Literature NaNoWriMo anyone?


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I've never participated in a NaNoWriMo myself. One of my writing buddies (not associated with RPN) begged me to join in the one that's coming in November. I was curious how many in the RPN community participate in NaNoWriMo? Do any of you have any ideas already on the table to write on or do you just wing it and see what happens? And why participate in something like it? Do you need that push, something to dedicate your time to, to write? Is RP not enough because I find RP takes up most of my free time if I'm not careful (I don't like to participate much in group RPs for that reason), and I tend to respond and force myself to write if someone is waiting on my reply (sometimes, but we all have our days).
I've always wanted to complete NaNo. I've joined a couple of times as a way to jumpstart some discipline into writing everyday because I simply don't.
For me, consistency in writing a novel has always been difficult. I end up not writing anything down because I edit even before I type or write the word, which simply won't do.
I mean, we all probably acknowledge that it's better to write bad ideas than no ideas, but there's still that apprehension.

That said, I also know a lot of people who are fulfilled when they finish the challenge. Those that are really serious into finishing with a polished product plan a month or even more in advance, and simply use Nano as a means to put all their ideas already onto paper. Others, though, use it as a form of daily prompt. They simply wish to see how far they'd go spontaneously, like myself. We uh, don't get very far. orz

So yeah, in the end it's different strokes for different folks. You can try joining just to see how it goes if you're truly interested. Otherwise, if you think RP is fulfilling enough without having to write on the side, then maybe not this year. There's always next year, though!
We joined last year together with rp partner but we both couldn't complete. Even though our rp is probably longer than the amount of text required, it took longer than a month to write this much XD

Maybe I'll try this year again!
I completed NaNoWriMo three years in a row when I was in school. All three times, I prepared almost nothing beforehand - the first two times, I decided what I would write quite literally when I sat down on November 1st; the third time, I had an extremely vague idea of the climax and the main character. (The actual climax didn't quite fit my plan, by the way.)

That said, I've attempted it two or three times since, with plots that I fleshed out a bit more beforehand, and I've never gotten very far into any of them! NaNo used to(?) hugely emphasize the idea of just sitting down and writing, no editing, no judgment. The first couple times I participated, they even had advice somewhere on the site saying, "Don't come into this with an idea you've already thought out!" If you're a perfectionist, you need to abandon that mentality as much as possible to complete NaNo.

I will say - I'm happy I participated all the times I did, and I felt incredibly accomplished each time I finished, but nothing has ever come of any of the stories I wrote. They'd all need a huge amount of editing to be readable by anybody else, and after working on them nonstop for a month, I found it hard to care about them afterwards. Instead, I think about those pieces as a huge chunk of the proverbial 200k terrible words every new writer has to get through before they can start writing anything decent.

I didn't know about RP at the time, so NaNo was a pretty good motivation for me to write. If I were to do something like it again alongside RP, I wouldn't try to hit the word count, but instead I would use it as a push to "write SOMETHING every single day."
I was going to do it last year but in the end I couldn't for health reasons. I'd like to try it again this year but it will depend on how work/health is. If anyone wants to be writing buddies then that's a thing, although I haven't seen the new site yet.
i completed my first nano last year! and only wrote half of my book fml haha
but i plan on doing it again this year. to prep myself up, when i write my replies, i have a timer set up. so i see how much i can type in fifteen minutes (as my rp buddies; i'll say to them 'be back in fifteen minutes' and i just whip up a reply ahah). i generally write 600-700 words in fifteen minutes. before it was only 400 words but after pushing myself, its been getting easier and easier!

if someone makes a nano discord, id be more than happy to join so we can motivate each other and share ideas!
If anyone would like to do Nanowrimo and be buddies my username is CrayonstoChaos, feel free to add me!

I don't expect I'm going to be able to write 1000 words a day but I'd like to make a start on my story and at least have a decent chunk. :)
I wanted to participate his year, but unfortunately my semester is a little too heavy for that kind of leeway this time.
I attempted 2-3 times I believe. The one time I succeeded by writing 50,000 words in 28 days I believe. I may try again this year as all the years prior I’ve just attempted spur of the moment, by the seat of my pants.
I am going to try to complete it this year. Already have a story in mind, just need to decide on the villain. Tried doing it last year but lost interest. I am terrajedi on there.

It is to get myself into a daily writing habit. I write novels, one unpublished at the moment but one published in 2011 and am doing a 28 book series, first book still in progress. People do not role play with me without ghosting me or losing interest in rps so I only rp in my rp bone song now with a elect group of people I know won’t disappear on me. I mostly use this site to show off my drawings, though need to get back into that as well.
Nano is like shooting myself in the foot. I can write a RP post with a snap of the fingers, but writing for a novel is difficult for me. When I'm writing for a group a la RPs, I could easily reach the word average needed to complete Nano consistently on a daily basis, but when it comes to writing for myself, my thoughts are more or less "what word do" as I fizzle out trying to put something on paper.

I'd love to write a novel; hell, I even tried writing for Nano once, but as I said, my brain "no work good" when it comes to these things.
Honestly the word quota or limit isn't my concern. I'd strive more to write a chapter everyday, its more about the discipline and the content of the writing than the word limit. If that chapter is 100 or 10,000 words I don't care it's as much as I need to tell that section story.
I was thinking about doing NaNoWriMo this year. I didn't last year, did the year before though. It was a stressful kind of fun. But I found that I had this weird fear that the more I wrote like that, the less ideas I'd have, when the opposite ended up being true. The more I wrote like a demon, the more ideas came bursting out, so I really learned something through the experience. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't done it before and is on the fence over it.
Yeah, I'm doing the damn thing -sigh- I haven't won since 2008, but I keep trying it every year.

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