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Nation Building NY Safe Area - OOC

I absolutely adore your additions. Stellar stuff. I can see the prejudices of the Congregation coupled with their staggering number of enemies hampering any real attempt to unearth the culprit behind the abductions; easier to blame the apostates or heathens and move on. The Constabulary being rather hands off with the sect would offer no real assistance to them in this matter further driving a rift between the two. Cooked up a potential starting point love to hear your feedback.

Louise Baxter is octogenarian who donates her time and meager earnings to The Sanctuary; she turns no request for aid down. She knows that raising children is not all roses; she has cleaned up her fair share of throw-up and changed a plethora of diapers in her day. She absolutely adores the mutant children and insists they call her Nana; when allowed she enraptures them with stories of what life was like back in her day. Despite her advanced age she is feisty, cankerous, and full of vigor. One day Louise is not as vivacious as normal, when pressed on this issue she finally relents that she received news her granddaughter Melissa (Spiritual name: Urjasvati) is once again pregnant. While, normally this is celebratory news Louise relays that her granddaughter is part of an authoritarian cult that exists on the outskirts of the Safe Zone. Her granddaughter joined the organization of her own free will and was quickly arranged to marry a devotee that she had never met let alone had romantic interests in. Melissa had attempted to make the relationship work, but it was doomed to be in a loveless marriage. This did not deter Urjasvati’s faith in her spiritual master, and she often told herself that her unhappiness must be a test of her devotion. However, she lost all faith in the organization and Amaruna after her first pregnancy. Her first child born suffered from severe mutations and supposedly died shortly after birth; Melissa steadfastly refuses to believe her child died that day, but was instead euthanized as those suffering from mutations were considered an affront to Amaruna. Melissa thought she would find sympathy from her community having lost her child, but everyone including her husband said she should be overjoyed as Satguru delivered her a blessing; mutants were the reincarnation of those suffering from bad karma and it was a curse to have to raise one. In fact, they alleged she must have harbored doubts about Amaruna for such an evil spirt to enter into her womb in the first place. Questioning everything, she reached out to her remaining family, which in the intervening time since she cut contact with them whittled down to just her maternal grandmother Louise. Unable to escape and pregnant once again Melissa fears that if she gives birth to another mutant, that child might die under mysterious circumstances again; even if the child is normal, she would be forced to raise it under a system of belief that she now knows is abhorrent. Lousie hates to ask for help, but the Constabulary refuses to do anything regarding the matter citing those in Shambala are free to practice their faith how they choose.
I'm loving everything about this! A grandma-like figure for the kids that helped out Amanda whenever she needed it, someone who already went through the trials of parenting and raising a child and could help with the handful that Amanda took care of with no experience. I could see Amanda going to her for advice a plethora of times, unsure about this or that aspect of parenting because she never got to raise her daughter. And she would 100% be willing to help Louise get her granddaughter out of Shambala, as a way to repay her for everything she's done, and to show kindness to the woman who had shown her and the kids the same dozens and dozens of times. And because Melissa and her second child would be in grave danger if the child came out to be a mutant. Hearing about what Shambala does to mutant children would make her blood absolutely boil and remind her of old military practices. She'd likely be keeping her eye out among her contacts for any signs of mutant kids in Shambala. Amanda would do everything in her power to help Louise, Melissa, and the baby.

She'd be completely sympathetic to Melissa and be one of the best people who could help her through her trauma and brainwashing. Her circumstance is similar to Mandi's. Her first born was born a mutant, taken away by people who deemed the child wrong, and told the baby had died due to its complications, but they both feared a different scenario. Now, Melissa got the chance to be a parent once more, but the baby would either die a mutant, or grow as a regular human under a society that perpetuated the hate of mutants and other ludicrous ideals. It was not a safe environment for any child, no matter what the baby was born as, and went against the things Amanda believed in.

After sneaking her out of Shambala, Melissa would be wholeheartedly welcomed at the Sanctuary, where she could give birth without worrying for her child's safety. And after the birth, the family would be welcome to stay as permanent residents of the Sanctuary where they could raise the baby the way they wanted to, as long as they could stand the prying eyes of the kids trying to get a look at the new baby. And even if the child born wasn't mutant, they would still be allowed a home within the Sanctuary. The goal of the Sanctuary is to keep children safe and give them a loving environment to grow up in. Right now the threat happens to be to mutant children, and they're a priority because they tend to have worse circumstances, but any others who needed a loving home to grow up in would be gladly welcomed. Love the entire idea.
I'm loving everything about this! A grandma-like figure for the kids that helped out Amanda whenever she needed it, someone who already went through the trials of parenting and raising a child and could help with the handful that Amanda took care of with no experience. I could see Amanda going to her for advice a plethora of times, unsure about this or that aspect of parenting because she never got to raise her daughter. And she would 100% be willing to help Louise get her granddaughter out of Shambala, as a way to repay her for everything she's done, and to show kindness to the woman who had shown her and the kids the same dozens and dozens of times. And because Melissa and her second child would be in grave danger if the child came out to be a mutant. Hearing about what Shambala does to mutant children would make her blood absolutely boil and remind her of old military practices. She'd likely be keeping her eye out among her contacts for any signs of mutant kids in Shambala. Amanda would do everything in her power to help Louise, Melissa, and the baby.

