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Fandom Number Hunters (OOC Chat)

No problem! ^^
I thought perhaps someday after things slow down and I have time, bringing more life to it with some small or perhaps medium group Rp like your doing with your Heart Cards Book/Rp. But need to finish it and continue the work for it.
Just realized that guy in the gif is from Cyber Chase, right? Haha

But that seriously looks awesome! Reading through your idea, It looks like a great Rp or book series with a nice setting for a card game.
Beats me, i only know of the gif because of the clip's usage on Youtube.

But yeah, I've got the entire setting for the game set out already, along with the base mechanics and even a RL sample deck printed out (without any art, of course, I'm a terrible artist and art isn't cheap to commission). I'd be lying if I said I hadn't already planned for it to reach other forms of media...*cough* What can I say, if you're gonna dream might as well dream big.
I thought perhaps someday after things slow down and I have time, bringing more life to it with some small or perhaps medium group Rp like your doing with your Heart Cards Book/Rp. But need to finish it and continue the work for it.

Dude, that would be so cool? I'd join that RP in a heartbeat.
Beats me, i only know of the gif because of the clip's usage on Youtube.

But yeah, I've got the entire setting for the game set out already, along with the base mechanics and even a RL sample deck printed out (without any art, of course, I'm a terrible artist and art isn't cheap to commission). I'd be lying if I said I hadn't already planned for it to reach other forms of media...*cough* What can I say, if you're gonna dream might as well dream big.
Ah I see that's fair though, the guy just looked familiar and reminded me of the old PBS show Cyber chase from my childhood, that had a similar looking guy.

Awesome and wow, even added a Rl sample deck? Cool. But yeah that's true why not dream big with the ideas.
Awesome!.... I just will have to complete the game aspects of it. Seems like the only areas keeping it from the Rp stage is the actual card game side of it.

Same? Well, I mean, might doesn't have a very big card game side to it considering the cards exist inside of your body and you can turn into the creature on the card and fight that way, but--

Got work to do more on mine too. We both do it seems. But still, if you ever do make it an RP, count me in.
Same? Well, I mean, might doesn't have a very big card game side to it considering the cards exist inside of your body and you can turn into the creature on the card and fight that way, but--

Got work to do more on mine too. We both do it seems. But still, if you ever do make it an RP, count me in.
True. I forgot about that part, honestly, I remembered parts of the way it worked on your Heart Cards. Sounds good though!

Cool! I'll keep that in mind when I get to that point.
True. I forgot about that part, honestly, I remembered parts of the way it worked on your Heart Cards. Sounds good though!

Cool! I'll keep that in mind when I get to that point.

Heh, thanks. ^^

Haven't forgotten Ty's reply just need to figure out his move. Got and have been distracted with some CS's and working on that card game/book series idea.
A little bit. Why?
Just wondering I suppose. I rewatched an episode yesterday and saw Mako vs Yugi... The field advantage based on your location on the island is auto, Mako had the water advantage on his side, but instead of monsters appearing on the field in perhaps levitating fashion, they were underneath the water like RL it would be with fish, sharks, etc. while Yugi also made this move where his soldier of stone attacked the moon from his spell card.

It was a episode that resembled more like Pokémon then Yugioh. Which I guess much of the duels I've rewatched from Duel kingdom seems that way. So was just curious is all, before I went back to rewatching yugioh episodes, I had forgotten how weird and different it was compared to later seasons.

A bit mind boggling in some ways. But made sense for normal stuff and if it were Pokémon or something similar, just since it was yugioh it did not match up to what I recalled from yugioh and how it differed to how cards actually worked in real life.
Becoming intrigued by this U.A Deck. It's looking like a extremely reliant deck on certain cards and that first summon, while can be easily shut down by Degenerate circuit or something of that nature. But a interesting archetype as a sports fan.

Looking over some newer cards I got in RL, it's got me curious into some of the current era Archetypes. Rank 10 Trains & U.A, etc from the Zexal era on up being a few I've been told about and/or reading up on.
Becoming intrigued by this U.A Deck. It's looking like a extremely reliant deck on certain cards and that first summon, while can be easily shut down by Degenerate circuit or something of that nature. But a interesting archetype as a sports fan.

