Opinion my fantasy story

zachie mel

the demon prince
so im writing a book, its about a anthropomorphic panther who was born in a science lab with a superpower to time travel and teleport, what would be a good start to this fantasy book, and how shall I write it? I need opinions
Don't make it about an anthromorphic panther who was born in a lad and timetravels and teleports.

It already sounds too random to be the start of a good story. You should build a coherent theme for your main character. Any character for that matter. If you really want to write a book about an anthromorphic animal, research said animal and base yourself on its behavioural patterns. From there, you could create a story about the evolution of said character after gaining sentience/sapience? Or something...
I must vehemently disagree Imaginarium Imaginarium . There is no such thing as "too random to be the start of a good story". Of course, with this mash of elements it may not be a successful story with so many niche elements in it, but that doesn't in the slightest affect how good it may be or not.

Now, that said, I do think it would be wise to remove the whole "that can teleport part". That's beyond just random, it's pointless. If you're gonna make a time travel story, then teleportation will only hurt your story, because it will be redundant in terms of positive contribution (meaning other than people specifically looking for something about teleporters it will not benefit anyone) seeing how it has no conceivable connection to the rest, and it risks creating a whole sea of plot holes, contrived content and destruction of narrative stakes, which you already have enough of with the time travel already.

The other thing is that I wouldn't use the word "anthropomorphic ". While neither the word nor the concept are bad in of themselves, they do carry a lot of baggage for anyone remotely aware of the furry fandom. It's a lot easier for people to go along with the idea if you describe it more like "the race X, resembling a panther in many of it's traits, with soft black fur and an extended spinal cord for X purpose". Basically, you probably want to describe it like a biologist would to get as past the bias as possible. Of course, that isn't the pitch, but unless the story is specifically about the fact the character is specifically a panther creature, your pitch shouldn't contain that information to begin with. Stick to the hook and the essentials.

A good start to such a book, is the same good start as to any other story: start with a scene (preferably not in media res, cause believe me when I tell you most people in this site aren't talented enough to pull that off right... most writers aren't in fact) which shows how the character and their situation is, why the audience should care, and what's gonna happen that might jeopardize that. Show how the elements you want to come into play have their place in the story, hint at the themes and build some foreshadowing.

Honestly, there isn't much to go on, so this is the best and perhaps only advise I can give you. Still, I hope you find it helpful. Good luck and happy RPing!

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