She'd be completely sympathetic to Melissa and be one of the best people who could help her through her trauma and brainwashing. Her circumstance is similar to Mandi's. Her first born was born a mutant, taken away by people who deemed the child wrong, and told the baby had died due to its complications, but they both feared a different scenario. Now, Melissa got the chance to be a parent once more, but the baby would either die a mutant, or grow as a regular human under a society that perpetuated the hate of mutants and other ludicrous ideals. It was not a safe environment for any child, no matter what the baby was born as, and went against the things Amanda believed in.

After sneaking her out of Shambala, Melissa would be wholeheartedly welcomed at the Sanctuary, where she could give birth without worrying for her child's safety. And after the birth, the family would be welcome to stay as permanent residents of the Sanctuary where they could raise the baby the way they wanted to, as long as they could stand the prying eyes of the kids trying to get a look at the new baby. And even if the child born wasn't mutant, they would still be allowed a home within the Sanctuary. The goal of the Sanctuary is to keep children safe and give them a loving environment to grow up in. Right now the threat happens to be to mutant children, and they're a priority because they tend to have worse circumstances, but any others who needed a loving home to grow up in would be gladly welcomed. Love the entire idea.
ok some more info about the mutations because it's becoming important

they are exceedingly rare. it is assumed that they're more commonplace closer to where bombs fell -- OCBMs (O stands stands for Orbital 😎) targeted at NYC were neutralized by NORAD, or so Colonel Wells claims. It makes sense, seeing as how NYC would certaintly be a target, especially since their objective was destruction of the nation rather than the arms due to U.S. already having fired most of its nukes at China. Of maybe 150-200 children in the Safe Area, you have only 11 mutant children. This makes the whole Amanda thing a bigger deal (it's late, I still need to read into that and wrap my head around it)

the life expectancy of mutant children is below twenty, but this is not in stone. At least one major system will usually be compromised in such a way as to terminally shorten one's life.

all sorts of mutations are possible, serving no clear purpose and there is no conceivable pattern. You've studied since you became invested in the mutation, and as far as you've been able to tell, and you've tried very hard, it affects a completely random part of the body. We could get pretty creative and write some pretty macabre stuff with this..

One constant, the ONLY constant, is that mutant children exhibit very mild hydrophobia. this is not immediately explainable. the only other recorded cause of human hydrophobia is untreated human rabies, however this is because the rabies virus lives in your saliva - and so to preserve itself the virus invokes hydrophobia to prevent you from removing the saliva. there is no logical explanation as to why the mutations would cause hydrophobia, though many assumptions could be made.

not all mutations are obvious. Some either effect internal organs, or the working of the body, mutating things in the brain or the circulatory system or what have you. such mutations could be very minor and not affect day to day life, but cause defects which will hamper the child later in life. some children are likely living normally with such mutations

I'll probably think of more

note: EMP strikes coincided with the bombs, and all long range (~300mi) communications were cut instantly, resulting in your only knowledge of detonations around the country being the obvious aftermath in the world falling to shit and the acid rain that occurs once and again and the radiation sickness (no longer an issue, was a plague in the first year,) as well as you all feeling minor shockwave and windows shattering (400-550mi away from detonation. ) The blast came from the west, not that that's much help. You at least can reasonably assume the Eastern Seaboard, and much of the Midwest hasn't been nuked, nor has Quebec or Ontario. Not that is matters to your survival.

most of the immediate breakdown of society, at least in New York and likely all of the un-bombed areas, was due to the EMPs, people could no longer heat their homes keep their food cold store medicines powered equipment and machinery down etc. the nuclear fallout came a few days later when the winds had carried over a maelstrom of toxicity which resulted in what is popularly known as...idk.
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remember that other hyperlink leads to notes page which is basically an info dump. pls help me dump info. or just save excerpts you like from anyone's posts. do anything with that thread it's junk thread
I'm loving everything about this! A grandma-like figure for the kids that helped out Amanda whenever she needed it, someone who already went through the trials of parenting and raising a child and could help with the handful that Amanda took care of with no experience. I could see Amanda going to her for advice a plethora of times, unsure about this or that aspect of parenting because she never got to raise her daughter. And she would 100% be willing to help Louise get her granddaughter out of Shambala, as a way to repay her for everything she's done, and to show kindness to the woman who had shown her and the kids the same dozens and dozens of times. And because Melissa and her second child would be in grave danger if the child came out to be a mutant. Hearing about what Shambala does to mutant children would make her blood absolutely boil and remind her of old military practices. She'd likely be keeping her eye out among her contacts for any signs of mutant kids in Shambala. Amanda would do everything in her power to help Louise, Melissa, and the baby.

