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Fantasy Noble High

I smiled then i went to my first class and sat whare i was supposed to and put my phone away seeing people stare at me and whate for the teacher
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Shisu Kine


Shisu smiled, "Thanks Aki! See ya" Shisu talked to the information specialist, got her dorm key and schedule, then she walked outside," Ugh ... Why is it so hot!" Shisu used Caelumkinesis to cover up the sky with clouds. Then she used Essokinesis to create a motorbike that had a basket for BunBun to get in. She picked him up and put him in the basket," Time to go to my room. Hopefully I have an awesome roommate! Marla and/or Aki would be awesome roommates to have." Shisu followed the directions on her GPS to get to the girls dorm," OK ... I'm in room 2D." Shisu walks to her room, she opens the door to see no one else in there," Hmm ... Oh well! Guess it's just me and you Bun Bun. Anyway let's get to class!" Shisu puts Bun Bun on her head and uses Essokinesis to realitywarp herself to class. She sees Marla and sits next to her," Hey Marla! Who would've thought we had the same first class! What dorm room do you have? Have you met your room mate yet? I have Room 2D!"
I looked at my dorm room sheet "i have 2D to thats nice right! Thats awesome i put my key in my bag with my sheets and whated for the teacher "i wonder if our teach. Is nice
VampiresRule said:
I looked at my dorm room sheet "i have 2D to thats nice right! Thats awesome i put my key in my bag with my sheets and whated for the teacher "i wonder if our teach. Is nice

Shisu Kine


Shisu smiled very widely," YAY! After class we should decorate the room. It's funny. The dorm rooms look more like apartments than I thought they would but oh well." Suddenly someone walked in. It was a girl with long blond hair. She stood at the desk, although she looked no older than 16.



Zen'no looked at the two students in her class. She looked at the girl she knew, which was Shisu, and she looked at the one she didn't know," Okay class! You are to refer to me as Ms. Zen'no. I am your homeroom teacher, but I'm also your teacher for various different classes. Any questions?"

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"Ya ok i have a few things with me and who is she is she the teacher?" I looked at the teacher and rased my hand
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VampiresRule said:
"Ya ok i have a few things with me and who is she is she the teacher?" I looked at the teacher and rased my hand

Shisu Kine


Shisu smiled. Then she thought about something, "Hey Aki ... Would you happen to know if it's three people to a dorm or if it's just an extra bed, because in me and Marla's dorm room, there are three bedrooms ... If it helps with your answer, we're in Room 2D." Then she turned to Marla," Yes ... That is the teacher ... My mom is my homeroom teach ... Lucky me!"



Zen'no saw the girl with the sword raise her hand," Yes Aki?"
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yuki went and was walking around looking for the kids that got lost in the new and improved forest " tch when i find them i am going to slap some sense into them so hard " she went around looking for aki and casey she then saw aki and she went towards her in top speed and hugged her " damn brat i was worried i was talking to you two and in a second you two dissapeard " holding her tightly like a mother would do to a lost child"

VampiresRule said:
"Um im actshouly marla aki is at the back and what other classes do you teach?"
kenchin said:
yuki went and was walking around looking for the kids that got lost in the new and improved forest " tch when i find them i am going to slap some sense into them so hard " she went around looking for aki and casey she then saw aki and she went towards her in top speed and hugged her " damn brat i was worried i was talking to you two and in a second you two dissapeard " holding her tightly like a mother would do to a lost child"


Zen'no apologized," My miistake, Marla, but anyway I am basically a jack of all tra--" Suddenly, someone burst into the room and started hugging Aki," Umm ... Excuse me but we are in the middle of Class!" She said strictly.
zen no " oh its you old brat " she looked at the class " well sorry to disturbe but miss aki here left my side during lunch i was just worried " ill let you go on with you class but she still has detention with me later " said yuki while getting up and looking at zen no
kenchin said:
zen no " oh its you old brat " she looked at the class " well sorry to disturbe but miss aki here left my side during lunch i was just worried " ill let you go on with you class but she still has detention with me later " said yuki while getting up and looking at zen no


Zen'no stuck her nose up at her," I don't associate with the uncivilized villain types" She closed her eyes and when she opened them back, she went on as if Yuki wasn't there," As I was saying, I teach whatever class I'm needed for next. As for your items, you have permission to take your things to your dorm room."
"I-" Aki was mid-way answering Shisu, when all of a sudden Yuki started running at her and hugged her in the middle of class. After she got in trouble by another teacher, she heard Yuki say she had detention. "Wai-What did I- She just-" How does someone get detention for getting lost?! she thought to herself. Aki sighed and just let it be; she shut her mouth so she wouldn't make matters worse. She stared at the two teachers speak....

