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Realistic or Modern Mutant Apocalypse OOC

So....your characters only have human reaction speed and defenses, you havent set up any illusions, deceptions or traps. The girl cant melt bullets. Your mind reading still can only apply to human reaction time. And you still decided to just walk right in.

Ok. Understood.

Well, she's still behind a building. But there is one ability that she does have that can potentially give the both of them a chance to escape (not that they won't be injured...there's a high chance for that)
I just realized that I never actually transferred my CS from my workshop into the CS place like a dumb.
I actually have to applaud you for your signature. Because Krieg is the best vault hunter there is.

Also, done with my couldn't-find-a-cool-picture-for-a-shapeshifter-so-here's-a-new-character-I-came-up-with-that-I-thought-was-much-cooler guy. Time to read the IC!
Ok. I am switching over to bar soon..... In like the next few minutes. So yeah. I will be able to read some posts when we aren't busy, but I wont be able to respond or answer questions until after 3 in the morning.... well 4.... that's when I get home. lol
Well, she's still behind a building. But there is one ability that she does have that can potentially give the both of them a chance to escape (not that they won't be injured...there's a high chance for that)
No. She doesnt. Believe me she doesnt.

Also, they are in the middle of the damn street. You never mentioned anything about taking cover behind a building.
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Ok. I am switching over to bar soon..... In like the next few minutes. So yeah. I will be able to read some posts when we aren't busy, but I wont be able to respond or answer questions until after 3 in the morning.... well 4.... that's when I get home. lol

Okie dokie.
Felt pretty good. Havent done a PK in a year
For me, those are rare and far between as well.

Damn, PKs. Actually have to be careful somewhat in this rather than blunder in and say "I AM HAEV POWER FUK U" like I generally see. Wonder if the shadow will be up for it?

Speaking of C'thun's shadow, can you take a passing glance at it and tell me what you think might be wrong with it? I know for a fact there's going to be something that needs explaining or nerfing with Aetherflux and the pocket dimension, since his last ability is 'oooh i know what makes you very sad am SCARY'
Can you kill them both then? I think this rp is really too advanced for me to handle xD
I could but I encourage you to try. Its really not hard. You have to picture the scene. Read what other people are writing. Be aware you characters are far from invincible. I killed the weaker of the two. The other one has much more potential
I could but I encourage you to try. Its really not hard. You have to picture the scene. Read what other people are writing. Be aware you characters are far from invincible. I killed the weaker of the two. The other one has much more potential

It just seems like a lot of characters here are made to win, and I made characters for the sake of having characters that could probably develop later on but nobody seems to see that. Guess that doesn't just cut it, so I'm going to find something, er, softer, to RP in. Yeah, don't hate me or anything, this RP was a nice experience but then again it's really too much for me. Especially having characters killed off so early before they can even do what they were made to do. So sorry.
It just seems like a lot of characters here are made to win, and I made characters for the sake of having characters that could probably develop later on but nobody seems to see that. Guess that doesn't just cut it, so I'm going to find something, er, softer, to RP in. Yeah, don't hate me or anything, this RP was a nice experience but then again it's really too much for me. Especially having characters killed off so early before they can even do what they were made to do. So sorry.
If you want, I can explain why she died. I dont mind if you wanna bounce. Makes sense. But at least understand why it happened rather than just think its cuz your characters arent hard enough or something. My peacekeepers are meant to be hardasses because they need to be to control the fights between villains and heroes. Even then, not all of them are. Only A.P.S. is.

We have a guy that can turn into a slime puddle for cryin out loud lmao. And he is a hero! Believe me. Your characters arent the problem. It was you as a player.

Like I said, I can explain if youd like
If you want, I can explain why she died. I dont mind if you wanna bounce. Makes sense. But at least understand why it happened rather than just think its cuz your characters arent hard enough or something. My peacekeepers are meant to be hardasses because they need to be to control the fights between villains and heroes. Even then, not all of them are. Only A.P.S. is.

We have a guy that can turn into a slime puddle for cryin out loud lmao. And he is a hero! Believe me. Your characters arent the problem. It was you as a player.

Like I said, I can explain if youd like

It's completely your choice if you want to explain, but I've decided that this RP just isn't for me. At least slime puddle can avoid bullets. I might stick around and read it, but participating will probably not happen until a later date maybe.
Wow.. I come back an people are dying... Lol geez. Hey I tried... Lucius didn't wanna be a total hardass like he usually has to be... He said multiple times that the APS was gunna take them in body bags if not taken alive by Lucius... I tried. :'( I'm sorry... I can still save the other guy but Ill have to be more forceful.. I try to give people the opportunity to react to my characters actions.. I do not like to force and simply say I took you down and put you in cuffs..
I was honestly planning on busting out some rubber bullets to shut down the other 2

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