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Fantasy Nexus Academy of Magic | OOC

i'm guessing that would be the spell that he first teaches and that it would be Professor Youngbloods' Familiar ?

So before approval I wanted to talk about what a blink dog is to make sure it's fine.
First what it is.

The blink dog is a fictional magical beast from the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, an intelligent dog that has a limited teleportation ability known as Blinking. The blink dog was created for D&D, and has appeared in every edition of the game. Blink dogs are Good or Lawful, and therefore can be allies of the players. In The Geeks' Guide to World Domination, Garth Sundem describes the blink dog as "one of fantasy's signature creatures".

Blink dog - Wikipedia

What the wikipedia article misses is that in 3.5 at least they were commonly **Paladins** so they were not just normally good/ lawful creatures, they were the best in many ways. (Several bits of lore have them being mans best friend in a much larger magical scale)

So that means, it's an intelligent familiar, (possibly an issue)
and one that has an innate ability to teleport with gear (and me was the intent) short distances. (Possibly an issue)

Why though is interesting and something that would be better done in character.
So before approval I wanted to talk about what a blink dog is to make sure it's fine.
First what it is.

The blink dog is a fictional magical beast from the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, an intelligent dog that has a limited teleportation ability known as Blinking. The blink dog was created for D&D, and has appeared in every edition of the game. Blink dogs are Good or Lawful, and therefore can be allies of the players. In The Geeks' Guide to World Domination, Garth Sundem describes the blink dog as "one of fantasy's signature creatures".

Blink dog - Wikipedia

What the wikipedia article misses is that in 3.5 at least they were commonly **Paladins** so they were not just normally good/ lawful creatures, they were the best in many ways. (Several bits of lore have them being mans best friend in a much larger magical scale)

So that means, it's an intelligent familiar, (possibly an issue)
and one that has an innate ability to teleport with gear (and me was the intent) short distances. (Possibly an issue)

Why though is interesting and something that would be better done in character.
Well let me see..... I don't see a problem with this. But I Will explain why in character so you can have that no problem.
I don't think I did such a character defining moment as much justice as it deserves but the spoilers are pretty important thematically and should clear up a lot.
I was waiting for the rest to post... Mostly because I'm sure Iris would procrastinate as much as she could to send the familiar away

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