@kenchin @Anime King Kaleb @VampiresRule


Yumi was roaming around when she saw some teacher running down the halls. She thought something exciting was about to happen so she followed wondering if a kid was in trouble or something. That is one reasons she took this job.....A bunch of supernaturals all in one school? Why wouldn't that sound fun? She continued down the halls until she made it to the classroom. The door was left open and she stood at the doorway, not bringing any attention to herself; though that would be hard due to her long, bright red hair that shone brightly in the light coming from the window.
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ForgottenSky9272 said:
"I-" Aki was mid-way answering Shisu, when all of a sudden Yuki started running at her and hugged her in the middle of class. After she got in trouble by another teacher, she heard Yuki say she had detention. "Wai-What did I- She just-" How does someone get detention for getting lost?! she thought to herself. Aki sighed and just let it be; she shut her mouth so she wouldn't make matters worse. She stared at the two teachers speak....
@kenchin @Anime King Kaleb @VampiresRule


Yumi was roaming around when she saw some teacher running down the halls. She thought something exciting was about to happen so she followed wondering if a kid was in trouble or something. That is one reasons she took this job.....A bunch of supernaturals all in one school? Why wouldn't that sound fun? She continued down the halls until she made it to the classroom. The door was left open and she stood at the doorway, not bringing any attention to herself; though that would be hard due to her long, bright red hair that shone brightly in the light coming from the window.
Shisu Kine


Shisu was confused by what just happened, but then she noticed a red haired lady standing in the doorway," Uhm... There's someone at the door... It's definitely not Pizza though!"
yuki looked at her " tch brat like always can't even worry about a my own students even though she been late for a day " she sat down and let her continue her class

tsukiyo was walking down the hall with a class of water when he saw the new teacher " ahh is that the new employee what is she doing infront of that class room " he said walking up to her and grabed her sholder " hey are you lost miss yumi
Yumi slightly jumped from suddenly being touched by someone on the shoulder. She turned her head slightly to see a man who was most likely a teacher too.. "Um, no I'm not lost..." she said slightly slipping her shoulder out of his grip with a smile, "I just saw some girl run down the hall and wondered if something was wrong." she said nodding her chin towards Yuki who was sitting in the classroom.

tsukiyo smiled " ahh thats no student acually she is older than all of the teachers in this school and she is a weapon master she is the teacher for weapons and the one that is in charge of detention in the school my older sister yuki sawada " he said smiling oh thats right " he looks at yuki giving her a sign to go wake up a student.

yuki heard tsukiyo she turned around and saw his sign and she looked annoyed " really who is still sleeping its already past noon " she said getting up and disappeard in a instant " she then appeared in the dorm room's infront of aki's and Blaze room she knocks loud and annoyed like " brat wake up your late its already past noon " said yuki at blaze
Yumi thought about what he said of her being older than every teach in the school, wondering if it had been true. All of the teachers, except the headmaster didn't know her. Yumi had been the combat instructor, which could include weapons, at least she didn't have to deal with how to teach them. Then, she looked at her disappear after he had signaled her. Yumi's hair gracefully swayed as she turned her head to face the class, they were now looking at her. She gave a slightly smile, "Well, it's my free period, don't have anything to do." she said looking back at Tsukiyo and adjusting her white hat.

@kenchin @Anime King Kaleb @VampiresRule
tsukiyo smiled " ahh its your free period then lets have lunch i haven't eaten and i bet you haven't either right " she said smiling at yumi some how he looks at her and he gets a small warm feeling in him like he use to back when he was younger " so want to join or see the kids her learn with miss zen no
Blaze woke up yawning, since she didn't have a good night sleep yesterday. " *Yawn* Sorry, but yesterday's nightmare wouldn't let me sleep peacefully." said Blaze, as she got up from her bed. "I am just going to get my lunch right now, and you can punish me for not waking up until noon if you must." said Blaze, as she went to the cafeteria, since she isn't her upbeat herself today, thanks to that nightmare from yesterday.

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Aki stared at the the teacher with the long red hair and slightly blushed. She's pretty. she thought to herself. I hope I get her as a teacher, she also seems nice. Aki was actually kind of hungry herself, since she got lost at lunch time and didn't make it to the cafeteria in time. The fact that they were talking about food didn't help.


Yumi starred at him, "Yeah, I haven't eaten anything today, but I'm fine." she said. "Aren't we disrupting this class though?" Yumi said turning around and giving an 'u-oh' smile to the teacher in the front of the room. By then, every student in the classroom had been starring at her, the combination of her hair with her smile was captivating.

@kenchin @Anime King Kaleb @VampiresRule
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tsukiyo smiled " hahaha well it happen's after all its a special school but through out the years they will be able to ignore this small distraction's after all " he looked at her smile and he got distracted " ahh i think i need more training" he said blushing " so want to eat my treat " he said to yumi
She gave a slight shrug, "Alright I guess if it won't be any trouble.." she said adjusting her hat once more as if she were hiding something. Yumi wasn't as outgoing as usual because of the way she woke up, but that slowly fixed itself. While she waited for Tsukiyo to lead the way she said, "Hey, mind telling me your name? I haven't been told about the other teachers just yet.." she said thinking about the headmaster, wanting to sigh.


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