Looking over some newer cards I got in RL, it's got me curious into some of the current era Archetypes. Rank 10 Trains & U.A, etc from the Zexal era on up being a few I've been told about and/or reading up on.
U.A. can absolutely WRECK quite a few decks...provided it gets a good opening hand. Otherwise it's pretty much doomed. Still, it's a fun but risky archetype to play. :p
U.A. can absolutely WRECK quite a few decks...provided it gets a good opening hand. Otherwise it's pretty much doomed. Still, it's a fun but risky archetype to play. :p
Oh? Haven't read up on the whole deck yet, but that's a nice bit of news. The part I have read so far, does mention that opening hand/turn, while opposing that strength it can be shut down hard with certain cards and effects. Seems like a fun and risky archetype to play though and great for a themed character with a sports gimmick/persona. Or just cool either way.
Oh? Haven't read up on the whole deck yet, but that's a nice bit of news. The part I have read so far, does mention that opening hand/turn, while opposing that strength it can be shut down hard with certain cards and effects. Seems like a fun and risky archetype to play though and great for a themed character with a sports gimmick/persona. Or just cool either way.
U.A. Blockbacker stops any turbo extra deck monster deck in its tracks since normally they only get out one at a time, U.A. Rival Rebounder, U.A. Perfect Ace, U.A. Dreadnought Dunker are all serious threats, U.A. Goalkeeper is nothing to laugh at since it can cause some serious trouble... On the offensive it has a LITTLE more of an issue against anything that can't be destroyed by battle, but if you can pull it off its defenses are LAUGHABLY powerful for such a risky archetype. :p Plus it has one of the best field spells in my opinion. Not only does it search when you normal summon a U.A (so midfielder really) but when you special summon one, the first time each turn you do all U.A. Monsters you control gain 500 atk and 500 def...permanently until THEY leave the field. And U.A is an archetype with pretty good ATK and DEF. :p
U.A. Blockbacker stops any turbo extra deck monster deck in its tracks since normally they only get out one at a time, U.A. Rival Rebounder, U.A. Perfect Ace, U.A. Dreadnought Dunker are all serious threats, U.A. Goalkeeper is nothing to laugh at since it can cause some serious trouble... On the offensive it has a LITTLE more of an issue against anything that can't be destroyed by battle, but if you can pull it off its defenses are LAUGHABLY powerful for such a risky archetype. :p Plus it has one of the best field spells in my opinion. Not only does it search when you normal summon a U.A (so midfielder really) but when you special summon one, the first time each turn you do all U.A. Monsters you control gain 500 atk and 500 def...permanently until THEY leave the field. And U.A is an archetype with pretty good ATK and DEF. :p
Sounds like a epic archetype. Seems like with Kasier colosseum and certain tactics used it could be quite the field control for the deck to use. Limits their own monster zones if you want to keep your foe from summoning any more monsters it can be effective with some tactics. Short term atleast.

Anyways, quite the effects and field spell to take advantage of during the course of a duel.
Sounds like a epic archetype. Seems like with Kasier colosseum and certain tactics used it could be quite the field control for the deck to use. Limits their own monster zones if you want to keep your foe from summoning any more monsters it can be effective with some tactics. Short term atleast.

Anyways, quite the effects and field spell to take advantage of during the course of a duel.
Yeo. :p
The only problem is that they rely almost ENTIRELY around Midfielder.
Although there are a few...less desirable ways to get it to work, but still actually possible. And there's always Reinforcements of the Army to search out Midfielder,
Also U.A. Penalty Box, look it up, it's a hilarious trap.
:closed eyes open smile: U.A Penalty Box is epic. Hilarious but epic.

True. I could see some ways of overcoming its weaknesses but it's definitely a deck of reliance on certain cards.
:closed eyes open smile: U.A Penalty Box is epic. Hilarious but epic.

True. I could see some ways of overcoming its weaknesses but it's definitely a deck of reliance on certain cards.
Yep. It can cover all of the weaknesses it has other than its reliance on certain cards. :p

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