high place. She stumbled over to the school and flared her silver wings, not caring about the bullets.
:watched as Hitsugya walked off:

》What a jerk, he's no better than the human males.. At least it's raining or is it《

:Kia walked outside set her bag down dropped her floor length leather duster (trench) and spread her feathery downy fibery wings stretching them. At the moment she honestly didn't care who saw all the scars and tattoos or all the visible skin, or that she was lacking uniform it was her first day. She wanted to be in the sky to fly, to just fly away, another school... another damn school. It would have been easier and less stressful to stay at the one at home. She touched the scar on her neck and tears came to her eyes. She didn't want anyone to see her cry right now she took to the air and just glided a little bit but even that didn't lift her spirits. Was every guy here like that? She lands and sits on the grass:

"Please let it just get better"

@anyone please
"I'm half demon.." She forced a smile slightly. She was socially awkward and didn't tend to keep up conversations with strangers well. "Well, I must go, I need to find someone, it was nice meeting you." She nodded acknowledging her, before scurrying off. Her head was bowed down as she walked over the campus, bumping into a familiar person.

"Oh, I'm sorry...Wait, Rookie?I have been looking for you!....Wait, that sounds a little stalky, I have heard you have fixed my phone?" She looked up at him and smiled.

MurfBall353 said:
"Here, I brought extra bowls. She filled a plastic bowl with spaghetti again. Kat gave him the bowl, but poked the tip of his nose with whipped cream. "Champange?" Kat asked.
"At school?" he asked, downing the spaghetti within seconds then going cross-eyed wondering why she put whip cream on his nose. Okay . . . just go along with it . . . go with the flow, he thought to himself and chuckled a bit.
Kurumi frowned slightly, before turning and walking off, her one red eye glowing brightly, indicating that she was upset.


Rookie looked at Abel and smiled. "Yes, I did. Did you get my text??" he said, chuckling a bit.

"Only if you like it.." She then ate all of her spaghetti and poured herself a glass of champagne. "It's actually virgin Champange." Kat took a sip and asked, "So what are you in for?" Kat pulled out her bun. Her wolf ears stuck out like a sore thumb. "Half wolf." She explained.
Echo twirled around under the moon, tears streaming down her face. She had tried to leave the world by force before. But her being immortal only meant she had to endure the pain for eternity. Unless, well, unless she used up all her energy. That is what she was made of, so if she destroyed that, she could finally end this blank uselessness. It didn't matter what her friends said, Echo knew she was useless. She couldn't even save herself.


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"Thank-" she was cut off by the sounds of constant beeping, abusive messages from her father. She scowled and blocked the number. "...it was really kind of you, Rookie..." She looked up at him with her wide, innocent eyes before looking back up at the sky. Her bite mark stretched and she winced slightly but it didn't hurt that bad anymore. She decided that some time soon she would have to go back, in case Cody was there and incase he grew worried.

"I should...I should probably leave..."

Rookie looked at her, and said, "Alright.. Hey, feel free to call or text me at this number," at this point he jotted his number on a notecard and handed it to her, "Cause it'd be great to talk to you again."

MurfBall353 said:
"Only if you like it.." She then ate all of her spaghetti and poured herself a glass of champagne. "It's actually virgin Champange." Kat took a sip and asked, "So what are you in for?" Kat pulled out her bun. Her wolf ears stuck out like a sore thumb. "Half wolf." She explained.
Hitsugya hesitated for a moment. A handful of people already knew that he had black wings but they didn't know much other than that. Suprisingly only George suspected he was a fallen angel. He quickly thought of something to say "I'm. . .just a human" he lied, not being able to think of anything else. He poured himself a glass of champagne and downed it as fast as he could.

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Cody was standing with Alice. "So.. Alice, how did you escape?" he asked her, raising an eyebrow.

Alice sighed and said, "I used my powers.. And the tunnel reopened. Cody, do you have the watch? I have to go back eventually.."

Cody nodded. "Yeah, I have the pocketwatch. You?"

Alice nodded, and then said, "Remember, don't lose it. I have to travel back soon; the year's almost over.."

Cody nodded, then turned and ran off.
She smiled friendly like and began to walk off. She clambered back into the room, hoping Cody didn't notice, if he'd even be back by then, that she had left, she clambered through the window frame backwards, so wouldn't of seen Cody if he were in the room.

:Kia looked at her phone for the time and notices a message:

Hi :)
Lol, What happy to hear from me?
yesss, of course are you coming in this afternoon?
No, they are still trying to figure out how to give Emy her shots lol

:she giggled a little she wanted to go home:

(@Veyd Sahvoz you hurt her feelers and she can smell and feel your not human, she's normally shy but her healer part kind of takes over sometimes. She thought she'd made a friend maybe
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Kat expected that he was lying. "I've never seen a boy drink something down that quickly. Is there something you're not telling me?" Kat asked. She took another sip of her Champange and took some strawberries out of the box.
She flinched "Oh, hello." She smiled. "Someone fixed my phone so I went and retrieved it..." She hopped from the desk onto the floor. "His name was Kur...something, I can't remember. He said to call him Rookie." She placed the card with his number on onto the side and yawned slightly, padding next to Cody. It seemed as though he must've been there for a while.

@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] you hurt her feelers and she can smell and feel your not human, she's normally shy but her healer part kind of takes over sometimes. She thought she'd made a friend maybe
(There's like 2 of you that are fighting over him and he's a lonely guy! xD how's he supposed to not hurt both of your feelings? Also he can still be her friend, he does kinda owe her)
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MurfBall353 said:
Kat expected that he was lying. "I've never seen a boy drink something down that quickly. Is there something you're not telling me?" Kat asked. She took another sip of her Champange and took some strawberries out of the box.
"Oh nothing . . . more cham-pag-ne?" he asked, chuckling as he said it. Hitsu looked up at the sky, wondering what time it was, and thinking about whether or not to train in the gym or outside tonight.

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"I just- I just don't think it's fair that I revealed who I am and you haven't told me who YOU are.." Kat explained. She then dipped a strawberry into whipped cream and ate it in little bites.
MurfBall353 said:
"I just- I just don't think it's fair that I revealed who I am and you haven't told me who YOU are.." Kat explained. She then dipped a strawberry into whipped cream and ate it in little bites.
Hitsugya sighed and and spread out his black feathered wings "I'm a fallen angel. Anything else you like to know?" he asked, chuckling a tad bit and finishing another bowl of spagetthi.


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