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Fantasy Not For This World {OOC}

k awesome so just waiting for our fencer friend James to post up right? My gosh, his description sounds like he a baddie now. "The Watcher!!"
InTheSea InTheSea i loved your reply :00 like ajshdfjhsdfj Dani is such a good lass lol, actually taking measures to make sure everyone is okay while everyone else just be like "whAt IS HapPeNING OMG"
like, these characters definitely need a dani in their life lol
also i've decided that caden's realistic face claim is eric nam
it just fits so perfectly look at this


InTheSea InTheSea i loved your reply :00 like ajshdfjhsdfj Dani is such a good lass lol, actually taking measures to make sure everyone is okay while everyone else just be like "whAt IS HapPeNING OMG"
like, these characters definitely need a dani in their life lol
fsljnfejsgfi aww thanks ;; And Eric Nam is so adorable STOP
aaand posted. hope I didn't miss anything.
I loved your post! Way to really capture a little of everyone's personalities in it <3

k awesome so just waiting for our fencer friend James to post up right? My gosh, his description sounds like he a baddie now. "The Watcher!!"
Yes! I do believe we just have Knight boi Knight boi left :3

I will post the next happenings shortly after, I have most of it fleshed out. I think I counted more people want the harrowing adventure! Unless I missed/counted wrong! If anyone wants the sweet, fun, cute way vote now or forever hold you peace 🤣

also i've decided that caden's realistic face claim is eric nam
it just fits so perfectly look at this


Ahhh perfect face claim!!!
I think I counted more people want the harrowing adventure! Unless I missed/counted wrong! If anyone wants the sweet, fun, cute way vote now or forever hold you peace 🤣
I mean I'm down for anything. I think we can still have instances of sweet, cute and fun stuff in a harrowing adventure! Like a sprinkles on a deadly cake haha
I will post the next happenings shortly after, I have most of it fleshed out. I think I counted more people want the harrowing adventure! Unless I missed/counted wrong! If anyone wants the sweet, fun, cute way vote now or forever hold you peace 🤣
But but but wut about dear sweet Mr Tumnus!! My inner Lucy dyyyyyying... Ugh...

J|k all goods for wutever happens lol
But but but wut about dear sweet Mr Tumnus!! My inner Lucy dyyyyyying... Ugh...

J|k all goods for wutever happens lol
Oh gosh it was so much like a scene from Narnia that I had in my head! Very Mr. Tumnus esque; a cute character and everything that I'm just going to have to bring in later on. . . because dang she is just adorable, and sweet :hearteyes:

I'm very glad you will not rage against us 😆
Alright, I'm going to be reaching out to 1-2 of ya'll via PM to who will be the 'helper' of this scene. This is just going based off of the character histories you wrote, and who would be more likely to notice what is going on. Please don't feel left out, there is still so much potential in this next scene for everyone to take some spotlight, throw a wrench in the plans etc. . . etc. . .
Thank you!

Happy holidays to everyone as well! Hope the new years to always be better than the last!!

I am chugging along on my post, but as it is the holidays I am expecting things to be a little slow :D

Yeah just getting back home and settlin in so bout the same here but still amp'd to see more amaaaazing IC'ly posts!
Leave it to Augustus to get his friends drugged by fucking Fae

okay so all the kiddos are sleeping?? is one of them supposed to wake up?
I think we all wake up. High af too lol. I gots somethings planned IC'ly for my girlie but won't be posting till Mon.

Thinkin we all clear to post up in any order tho.
Yes, what BuggaBoo is saying! They are all high, loving each other, and they start to get sleepy, but don't actually fall asleep from it. I'm sorry that it wasn't more clear, I was going to get Lyra's post up that explained my thoughts better, but I have taken so so so very ill-which is really frustrating because I JUST GOT OVER BEING SICK. I'm going to try and have her post up tomorrow, but I've gotten about five hours of sleep these last couple days :c

Yes, what BuggaBoo is saying! They are all high, loving each other, and they start to get sleepy, but don't actually fall asleep from it. I'm sorry that it wasn't more clear, I was going to get Lyra's post up that explained my thoughts better, but I have taken so so so very ill-which is really frustrating because I JUST GOT OVER BEING SICK. I'm going to try and have her post up tomorrow, but I've gotten about five hours of sleep these last couple days :c
oh my gosh bless your heart D: don't worry about it one bit!! take care of yourself <3
Alrighty! Lyra's post is up, I'm sorry if I missed any interactions meant for Lyra, please forgive me as my brain is the size of a pea right now and just let me know! :) I hope it explained some things better. There is one other person that will become aware at the end same as Lyra-this person already knows- it us up to those two to keep yall awake and get you to safety. . . SO feel free to make it hard on them 🤣 🤣 Also, your creativity could make things go different than what they are wanting, it really depends on how everyone thinks their own character would react :D . . . BUT always remember actions have consequences, good or bad 🙈
If anyone cares/likes I have made a little update on where their location is and what is going on. It's just a recap, but I thought some setting description in one spot might be easier to keep track of than having to reread through my posts. I will continue to do this periodically depending on time/need/wants :3

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