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Realistic or Modern Not Your Average Fairy Tale OOC

yeah ive never seen it before
dude, it's gold! i suggest you check it out

alright well. ill figure something out then. she could be like his mother or something xD
booyah! snow's fam is growing (consists of alice and eugene lol)

an actual footage of the family

(in case ur wondering snow is the one in the basket)
alright so i just edited my relationships. Does anybody else what to have a relationship with Eugene? I kinda need one involving the love department.
Cindie tries to run away and hide before anyone notices she's there. In company of like, five unknown older men. She spends the whole night panicking if Dean recognized her.
And then Dean is super confused as to why Cindie was so scared of him recognizing her.
Cindie, shoving rum bottles in her purse: I must go

LMAO she would get out through the window if she had to
snow: *bat eyelashes at cindie and shows puppy-dog-eyes face at her* im a lost puppy pls tell me where to go
xD Same here...I hate that we don't get any notifications for these now!

I need some more friends for Belle....She won't try to corrupt you like Jason -.- Yennie Yennie

But she doesn't mind having a good timeXD So of course, you know illegal substances and stuff are fine occasionally....but shhhhhh no one is suppose to know about that.
In fairness he only tries to corrupt the innocent ones :)
Also Jason has 0 friends which is unsurprising but he still needs a bro friend at least
In fairness he only tries to corrupt the innocent ones :)
Also Jason has 0 friends which is unsurprising but he still needs a bro friend at least
You do realize that she will attempt to split him in half if he corrupts Ariel or peter in the slightest XD

HE NEEDS A BROMANCE<3 I honestly think Eugene and Him would have a pretty awesome romance! Yennie Yennie
Okay! So! It look's like everyone is accepted.

Just a few thibngs.
kidwombat kidwombat - What is Body Type "O"
. D O V E . D O V E I need a reason for you to have your pet. Is it a depression animal? Is it hidden? How will you sneak it in if it is - etc. Your charrie is still accepted I just need this info

Also our Rapunzel has not been made (but I think she is using the grace period) and Captain Hook (but I'm not sure that @Anyone Online was serious about the character anyways)
Okay! So! It look's like everyone is accepted.

Just a few thibngs.
kidwombat kidwombat - What is Body Type "O"
. D O V E . D O V E I need a reason for you to have your pet. Is it a depression animal? Is it hidden? How will you sneak it in if it is - etc. Your charrie is still accepted I just need this info

Also our Rapunzel has not been made (but I think she is using the grace period) and Captain Hook (but I'm not sure that @Anyone Online was serious about the character anyways)
I thought it said blood type! Sorry! Oops...
Okay! So! It look's like everyone is accepted.

Just a few thibngs.
kidwombat kidwombat - What is Body Type "O"
. D O V E . D O V E I need a reason for you to have your pet. Is it a depression animal? Is it hidden? How will you sneak it in if it is - etc. Your charrie is still accepted I just need this info

Also our Rapunzel has not been made (but I think she is using the grace period) and Captain Hook (but I'm not sure that @Anyone Online was serious about the character anyways)

You could say it is since it reminds her of her family and home back then.

I have my two cents that Snow somehow managed to convince the Dorm master or something to make her pet stay as long as she promise to keep it quiet and hidden from the faculty

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