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Fandom Naruto: Retribution - OOC

Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen What do we see if we try to loot/investigate the opponents?

Is there a headband or sign that they have?

Characters might recognize clothing, styles, weapons, etc. from different nations. Some may even have headbands, but they will mostly be crossed out through the symbols. If any characters have important loot such as unique weapons, information, etc we'll do our best to let y'all know in post!
Hey everyone,

Now that my University has started classes again, my availability on-site will be scarce throughout my day. As a result, I might be hard to get ahold of if you’ve got a question. If you have one that you need answered semi-quickly, the absolute best way to get ahold of me is my private messaging me on Discord, my user is Krameleon#6272.

If you don’t have a Discord, or otherwise can’t use that method of communication, just PM me here. I always check my PMs first thing when I log on, so I’ll see that before I even read new posts.
I've been trying to wait for everyone to post before continuing with Kitsune. Who all hasn't posted? I think we're waiting on 2.

Also Jz-ahn Jz-ahn I'm sorry for the long wait, I got swept up in trying to develop a semester schedule and completely forgot we had a pending character. I'm gonna read that and hopefully have you accepted by the end of the day. Hopefully after the class I'm about to go into.
Yeah it’s still alive. I was hoping to get a few more posts before continuing but it seems we’re at a standstill.

Also, don’t be afraid to post more than once between each of mine, especially if your character is still in the middle of combat or something. As long as you aren’t spamming multiple posts in a row without anyone else posting you’re fine to post multiple times.

That being said, we’ll have some more direction coming soon.
I'll be making a post sometime tomorrow (tonight if I get time but I don't know).

I really apologize for the long wait, my manager at work didn't realize school was starting when it did so for the first two weeks I was working full time at work as well as a full time student. Should normalize out now so I'll have more time. I was also trying to wait for others to make posts before I continued, but they still haven't.

hazy hazy NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack Are you guys still participating? It's alright if not I'm just checking.
I'm hoping to have some kind of interaction between all three genin tbh.
Maybe a mission or something soon? Team and a sensei go do something together?
Oh my god I forgot to post what I had written.... I'll be running by my house tomorrow before work, my post is written on my home PC so I don't have it on here.
Nevermind, I had an unfinished rough draft in my google docs. I finished it and posted it. Sorry for the long post, from now on I'm only going to wait a few days between my posts, so unless you give me prior notice I'm going to assume you're absent if you haven't posted within about 2-3 days of my previous post.

If there's a reason you can't make a post in that amount of time, just let me know. I'm not "taking attendance" or anything but if someone's not posting I can't hold this RP up anymore for them. Damn near killed it this time waiting on people.

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