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Fantasy Nexus Academy of Magic | OOC

guess Xavier has to practice his magic alone .....with supervision of course , but not with others in order to stay on the safe side
Uhhh...... well....... actually I was thinking of maybe having Hector learn a little about necromancy since he is gifted in all forms of summoning.

So maybe he could learn a little with Xavier but odds are he won't want to learn anymore then that. Maybe?
Uhhh...... well....... actually I was thinking of maybe having Hector learn a little about necromancy since he is gifted in all forms of summoning.

So maybe he could learn a little with Xavier but odds are he won't want to learn anymore then that. Maybe?

doesn't dark magic lead to other dark magics like conjuration , necromancy and corruption spells ?
well then , i guess xavier has to be careful then , it's usually when they seek power that causes them to become dark , i think at least being under the influence of a teach for a short while should keep him from craving power
well then , i guess xavier has to be careful then , it's usually when they seek power that causes them to become dark , i think at least being under the influence of a teach for a short while should keep him from craving power
True but that is more based on the method they choose to gain power. I'm pretty sure he will be good as long as he doesn't sell his soul or something
well if i have to think of Xavier as a character in such a situation , he would never really do that ...he would consider it but he won't do it , he would in a way labor on the impression that he studied his whole life there to gain the power he has now , why would he throw that away by selling his soul .....and to back up that will to never do it , he would never sell his soul ...basically damming himself and never seeing the one family member he held so dear ...his sister . He lost his family , not his sanity
well if i have to think of Xavier as a character in such a situation , he would never really do that ...he would consider it but he won't do it , he would in a way labor on the impression that he studied his whole life there to gain the power he has now , why would he throw that away by selling his soul .....and to back up that will to never do it , he would never sell his soul ...basically damming himself and never seeing the one family member he held so dear ...his sister . He lost his family , not his sanity
Well then we are good with not dealing with that then
hey :D

im going to make that Xaviers motto

" I lost my family , no my sanity "
Sounds like something good to say if he ever gets tempted

Evil: Xavier, join the dark side and sell your soul for power.

Xavier: Really? I lost my family, not my sanity.
Hmmmm.......... Ok I'm bored trying to write something down for hector and move things along.

Random question: What would be your characters familiar?

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