She'd be completely sympathetic to Melissa and be one of the best people who could help her through her trauma and brainwashing. Her circumstance is similar to Mandi's. Her first born was born a mutant, taken away by people who deemed the child wrong, and told the baby had died due to its complications, but they both feared a different scenario. Now, Melissa got the chance to be a parent once more, but the baby would either die a mutant, or grow as a regular human under a society that perpetuated the hate of mutants and other ludicrous ideals. It was not a safe environment for any child, no matter what the baby was born as, and went against the things Amanda believed in.

After sneaking her out of Shambala, Melissa would be wholeheartedly welcomed at the Sanctuary, where she could give birth without worrying for her child's safety. And after the birth, the family would be welcome to stay as permanent residents of the Sanctuary where they could raise the baby the way they wanted to, as long as they could stand the prying eyes of the kids trying to get a look at the new baby. And even if the child born wasn't mutant, they would still be allowed a home within the Sanctuary. The goal of the Sanctuary is to keep children safe and give them a loving environment to grow up in. Right now the threat happens to be to mutant children, and they're a priority because they tend to have worse circumstances, but any others who needed a loving home to grow up in would be gladly welcomed. Love the entire idea.
Yes, I am absolutely on board, I adore everything about this. A wholesome interlude in such a dark time; love the found family narrative. I am partial to Melissa giving birth to twins, one of which is a mutant. This helps Melissa eventually put her lingering fears to rest as devotees are often reminded that only misery and torment await those that leave the Lotus Feet of the Master. Melissa is still adjusting to her role as a new mother and she is still quite naïve to the intricacies of life outside of Shambala; however, she has a good support structure. The family quickly becomes a staple of the Sanctuary; ever grateful.

maybe the protesters are somehow connected to Shambala? idk idk u guys are cooking forget i said anything 🤣🤣🤣
While, I would concede that the cult is certainly concerned with the mutant issue and would be keeping tabs on hot button topics; I don't think they would be behind these particular protests. I think this would be an unrelated outpouring of mass ignorance. "We don't like mutants" is a single-issue broad topic that could attract people of wildly different ideologies. However, would devotees attempt to infiltrate such events to convert single-issue protestors to their religion? Certainly.
Yes, I am absolutely on board, I adore everything about this. A wholesome interlude in such a dark time; love the found family narrative. I am partial to Melissa giving birth to twins, one of which is a mutant. This helps Melissa eventually put her lingering fears to rest as devotees are often reminded that only misery and torment await those that leave the Lotus Feet of the Master. Melissa is still adjusting to her role as a new mother and she is still quite naïve to the intricacies of life outside of Shambala; however, she has a good support structure. The family quickly becomes a staple of the Sanctuary; ever grateful.

While, I would concede that the cult is certainly concerned with the mutant issue and would be keeping tabs on hot button topics; I don't think they would be behind these particular protests. I think this would be an unrelated outpouring of mass ignorance. "We don't like mutants" is a single-issue broad topic that could attract people of wildly different ideologies. However, would devotees attempt to infiltrate such events to convert single-issue protestors to their religion? Certainly.
I am all down for twins. That sounds adorable. For the first child lost, they got to rescue a mother and her two newborns. It would never replace the loss of the child, but at least they got to do some good in the new darkness of the world, and that's all the Sanctuary is about.

Ooohh, could we potentially be seeing some Congregation members at the next Saturday protest?
so as far as I remember i just gotta post for Dude Perfect and maybe the kingzone if croc responds to alliance right away

anyone else wanna do stuff before skippy

might have new player to
decided the mega is going to be a bit of a timeskip, just a few days, so forget skip day gonna resolve some scenes to keep everyone on similar pages @Lazaro1505 I'm assuming no further dialogue with constable but lmk if u want to do more before skip since u got one less post @Crocodile about to post for you but there might not be much to do in reaction mostly character build and setting the stage for plot lines Obsidian Obsidian we can do your little forest escapade scene by scene or you can just get a summary in timeskip. you have the option since ur going personally, I'm totally down to play it out AlwaysCrashing AlwaysCrashing will finish conversations with Abdullah and Mitravarcas

Sure, I'm up for playing out my little crusade in the woods.
for clarity on the NOMADS; it is an umbrella term referring to different teams and solo partners, they aren't really one entity. The largest group of Nomads numbers 15, and they're the ones in with the Den.
I am all down for twins. That sounds adorable. For the first child lost, they got to rescue a mother and her two newborns. It would never replace the loss of the child, but at least they got to do some good in the new darkness of the world, and that's all the Sanctuary is about.

Ooohh, could we potentially be seeing some Congregation members at the next Saturday protest?
Most definitely. I am sure that they'll be a scattering of devotees milling around the protest preaching that their spiritual master is the only sure fire protection against the supposed ills of the world. Fear can be a great motivator after all.
Most definitely. I am sure that they'll be a scattering of devotees milling around the protest preaching that their spiritual master is the only sure fire protection against the supposed ills of the world. Fear can be a great motivator after all.
Ah, I see the Satguru's methods of recruitment have extended to fearmongering.
lmao actually wtf. fixed. idk how my brain is so bad at that. though I had written 90% of these scenes already with the mix up in mind

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